1000 resultados para Autoria e Co-Autoria na Publicação Científica
Neste estudo objetivou-se realizar um mapeamento que revelasse as produções científicas das/os pesquisadoras/es vinculadas/os a grupos de pesquisa situados na Universidade Federal do Pará, visando analisar como a temática gênero ganhava evidência em pesquisas realizadas no cenário acadêmico-científico daquela instituição, no período de 1995-2006. Nesse sentido, foram levantados os seguintes questionamentos: 1) O que se tem discutido, no campo acadêmico, em tomo das questões de gênero? 2) Como está evidenciada a produção científica generificada na base de dados dos grupos de pesquisa cadastrados no CNPq durante o período 1995 a 2006? 3) Como se apresenta a produção generificada das/os pesquisadoras/es, nos grupos de pesquisa, a partir dos indicadores estatísticos no Campus da UFPA de Belém? Os dados foram analisados quanti/qualitativamente por meio do cruzamento dos indicadores de produtividade científica - disponíveis no site do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (http://www.cnpq.br) - com os referenciais teóricos balizadores da temática gênero - Louro (2001) e Rosemberg (2001) -, aspecto que permitiu fazer uma radiografia da produção generificada no cenário nacional para posterior incursão na produção dos grupos de pesquisa da UFP A. Constatou-se que grande parte das pesquisas em tomo do gênero tem abordado principalmente questões alusivas à mulher e que aquelas pesquisas refutam as explicações de cunho biologicista na composição de femininos e masculinos, bem como asseveram que culturalmente há relações de poder entre os sexos; além disso, o estudo revelou que no panorama nacional o gênero encontrou guarida principalmente nos grupos de pesquisa na área das Ciências Humanas; no tocante à participação feminina na Ciência, observou-se um parâmetro androcêntrico na estrutura do fazer científico, aspecto esse que ressoa no quantitativo das produções acadêmicas de autoria feminina, posto que elas ainda precisam conciliar a carreira profissional com as exigências do mundo privado; mas, apesar do domínio masculino nas produções científicas, os estudos sobre gênero ganham envergadura nas pesquisas desenvolvidas por mulheres, tanto em nível nacional como local. No que tange especificamente aos indicadores da UFP A, o gênero ganhou lugar de destaque na produção paraense e essas/es intelectuais têm se esmerado naquele campo exibindo uma produção freqüente em um período de 11 anos, embora tenham que assumir um acréscimo incomensurável de trabalho em conseqüência de a maioria fazer parte dos quadros docentes em programas de pós- graduação vigentes na UFP A. Com isso, reafirma-se que os grupos de pesquisa da Instituição em destaque, ainda que com menor expressão quantitativa em relação ao cenário nacional, são de grande relevância para a fertilização dos estudos de gênero na região Norte e para a projeção dessa Universidade como lugar institucional em que se produzem pesquisas que garantem a ela destaque nacional.
As contribuições de Domingos Soares Ferreira Penna (1818-1888) à ciência realizada na província do Grão-Pará na segunda metade do século XIX são continuamente referidas em trabalhos sobre a fundação do Museu Paraense de História Natural e Etnografia em 1866, uma vez que o político mineiro fora seu idealizador e primeiro diretor. Contudo, a participação de Ferreira Penna na sociedade paraense da época se estendeu à instrução pública, tema de urgência no discurso das autoridades provinciais. É no sentido de se buscar a consonância deste personagem com as discussões de seu tempo sobre ciência e educação que este trabalho se desenvolve. Buscamos escritos da autoria de Penna, em especial as páginas dedicadas à instrução pública, além de discursos governamentais e pensamentos de outros autores sobre o tema. Partimos de um personagem singular por acreditarmos que pode ser procedimento inicial para compreendermos o contexto social no qual se insere. Seus textos foram analisados com base em elementos da análise de conteúdo, que nos permitiram organizar palavras e expressões em Unidades de Contexto e selecionar quais seriam mais apropriadas para a análise das fontes. A análise nos conduziu à idéia de que, para Ferreira Penna, a instrução teria como uma de suas prioridades a iluminação intelectual dos indivíduos como um todo, em especial os das camadas populares. Esta necessidade acompanhava a proposta da consolidação de uma identidade nacional, cuja inexistência era sentida por políticos e intelectuais. Ainda nesse projeto, o conhecimento dos recursos naturais através das ciências da natureza seria indispensável à luz da inteligência que se buscava incutir nos jovens através da instrução. Neste ponto, ciência e educação se convergem, por serem investimentos utilitários para um propósito mais amplo. O pensamento de Penna se adere ao de vários pensadores da época, em especial no que diz respeito à liberdade de ensino e a uma possível defesa do regime republicano em detrimento do regime monárquico, findo em 1889. Apesar das idéias parecerem adiantadas para sua época, o conservadorismo do pensamento de Ferreira Penna em alguns pontos nos ajuda a compreender a dimensão na qual mudanças para a instrução eram pensadas, de modo que não comprometessem a organização social vigente.
