999 resultados para Aproveitamento de água de chuva


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A gaseificação utiliza o conteúdo intrínseco de carbonos e hidrogênios das matérias primas sólidas ou líquidas na geração de uma mistura de hidrogênio (H2), monóxido de carbono (CO), dióxido de carbono (CO2) e metano (CH4). Tal mistura pode ser utilizada como matéria prima na síntese de novos produtos ou como combustível. A gaseificação pode ser utilizada no processamento de uma gama variada de produtos, independentemente de suas características ou estado físico. A utilização de biomassa como insumo da gaseificação vem sendo cada vez mais explorada e estudada, já que apresenta benefícios não somente na esfera ambiental, mas também em âmbitos econômicos e sociais. A vinhaça é um subproduto do processo de produção de álcool, que contém grandes concentrações de nutrientes e matéria orgânica em sua composição. A sua utilização hoje está limitada a fertirrigação e a aplicações isoladas em biodigestão e outros, que não são suficientes para o consumo da produção anual crescente do resíduo. Seu uso na gaseificação permitiria o aproveitamento do conteúdo orgânico da mesma e a produção de gases de alto valor agregado. Como a umidade do insumo interfere negativamente na eficiência da gaseificação clássica, a aplicação da mesma para matérias primas com alto teor de líquidos não é recomendada. Uma alternativa viável seria a utilização do meio gaseificante supercrítico, que resulta em rendimentos constantes, independentemente da umidade da corrente de entrada do reator. O presente trabalho consiste no projeto de um módulo de gaseificação de vinhaça em água supercrítica, a ser instalado como uma unidade anexa a usinas de açúcar e álcool. Ele compreende o projeto conceitual e análise de viabilidade deste módulo, incluindo estimativas de CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) e OPEX (Operation Expenditure) e uma análise de sensibilidade dos mesmos. O estudo apresenta ainda o estado da arte do conhecimento e da tecnologia de gaseificação com água supercrítica (SCWG), relacionando os gargalos a serem resolvidos, assim como os ganhos intrínsecos da definição conceitual do projeto.


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Neste trabalho foi estudado um subproduto derivado da indústria agroalimentar produtora de sumo concentrado de maçã, conhecido por bagaço de maçã, com o objetivo de avaliar condições de extração de compostos fenólicos, o teor de compostos fenólicos totais, flavonóides e proantocianidinas e ainda a atividade antioxidante. Foram efetuadas extrações a partir do bagaço de maçã variando as condições de tempo, temperatura, razão massa:volume e solvente e os extratos obtidos avaliados quanto ao seu teor em compostos fenólicos totais pelo método FolinCiocalteu. O extrato aquoso do bagaço de maçã para uma temperatura de 100 ºC a um tempo de 2x4h e concentração de 50 mg/mL, apresentou o teor de compostos fenólicos mais elevado (9,37 mgEAG/g de bagaço de maçã, na base seca) em relação a todas as outras temperaturas, tempos de extração e solventes utilizados, como etanol (50% e 70%) e metanol. O doseamento de flavonóides totais baseou-se no método espetrofotométrico, usando o reagente cloreto de alumínio e a rutina como padrão. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando etanol (70%) como solvente à temperatura ambiente, cerca de 4,35 mgER/g. A amostra extraída com água apresentou valores bastante similares ao etanol, cerca de 4,27 mgER/g, usando uma temperatura de 100 ºC durante 2x4h. O conteúdo em proantocianidinas foi determinado pelo método 4-dimetilamino cinamaldeído (DMAC). O bagaço de maçã estudado demonstrou ser pobre no seu conteúdo de proantocianidinas, obtendo valores de 0,77 mgEEC/g. A atividade antioxidante do bagaço de maçã foi avaliada através de dois métodos distintos: 2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazilo (DPPH∙) e método do poder redutor (FRAP). O extrato aquoso obtido a 100 ºC a um tempo de 2x4h, demonstrou ser aquele com maior potencial, com uma capacidade antioxidante mais elevada que os restantes extratos, com valores de IC50 de 0,48 mg/mL e 0,65 mg/mL, para os métodos de DPPH∙ e FRAP, respetivamente.


