334 resultados para Airports.


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The traditional social “contract” in the UK mainland between the public and the police involves the ideal of an unarmed police service. In recent years while the public have accepted the more visible role of specialist armed officers on security duties in airports and strategic positions, the majority of officers remain unarmed. Following 7/7 in London and the Derrick Bird case in Cumbria there have been media calls for more police officers to be armed on a routine basis .This would fundamentally change the social contract and the relationship with the British public. The principle of policing by consent and the idea of the citizen in uniform are the fundamental tenets of British policing .Historically the only forces in the UK which are routinely armed are the Police Service of Northern Ireland in Northern Ireland, the Ministry of Defence Police and the Civil Nuclear Constabulary. In contrast all major police forces in Europe, as well as the US, Canada and Australia routinely carry firearms, the exceptions apart from Britain, are the Irish Republic, and New Zealand. In Norway officers carry arms in their cars but not on their person. Every time unarmed police officers are killed, as with the tragic case of Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone killed in the line of duty in Manchester in 2013, the question of arming the British Police is raised.So does the current balance protect the public and safeguard officers or does it fail to satisfy either. Is the current balance between unarmed and armed police in the UK suitable for the 21st Century? There appears to be competing agendas for the Police to contend with. These have been illustrated by recent controversy in Scotland about a standing authority which allowed a small number of officers to carry guns while on routine patrol .Politicians and community leaders attacked the nationwide roll-out of officers with a standing authority to carry guns on routine patrols since the formation of Scotland’s single police force. The Forces armed police monitoring group recommended keeping the standing authority in place after it was given intelligence on serious organised crime groups in 2014.The Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) in its review of the authority (2014) said the operational need for the authority is justified by national intelligence and threat levels.


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A história da sociedade humana sempre foi fiel ao retrato das diferentes etapas do seu desenvolvimento. O ser humano sempre sentiu a necessidade de realizar os seus propósitos de sobrevivência, conjugando os diferentes elementos inerentes a este processo. As organizações se destacam na manipulação de recursos valiosos, que exigem a busca permanente de equilíbrios sustentáveis. Para tal, estas elaboram estratégias, que permitam o alcance de seus objetivos, garantindo a sustentabilidade interna e externa. O presente trabalho de pesquisa centrou o seu exercício na perceção do papel que a Área de Recursos Humanos no processo definição da estratégia, focalizando os diferentes modelos que vão desde o RH estritamente operacional ao RH estratégico. Esta dimensão evidenciou o papel decisivo do alinhamento do RH à estratégia, como parte integrante da estratégia global da organização, desde a formulação até a implementação. Foi realizado um estudo de caso qualitativo na Empresa Nacional de Exploração de Aeroportos e Navegação Aérea (ENANA-EP), em Angola, caracterizado, pela recolha exaustiva de documentos relevantes da gestão da empresa, e concomitantemente a coleta de dados por via de um questionário escrito, que revelaram o estádio evolutivo da Área de RH, bem como o seu posicionamento ainda como órgão de consultoria interna, necessitando trabalhar novas ideias e estruturar procedimentos que integrem com maior facilidade a Área de RH no processo de definição da estratégia, configurando-a como gestora de talentos e competências, com foco no conhecimento e no capital humano.


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This document is a fold-out aeronautical chart with diagrams of South Carolina airports.


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El transporte aéreo es un sector caracterizado por ser uno de los de más rápido crecimiento en la economía mundial. Este aumento explosivo constituye un desafío para los aeropuertos en términos de desarrollo de la capacidad y la gestión. La conversión hacia la comercialización y privatización de la infraestructura aeroportuaria ha seguido los procesos de desregulación y privatización de las aerolíneas, aunque con un importante retraso. Entre los motivos que han conducido a estos procesos se encuentra la necesidad de mejorar su eficiencia para enfrentar una industria aeronáutica altamente competitiva. Este artículo de reflexión tiene como punto de partida la idea, generalmente aceptada, de que la privatización como modelo de propiedad o gestión está asociada con una mayor productividad. Los trabajos de referencia abordados hacen mención a aquellos cuyo análisis de la eficiencia es hecho a través de la técnica DEA por ser una de las más consolidadas y aceptadas en la literatura.


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Worldwide air traffic tends to increase and for many airports it is no longer an op-tion to expand terminals and runways, so airports are trying to maximize their op-erational efficiency. Many airports already operate near their maximal capacity. Peak hours imply operational bottlenecks and cause chained delays across flights impacting passengers, airlines and airports. Therefore there is a need for the opti-mization of the ground movements at the airports. The ground movement prob-lem consists of routing the departing planes from the gate to the runway for take-off, and the arriving planes from the runway to the gate, and to schedule their movements. The main goal is to minimize the time spent by the planes during their ground movements while respecting all the rules established by the Ad-vanced Surface Movement, Guidance and Control Systems of the International Civil Aviation. Each aircraft event (arrival or departing authorization) generates a new environment and therefore a new instance of the Ground Movement Prob-lem. The optimization approach proposed is based on an Iterated Local Search and provides a fast heuristic solution for each real-time event generated instance granting all safety regulations. Preliminary computational results are reported for real data comparing the heuristic solutions with the solutions obtained using a mixed-integer programming approach.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Criminologia


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This document shows the operations per year for airports in South Carolina broken down by air taxi, local, itin, military and totals.


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This document shows the operations per year for airports in South Carolina broken down by air taxi, local, itin, military and totals.


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This document is a list of contacts for each airport in South Carolina, with address, company or agency affiliation, phone number, fax number, and title for each contact.


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This document is a list of contacts for each airport in South Carolina, with address, company or agency affiliation, phone number, fax number, and title for each contact.


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This document is a list of aviation facilities in South Carolina. It is broken down by county, type, use, owner, FAA site, FAA ID, facility name, manager name and phone number.


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This document is a list of aviation facilities in South Carolina. It is broken down by county, type, use, owner, FAA site, FAA ID, facility name, manager name and phone number.


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This is a list of airports in South Carolina and the kinds of planes that are based there. It is broken down by facility name, FAA ID, type, single, multi, jet, helicopter, glider, military and ultralight.