356 resultados para Atta
Objective: This study evaluated the performance of different adhesive systems in fiber post placement aiming to clarify the influence of different hydrophobic experimental blend adhesives, and of one commercially available adhesive on the frictional retention during a luting procedure. Material and Methods: One luting agent (70 Wt% BisGMA, 28.5% TEGDMA; 1.5% p-tolyldiethanolamine) to cement fiber posts into root canals was applied with 4 different adhesive combinations: Group 1: The etched roots were rinsed with water for 30 s to remove the phosphoric acid, then rinsed with 99.6% ethanol for 30 s, and blot-dried. A trial adhesive (base to catalyst on a 1: 1 ratio) was used with an experimental luting agent (35% Bis-GMA, 14.37% TEGDMA, 0.5% EDMAB, 0.13% CQ); Group 2: A trial adhesive (base to catalyst on a 1: 2 ratio) was luted as in Group 1; Group 3: One-Step Plus (OSP, Bisco Inc.) following the ethanol bonding technique in combination with the luting agent as in Group 1; Group 4: OSP strictly following the manufacturer's instructions using the luting agent as in Group 1. The groups were challenged with push-out tests. Posted root slices were loaded until post segment extrusion in the apical-coronal direction. Failure modes were analyzed under scanning electron microscopy. Results: Push-out strength was not significantly influenced by the luting agent (p>0.05). No statistically significant differences among the tested groups were found as Group 1 (Exp 1 - ethanol-wet bonding technique)=Group 2 (Exp 2 - ethanol-wet bonding technique)= Group 3 (OSP - ethanol-wet bonding technique)= Group 4 (control, OSP - water-wet bonding technique) (p>0.05). The dominating failure modes in all the groups were cohesive/adhesive failures, which were predominantly observed on the post/luting agent interface. Conclusions: The results of this study support the hypothesis that the proposal to replace water with ethanol to bond fiber posts to the root canal using highly hydrophobic resin is plausible, but this seems to be more the proof of a concept than a clinically applicable procedure.
The thermal limits of individual animals were originally proposed as a link between animal physiology and thermal ecology. Although this link is valid in theory, the evaluation of physiological tolerances involves some problems that are the focus of this study. One rationale was that heating rates shall influence upper critical limits, so that ecological thermal limits need to consider experimental heating rates. In addition, if thermal limits are not surpassed in experiments, subsequent tests of the same individual should yield similar results or produce evidence of hardening. Finally, several non-controlled variables such as time under experimental conditions and procedures may affect results. To analyze these issues we conducted an integrative study of upper critical temperatures in a single species, the ant Atta sexdens rubropiosa, an animal model providing large numbers of individuals of diverse sizes but similar genetic makeup. Our specific aims were to test the 1) influence of heating rates in the experimental evaluation of upper critical temperature, 2) assumptions of absence of physical damage and reproducibility, and 3) sources of variance often overlooked in the thermal-limits literature; and 4) to introduce some experimental approaches that may help researchers to separate physiological and methodological issues. The upper thermal limits were influenced by both heating rates and body mass. In the latter case, the effect was physiological rather than methodological. The critical temperature decreased during subsequent tests performed on the same individual ants, even one week after the initial test. Accordingly, upper thermal limits may have been overestimated by our (and typical) protocols. Heating rates, body mass, procedures independent of temperature and other variables may affect the estimation of upper critical temperatures. Therefore, based on our data, we offer suggestions to enhance the quality of measurements, and offer recommendations to authors aiming to compile and analyze databases from the literature.
X-ray single crystal (XSC) and neutron powder diffraction data (NPD) were used to elucidate boron site preference for five ternary phases. Ta3Si1-xBx (x=0.112(4)) crystallizes with the Ti3P-type (space group P4(2)/n) with B-atoms sharing the 8g site with Si atoms. Ta5Si3-x (x=0.03(1); Cr5B3- type) crystallizes with space group 14/mcm, exhibiting a small amount of vacancies on the 4 alpha site. Both, Ta-5(Si1-xBx)(3), X=0.568(3), and Nb-5(Si1-xBx)(3), x=0.59(2), are part of solid solutions of M5Si3 with Cr5B3-type into the ternary M-Si-B systems (M=Nb or Ta) with B replacing Si on the 8h site. The D8(8)-phase in the Nb-Si-B system crystallizes with the Ti5Ga4-type revealing the formula Nb5Si3B1-x (x=0.292(3)) with B partially filling the voids in the 2b site of the Mn5Si3 parent type. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
As várias opções para a realização de tratamentos estéticos conservadores permitem ao profissional a escolha de materiais e técnicas apropriados, que melhor se enquadrem nas características individuais de cada paciente e na realidade de seu consultório. No caso clínico apresentado, a técnica de clareamento dental em consultório com peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% (Total Blanc Office, DFL), ativado com luz híbrida LED/LASER e a microabrasão de esmalte com pasta de acido fosfórico a 37% e pedra pomes, foram associados. Os resultados com o clareamento em consultório são imediatos, de forma que o profissional dispõe de total controle sobre aplicação do gel clareador em áreas e dentes específicos. A microabrasão do esmalte é um tratamento simples e custo relativamente baixo, remove as manchas superficiais do esmalte com preservação de estrutura dental. No caso apresentado, a associação das duas técnicas proporcionou a obtenção de excelente resultado estético em apenas uma sessão de atendimento.