Analisa os principais problemas teóricos, práticos e metodológicos diretamente relacionados à concepção e elaboração de materiais de ensino da escrita na língua apurinã, uma língua sem tradição escrita. A partir da metodologia de análise de um caso, a pesquisa incluiu a revisão da literatura relevante e análise de dados coletados in loco nas comunidades de língua apurinã. Os problemas são identificados e as soluções propostas foram implementadas na elaboração do material didático resultante, "Escrevendo em apurinã". Esse material foi elaborado por mim em co-autoria com o indivíduo apurinã Norá, falante nativo da língua, com o objetivo de apresentar de maneira didática o alfabeto da língua apurinã. Descreve como esse material foi desenvolvido, quais foram as dificuldades encontradas durante a elaboração do livro, quais foram os critérios considerados na sequenciação e organização dos conteúdos, além de apresentar as dificuldades encontradas pelos professores em entender e utilizar esse material nas suas aulas, quais soluções foram encontradas para cada problema. Mostra também como esse material de cunho didático/pedagógico pode contribuir no processo de revitalização da língua apurinã, uma língua minoritária, quase sem nenhum prestígio social e falada pela minoria dos apurinã.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
The goal of this study was to analyze international scientific production in the area of constant-production green supply chain management from 2001 to 2012 using the Business Source Complete database (EBSCO Host). The database was checked for cooperation between authors and institutions, author entrants, production and continuity categories, regularity of publication and distribution of publications over time. Ninety articles were included in the sample, and the results showed a reduction in the number of publishing authors, concentrated in one-timers category with 68.90%. The highest yield for a single author was 10 articles, and the most prolific periodical was the Journal of Cleaner Production, with 12 articles published on the subject. Clark University (USA) stood out in terms of output, with 12 affiliated authors. It was concluded that the subject had experienced a significant rise in published literature over that time period.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This research aimed to study the international scientific collaboration, through co-authorship, and the impact of full papers published in journals Qualis A1 and A2 of Graduate Programs in Animal Science of excellence (2007-2009). Through the indicators of production of graduate evaluation from CAPES, the research gathered the scientific production of three graduate programs, adding up to 125 articles. The citations received were gathered from the SCOPUS database and the impact of journals from the SCImago Journal & Country Rank. In order to investigate the correlation among the indicators analyzed, Pearson’s linear correlation coefficients were calculated. It was observed that the Impact Factor (IF) of the journal may influence the number of citations and that there is a weak trend for association of IFs with the number of coauthor countries. It was not observed a statistically significant correlation between the number of collaborating countries and citations received by the article.
The aim of the present research is to analyse Ancib’s scientific production in the workgroup GT7 named Production and Communication of Information in ST&I, between the years of 2003 and 2009, through bibliometric indicators, from which it is possible to indicate what is more important or significant within a scientific field or context, so as to therefore analyse trends, existing relations or processes. The bibliometric studies are an approach method for the analysis of science behaviour in a given field. More specifically, by means of production and connection indicators, it aims at revealing and portraying the most productive authors, the kind of authorship present in this group, the most recurrent themes, most productive institutions, and the collaborative network determined by the institutional coauthorships and their indicators, so as to map and visualize the main researchers and institutions of the present GT, within the period of time in question. The research procedure derived from studying the 94 research project results presented in the period, where the paper reference, summary and corresponding key words can be found. Analysis concerning the most productive authors, most recurrent themes, kinds of authorship and most productive institutions have been carried out from the variables under review. The collaborative network between the institutions was built using the Pajek software, and, with the help of the Ucinet software, indicators of degree centrality, betweeness centrality, and closeness centrality have been reached, besides the calculation of density. The results point to 11 researchers and 9 institutions as the most productive ones. The collaborative institutional network was shown to be fragile, presenting low density, and in general the participating institutions have presented low centrality indexes. As a conclusion, it has been observed that the themes focus, in general, on bibliometric analysis and their indicators, using regional and national data as their universe.
The objective of this is study is to point inter-institutional partnerships in Information Science formed through co-authorship network. More specifically, we calculate indicators of centrality degree, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality, and analyze the relationships between the grades attributed by CAPES - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel - to the institutions and the indicators on the network, checking whether there is proximity and similarity between network indicators and CAPES's grades. Our corpus consisted of all articles published in the four journals in the field of Information Science in Brazil, with regular publications, based in SciVerse Scopus, for the 2010- 2012 period. We retrieved 237 articles, 58 co-authored, with 117 participant institutions. We conducted the analysis of relations between institutions with greater grades by CAPES and the network through centrality indicators. It was concluded that these network indicators and CAPES concepts are articulated, harmonizing these two categories of indicators.
