815 resultados para Auditoria Financeira


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Esta pesquisa discute a autonomia da escola no Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola - PDDE. Objetiva compreender qual concepção de autonomia orienta a referida política de gestão financeira da escola e quê implicações esta perspectiva aponta para a gestão da escola pública brasileira. Trata-se de um estudo documental, cujas fontes para a coleta de dados foram 35 documentos oficiais que normatizam o PDDE, compreendendo resoluções, medidas provisórias, informativos, cartilhas, manuais de orientação, entre outros documentos. Para subsidiar a análise, adotamos como referencial os estudos de Vitor Paro (1995); (2001); (2003); Licínio Lima (2000a); (2000b); (2001); (2002), Ângela Martins (2002), João Barroso (2003), entre outros, acerca da autonomia da escola. O estudo compreendeu dez anos de exercício do programa, que vai do ano de sua implantação (1995) ao ano de 2004. Os limites deste estudo situam-se na análise da autonomia da escola no plano das orientações. Portanto, não tem a pretensão de mostrar como a questão é vivenciada no interior da escola, a partir da ação concreta de seus atores. Trata-se apenas de uma análise conceptual da autonomia, a partir da análise dos documentos que regulamentam a política. Os resultados do estudo revelam que a concepção de autonomia que orienta o PDDE é uma autonomia funcional e operativa, e que aponta para três processos na gestão da escola pública brasileira: 1- para a re-centralização do poder do Estado no controle do emprego dos recursos financeiros da escola; 2- para a introdução da lógica mercantil na organização do trabalho na escola; e 3- para a desobrigação do Estado com o financiamento e com a prestação estatal de serviços nas unidades de ensino.


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Segundo dados do PRODES/INPE (2008), de 1988 a 2008, 369.154 km² foram desmatados na Amazônia Legal, uma média anual de 17.578 km². Este processo tem sido impulsionado, principalmente, pela expansão da pecuária e da agricultura. Diversas políticas tem sido criadas para reduzir desmatamento. Sendo estas orientadas, geralmente, por instrumentos de comando e controle. Uma recente inovação, entretanto, tem sido a busca de melhoria da qualidade ambiental em médias e grandes propriedades através da introdução de Boas Práticas Agropecuárias (BPA). Baseado nisso, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar se a introdução de BPA em propriedades sojicultoras e pecuaristas de médio e grande porte do nordeste mato-grossense representa uma alternativa viável financeiramente. A pesquisa foi realizada em cinco municípios localizados ao nordeste do estado do Mato Grosso, na bacia do rio Xingu: Água Boa, Canarana, Querência, Bom Jesus do Araguaia e São Félix do Araguaia. Primeiramente, foram levantados dados detalhados das características das atividades na região de estudo, para isso foram entrevistados 40 fazendeiros (20 de pecuária e 20 de soja). A segunda etapa levantou os dados de custo de adoção de boas práticas em 14 propriedades sojicultoras e pecuaristas pertencentes ao Cadastro de Compromisso Sócio-Ambiental (CCS) da Aliança da Terra (AT)/ Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM). Para análise de viabilidade financeira das Boas Práticas, utilizou-se de três instrumentais: a rentabilidade simples, o valor presente líquido (VPL) e a taxa interna de retorno. Os resultados mostraram que as BPA são passíveis de implementação, mas há uma perda financeira para o produtor quando opta por adotar BPA. No entanto, possibilidades de ganhos com adoção de BPA (como o recebimento por REDD, aumento de produtividade, aumento do preço de venda, dentre outros) podem reduzir estas “perdas” e até igualar os ganhos à produção sem BPA.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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This article focuses on the financial crisis beginning in 2008. Drawing on the work of Lebaron (2010; 2011) and (Grün 2010), the study seeks to grasp the cognitive dimension of the crisis through the discourses produced (and reproduced) by members of the Brazilian government involved in controlling the crisis and by the pension fund sector and its strategies. The method was based on analysis of documents produced by the pension fund sector and the Lula Administration in 2008 and the spinoffs of the discourses and strategies. The text indicates the construction of a discourse emphasizing the importance of state regulation (as opposed to market self-regulation) and the central role of pension funds during the process, since they partially abandoned government bonds and migrated to productive investment, in alliance with the private equity sector, especially in financing construction works under the Growth Acceleration Program.


