993 resultados para BINDING MEDIA
INTRODUCCIÓN: Considerando la indiscutible evidencia de los efectos adversos del tabaco, para la salud, millones de personas continúan fumando. La situación es de mayor gravedad, ya que muchos de estos fumadores y la mayoría de los nuevos fumadores, tanto en Chile, como en otros países, son adolescentes. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron determinar la prevalencia de tabaquismo en escolares chilenos y cuantificar el impacto relativo que ejercen factores socioeconómicos, socioculturales, familiares, de exposición a medios de comunicación de masas, demográficos, educacionales y psicosociales, sobre la prevalencia de tabaquismo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria, representativa de 2.967 escolares de educación básica y media de la Región Metropolitana de Chile, proporcional de acuerdo al curso(IV, VI, y VIII año básico y I y IV año medio), sexo, tipo de colegio y área geográfica. La prevalencia de tabaquismo se determinó mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado. El nivel socioeconómico(NSE) se midió por medio del método de Graffar modificado, midiéndose además, las condiciones familiares, la exposición a medios de comunicación de masas y factores psicosociales. El rendimiento escolar se determinó mediante un test de castellano y matemáticas, al mismo tiempo que se registraron otras variables educacionales. El análisis estadístico incluyó análisis de varianza, test de la t de Student y test de Scheffe para comparación de medias, correlación, regresión múltiple stepwise, chi-cuadrado y la metodología del enfoque de riesgo de OPS/OMS, para el cálculo del riesgo relativo simple (RR). RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de tabaquismo (10,6%) aumentó significativamente con la edad, de 1,3% en los escolares menores de 13 años, a 15,4% y 36,9%, en los adolescentes entre 13-15 años y ³ 16 años, respectivamente (p< 0,001), a la vez que fue mayor en los escolares de sexo femenino. El grado de placer(r=0,499 p<0,001), el grado de rebeldía(r=0,124 p<0,0001), el grado de recreación familiar (r=-0,131 p<0,0001) y el porcentaje de asistencia al colegio(r=-0,118 p< 0,0001), fueron las variables independientes con el mayor poder explicatorio en la varianza del tabaquismo (r²= 0,2860), pero el grado de placer fue la variable con el mayor poder explicatorio en la varianza explicada (89,2%) y con el mayor RR (34,3). El impacto relativo de las variables independientes sobre el tabaquismo experimentó diferencias de acuerdo a la edad, sexo y NSE. CONCLUSIONES: Nuestros resultados han demonstrado que el grado de placer, el grado de rebeldía, el grado de recreación familiar y el porcentaje de asistencia al colegio, fueron las variables independientes que mayormente contribuyeron a explicar el tabaquismo. Estos hallazgos podrían ser de utilidad para las políticas educacionales y de salud focalizadas a la población escolar, con el objeto de prevenir este importante factor de riesgo para la salud de la población.
The present work involves the use of p-tert-butylcalix[4,6,8]arene carboxylic acid derivatives ((t)Butyl[4,6,8]CH2COOH) for selective extraction of hemoglobin. All three calixarenes extracted hemoglobin into the organic phase, exhibiting extraction parameters higher than 0.90. Evaluation of the solvent accessible positively charged amino acid side chains of hemoglobin (PDB entry 1XZ2) revealed that there are 8 arginine, 44 lysine and 30 histidine residues on the protein surface which may be involved in the interactions with the calixarene molecules. The hemoglobin-(t)Butyl[6]CH2COOH complex had pseudoperoxidase activity which catalysed the oxidation of syringaldazine in the presence of hydrogen peroxide in organic medium containing chloroform. The effect of pH, protein and substrate concentrations on biocatalysis was investigated using the hemoglobin-(t)Butyl[6]CH2COOH complex. This complex exhibited the highest specific activity of 9.92 x 10(-2) U mg protein(-1) at an initial pH of 7.5 in organic medium. Apparent kinetic parameters (V'(max), K'(m), k'(cat) and k'(cat)/K'(m)) for the pseudoperoxidase activity were determined in organic media for different pH values from a Michaelis-Menten plot. Furthermore, the stability of the protein-calixarene complex was investigated for different initial pH values and half-life (t(1/2)) values were obtained in the range of 1.96 and 2.64 days. Hemoglobin-calixarene complex present in organic medium was recovered in fresh aqueous solutions at alkaline pH, with a recovery of pseudoperoxidase activity of over 100%. These results strongly suggest that the use of calixarene derivatives is an alternative technique for protein extraction and solubilisation in organic media for biocatalysis.
