996 resultados para Attention Perception
How does the multi-sensory nature of stimuli influence information processing? Cognitive systems with limited selective attention can elucidate these processes. Six-year-olds, 11-year-olds and 20-year-olds engaged in a visual search task that required them to detect a pre-defined coloured shape under conditions of low or high visual perceptual load. On each trial, a peripheral distractor that could be either compatible or incompatible with the current target colour was presented either visually, auditorily or audiovisually. Unlike unimodal distractors, audiovisual distractors elicited reliable compatibility effects across the two levels of load in adults and in the older children, but high visual load significantly reduced distraction for all children, especially the youngest participants. This study provides the first demonstration that multi-sensory distraction has powerful effects on selective attention: Adults and older children alike allocate attention to potentially relevant information across multiple senses. However, poorer attentional resources can, paradoxically, shield the youngest children from the deleterious effects of multi-sensory distraction. Furthermore, we highlight how developmental research can enrich the understanding of distinct mechanisms controlling adult selective attention in multi-sensory environments.
BACKGROUND The study of the attentional system remains a challenge for current neuroscience. The "Attention Network Test" (ANT) was designed to study simultaneously three different attentional networks (alerting, orienting, and executive) based in subtraction of different experimental conditions. However, some studies recommend caution with these calculations due to the interactions between the attentional networks. In particular, it is highly relevant that several interpretations about attentional impairment have arisen from these calculations in diverse pathologies. Event related potentials (ERPs) and neural source analysis can be applied to disentangle the relationships between these attentional networks not specifically shown by behavioral measures. RESULTS This study shows that there is a basic level of alerting (tonic alerting) in the no cue (NC) condition, represented by a slow negative trend in the ERP trace prior to the onset of the target stimuli. A progressive increase in the CNV amplitude related to the amount of information provided by the cue conditions is also shown. Neural source analysis reveals specific modulations of the CNV related to a task-related expectancy presented in the NC condition; a late modulation triggered by the central cue (CC) condition and probably representing a generic motor preparation; and an early and late modulation for spatial cue (SC) condition suggesting specific motor and sensory preactivation. Finally, the first component in the information processing of the target stimuli modulated by the interaction between orienting network and the executive system can be represented by N1. CONCLUSIONS The ANT is useful as a paradigm to study specific attentional mechanisms and their interactions. However, calculation of network effects is based in subtractions with non-comparable experimental conditions, as evidenced by the present data, which can induce misinterpretations in the study of the attentional capacity in human subjects.
Introduction : Driving is a complex everyday task requiring mechanisms of perception, attention, learning, memory, decision making and action control, thus indicating that involves numerous and varied brain networks. If many data have been accumulated over time about the effects of alcohol consumption on driving capability, much less is known about the role of other psychoactive substances, such as cannabis (Chang et al.2007, Ramaekers et al, 2006). Indeed, the solicited brain areas during safe driving which could be affected by cannabis exposure have not yet been clearly identified. Our aim is to study these brain regions during a tracking task related to driving skills and to evaluate the modulation due to the tolerance of cannabis effects. Methods : Eight non-smoker control subjects participated to an fMRI experiment based on a visuo-motor tracking task, alternating active tracking blocks with passive tracking viewing and rest condition. Half of the active tracking conditions included randomly presented traffic lights as distractors. Subjects were asked to track with a joystick with their right hand and to press a button with their left index at each appearance of a distractor. Four smoking subjects participated to the same fMRI sessions once before and once after smoking cannabis and a placebo in two independent cross-over experiments. We quantified the performance of the subjects by measuring the precision of the behavioural responses (i.e. percentage of time of correct tracking and reaction times to distractors). Functional MRI data were acquired using on a 3.0T Siemens Trio system equipped with a 32-channel head coil. BOLD signals will be obtained with a gradient-echo EPI sequence (TR=2s, TE=30ms, FoV=216mm, FA=90°, matrix size 72×72, 32 slices, thickness 3mm). Preprocessing, single subject analysis and group statistics were conducted on SPM8b. Results were thresholded at p<0.05 (FWE corrected) and at k>30 for spatial extent. Results : Behavioural results showed a significant impairment in task and cognitive test performance of the subjects after cannabis inhalation when comparing their tracking accuracy either to the controls subjects or to their performances before the inhalation or after the placebo inhalation (p<0.001 corrected). In controls, fMRI BOLD analysis of the active tracking condition compared to the passive one revealed networks of polymodal areas in superior frontal and parietal cortex dealing with attention and visuo-spatial coordination. In accordance to what is known of the visual and sensory motor networks we found activations in V4, frontal eye-field, right middle frontal gyrus, intra-parietal sulcus, temporo-parietal junction, premotor and sensory-motor cortex. The presence of distractors added a significant activation in the precuneus. Preliminary results on cannabis smokers in the acute phase, compared either to themselves before the cannabis inhalation or to control subjects, showed a decreased activation in large portions of the frontal and parietal attention network during the simple tracking task, but greater involvement of precuneus, of the superior part of intraparietal sulcus and middle frontal gyrus bilaterally when distractors were present in the task. Conclusions : Our preliminary results suggest that acute cannabis smoking alters performances and brain activity during active tracking tasks, partly reorganizing the recruitment of brain areas of the attention network.
