719 resultados para Allergic Rhinitis
A asma é considerada um problema de saúde pública mundial. É necessário expandir o conhecimento sobre seus custos associados em diferentes regiões. O principal objetivo foi estimar os custos do tratamento da asma em uma população de asmáticos com diferentes níveis de gravidade, sob tratamento ambulatorial especializado. Os objetivos secundários foram analisar as características clínicas e sócio-econômicas da população e o custo incremental da associação com a rinite e infecções respiratórias (IR). Asmáticos ≥ 6 anos de idade com asma persistente foram incluídos consecutivamente de março de 2011 a setembro de 2012. Todos realizaram visitas clínicas de rotina com intervalos de 3-4 meses e 2 entrevistas com intervalos de 6 meses para coleta dados. Variáveis clínicas e dados primários sobre os custos da asma, rinite e infecções respiratórias (IR) foram coletados diretamente dos pacientes ou responsáveis (< 18 anos), sob uma perspectiva da sociedade. Os custos em reais foram convertidos em dólares usando a paridade do poder de compra em 2012 (US$ 1,00 = R$ 1,71). Cento e oito pacientes completaram o estudo, sendo 73,8% mulheres. A maioria (75,0%) reside no município do RJ, sendo que 60,1% destes moram longe da unidade de saúde. Rinite crônica estava presente em 83,3%, e mais da metade tinha sobrepeso ou obesidade, nos quais a prevalência de asma grave foi maior (p = 0,001). Metade ou mais dos trabalhadores e estudantes faltaram as suas atividades em decorrência da asma. A renda familiar mensal (RFM) média foi de US$ 915,90 (DP=879,12). O custo médio estimado da asma/rinite/IR foi de US$ 1.276,72 por paciente-ano (DP=764,14) e o custo médio específico da asma foi de US$ 1.140,94 (DP=760,87). Asmáticos obesos, graves ou não controlados tiveram maiores custos em comparação aos não obesos, moderados/leves e controlados (p <0,05 em todas as comparações). A população estudada tem nível sócio-econômico médio/baixo, alta prevalência de rinite crônica e de sobrepeso/obesidade. Maior peso e menor RFM foram mais frequentes entre os graves e não controlados, respectivamente. Asmáticos obesos, graves ou não controlados tiveram maiores custos. O custo incremental da rinite e IR foi de 12%. O custo médio da asma foi equivalente à metade do relatado na União Européia e nos Estados Unidos da América, e foi maior do que a média na região Ásia-Pacífico. Num cenário ideal, onde todos os asmáticos brasileiros recebessem tratamento no Sistema Único de Saúde de acordo com a Iniciativa Global para Asma, o custo total da asma seria equivalente a 3,4-4,5% e 0,4-0,6% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) da saúde e do PIB brasileiro, respectivamente. Estratégias de saúde pública com programas estruturados que facilitem o melhor controle da asma e estimulem a redução de peso poderão contribuir para reduzir os custos da doença, o que poderia tornar a oferta de tratamento medicamentoso gratuito para todos os asmáticos persistentes no SUS uma meta alcançável. Recomendamos estender este estudo de custo da asma para diferentes regiões do país.
Prevalence of Asthma Symptoms and Associated Factors in Schoolchildren from Brazilian Amazon Islands
Objectives. To determine the prevalence of asthma symptoms among schoolchildren living on two different Brazilian Amazon islands and to identify the risk factors related to this condition. Methods. A cross-sectional study of 400 schoolchildren (5-8 years old) using written questionnaires produced by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood, a skin prick test (allergic sensitization), and a stool examination (for helminthic infection). Nonparametric tests were carried out, and the risk factors were identified by logistic regression. Results. the prevalence of active asthma symptoms was markedly higher in children living on Outeiro Island (OI) than those living on Comb Island (CBI) (30.5% and 16.5%, respectively). the logistic regression identified several risk factors of asthma symptoms on CBI: parental history of asthma, night coughing in the past year, and currently have a cat. On OI, the major risk factors were parental history of asthma, personal history of eczema, having two or more older siblings, and night coughing in the past year. the risk factors in common on both the islands were night coughing in the past year and parental history of asthma. Conclusions. the prevalence of asthma symptoms was higher in those with a lifestyle closer to that observed in urban areas (i.e., better sanitation and hygiene), reinforcing the protective effect of a rural environment. Different risk factors were associated with asthma symptoms in schoolchildren living on OI and on CBI. This fact may reflect the environmental individuality and particularities of each island.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
As a by-product of the ‘information revolution’ which is currently unfolding, lifetimes of man (and indeed computer) hours are being allocated for the automated and intelligent interpretation of data. This is particularly true in medical and clinical settings, where research into machine-assisted diagnosis of physiological conditions gains momentum daily. Of the conditions which have been addressed, however, automated classification of allergy has not been investigated, even though the numbers of allergic persons are rising, and undiagnosed allergies are most likely to elicit fatal consequences. On the basis of the observations of allergists who conduct oral food challenges (OFCs), activity-based analyses of allergy tests were performed. Algorithms were investigated and validated by a pilot study which verified that accelerometer-based inquiry of human movements is particularly well-suited for objective appraisal of activity. However, when these analyses were applied to OFCs, accelerometer-based investigations were found to provide very poor separation between allergic and non-allergic persons, and it was concluded that the avenues explored in this thesis are inadequate for the classification of allergy. Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis is known to provide very significant diagnostic information for many conditions. Owing to this, electrocardiograms (ECGs) were recorded during OFCs for the purpose of assessing the effect that allergy induces on HRV features. It was found that with appropriate analysis, excellent separation between allergic and nonallergic subjects can be obtained. These results were, however, obtained with manual QRS annotations, and these are not a viable methodology for real-time diagnostic applications. Even so, this was the first work which has categorically correlated changes in HRV features to the onset of allergic events, and manual annotations yield undeniable affirmation of this. Fostered by the successful results which were obtained with manual classifications, automatic QRS detection algorithms were investigated to facilitate the fully automated classification of allergy. The results which were obtained by this process are very promising. Most importantly, the work that is presented in this thesis did not obtain any false positive classifications. This is a most desirable result for OFC classification, as it allows complete confidence to be attributed to classifications of allergy. Furthermore, these results could be particularly advantageous in clinical settings, as machine-based classification can detect the onset of allergy which can allow for early termination of OFCs. Consequently, machine-based monitoring of OFCs has in this work been shown to possess the capacity to significantly and safely advance the current state of clinical art of allergy diagnosis
Background: The eliciting dose (ED) for a peanut allergic reaction in 5% of the peanut allergic population, the ED05, is 1.5 mg of peanut protein. This ED05 was derived from oral food challenges (OFC) that use graded, incremental doses administered at fixed time intervals. Individual patients’ threshold doses were used to generate population dose-distribution curves using probability distributions from which the ED05 was then determined. It is important to clinically validate that this dose is predictive of the allergenic response in a further unselected group of peanut-allergic individuals. Methods/Aims: This is a multi-centre study involving three national level referral and teaching centres. (Cork University Hospital, Ireland, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, Australia and Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, U.S.A.) The study is now in process and will continue to run until all centres have recruited 125 participates in each respective centre. A total of 375 participants, aged 1–18 years will be recruited during routine Allergy appointments in the centres. The aim is to assess the precision of the predicted ED05 using a single dose (6 mg peanut = 1.5 mg of peanut protein) in the form of a cookie. Validated Food Allergy related Quality of Life Questionnaires-(FAQLQ) will be self-administered prior to OFC and 1 month after challenge to assess the impact of a single dose OFC on FAQL. Serological and cell based in vitro studies will be performed. Conclusion: The validation of the ED05 threshold for allergic reactions in peanut allergic subjects has potential value for public health measures. The single dose OFC, based upon the statistical dose-distribution analysis of past challenge trials, promises an efficient approach to identify the most highly sensitive patients within any given food-allergic population.
Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that CNS myelin is phagocytized and metabolized by cultured rat macrophages to a much larger extent when myelin is pretreated with serum containing antibodies to myelin constituents than when it is left untreated or pretreated with non-specific serum. In this study the effect of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from rabbits with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in promoting myelin phagocytosis was examined. Fourteen rabbits were immunized with purified myelin in Freund's complete adjuvant, seven of which developed clinical EAE symptoms. Serum and CSF were collected from EAE and control rabbits, and the CSF was centrifuged to remove cells. Sera and CSF from these rabbits and from Freund's adjuvant-immunized controls and untreated controls were measured for IgG content by radial diffusion assay, their myelin antibody characteristics were analyzed by immunoblots, and the ability of these serum and CSF samples to promote myelin phagocytosis when used for myelin opsonization was examined. The ability of a CSF sample to enhance radioactive myelin uptake and phagocytosis by cultured macrophages as measured by the appearance of radioactive cholesterol ester was linearly proportional to its total IgG titer, and correlated approximately both with clinical symptoms of the animal and the presence of antibody against the myelin constituents myelin basic protein, proteolipid protein, and galactocerebroside. The cholesterol esterification activities of EAE sera correlated to a lesser extent with IgG levels and clinical symptoms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis is characterized by invasion of lymphocytes and macrophages into the central nervous system resulting in inflammation, edema, and demyelination. Sera from Lewis rats from 7-95 days after immunization with purified guinea pig CNS myelin were examined with respect to their ability to opsonize myelin. This was correlated with the appearance of antibody components and the relative amounts of antibody to myelin basic protein (MBP) and proteolipid protein (PLP). Sera from rats 10-95 days after immunization preincubated with purified myelin induced phagocytosis of myelin by cultured macrophages with the resulting production of cholesterol ester. This opsonization activity as measured by the percentage of cholesterol esterified reached a peak at 26-27 days after immunization but remained significantly elevated up to 95 days post-immunization compared to the activity of serum from the Freund's adjuvant-injected controls. Immunoblots of the sera revealed a gradual increase in antibody activity against myelin components. ELISA assays for MBP and PLP antibody showed a similar pattern. Antibody to galactocerebroside (GC) was not detected by immunostains nor by the ELISA assay. Areas of demyelination were observed histologically by luxol-fast blue stained spinal cords up to 60 days post-immunization. These results indicate that antibodies to myelin protein when given access to myelin through or within the blood brain barrier could initiate or enhance the phagocytic response by peripheral or resident macrophages.