O debate em torno dos media de serviço público aborda com frequência, e por boas razões, o quão justificável é o envolvimento público no mercado dos meios de comunicação social e − para aqueles que o aceitem − a natureza do seu papel, do seu campo de operações e dos conteúdos e serviços disponibilizados. Estas questões definem o campo de batalha central, onde se joga o destino e o papel dos media de serviço público. Aos assuntos de governança é dispensada menor atenção. Se aceitarmos que os media públicos desempenham um papel importante nas esferas cultural e política das sociedades europeias, como deverá o fornecimento dos seus serviços ser organizado? Como se conseguirá encontrar o delicado equilíbrio entre controlo público, responsabilização e autonomia editorial? Estas questões, que constituirão o objecto deste capítulo, são muitas vezes consideradas um subtema burocrático por pessoas com interesses específicos e conhecimentos especializados, como é o caso de funcionários públicos nas autoridades de regulação, advogados em grupos privados de comunicação, académicos, ou gestores/administradores de media públicos. No entanto, a temática deve atrair agora maior atenção, uma vez que as questões de governação podem constituir o novo – e mais subtil – campo de batalha, no qual os grupos privados de comunicação procuram novas oportunidades, após verificarem que o seu ataque à própria existência dos seus congéneres públicos não se traduziu numa vitória clara.
Dissertação conducente à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão de Empresas/MBA.
Este número especial da revista Estudos em Comunicação/Communication Studies é dedicado ao tema “Media digitais e transformações na comunicação pública e científica” e visa divulgar resultados do projecto “Mutação dos Media: Transformações da comunicação pública e científica” (PTDC/CCI-COM/100765/2008), financiado pela FCT com verbas do Orçamento de Estado e desenvolvido de Fevereiro de 2010 a Julho de 2013.
The neuronal-specific cholesterol 24S-hydroxylase (CYP46A1) is important for brain cholesterol elimination. Cyp46a1 null mice exhibit severe deficiencies in learning and hippocampal long-term potentiation, suggested to be caused by a decrease in isoprenoid intermediates of the mevalonate pathway. Conversely, transgenic mice overexpressing CYP46A1 show an improved cognitive function. These results raised the question of whether CYP46A1 expression can modulate the activity of proteins that are crucial for neuronal function, namely of isoprenylated small guanosine triphosphate-binding proteins (sGTPases). Our results show that CYP46A1 overexpression in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and in primary cultures of rat cortical neurons leads to an increase in 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA reductase activity and to an overall increase in membrane levels of RhoA, Rac1, Cdc42 and Rab8. This increase is accompanied by a specific increase in RhoA activation. Interestingly, treatment with lovastatin or a geranylgeranyltransferase-I inhibitor abolished the CYP46A1 effect. The CYP46A1-mediated increase in sGTPases membrane abundance was confirmed in vivo, in membrane fractions obtained from transgenic mice overexpressing this enzyme. Moreover, CYP46A1 overexpression leads to a decrease in the liver X receptor (LXR) transcriptional activity and in the mRNA levels of ATP-binding cassette transporter 1, sub-family A, member 1 and apolipoprotein E. This effect was abolished by inhibition of prenylation or by co-transfection of a RhoA dominant-negative mutant. Our results suggest a novel regulatory axis in neurons; under conditions of membrane cholesterol reduction by increased CYP46A1 expression, neurons increase isoprenoid synthesis and sGTPase prenylation. This leads to a reduction in LXR activity, and consequently to a decrease in the expression of LXR target genes.
Os jornais não acompanham o movimento de descentralização cultural iniciado na última década do séc. XX e descuida a programação realizada nos equipamentos espalhados um pouco por todo o país e pelos diversos grupos artísticos e culturais a desenvolver o seu trabalho fora de Lisboa. Que estratégias têm seguido esses equipamentos para contornar esta situação, para ganhar visibilidade de outras formas. Sabendo que a imprensa tem um papel importante ao incitar à ação e em formar opiniões e atitudes sobre os assuntos, aposta-se na imprensa regional e em meios cuja produção e atualização depende das próprias estruturas, nomeadamente sites e presença nas redes sociais. No entanto, se se quer atrair visitantes de fora da região, a imprensa continua a conseguir fixar o interesse e trazer público, menor é o papel que desempenha junto dos residentes. Levar os residentes a participar é algo que passa por outras estratégias de comunicação que não a imprensa nacional, e é nessas estratégias que muitas vezes os responsáveis por estas estruturas se centram, desenvolvendo e promovendo outras fontes de experiência.
Número dedicado à reflexão sobre o papel das imagens visuais no jornalismo contemporâneo. Os contributos dos diferentes autores aqui publicados permitem confirmar a importância de imagem como objeto de estudo, sobretudo no campo jornalístico, onde o seu potencial enquanto meio e linguagem continua a nortear as discussões.