La tomodensitométrie (CT) est une technique d'imagerie dont l'intérêt n'a cessé de croître depuis son apparition dans le début des années 70. Dans le domaine médical, son utilisation est incontournable à tel point que ce système d'imagerie pourrait être amené à devenir victime de son succès si son impact au niveau de l'exposition de la population ne fait pas l'objet d'une attention particulière. Bien évidemment, l'augmentation du nombre d'examens CT a permis d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients ou a rendu certaines procédures moins invasives. Toutefois, pour assurer que le compromis risque - bénéfice soit toujours en faveur du patient, il est nécessaire d'éviter de délivrer des doses non utiles au diagnostic.¦Si cette action est importante chez l'adulte elle doit être une priorité lorsque les examens se font chez l'enfant, en particulier lorsque l'on suit des pathologies qui nécessitent plusieurs examens CT au cours de la vie du patient. En effet, les enfants et jeunes adultes sont plus radiosensibles. De plus, leur espérance de vie étant supérieure à celle de l'adulte, ils présentent un risque accru de développer un cancer radio-induit dont la phase de latence peut être supérieure à vingt ans. Partant du principe que chaque examen radiologique est justifié, il devient dès lors nécessaire d'optimiser les protocoles d'acquisitions pour s'assurer que le patient ne soit pas irradié inutilement. L'avancée technologique au niveau du CT est très rapide et depuis 2009, de nouvelles techniques de reconstructions d'images, dites itératives, ont été introduites afin de réduire la dose et améliorer la qualité d'image.¦Le présent travail a pour objectif de déterminer le potentiel des reconstructions itératives statistiques pour réduire au minimum les doses délivrées lors d'examens CT chez l'enfant et le jeune adulte tout en conservant une qualité d'image permettant le diagnostic, ceci afin de proposer des protocoles optimisés.¦L'optimisation d'un protocole d'examen CT nécessite de pouvoir évaluer la dose délivrée et la qualité d'image utile au diagnostic. Alors que la dose est estimée au moyen d'indices CT (CTDIV0| et DLP), ce travail a la particularité d'utiliser deux approches radicalement différentes pour évaluer la qualité d'image. La première approche dite « physique », se base sur le calcul de métriques physiques (SD, MTF, NPS, etc.) mesurées dans des conditions bien définies, le plus souvent sur fantômes. Bien que cette démarche soit limitée car elle n'intègre pas la perception des radiologues, elle permet de caractériser de manière rapide et simple certaines propriétés d'une image. La seconde approche, dite « clinique », est basée sur l'évaluation de structures anatomiques (critères diagnostiques) présentes sur les images de patients. Des radiologues, impliqués dans l'étape d'évaluation, doivent qualifier la qualité des structures d'un point de vue diagnostique en utilisant une échelle de notation simple. Cette approche, lourde à mettre en place, a l'avantage d'être proche du travail du radiologue et peut être considérée comme méthode de référence.¦Parmi les principaux résultats de ce travail, il a été montré que les algorithmes itératifs statistiques étudiés en clinique (ASIR?, VEO?) ont un important potentiel pour réduire la dose au CT (jusqu'à-90%). Cependant, par leur fonctionnement, ils modifient l'apparence de l'image en entraînant un changement de texture qui pourrait affecter la qualité du diagnostic. En comparant les résultats fournis par les approches « clinique » et « physique », il a été montré que ce changement de texture se traduit par une modification du spectre fréquentiel du bruit dont l'analyse permet d'anticiper ou d'éviter une perte diagnostique. Ce travail montre également que l'intégration de ces nouvelles techniques de reconstruction en clinique ne peut se faire de manière simple sur la base de protocoles utilisant des reconstructions classiques. Les conclusions de ce travail ainsi que les outils développés pourront également guider de futures études dans le domaine de la qualité d'image, comme par exemple, l'analyse de textures ou la modélisation d'observateurs pour le CT.