886 resultados para Anotación de corpus


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ges. u. erl. von D. Chwolson. Mit 4 photolithogr. u. 2 phototyp. Taf. nebst e. Schrifttaf. von [Julius] Euting


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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) applied over the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in healthy participants has been shown to trigger a significant rightward shift in the spatial allocation of visual attention, temporarily mimicking spatial deficits observed in neglect. In contrast, rTMS applied over the left PPC triggers a weaker or null attentional shift. However, large interindividual differences in responses to rTMS have been reported. Studies measuring changes in brain activation suggest that the effects of rTMS may depend on both interhemispheric and intrahemispheric interactions between cortical loci controlling visual attention. Here, we investigated whether variability in the structural organization of human white matter pathways subserving visual attention, as assessed by diffusion magnetic resonance imaging and tractography, could explain interindividual differences in the effects of rTMS. Most participants showed a rightward shift in the allocation of spatial attention after rTMS over the right intraparietal sulcus (IPS), but the size of this effect varied largely across participants. Conversely, rTMS over the left IPS resulted in strikingly opposed individual responses, with some participants responding with rightward and some with leftward attentional shifts. We demonstrate that microstructural and macrostructural variability within the corpus callosum, consistent with differential effects on cross-hemispheric interactions, predicts both the extent and the direction of the response to rTMS. Together, our findings suggest that the corpus callosum may have a dual inhibitory and excitatory function in maintaining the interhemispheric dynamics that underlie the allocation of spatial attention. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The posterior parietal cortex (PPC) controls allocation of attention across left versus right visual fields. Damage to this area results in neglect, characterized by a lack of spatial awareness of the side of space contralateral to the brain injury. Transcranial magnetic stimulation over the PPC is used to study cognitive mechanisms of spatial attention and to examine the potential of this technique to treat neglect. However, large individual differences in behavioral responses to stimulation have been reported. We demonstrate that the variability in the structural organization of the corpus callosum accounts for these differences. Our findings suggest novel dual mechanism of the corpus callosum function in spatial attention and have broader implications for the use of stimulation in neglect rehabilitation.


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Europarl is a large multilingual corpus containing the minutes of the debates at the European Parliament. This article presents a method to extract different corpora from Europarl: monolingual and multilingual comparable corpora, as well as parallel corpora. Using state-of-the-art measures of homogeneity, we show that these corpora are very similar. In addition, we argue that they present many advantages for research in various fields of linguistics and translation studies, and we also discuss some of their limitations. We conclude by reviewing a number of previous studies that made use of these corpora, emphasizing in each case the possibilities offered by Europarl.


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Israele Zoller


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von Samuel Klein ; mit Unterstüzung von Zunzstiftung, Berlin