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This paper aims to analyze the experience of Japan after the collapse of speculative bubbles in assets and the banking crisis in the 1990s. An analysis about the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy is conducted and the measures taken with respect to the banking sector are also discussed in this paper. The Japanese financial crisis experience suggests that the nature, speed and order in which the government implements measures determine, in large part, the magnitude and cost of the crisis. Therefore, in hindsight, it can be said that the following tasks were necessary: 1) recapitalize the banking sector; 2) restore credit; and 3) reinvigorate the economic activity through appropriate fiscal measures.


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This work presents a proposal for teaching financial mathematics to students from secondary school using mathematics investigation. This methodology is used for many researchers and this work follows the main ideas of Fonseca, Brunheira, and Ponte (1999) and Skovsmose (2000). With this methodology, we intend to develop activities that approximate real situations of daily life and we aim to help students to understand and make decisions about single commercial and finances negotiations. Such activities have open questions that provide students the opportunity to think about mathematical subjects like loans, financing and saving account. We show a short description of studies about the importance of financial education in secondary school and university. Our proposal is applied in Secondary School because we considering to use contents of this area in a very simple way, dealing with mathematical ideas in order to develop skills of critical analysis. We suggest a qualitative research with phenomenological approach, as a possibility analysis of collected data from this teaching proposal


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Initially, the text handles the theories of ancient classical and changes with the emerging of the debates of the schools of economic of Keynes and Kalecki. Over the years, from 1930 onwards, investment theories were debated and modified by various schools of economic thought. One of the debates that stands out in this work are the theories of Minsky that will bring new reformulations to Keynesian theory and a greater focus on psychological factors as determinants of investment decisions. Through financial instability hypothesis Minsky explains how the decisions to invest and the access to credit cause instability to financial system. Finally the work will show how access to credit is material when companies decide to invest and how these investments are often handled due to information asymmetries in the market. The financial institutions seek to maximize their profits while dribbling moral hazard and adverse selection, and thus the government needs to intervene once in a while as a regulator to maintain the solvency of the system


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O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a situação financeira dos estados de São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul após a renegociação da dívida financeira com o governo federal. A renegociação da dívida foi efetivada mediante a aprovação de um Programa de Ajuste Fiscal com metas periodicamente reavaliadas. É realizada uma contextualização histórica da economia brasileira e da situação dos estados brasileiros. Em seguida, é estudado o Programa de Ajuste Fiscal do Estado de São Paulo, e o Programa de Ajuste Fiscal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Por fim, são realizadas algumas considerações acerca dos Programas desenvolvidos e realizados pelos Estados


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Within the concepts of sustainability, energy audit magnified its importance in managing systems in industrial plants. Can reduce waste and save energy representative, the improvement and development of thermal and electrical systems can be very attractive to business. With the focus on a boiler generating steam, the energy audit aimed to increase efficiency and eliminate energy losses of the heat engine. The boiler in question is commonly called CO boiler because most of the calorific power provided comes from this. Using a fuel gas from the catalyst regeneration process, it has featured in the boiler power generation system of the refinery. Burning a mixture of gaseous components from discarded into the atmosphere, the heat engine can generate tons of steam just as the other boilers installed. The challenge was to work with this gas mixture and obtain maximum efficiency, reduce moisture and enjoy the warmth of the heat exchange have been studied and recommended. Every project, from evaluation of the variables in the composition of fuel gas, to the using of heat exchangers and refrigeration system are suitable for evaluation and improvements


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Não disponível


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This work aimed to investigate the possible contributions of the use of digital resources in the teaching and learning process of Commercial and Financial Mathematics concepts to high school students. Its development has included a survey of some researches on the topic as well as an experimental study of a qualitative type, in which the Webquest was used as methodology. It uses the computer, more precisely the internet resources, to assist students in building up knowledge. Eight meetings were held, in the after-school period, with a group of students of the second year of high school at a state public school in the city of Guaratinguetá. Aiming to evaluate the knowledge that students had about the theme, it was applied a diagnosis at first glance for further analysis and development of activities and interventions according to the students’ answers. Once the research data was analyzed, it was noted that the students had little knowledge regarding the basic contents of Commercial and Financial Mathematics, in addition to presenting difficulties in handling some of the digital resources used in the meetings. Nonetheless, from the students’ works, it was seen significant advances in understanding and building up knowledge on concepts such as percentage, simple and compound interest, savings, and sales involving prompt payment or in arrears