¦-¦Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging technique in which interest has been growing since it first began to be used in the early 1970s. In the clinical environment, this imaging system has emerged as the gold standard modality because of its high sensitivity in producing accurate diagnostic images. However, even if a direct benefit to patient healthcare is attributed to CT, the dramatic increase of the number of CT examinations performed has raised concerns about the potential negative effects of ionizing radiation on the population. To insure a benefit - risk that works in favor of a patient, it is important to balance image quality and dose in order to avoid unnecessary patient exposure.¦If this balance is important for adults, it should be an absolute priority for children undergoing CT examinations, especially for patients suffering from diseases requiring several follow-up examinations over the patient's lifetime. Indeed, children and young adults are more sensitive to ionizing radiation and have an extended life span in comparison to adults. For this population, the risk of developing cancer, whose latency period exceeds 20 years, is significantly higher than for adults. Assuming that each patient examination is justified, it then becomes a priority to optimize CT acquisition protocols in order to minimize the delivered dose to the patient. Over the past few years, CT advances have been developing at a rapid pace. Since 2009, new iterative image reconstruction techniques, called statistical iterative reconstructions, have been introduced in order to decrease patient exposure and improve image quality.¦The goal of the present work was to determine the potential of statistical iterative reconstructions to reduce dose as much as possible without compromising image quality and maintain diagnosis of children and young adult examinations.¦The optimization step requires the evaluation of the delivered dose and image quality useful to perform diagnosis. While the dose is estimated using CT indices (CTDIV0| and DLP), the particularity of this research was to use two radically different approaches to evaluate image quality. The first approach, called the "physical approach", computed physical metrics (SD, MTF, NPS, etc.) measured on phantoms in well-known conditions. Although this technique has some limitations because it does not take radiologist perspective into account, it enables the physical characterization of image properties in a simple and timely way. The second approach, called the "clinical approach", was based on the evaluation of anatomical structures (diagnostic criteria) present on patient images. Radiologists, involved in the assessment step, were asked to score image quality of structures for diagnostic purposes using a simple rating scale. This approach is relatively complicated to implement and also time-consuming. Nevertheless, it has the advantage of being very close to the practice of radiologists and is considered as a reference method.¦Primarily, this work revealed that the statistical iterative reconstructions studied in clinic (ASIR? and VECO have a strong potential to reduce CT dose (up to -90%). However, by their mechanisms, they lead to a modification of the image appearance with a change in image texture which may then effect the quality of the diagnosis. By comparing the results of the "clinical" and "physical" approach, it was showed that a change in texture is related to a modification of the noise spectrum bandwidth. The NPS analysis makes possible to anticipate or avoid a decrease in image quality. This project demonstrated that integrating these new statistical iterative reconstruction techniques can be complex and cannot be made on the basis of protocols using conventional reconstructions. The conclusions of this work and the image quality tools developed will be able to guide future studies in the field of image quality as texture analysis or model observers dedicated to CT.