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence, types, location, and characteristics of enamel defects in anterior permanent teeth of patients with complete unilateral and bilateral cleft lip and palate, as well as the relation with the cleft. Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. Participants: Eighty patients of both genders, 12 years and older, with unilateral or bilateral cleft lip and palate. Methods: A single examiner carried out clinical examination under artificial light with a dental probe and mirror after drying teeth according to the modified DDE index. Results: Seventy-four of 80 patients presented with at least one tooth affected by enamel defects: 165 of 325 evaluated teeth (50.8%) presented enamel defects, with hypoplasia being the most prevalent (50.7%), followed by diffuse opacity (23.1%) and demarcated opacity (18.4%). The most affected tooth was 21 (36.5%), followed by 11 (34%), located at the middle (40%) and incisal (33%) thirds. Most defects occur at the buccal surface (47.7%), followed by the distal (22.7%), the mesial (19%), and the palatal (10.6%) surfaces. A significant relationship was found between the cleft side and enamel defects. Conclusion: Upper anterior teeth of patients with complete cleft lip and palate present a high prevalence of enamel defects; the highest percentage on the cleft side suggests that the cleft does influence the occurrence of enamel defects in permanent teeth.
The influence of curing tip distance and storage time in the kinetics of water diffusion (water sorption-W SP, solubility-W SB, and net water uptake) and color stability of a composite were evaluated. Composite samples were polymerized at different distances (5, 10, and 15 mm) and compared to a control group (0 mm). After desiccation, the specimens were stored in distilled water to evaluate the water diffusion over a 120-day period. Net water uptake was calculated (sum of WSP and WSB). The color stability after immersion in a grape juice was compared to distilled water. Data were submitted to three-way ANOVA/Tukey's test (α = 5%). The higher distances caused higher net water uptake (p < 0.05). The immersion in the juice caused significantly higher color change as a function of curing tip distance and the time (p < 0.05). The distance of photoactivation and storage time provide the color alteration and increased net water uptake of the resin composite tested.
Background/Objectives: Sleep has been shown to enhance creativity, but the reason for this enhancement is not entirely known. There are several different physiological states associated with sleep. In addition to rapid (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, NREM sleep can be broken down into Stages (1-4) that are characterized by the degree of EEG slow wave activity. In addition, during NREM sleep there are transient but cyclic alternating patterns (CAP) of EEG activity and these CAPs can also be divided into three subtypes (A1-A3) according to speed of the EEG waves. Differences in CAP ratios have been previously linked to cognitive performances. The purpose of this study was to learn the relationship CAP activity during sleep and creativity. Methods: The participants were 8 healthy young adults (4 women), who underwent 3 consecutive nights of polysomnographic recording and took the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA) on the 2 and 3rd mornings after the recordings. Results: There were positive correlations between Stage 1 of NREM sleep and some measures of creativity such as fluency (R= .797; p=.029) and flexibility ( R=.43; p=.002), between Stage 4 of Non-REM sleep and originality (R= .779; p=.034) and a global measure of figural creativity (R= .758; p=.040). There was also a negative correlation between REM sleep and originality (R= -.827; p= .042) . During NREM sleep the CAP rate, which in young people is primarily the A1 subtype, also correlated with originality (R= .765; p =.038). Conclusions: NREM sleep is associated with low levels of cortical arousal and low cortical arousal may enhance the ability of people to access to the remote associations that are critical for creative innovations. In addition, A1 CAP activity reflects frontal activity and the frontal lobes are important for divergent thinking, also a critical aspect of creativity.