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Reservoirs are artificial ecosystems, intermediate between rivers and lakes, with diferent morphological and hydrological characteristics that can provide many important benefits to society. However, the use of this water for human consumption, watering livestock, leisure, irrigated agricultural production and pisciculture development, directly influence the increase loading of nutrients to aquatic environments and contribute to acceleration of eutrophication. Furthermore, global climate models are predicting a higher occurrence of extreme events such as floods and severe droughts, which will create hydrological stresses in lakes. In the semiarid northeast we can see the occurrence of these events, the drought of the years 2012, 2013 and 2014 was the worst drought in 60 years, according to the National Water Agency (ANA). Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of the semiarid tropical water sources, identifying temporal patterns in periods with extreme hydrological events (floods and severe droughts). The study results showed that Gargalheiras and Cruzeta reservoirs presented significative changes in the limnological variables between rain and severe drought periods, with better appearance and in the most of the water quality variables in the rainy season and higher nutrientes concentrations and high electrical conductivity values in severe season, indicating decay of its quality. However, we found diferent behaviors between the reservoirs in severe drought. While Gargalheiras showed a typical behavior of the region, with high concentrations of algal biomass, indicating the worsening eutrophication, Cruzeta demonstrated a colapse in the total phytoplankton biomass, evidenced by the decrease in chla concentrations. This fact occurred because the low depth and proximity with the sediment facilited the inorganic solids resuspension and, consequently, resulted in turbid water column and light by limitation. In addition, the different behaviors between the reservoirs indicate that the responses of these environments problems such as extreme events must take into account factors such the region climate, size, depth of the reservoir and the basin characteristics.


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Nos dias de hoje a sociedade exige níveis qualitativos de vida cada vez mais elevados, o que torna prioritária a conceção de sistemas eficientes, não poluidores, económicos e diversificados que permitam uma gestão integrada e racionalizada de recursos tão escasso como é o da água e da energia. Em sistemas de abastecimento de água, o uso de válvulas redutoras de pressão (VRP) visa a uniformização e controlo de pressões, promovendo uma perda de carga localizada que dissipa a energia hidráulica presente através da redução dos valores de pressão a jusante. Estas são fundamentais no controlo e redução de pressão. A utilização de microturbinas é uma alternativa sustentável para o controle de pressão e, simultaneamente, para a produção de energia elétrica. Trata-se de um método de mitigação para controlar as perdas referidas convergindo no âmbito da eficiência energética. Na perspetiva de promover um aproveitamento de energia nas redes de abastecimento de água, o presente trabalho sugere a substituição de válvulas redutoras de pressão (VRP) por microturbinas. Desse modo, apresenta-se um método automático de seleção de (i) local para implementação e (ii) projeto de microturbinas para sistemas de abastecimento de água. Para a modelação do funcionamento dos sistemas hidráulicos recorre-se ao simulador hidráulico EPANET. Esta ferramenta possibilita avaliação de caudais e pressões em todos os pontos da rede durante um determinado intervalo de tempo. A metodologia desenvolvida permite selecionar o local ideal no sistema hidráulico através de uma análise de cada secção conduta-nó escolhendo-se a melhor opção baseada na produção de energia. Depois da localização procede-se à seleção do tipo de turbina (Kaplan, Francis, Pelton e Cross-flow) que vai depender das características do sistema hidráulico. Na etapa seguinte apresenta-se os resultados obtidos pela turbina nomeadamente a produção de energia elétrica anual, o investimento necessário, o tempo de retorno e a rentabilização ao final de um período de 25 anos. Na última etapa da metodologia, de forma avaliar o comportamento do sistema final, realiza-se uma nova simulação da rede mas tendo em conta a introdução da microturbina no local. Apresentam-se alguns casos de estudo que validam a ferramenta desenvolvida. A metodologia desenvolvida é comparada com um caso de estudo real. Em ambos os exemplos simulados a metodologia aplicada permite obter soluções com ganhos energéticos significativos associados ao sistema. Apenas num dos exemplos se observaram que a implementação da microturbina no sistema hidráulico não seria economicamente rentável.