Na Escola Superior de Comunicação Social (ESCS), em Lisboa, o jornalismo, a publicidade, o marketing e as relações públicas não estão em crise, É que, todos os anos, há sempre dez vezes mais candidatos do que vagas. Jorge Veríssimo, presidente da instituição, diz que a componente tecnológica e o ambiente profissional são o segredo de uma escola que tornou obrigatória uma cadeira de Empreendedorismo. Sobre o futuro dos media, diz oque passa cada vez mais por uma interligação entre jornalismo e marcas.
Broadcast networks that are characterised by having different physical layers (PhL) demand some kind of traffic adaptation between segments, in order to avoid traffic congestion in linking devices. In many LANs, this problem is solved by the actual linking devices, which use some kind of flow control mechanism that either tell transmitting stations to pause (the transmission) or just discard frames. In this paper, we address the case of token-passing fieldbus networks operating in a broadcast fashion and involving message transactions over heterogeneous (wired or wireless) physical layers. For the addressed case, real-time and reliability requirements demand a different solution to the traffic adaptation problem. Our approach relies on the insertion of an appropriate idle time before a station issuing a request frame. In this way, we guarantee that the linking devices’ queues do not increase in a way that the timeliness properties of the overall system turn out to be unsuitable for the targeted applications.
The TEM family of enzymes has had a crucial impact on the pharmaceutical industry due to their important role in antibiotic resistance. Even with the latest technologies in structural biology and genomics, no 3D structure of a TEM- 1/antibiotic complex is known previous to acylation. Therefore, the comprehension of their capability in acylate antibiotics is based on the protein macromolecular structure uncomplexed. In this work, molecular docking, molecular dynamic simulations, and relative free energy calculations were applied in order to get a comprehensive and thorough analysis of TEM-1/ampicillin and TEM-1/amoxicillin complexes. We described the complexes and analyzed the effect of ligand binding on the overall structure. We clearly demonstrate that the key residues involved in the stability of the ligand (hot-spots) vary with the nature of the ligand. Structural effects such as (i) the distances between interfacial residues (Ser70−Oγ and Lys73−Nζ, Lys73−Nζ and Ser130−Oγ, and Ser70−Oγ−Ser130−Oγ), (ii) side chain rotamer variation (Tyr105 and Glu240), and (iii) the presence of conserved waters can be also influenced by ligand binding. This study supports the hypothesis that TEM-1 suffers structural modifications upon ligand binding.
This paper describes how MPEG-4 object based video (obv) can be used to allow selected objects to be inserted into the play-out stream to a specific user based on a profile derived for that user. The application scenario described here is for personalized product placement, and considers the value of this application in the current and evolving commercial media distribution market given the huge emphasis media distributors are currently placing on targeted advertising. This level of application of video content requires a sophisticated content description and metadata system (e.g., MPEG-7). The scenario considers the requirement for global libraries to provide the objects to be inserted into the streams. The paper then considers the commercial trading of objects between the libraries, video service providers, advertising agencies and other parties involved in the service. Consequently a brokerage of video objects is proposed based on negotiation and trading using intelligent agents representing the various parties. The proposed Media Brokerage Platform is a multi-agent system structured in two layers. In the top layer, there is a collection of coarse grain agents representing the real world players – the providers and deliverers of media contents and the market regulator profiler – and, in the bottom layer, there is a set of finer grain agents constituting the marketplace – the delegate agents and the market agent. For knowledge representation (domain, strategic and negotiation protocols) we propose a Semantic Web approach based on ontologies. The media components contents should be represented in MPEG-7 and the metadata describing the objects to be traded should follow a specific ontology. The top layer content providers and deliverers are modelled by intelligent autonomous agents that express their will to transact – buy or sell – media components by registering at a service registry. The market regulator profiler creates, according to the selected profile, a market agent, which, in turn, checks the service registry for potential trading partners for a given component and invites them for the marketplace. The subsequent negotiation and actual transaction is performed by delegate agents in accordance with their profiles and the predefined rules of the market.
This paper proposes a novel business model to support media content personalisation: an agent-based business-to-business (B2B) brokerage platform for media content producer and distributor businesses. Distributors aim to provide viewers with a personalised content experience and producers wish to en-sure that their media objects are watched by as many targeted viewers as possible. In this scenario viewers and media objects (main programmes and candidate objects for insertion) have profiles and, in the case of main programme objects, are annotated with placeholders representing personalisation opportunities, i.e., locations for insertion of personalised media objects. The MultiMedia Brokerage (MMB) platform is a multiagent multilayered brokerage composed by agents that act as sellers and buyers of viewer stream timeslots and/or media objects on behalf of the registered businesses. These agents engage in negotiations to select the media objects that best match the current programme and viewer profiles.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.