Il presente lavoro approfondisce le tematiche della conflittualità e della separazione etnica, sociale, religiosa, generazionale e culturale. In particolare, riporta i risultati di ricerche condotte in alcuni degli attuali contesti urbani più carichi di tensioni conflittuali, cercando di individuare i motivi vicini e remoti del confligere, le attività messe in atto per contenere le tensioni e le relative necessità educative poste in primo piano. L’elaborato si compone di cinque parti. La prima parte consiste in una riflessione teorica sulle dinamiche che caratterizzano le interazioni sociali nello spazio cittadino. Nella seconda parte viene trattato il tema del settarismo in Scozia, che vede contrapposti i cattolici di origine irlandese (generalmente tifosi della squadra di calcio dei Celtic) e i protestanti di sangue scozzese (generalmente tifosi dei Rangers). La terza parte ricostruisce la storia e il presente della lunga convivenza tra tatari musulmani e russi cristiano-ortodossi nei territori dell’attuale Repubblica etnica del Tatarstan, situata nel cuore della Russia europea, ponendo particolare attenzione agli aspetti religiosi, linguistici, culturali ed educativi. La quarta parte parla del disagio nelle periferie europee, manifestatosi in modo eclatante con le rivolte giovanili in Francia (2005) e nel Regno Unito (2011). La parte conclusiva, infine riprenderà alcuni degli elementi emersi per proporre una riflessione di tipo pedagogico atta ad affrontare in tutta la sua complessità, e con approcci nuovi, il tema della città divisa, con le relative conflittualità, i confini e le prove di comunità.
Lo studio affrontato riguarda la tecnica della ristilatura armata dei giunti, quale metodologia di intervento atta a ripristinare la resistenza della muratura, depauperata dalla continua azione esercitata dal peso proprio delle strutture massive. La presenza di forze di compressione ha causato la creazione di fessure diffuse su tutta la muratura, che ha danneggiato oltre che la vita stessa dell’opera e quindi la sicurezza delle persone, anche l’aspetto architettonico come fonte di bellezza e ricordo di antiche civiltà. In questa ottica si inserisce la Tecnica di Repointing perchè riesca a soddisfare i requisiti richiesti di autenticità strutturale, durabilità, compatibilità e bassa invasività dell'intervento.
Negli ultimi anni, complice la rapida evoluzione degli elaboratori e dei sensori, spinta dal mercato smartphone, una tecnologia si sta sviluppando e si sta diffondendo rapidamente. Si tratta di quella relativa agli unmanned vehicles (UV), i veicoli senza pilota, spesso nel linguaggio comune chiamati “droni”. Questi particolari veicoli sono dotati della tecnologia adatta per svolgere in relativa autonomia particolari mansioni, senza la necessità della presenza di un pilota a bordo. In questa Tesi magistrale si descrivono brevemente le diverse categorie di UV e l’attuale livello di autonomia raggiunta nello svolgimento di alcune funzioni, grazie a tecnologie quali i linguaggi ad agenti, di cui si presentano anche alcune significative applicazioni allo stato dell’arte. Per rendere più efficaci eventuali nuove funzionalità, fornendo una metodologia di sviluppo, atta ad aumentare il grado di astrazione, viene proposto un approccio architetturale a tre livelli. In particolare, viene approfondito il secondo livello, presentando l’implementazione di una funzionalità, l’autolocalizzazione spaziale, utile ad un sistema di terzo livello per arricchire la propria conoscenza dell’ambiente, al fine di raggiungere la massima autonomia nel controllo del mezzo. Questa prima esperienza ha consentito di approfondire le necessità in termini di hardware e software, al fine di poter effettuare una scelta mirata per l’ottimizzazione dei risultati ed un eventuale porting on-board, nella prospettiva di svincolare il mezzo da eventuali collegamenti con una stazione di terra, fino ad ora necessaria per eseguire le attività più complesse. Un interessante caso di studio consente di verificare la bontà del modello proposto e i risultati raggiunti nell’autolocalizzazione. In conclusione, si propongono ulteriori sviluppi che potranno fornire gli strumenti necessari alla massima espressione del potenziale che gli UV possiedono.