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Headcheese is a meat sausage originated from Europe made from hog slaughter by-products. It is a much appreciated product in the South of Brazil which is increasingly established in the market, however it does not have official regulations yet. This study aimed to present the physicochemical characterization of headcheese in a western Santa Catarina industry supervised by Companhia Integrada de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa Catarina and assess 10 different brands to find the relationship between chemical composition and texture profile analysis (TPA). Thus, the chemical composition, energy value, total nitrite, lipid oxidation and physical parameters (color and texture) were evaluated. The product exhibited great variability in moisture content, lipid and protein because the different formulations, processing and intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of raw material. The utilization of offal provided higher cholesterol and iron levels, and the high content of collagen was accountable for the shear force responses (7.84 ± 1.68 N). The product showed higher amount of sodium, due to the use of additives, but calcium levels were compatible with other sausages. There was a predominance of polyunsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids/saturated fatty acids ratio was more favorable than other sausage in the same category. Nitrite assured preservation effects and thus lower product levels of oxidation were observed. The high Water Activity and pH 6.5 showed that the product is susceptible to growth of pathogens and requires cooling for preservation. Its brownish occurred due to cooking and production of metmyoglobin. There was a strong positive correlation between collagen and attributes of TPA, especially for chewiness (r = 0.855). The use of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis were able to separate three groups based on the amount of collagen and texture attributes, especially hardness, gumminess and chewiness.


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The main issues related to water conservation in urban centers are the increase in water supply cost, demand growth, pollution and differences in the distribution of water resources. Water conservation, the controlled and efficient use of water, includes both measures as reasonable means of water reuse. Thus, conservation practices are an effective way to meet demand and supply water to new activities and users without jeopardizing the supplying water bodies and preserving the natural environment. This study aims to examine the water management of a shopping mall and the use of rainwater harvesting combined with greywater reuse. For buildings in general, water loss is common due to leaks in the hydraulic and restroom equipment. These losses, which are caused by a high volume of water used and wasted in the system, are often the result of design errors, incorrect maintenance procedures and users' bad habits In southern Brazil, where there is rainfall almost all year long, water shortages occasionally occur, particularly in some winter mouths. One difficulty that appears on rainwater studies is the proper determination of rainwater volume that can be used to address water supply systems. In this work, the simulation method was used to determine this volume. Thus, simulations with the following variables: rainfall, catchment area and water consumption were performed. For mall's hydraulic systems, segmented alternatives are adopted. That is, focusing on the use of rainwater or greywater reuse. Other alternatives of effluent reuse have been slightly discussed due to sanitary issues, those are effluents from toilets and kitchen sinks. The adoption of greywater may be feasible if there is a significant flow of greywater to comply water demand for toilet flushing. The inspections made in this study found that the quantity of sinks was insufficient to supply an adequate amount of water to toilets and urinals. The greywater reuse system was found to be infeasible in terms of demand and supply of water. Conversely, the rainwater harvesting system was entirely feasible and easily supplied water to all restrooms and contributed to the cooling of the air conditioning system with a short payback period. One of the challenges of this work was the need to compare the actual water consumption with a water consumption parameter used in buildings. Thus, a method that addresses the generation of specific consumption indexes for specific activity (like a mall) was used. The water consumption indices showed that this mall has a satisfactory water management program.


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It is important to evaluate the quality of water for proper management of these resources, since the increase of environmental degradation and the multiple use of water resources are decreasing the quality of water consumed by living beings. The objective of this study was to characterize the phytoplankton community and its variations during periods of dray and rain in Jiqui Lake located in Parnamirim, RN. It was also aimed to analyze the physical and chemical factors of this environment, in order to contribute to the knowledge of water quality used for human consumption. The collection of water samples were carried out in September 2008 to August 2009. The collection of the phytoplankton community was carried out in four sampling sites (surface, bottom, margin of the lake without macrophytes and site dominated by macrophytes). Phytoplankton was collected using plankton net of 20m. The analysis of nutrients and identification of phytoplankton were performed in the laboratory. The results indicate that concentration of chlorophyll a was high in the bottom with mean value of 1.07 μgL-1 (SD ± 1.61). During the study period there was a dominance of the following species: Euglena gracilis, Trachelomonas sp, Cyclotellas sp, Gomphonema apuncto, Navicula cuspidata var. cuspidata, Navicula sp, Rhopalodia gibba. There was homogeneity between limnological values in the four study sites, with significant difference between the periods of drought and rain. The Jiqui Lake is considered oligotrophic due to its low concentrations of chlorophyll a, high transparency and low levels of nutrients. The values of BOD and chlorophyll a concentration remained below the permitted standards existing for freshwaters in Brazil, thus the water from Lake Jiqui is of good quality, suitable for human consumption.