BACKGROUND: Positive skin prick tests (SPT) for food allergens and specific IgE (sIgE) in serum indicate sensitization but do not enable distinction between sensitized but tolerant and clinically allergic patients. OBJECTIVE: Herein, we evaluate the clinical relevance of basophil activation tests (BATs) for peanut or egg allergy diagnosis. METHODS: Thirty-two peanut-allergic, 14 peanut-sensitized (sIgE(+) and/or SPT(+) to peanuts) but tolerant children and 29 controls with no history of an adverse reaction to peanuts were included. Similarly, 31 egg-allergic, 14 egg-sensitized children (sIgE(+) and/or SPT(+) to egg white) and 22 controls were studied. Flow cytometric analysis of CD63 expression or CD203c upregulation on basophils and the production of leukotrienes (LT) were performed in response to an in vitro crude peanut extract or ovalbumin (OVA) challenge. RESULTS: After in vitro peanut challenge, the basophils from peanut-allergic children showed significantly higher levels of activation than those from controls (P<0.001). After OVA challenge, a similar distinction (P<0.001) was observed between egg-allergics and controls. Interestingly, the majority of egg- or peanut-sensitized children failed to activate basophils, respectively, in response to OVA and peanut challenge. The sensitivity of the CD63, CD203c and LT assay was 86.7%, 89.5% and 76.0% with a specificity of 94.1%, 97.1% and 94.6% for peanut allergy diagnosis. The corresponding performances of BATs applied to egg allergy diagnosis were 88.9%, 62.5% and 77.8% for the sensitivity and 100%, 96.4% and 96.4% for the specificity. CONCLUSION: Neither conventional tests nor BATs are sensitive and specific enough to predict food allergy accurately. However, BATs may helpfully complete conventional tests, especially SPT, allowing improved discrimination between allergic and non-allergic individuals.
OBJECTIVES: The biological effects of resin-modified glass-ionomer cements as used in clinical dentistry are described, and the literature reviewed on this topic. METHODS: Information on resin-modified glass-ionomers and on 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), the most damaging substance released by these materials, has been collected from over 50 published papers. These were mainly identified through Scopus. RESULTS: HEMA is known to be released from these materials and has a variety of damaging biological properties, ranging from pulpal inflammation to allergic contact dermatitis. These are therefore potential hazards from resin-modified glass-ionomers. However, clinical results with these materials that have been reported to date are generally positive. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Resin-modified glass-ionomers cannot be considered biocompatible to nearly the same extent as conventional glass-ionomers. Care needs to be taken with regard to their use in dentistry and, in particular, dental personnel may be at risk from adverse effects such as contact dermatitis and other immunological responses.
Neutrophil elastase (NE) is thought to be the most important protease which damages the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung. Attempts have been made to suppress this activity using the plasma-derived inhibitor, alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT). In this pilot study, the safety and efficacy of inhaled recombinant human AAT (rAAT) as a treatment for CF were investigated. Thirty-nine patients participated in a prospective, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled phase II trial to examine the effect of rAAT (500, 250, and 125 mg) on sputum NE activity. Sputum myeloperoxidase (MPO), interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor receptors, sputum and plasma NE/AAT complexes, and safety parameters were also measured. Subjects were randomized to receive nebulized treatment once a day for 4 weeks, followed by 2–4 weeks with no study treatment, and then a 2-week rechallenge phase. Trends toward a reduction in NE activity were observed in patients treated with 500 mg and 250 mg of rAAT compared to placebo. Sputum NE/AAT complex and MPO levels were lower on rAAT compared to placebo. No major adverse events and, in particular, no allergic reactions to rAAT were observed. Although significant differences between rAAT and placebo for sputum NE activity were not observed, some improvements were found for secondary efficacy variables. This study demonstrated that nebulized rAAT is safe and well-tolerated, but has a limited effect on NE activity and other markers of inflammation. Pediatr Pulmonol.