Il progetto di musealizzazione dell’area archeologica di Suasa pone le basi sullo studio dei legami storici, culturali e paesaggistici che si sono instaurati sin dall’epoca romana e permangono tutt’oggi. Il primo passo parte dallo studio della Salaria Gallica: nasce così la volontà di mantenere la Salaria usufruibile da tutti, richiamando quindi l’interesse di un pubblico di vario target intorno l’area di progetto . Da questa principio si rende quindi necessaria una prima divisione dell’aria in una parte pubblica ed una privata, la prima interessata dalla costruzione di un nuovo spazio polifunzionale, la seconda destinata al mantenimento delle tracce (archeologiche e paesaggistiche). Si rende fondamentale nello spazio pubblico la costruzione di un nuovo edificio che vada ad ospitare funzioni utili alle due aree, una costruzione che è figlia di principi che caratterizzano l’area sin dall’epoca romana: la viabilità antica e le maglie generatrici. Lo spazio privato, reso tale attraverso la costruzione di un limite fisico è a sua volta diviso in due parchi: il parco archeologico e il parco agricolo. Il parco archeologico è interessato dalla costruzione di una copertura atta alla salvaguardia delle tracce di una delle istanze archeologiche di maggior valore : la Domus dei Coiedii. I principi che contraddistinguono il progetto sono quelli di riproporre, a scopo educativo, la volumetria antica della domus, mantenendo però una pianta libera che sottolinei la maestosità che fu. Si ha così una triade di parchi, legati fra loro da elementi ordinatori che nascono da una rilettura di sistemi romani ed una riproposizione di tali. Si tratta degli elementi d’ombra, che riprenderanno le strutture a sacco tipiche romane, e dei percorsi studiati per sottolineare la gerarchia delle tracce.
La tesi consiste nella descrizione di una applicazione in Java atta a eseguire test e simulazioni di un sistema di localizzazione in radiofrequenza. Viene descritta l'interfaccia e le funzionalità.
The isotopic abundance of 85Kr in the atmosphere, currently at the level of 10−11, has increased by orders of magnitude since the dawn of nuclear age. With a half-life of 10.76 years, 85Kr is of great interest as tracers for environmental samples such as air, groundwater and ice. Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA) is an emerging method for the analysis of rare krypton isotopes at isotopic abundance levels as low as 10−14 using krypton gas samples of a few micro-liters. Both the reliability and reproducibility of the method are examined in the present study by an inter-comparison among different instruments. The 85Kr/Kr ratios of 12 samples, in the range of 10−13 to 10−10, are measured independently in three laboratories: a low-level counting laboratory in Bern, Switzerland, and two ATTA laboratories, one in Hefei, China, and another in Argonne, USA. The results are in agreement at the precision level of 5%.
Noble gas radionuclides, including 81Kr (t1/2 = 229,000 years), 85Kr (t1/2 = 10.8 years), and 39Ar (t1/2 = 269 years), possess nearly ideal chemical and physical properties for studies of earth and environmental processes. Recent advances in Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA), a laser-based atom counting method, have enabled routine measurements of the radiokrypton isotopes, as well as the demonstration of the ability to measure 39Ar in environmental samples. Here we provide an overview of the ATTA technique, and a survey of recent progress made in several laboratories worldwide.We review the application of noble gas radionuclides in the geosciences and discuss how ATTA can help advance these fields, specifically: determination of groundwater residence times using 81Kr, 85Kr, and 39Ar; dating old glacial ice using 81Kr; and an 39Ar survey of the main water masses of the oceans, to study circulation pathways and estimate mean residence times. Other scientific questions involving a deeper circulation of fluids in the Earth's crust and mantle are also within the scope of future applications. We conclude that the geoscience community would greatly benefit from an ATTA facility dedicated to this field, with instrumentation for routine measurements, as well as for research on further development of ATTA methods.
We present successful 81 Kr-Kr radiometric dating of ancient polarice. Krypton was extracted from the air bubbles in four∼350-kg polar ice samples from Taylor Glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, and dated using Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA). The 81 Kr radiometric ages agree with independent age estimates obtained from stratigraphic dating techniques with a mean abso-lute age offset of 6±2.5 ka. Our experimental methods and sampling strategy are validated by (i) 85 Kr and 39 Ar analyses that show the samples to be free of modern air contamination and (ii)air content measurements that show the ice did not experience gas loss. We estimate the error in the 81 Kr ages due to past geomagnetic variability to be below 3 ka. We show that ice from the previous interglacial period (Marine Isotope Stage 5e, 130–115 ka before present) can be found in abundance near the surface of Taylor Glacier. Our study paves the way for reliable radiometric dating of ancient ice in blue ice areas and margin sites where large samples are available, greatly enhancing their scientific value as archives of old ice and meteorites. At present, ATTA 81Kr analysis requires a 40–80-kg ice sample; as sample requirements continue to decrease, 81 Kr dating of ice cores is a future possibility.