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A casca do coco-verde é um resíduo do consumo da água de coco. Em cidades litorâneas este resíduo já tem se tornado um grande problema, pois é de difícil decomposição. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a casca do coco-verde ( Cocos nucifera L.) para a produção de celulose kraft. A matéria-prima foi caracterizada com relação à densidade básica, composição química, dimensão das fibras e proporção de elementos anatômicos. Foram realizados três cozimentos-teste sendo que um deles foi escolhido para repetição. Em cada um deles variou-se a carga alcalina visando à elaboração de curvas de cozimento. Nos resultados do processo de polpação foram encontrados valores altos de número kappa, baixos rendimentos e baixos teores de rejeito. As seguintes características do material, baixa densidade básica (0,128 g/cm³), alta quantidade de extrativos (33,68%) e baixa proporção de fibras (22,11%), corroboraram para estes resultados. Assim, a produção de polpa celulósica a partir da casca do coco-verde pelo processo kraft, não se mostrou como uma alternativa viável tecnicamente.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2015.


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Current environmental concerns include the excessive consumption and inefficient use of non-renewable natural resources. The construction industry is considered one of the largest consumers of natural raw materials, significantly contributing to the environmental degradation of the planet. The use of calcareous quarry (RPPC) and porcelain tile polishing residues (RPP) as partial replacements of the cement in mortars is an interesting alternative to minimize the exploration of considerably large amounts of natural resources. The present study aimed at investigating the properties of fresh and hardened mortars produced using residues to replace cement. The residues used were fully characterized to determine their specific mass, unitary mass, particle size distribution and morphology, and composition. The performance of the mortars was compared to that of reference compositions, prepared without residues. A total of 18 compositions were prepared, 16 using residues and 2 reference ones. The mortars were prepared using Portland CP II F 32 cement, CH I hydrated lime, river sand and tap water. The compositions of the mortars were 1:1:6 and 1:0.5:4.5 (vol%), and water to cement ratios of 1.87 and 1.45 were used, respectively. The mortars in the fresh state were evaluated by consistency index, water retention, density of mass and incorporated air content tests. In their hardened state, the mortars were evaluated by apparent mass density, modulus of elasticity, flexural tensile strength, compressive strength and water absorption by capillarity. The mortars were also analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and fluorescence. Finally, they were classified according to NBR 13281 standards. The mortars prepared using residues partially replacing the cement exhibited lower modulus of elasticity compared to the reference compositions, thus improving the performance in their intended use. On the downside, the water absorption by capillarity was affected by the presence of residues and both the tensile and compressive strength were reduced. However, from the overall standpoint, the replacement of cement by calcareous quarry or porcelain tile polishing residues did not result in significant changes in the properties of the mortars. Therefore, compositions containing these residues can be used in the construction industry


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Nowadays, industries from all sectors have great concerns over the disposition of the residues generated along the productive process. This is not different in the mineral sector, as this generates great volumes of residues. It was verified that the kaolin improvement industry generates great volumes of residue basically constituted of kaolinite, muscovite mica and quartz, which are basic constitution elements to formularisations of ceramics masses to the production of covering of stoneware tiles type. This happens because the methodology applied to the improvement process is still very rudimentary, what causes a very low yield, only ¼ from all the material volume that enters the improvement process, in the end, is marketable. The disposal of this residue, in a general way, causes a very big negative environmental impact, what has justified the researches efforts aiming to find a rational solution to this problem. In this way, the intention of this present work is the utilization of this residue in the manufacture of products to high quality ceramics covering, stoneware tiles in an industrial scale. For this purpose, the influence of the addition of the residue to a standard ceramics mass used by a ceramics sector company, already established in the market, with the intention of verifying the possibility of use of this residue as the mass complementary raw material and even the possible partial or total substitution of one of the components of the mass for the raw material in evidence will be studied. To the accomplishment of this work, the kaolin improvement residue generated by an industry of exploitation and improvement of kaolin, located in the region of Equador-RN, in the levels 1,2,4,8, 16 and 32% will be added to the standard mass already used for the production of stoneware tiles. The raw materials used, kaolin residue and the standard mass, were characterized through DRX, FRX, DTA, TGA and dilatometry. After the sintering of the bodies of test, tests of water absorption, apparent porosity, post burning linear retraction, apparent specific mass and flexural strength (3 point bending) were realized to determinate the technological properties of these materials. The results show the studied residue can be considered raw material of great potential to the industry of floor and ceramics covering of the stoneware tiles type