The management of information and knowledge has been one of the areas of expertise of the fastest growing Brazilian information science. The purpose of this work is to observe how this research front structure from the point of view of the subjects that compose and intellectual frameworks which supports. For this we have analyzed the content of scientific production published in four majo r national journals of the discipline: Ciência da Informação, DataGramaZero, Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação and Transinformação over 2000-2009. The methodology is based on co-occurrence analysis of keywords of articles and co-citation analysis of authors. For the representation and interpretation of the results are used to social network analysis (SNA). We conclude that both information management and knowledge management are closely linked areas within topics including approaches but no consensus answer from the point of view of intellectual frameworks referenced.
This research seeks to demonstrate the scientific collaboration in the field of Information Science, specifically in the thematic indexing, by analyzing the co-authors network, based on scientific collaboration in Brazilian journals online, according to CAPES. We selected six Brazilian journals online, namely: Ciência da Informação; Transinformação; Perspectivas da Ciência da Informação; Encontros BIBLI: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação; DataGramaZero and Em Questão, totaling 25 articles. It was built in coauthorship network, using Pajek software in order to evaluate interactions between researchers and cohesion of the network by calculating its density.
The aim of this research is to point out the most productive researchers and institutions in the “Social Network” theme, in the ENANCIBs, from 2009 to 2010, as well as to describe their institutional scientific collaboration network. As research procedure, we searched for works with the entry network in the annuals of the event. 169 works were found, from which 120 were developed in co-authorship by 40 institutions. A matrix with the institutional coauthorships was created and the scientific collaboration network was reached. The results point out the same number of both most productive institutions and most productive authors. As for the scientific collaboration network, it is relevant that 37 institutions are interconnected by co-authorship. It’s also relevant that the studies in social network have been more and more present in the Information Science, mainly as investigative method for the construction of knowledge.
This research aimed to identify the scientific production for articles published in its typology of the Post Graduated Program in Information Science, Unesp, Marília. Particularly, it was evaluated co-authored articles written by researcher teachers from the Program and built networks of scientific collaboration and the calculation of some indicators. As research procedure, reports of CAPES evaluation between the years 2001 to 2009 were considered it articles produced in co-authorship. It was built up a network of co-authoring, using the software Pajek, and calculated the indicators of density and centrality of the network, allowing analysis of the intensity of network connectivity and the role of each player individually and the network as a whole. We analyzed the collaborative network in order to visualize the partnerships among the researchers from the three research lines and between them and their collaborators to verify the connection intensity.
Introduction: This paper considers that information science (IS) literature covers a diversity of thematics with low emphasis on researches about conducting research. The study analyzes the scientific production of authors who investigate about research methodology in the information science (IS) literature, and the references used to lay the foundation of the methodological issues regarding the area. It discusses the methodological and epistemological positions of the leading researchers highlighted as the most productive investigators on the subject in the country. Method: The research adopts the content analysis coupled with metric studies to contextualize the indicators related to productivity, to the types of authorship and citation analysis. The bibliographic coupling method is considered an analysis mode which analyzes concomitant citations. It develops a theoretical framework about the importance of scientific production analysis in different knowledge fields. The study investigates, from a theoretical perspective, the concepts about research methodology and the complementarity between methodology and epistemology in conducting research. Results: The results of the analysis showed that the production of the highlighted authors presents the methodology as a thematic focus to be applied to IS contexts, as well as a research object in the field. The prominent productivity of the authors is justified especially by deepening the meta studies about the ways to conduct research in IS. This study also identifies a trend to single-authored studies about the theme. Conclusions: The research considers that meta studies and applied and methodological studies are important to recognize a consistent theoretical and practical core in the IS area. Regarding the epistemological influences identified by the citation analysis, the study observes that the critical rationalist epistemology and the social and political epistemology are highlighted in the construction of the theoretical framework of the most productive authors.
This Final Course Work’s main subject comes from a study made on my previous Final Course Work titled “Artemídia Preferente: Fenômeno ‘Jogar&Ler’ nas Histórias em Quadrinhos Interativas (HQI) com os games do RPG”, and it is fed by the shortage of Electronical Comic publications, classes, courses and activities that could suit for educational purposes and experiences for a capable kind of audience to learn it and do it. Specific issues about Electronic Comic will be presented, based on Célestin Freinet’s Pedagogy, on some books about Methodology and on the Brazilian Curriculum Guidelines required for graduation. After that, a Lesson Plan will be developed for a 14 year-old-or-older kind of audience where they will be capable of making their own Electronic Comic, being it educational-themed or not. This study also cares about the participants’ influences on their lives to be completed. Furthermore, this work is inserted in the line of the research “Artistic Processes and Procedures” of the Department of Fine Arts from the Art Institute of UNESP, whose methodology used was the Freinet Educational Cybernetics, developed in the research group “Media Arts and Videoclip” leaded by the leading advisor for this Final Course Work. The result and discussion of artistic and scientific research were reported in monographs such as this that I present, with the following versions: PDF version for dissemination in the virtual repository of the Institute of Art’s Library; hardcover version for physical collection at the Institute of Art’s Library; the printed version for the board of examiners, and an appropriated template version for submission to the International Scientific Congress in the area of Arts.