Cette contribution a pour objectif d'analyser comment les responsables cantonaux des finances perçoivent l'influence de certaines variables sur les soldes budgétaires publics. A cet effet, elle modélise la façon dont une erreur de perception peut influencer l'écart entre le solde budgété et le solde effectif. Ensuite, elle présente le questionnaire utilisé pour connaître la perception des responsables des finances des cantons suisses. Finalement, les résultats de l'enquête sont analysés, puis confrontés à ceux obtenus préalablement par des études économétriques. L'analyse montre qu'un consensus se dégage pour prêter une forte influence à certains facteurs (consensus autour de l'idée que les recettes déterminent les dépenses, etc.). Ces perceptions sont confondes aux conclusions des analyses économétriques. Pour d'autres facteurs (ancrage rural de la population etc.), elle montre que les perceptions divergent, alors que l'économétrie constate une influence significative et univoque. Ces résultats permettent de formuler quelques recommandations pour l'élaboration des budgets publics et pour la poursuite des études visant à modéliser les soldes budgétaires.
Résumé Une étude prospective ouverte a été menée parmi les patients venant pour la première fois, sans rendez-vous et en urgence, dans une policlinique urbaine (où plus de la moitié des patients sont d'origine étrangère) pour déterminer si les connaissances sur les méfaits du tabac sont identiques chez les immigrés et les Suisses, si le niveau d'intégration influence les connaissances et si les médecins du service donnent des conseils aussi souvent aux fumeurs Suisses qu'aux fumeurs étrangers. 226 fumeurs ont participé à l'étude, 105 Suisses (46.5%) et 121 étrangers (53,5%). 32.2% (95% IC [24.4%; 41.1%]) des migrants et 9.6% [5.3% ; 16.8%] des Suisses ne pouvaient pas mentionner un effet nocif du tabac. Après ajustement pour l'âge, l'analyse multivariée montre que le risque d'ignorer les méfaits du tabac est plus élevé pour les personnes ne maîtrisant pas la langue locale que pour celles la maîtrisant (odds ratio (OR)=7.5 [3.6; 15.8], p<0,001), et est plus élevé pour les hommes que pour les femmes (OR=4.3 [1.9 10.0], p<0.001). Un conseil pour arrêter de fumer a été donné avec une égale fréquence aux immigrants (31.9% [24.2% ; 40.1%]) et aux Suisses (29% [21.0% ; 38.5%]). Les patients ne maîtrisant pas la langue locale n'ont pas reçu moins de conseil que ceux la maîtrisant (0R-1.1 [0.6 ; 2.1], p=0.812). En conclusion, le niveau de connaissances des méfaits du tabac est moins bon chez les hommes immigrés non intégrés ou qui ne maîtrisent pas la langue locale. Un conseil sur l'arrêt du tabac n'est donné qu'à une minorité, mais à égale fréquence à tous les patients du service, quelle que soit leur nationalité. Abstract An open prospective study was conducted among the patients visiting an urban medical policlinic for the first time without an appointment to assess whether the immigrants (who represent more than half of our patients) are aware of the health effects of smoking, whether the level of acculturation influences knowledge, and whether doctors give similar advice to Swiss and foreign smokers. 226 smokers, 105 Swiss (46.5%), and 121 foreign-born (53.5%), participated in the study. 32.2% (95% CI [24.4%; 41.1%]) of migrants and 9.6% [5.3%; 16.8%] of Swiss patients were not aware of negative effects of smoking. After adjustment for age, the multivariate model showed that the estimated odds of "ignorance of health effects of smoking" was higher for people lacking mastery of the local language compared with those mastering it (odds ratio (OR) = 7.5 [3.6; 15.8], p <0.001), and higher for men (OR 4.3 [1.9; 10.0], p <0.001). Advice to stop smoking was given with similar frequency to immigrants (31.9% [24.2%; 40.8%] and Swiss patients (29.0% [21.0%; 38.5%]). Non-integrated patients did not appear to receive less counselling than integrated patients (OR = 1.1 [0.6; 2.1], p 0.812). We conclude that the level of knowledge among male immigrants not integrated or unable to speak the local language is lower than among integrated foreign-born and Swiss patients. Smoking cessation counselling by a doctor was only given to a minority of patients, but such counselling seemed irrespective of nationality.