Yeasts and filamentous fungi are beginning to emerge as significant microbial pathogens in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), particularly in relation to allergic-type responses, as seen in patients with allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), Aspergillus bronchitis and in invasive fungal disease in lung transplant patients. Four fungal media were compared in this study, including Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) and Medium B, with and without the addition of selective antibiotics, where antibiotic-supplemented media were designated with (+). These media were compared for their ability to suppress contaminating, mainly Gram-ve pathogens, in CF sputa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia complex [BCC] organisms) and to enhance the growth of fungi present in CF sputum. Medium B consisted of glucose (16.7 g/l), agar (20 g/l), yeast extract (30 g/l) and peptone (6.8 g/l) at pH 6.3 and both SDA(+) and Medium B+ were supplemented with cotrimethoxazole, 128 mg/l; chloramphenicol, 50 mg/l; ceftazidime, 32 mg/l; colistin, 24 mg/l). Employment of SDA(+) or Medium B+ allowed an increase in specificity in the detection of yeasts and moulds, by 42.8% and 39.3%, respectively, over SDA when used solely. SDA(+) had a greater ability than Medium B+ to suppress bacterial growth from predominantly Gram-ve co-colonisers. This is a significant benefit when attempting to detect and isolate fungi from the sputum of CF patients, as it largely suppressed any bacterial growth, with the exception of the BCC organisms, thus allowing for an increased opportunity to detect target fungal organisms in sputum and represented a significant improvement over the commercial medium (SDA), which is currently used. Overall, both novel selective media were superior in their ability to suppress bacteria in comparison with the commercially available SDA medium, which is routinely employed in most clinical microbiology diagnostic laboratories presently. Alternatively, Medium B+ had a great ability to grow fungi than SDA(+) and when employed together, the specificity of combined use was 82%, with a sensitivity for yeasts, filamentous fungi, and combined overall fungi of 96.0%, 92.3% and 96.0%, respectively. Overall, when employing one fungal selective medium for the routine detection of yeasts and filamentous fungi in the sputum of CF patients, we would recommend employment of Medium B+. However, we would recommend the combined employment of SDA(+) and Medium B+, in order to synergistically isolate and detect the greatest number of fungi present in CF sputa. (C) 2008 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Background The use of portable fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) devices is increasingly common in the diagnosis and management of allergic airways inflammation. Methods We tested two handheld FENO devices, to determine (a) if there was adequate intradevice repeatability to allow the use of single breath testing, and (b) if the devices could be used interchangeably. In a mixed pediatric population, including normal, asthmatic, and children with peanut allergies, 858 paired values were collected from the NIOX-MINO® and/or the NObreath® devices. Results The NIOX-MINO® showed excellent repeatability (mean difference of 0.1 with 95% limits of agreement between -7.93 to 7.72?ppb), while the NObreath® showed good repeatability (mean difference of -1.61 with 95% limits of agreement between -14.1 and 10.8?ppb). Intradevice repeatability was good but not adequate and the NIOX-MINO® systematically produced higher results than the NObreath® [mean difference of 7.8?ppb with 95% limits of agreement from -11.55 to 27.52?ppb (-33% to 290%)]. Conclusions Our results support the manufacturer's advice that single breath testing is appropriate for the NIOX-MINO®. NObreath® results indicate that the mean of more than one breath should be utilized. The devices cannot be used interchangeably. Pediatr Pulmonol. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Objective and design: Drug-induced adverse reactions can be allergic or pseudoallergic in nature, in this study the histamine releasing ability of 4 radiographic contrast media and 2 opioid analgesics was tested on a variety of mast cell containing cell suspensions.
Abstract Background IL-31 is a novel cytokine that has been implicated in allergic diseases such as atopic dermatitis and more recently asthma. While IL-31 has been well studied in skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, little is known about the role IL-31 plays in asthma and specifically the differentiation process of the bronchial epithelium, which is central to the pathogenesis of allergic asthma. Methods We examined the effects of IL-13 (20 ng/ml), IL-31 (20 ng/ml) and an IL-13/IL-31 combination stimulation (20 ng/ml each) on the in vitro mucociliary differentiation of paediatric bronchial epithelial cells (PBECs) from healthy patients (n=6). IL-31 receptor (IL-31-RA) expression, markers of differentiation (goblet and ciliated cells), transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER), quantification of goblet and ciliated cells, real time PCR for MUC5AC, ELISA for VEGF, EGF and MCP-1 (CCL-2) and ELISA for MUC5AC were assessed. Results We found that well-differentiated PBECs expressed IL-31-RA however it's expression did not increase upon stimulation with IL-31 or either of the other treatments. TEER indicated good formation of tight junctions which was found to be similar across all treatment groups (p=0.9). We found that IL-13 alone significantly reduced the number of ciliated cells compared with unstimulated (IL-13 stimuation: mean=4.8% (SD=2.5); unstimulated: mean=15.9%, (SD=7.4), p