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Vorbesitzer: Karl Rücker


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Coronary perfusion with thrombolytic therapy and selective reperfusion by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) were examined in the Corpus Christi Heart Project, a population-based surveillance program for hospitalized acute myocardial infarction (MI) patients in a biethnic community of Mexican-Americans (MAs) and non-Hispanic whites (NHWs). Results were based on 250 (12.4%) patients who received thromobolytic therapy in a cohort of 2011 acute MI cases. Out of these 107 (42.8%) underwent PTCA with a mean follow-up of 25 months. There were 186 (74.4%) men and 64 (25.6%) women; 148 (59.2%) were NHWs, 86 (34.4%) were MAs. Thrombolysis and PTCA were performed less frequently in women than in men, and less frequently in MAs than in NHWs.^ According to the coronary reperfusion interventions used, patients were divided in two groups, those that received no-PTCA (57.2%) and the other that underwent PTCA (42.8%) after thrombolysis. The case-fatality rate was higher in no-PTCA patients than in the PTCA (7.7% versus 5.6%), as was mortality at one year (16.2% versus 10.5%). Reperfusion was successful in 48.0% in the entire cohort and (51.4% versus 45.6%) in the PTCA and no-PTCA groups. Mortality in the successful reperfusion patients was 5.0% compared to 22.3% in the unsuccessful reperfusion group (p = 0.00016, 95% CI: 1.98-11.6).^ Cardiac catheterization was performed in 86.4% thrombolytic patients. Severe stenosis ($>$75%) obstruction was present most commonly in the left descending artery (52.8%) and in the right coronary artery (52.8%). The occurrence of adverse in-hospital clinical events was higher in the no-PTCA as compared to the PTCA and catheterized patients with the exception of reperfusion arrythmias (p = 0.140; Fisher's exact test p = 0.129).^ Cox regression analysis was used to study the relationship between selected variables and mortality. Apart from successful reperfusion, age group (p = 0.028, 95% CI: 2.1-12.42), site of acute MI index (p = 0.050) and ejection-fraction (p = 0.052) were predictors of long-term survival. The ejection-fraction in the PTCA group was higher than (median 78% versus 53%) in the no-PTCA group. Assessed by logistic regression analysis history of high cholesterol ($>$200mg/dl) and diabetes mellites did have significant prognostic value (p = 0.0233; p = 0.0318) in long-term survival irrespective of treatment status.^ In conclusion, the results of this study support the idea that the use of PTCA as a selective intervention following thrombolysis improves survival of patients with acute MI. The use of PTCA in this setting appears to be safe. However, we can not exclude the possibility that some of these results may have occurred due to the exclusion from PTCA of high risk patients (selection bias). ^


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El tratamiento de la nominalización desde un punto de vista sintáctico y discursivo revela una serie de características que se deberán tener presentes al analizar las realizaciones de los sintagmas que encabezan en un corpus textual. En primer lugar, es necesario observar la relación que mantiene la nominalización con una cláusula de verbo finito, de la cual hereda la estructura argumental. Sin embargo, con respecto a dicha cláusula se pierden los significados que aporta la flexión verbal, es decir, la modalidad y la temporalidad enunciativas así como el aspecto de la acción. Otro rasgo fundamental que desaparece con la nominalización es el carácter activo o pasivo de la acción en el caso de los verbos transitivos. Esto ha llevado a plantear la no recuperabilidad total de la cláusula que da origen a una nominalización. Desde el punto de vista discursivo, la nominalización deverbal permite al enunciador introducir en su enunciado objetos discursivos que han sido construidos en el discurso anterior (nominalización anafórica intradiscursiva) o bien presentarlos como preconstruidos, como ya dados de antemano. Al mismo tiempo, el enunciador puede o no saturar la estructura argumental del lexema nominalizado, de modo que los papeles temáticos de agente, de paciente, de meta, etc. pueden estar explícitamente integrados en el sintagma como complementos, o bien ser recuperables a partir del contexto, o bien quedar vacíos. La aparición de nominalizaciones preconstruidas en un discurso permite observar la presencia del interdiscurso, en la medida en que el enunciador presenta un enunciado anterior, procedente de otro lugar como un objeto ya dado, de cuya aserción no se hace cargo, pero que despliega la evidencia de lo consabido. A partir de estas consideraciones se analiza un corpus constituido por una serie de manuales escolares de Historia Argentina publicados entre 1980 y 2000, en los que el tratamiento de los gobiernos peronistas adquiere un particular interés dado el grado de conflictividad política que conlleva el tema en la sociedad argentina y, en consecuencia, en la educación pública del ciudadano


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Este trabajo plantea el estudio de un archivo en construcción, el del escritor Pablo Ramos. La reunión de sus textos publicados en libro dialoga con otras versiones de sus obras publicadas en su blog personal, su página de Facebook, entrevistas y planes de escritura. Su permanente diálogo sobre qué es ser escritor o qué es la literatura discute con la mirada de sus lectores y sus críticos. Proponemos identificar los diversos textos que componen un archivo que reúna la(s) palabra(s) del autor y plantear clasificaciones posibles para la variedad de materiales que lo integran