Objectif: Évaluer la concordance entre l'évolution de la perception des patients diabétiques type 2 et l'évolution de mesures quantifiables, dans le contexte d'un programme d'activité physique adapté. Ce programme se base sur l'accompagnement interdisciplinaire dans un concept éducatif et motivationnel (36 séances d'activité physique et 6-8 h d'atelier). Matériels et méthodes: Évaluation de la perception des patients portant sur : activité physique, condition physique, contrôle métabolique, gestion des corrections hypo/hyperglycémie, autonomisation et bien-être. Nous avons utilisé une cible d'auto-évaluation, composée d'échelles de Likert de 1 à 10 (1 = mauvais 10 = excellent). Concernant la condition physique nous avons mesuré : endurance, vitesse de marche, force, équilibre et souplesse. En fin de programme un questionnaire de satisfaction comprenant 5 items a été distribué. Résultats: Analyse des données de 40 patients, âge 59 ± 10 ans, 60 % femmes. Avant programme, 60 % des patients s'estiment insuffisants (moyenne < 5/10) face à la pratique de l'activité, la condition physique et le contrôle métabolique. Le bien-être se situe en moyenne à 5,4/10. Après programme, 75 % des patients montrent une progression dans tous les domaines (moyenne 7,4/10). Une corrélation positive apparaît entre l'amélioration de la condition physique et le bienêtre. Tous les paramètres physiques mesurés se sont aussi améliorés. L'amélioration de la condition physique perçue est corrélée avec celle de la force (p = 0,006). Le travail interdisciplinaire réalisé a été perçu positivement par 87,9 % des patients. La communication était de bonne qualité pour 78,1 % ainsi que le climat d'apprentissage (82,4 %). La majorité des patients (64,7 %) est très satisfaite du programme. Conclusion: Ce programme est prometteur, il montre l'amélioration de la perception et de la condition physique avec une concordance entre les deux. Cette amélioration laisse imaginer que les plus confiants sur leur capacité à agir puissent s'impliquer d'avantage dans la gestion quotidienne et dans la poursuite d'un projet d'activité.
Visual attention depends on bottom-up sensory activation and top-down attentional guidance. Although aging is known to affect sensory processing, its impact on the top-down control of attention remains a matter of debate. We investigated age-related modulations of brain oscillatory activity during visual attention using a variant of the attention network test (ANT) in 20 young and 28 elderly adults. We examined the EEG oscillatory responses to warning and target signals, and explored the correlates of temporal and spatial orienting as well as conflict resolution at target presentation. Time-frequency analysis was performed between 4 and 30Hz, and the relationship between behavioral and brain oscillatory responses was analyzed. Whereas temporal cueing and conflict had similar reaction time effects in both age groups, spatial cueing was more beneficial to older than younger subjects. In the absence of cue, posterior alpha activation was drastically reduced in older adults, pointing to an age-related decline in anticipatory attention. Following both cues and targets, older adults displayed pronounced motor-related activation in the low beta frequency range at the expense of attention-related posterior alpha activation prominent in younger adults. These findings support the recruitment of alternative motor-related circuits in the elderly, in line with the dedifferentiation hypothesis. Furthermore, older adults showed reduced midparietal alpha inhibition induced by temporal orienting as well as decreased posterior alpha activation associated with both spatial orienting and conflict resolution. Altogether, the results are consistent with an overall reduction of task-related alpha activity in the elderly, and provide functional evidence that younger and older adults engage distinct brain circuits at different oscillatory frequencies during attentional functions.
We examined how general intelligence, personality, and emotional intelligence-measured as an ability using the MSCEIT-predicted performance on a selective-attention task requiring participants to ignore distracting emotion information. We used a visual prime in which participants saw a pair of faces depicting emotions; their task was to focus on one of the faces (the target) while ignoring the other (the distractor). Next, participants categorized a string of letters (word or nonword), which was either congruent to the target or the distractor. The speed of response to categorizing the string was recorded. Given the emotional nature of the stimuli and the emotional information processing involved in the task, we were surprised to see that none of the MSCEIT branches predicted performance. However, general intelligence and openness to experience reduced response time.