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Boron is a semi-metal present in certain types of soils and natural waters. It is essential to the healthy development of plants and non-toxic to humans, depending on its concentration. It is used in various industries and it s present in water production coming from oil production. More specifically in Rio Grande do Norte, one of the largest oil producers on shore of Brazil, the relationship water/oil in some fields becomes more than 90%. The most common destination of this produced water is disposal in open sea after processing to meet the legal specification. In this context, this research proposes to study the extraction of boron in water produced by microemulsion systems for industrial utilization. It was taken into account the efficiency of extraction of boron related to surfactant (DDA and OCS, both characterized by FT-IR), cosurfactant (butanol and isoamyl alcohol), organic phase (kerosene and heptanes) and aqueous phase (solution of boron 3.6 ppm in alkaline pH). The ratio cosurfactant/ surfactant used was four and the percentage of organic phases for all points of study was set at 5%. It was chosen points with the highest percentage of aqueous phase. Each system was designed for three points of different compositions in relation to the constituents of a pseudoternary diagram. These points were chosen according to studies of phase behavior in pseudoternary diagrams made in previous studies. For this research, points were chosen in the Winsor II region. The excess aqueous solution obtained in these systems was separated and analyzed by ICP OES. For the data set obtained, the better efficiency in the extraction of boron was obtained using the system with DAC, isoamyl alcohol and heptanes, which extracted 49% in a single step. OCS was not viable to the extraction of boron by microemulsion system in the conditions defined in this study


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It is important to evaluate the quality of water for proper management of these resources, since the increase of environmental degradation and the multiple use of water resources are decreasing the quality of water consumed by living beings. The objective of this study was to characterize the phytoplankton community and its variations during periods of dray and rain in Jiqui Lake located in Parnamirim, RN. It was also aimed to analyze the physical and chemical factors of this environment, in order to contribute to the knowledge of water quality used for human consumption. The collection of water samples were carried out in September 2008 to August 2009. The collection of the phytoplankton community was carried out in four sampling sites (surface, bottom, margin of the lake without macrophytes and site dominated by macrophytes). Phytoplankton was collected using plankton net of 20m. The analysis of nutrients and identification of phytoplankton were performed in the laboratory. The results indicate that concentration of chlorophyll a was high in the bottom with mean value of 1.07 μgL-1 (SD ± 1.61). During the study period there was a dominance of the following species: Euglena gracilis, Trachelomonas sp, Cyclotellas sp, Gomphonema apuncto, Navicula cuspidata var. cuspidata, Navicula sp, Rhopalodia gibba. There was homogeneity between limnological values in the four study sites, with significant difference between the periods of drought and rain. The Jiqui Lake is considered oligotrophic due to its low concentrations of chlorophyll a, high transparency and low levels of nutrients. The values of BOD and chlorophyll a concentration remained below the permitted standards existing for freshwaters in Brazil, thus the water from Lake Jiqui is of good quality, suitable for human consumption.


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Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry was used to determine Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu in samples of processed and natural coconut water. The sample preparation consisted in a filtration step followed by a dilution. The analysis was made employing optimized instrumental parameters and the results were evaluated using methods of Pattern Recognition. The data showed common concentration values for the analytes present in processed and natural samples. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) indicated that the samples of different kinds were statistically different when the concentrations of all the analytes were considered simultaneously.


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This paper discusses the historical and methodological fundaments of the dynamics and quantification of acid volatile sulfides (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) in aquatic sediments. It also discusses the SEM/AVS relationship, which involves several controversial aspects such as sulfide stability, sulfide-organic matter interaction, and the inability to predict the toxicity of organic compounds in the environment. This relationship is an important tool for the inference of metal bioavailability. The use of ecotoxicological tests with target organisms regulated by international standards is also a relevant aspect.