998 resultados para Airborne radio-echo sounding


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Low pressure radio frequency plasma-assisted deposition of 1-isopropyl-4-methyl-1,4-cyclohexadiene thin films was investigated for different polymerization conditions. Transparent, environmentally stable and flexible, these organic films are promising candidates for organic photovoltaics (OPV) and flexible electronics applications, where they can be used as encapsulating coatings and insulating interlayers. The effect of deposition RF power on optical properties of the films was limited, with all films being optically transparent, with refractive indices in a range of 1.57–1.58 at 500 nm. The optical band gap (Eg) of ~3 eV fell into the insulating Eg region, decreasing for films fabricated at higher RF power. Independent of deposition conditions, the surfaces were smooth and defect-free, with uniformly distributed morphological features and average roughness between 0.30 nm (at 10 W) and 0.21 nm (at 75 W). Films fabricated at higher deposition power displayed enhanced resistance to delamination and wear, and improved hardness, from 0.40 GPa for 10 W to 0.58 GPa for 75 W at a load of 700 μN. From an application perspective, it is therefore possible to tune the mechanical and morphological properties of these films without compromising their optical transparency or insulating property.


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Radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition is currently used to fabricate a broad range of functional coatings. This work described fabrication and characterization of a novel bioactive coating, polyterpenol, for encapsulation of three-dimensional indwelling medical devices. The materials are synthesized from monoterpene alcohols under different input power conditions. The chemical composition and structure of the polyterpenol thin films were determined by Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, contact angle measurements, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The application of polyterpenol coating to the substrate reduced surface roughness from 1.5 to 0.4 of a nanometer, and increased the water contact angle from to 9 to 72 degrees. The extent of attachment and extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) production of two medically relevant pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermis were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). Application of polyterpenol coating fabricated at 10 W significantly inhibited attachment and growth of both pathogens compared to unmodified substrates, whilst addition of 50 W films resulted in an increased attachment, proliferation and EPS production by both types of bacteria when compared to unmodified surface. Marked dissimilarity in bacterial response between two coatings was attributed to changes in surface chemistry, nano-architecture and surface energy of polymer thin films deposited under different input power conditions.


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Recent advancements in the area of organic polymer applications demand novel and advanced materials with desirable surface, optical and electrical properties to employ in emerging technologies. This study examines the fabrication and characterization of polymer thin films from non-synthetic Terpinen-4-ol monomer using radio frequency plasma polymerization. The optical properties, thickness and roughness of the thin films were studied in the wavelength range 200–1000 nm using ellipsometry. The polymer thin films of thickness from 100 nm to 1000 nm were fabricated and the films exhibited smooth and defect-free surfaces. At 500 nm wavelength, the refractive index and extinction coefficient were found to be 1.55 and 0.0007 respectively. The energy gap was estimated to be 2.67 eV, the value falling into the semiconducting Eg region. The obtained optical and surface properties of Terpinen-4-ol based films substantiate their candidacy as a promising low-cost material with potential applications in electronics, optics, and biomedical industries.


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In this study, a quality assessment method based on sampling of primary laser inventory units (microsegments) was analysed. The accuracy of a laser inventory carried out in Kuhmo was analysed as a case study. Field sample plots were measured on the sampled microsegments in the Kuhmo inventory area. Two main questions were considered. Did the ALS based inventory meet the accuracy requirements set for the provider and how should a reliable, cost-efficient and independent quality assessment be undertaken. The agreement between control measurement and ALS based inventory was analysed in four ways: 1) The root mean squared errors (RMSEs) and bias were calculated. 2) Scatter plots with 95% confidence intervals were plotted and the placing of identity lines was checked. 3) Bland-Altman plots were drawn so that the mean difference of attributes between the control method and ALS-method was calculated and plotted against average value of attributes. 4) The tolerance limits were defined and combined with Bland-Altman plots. The RMSE values were compared to a reference study from which the accuracy requirements had been set to the service provider. The accuracy requirements in Kuhmo were achieved, however comparison of RMSE values proved to be difficult. Field control measurements are costly and time-consuming, but they are considered to be robust. However, control measurements might include errors, which are difficult to take into account. Using the Bland-Altman plots none of the compared methods are considered to be completely exact, so this offers a fair way to interpret results of assessment. The tolerance limits to be set on order combined with Bland-Altman plots were suggested to be taken in practise. In addition, bias should be calculated for total area. Some other approaches for quality control were briefly examined. No method was found to fulfil all the required demands of statistical reliability, cost-efficiency, time efficiency, simplicity and speed of implementation. Some benefits and shortcomings of the studied methods were discussed.


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"300 Radioanlagen. 5000 Buecher"


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A general expression for the Mössbauer lineshape in the presence of a radio frequency field is derived. As an example the effect of the rf field on Fe57 nuclei is discussed for a situation where the 3/2 sublevel of 14.4 keV state of Fe57 is selectively populated. At resonance, both the diagonal and non-diagonal matrix elements contribute to the correlation function. As a result, in addition to a slight rf induced distortion of the main Mössbauer line. additional transition lines are obtained. Thus the present calculation supports the experimental observations of Heiman et al.


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A linear excitation of electromagnetic modes at frequencies (n + ı89 in a plasma through which two electron beams are contra-streaming along the magnetic field is investigated. This may be a source of the observed {cote emissions at auroral latitudes.


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In the field of workplace air quality, measuring and analyzing the size distribution of airborne particles to identify their sources and apportion their contribution has become widely accepted, however, the driving factors that influence this parameter, particularly for nanoparticles (< 100 nm), have not been thoroughly determined. Identification of driving factors, and in turn, general trends in size distribution of emitted particles would facilitate the prediction of nanoparticles’ emission behavior and significantly contribute to their exposure assessment. In this study, a comprehensive analysis of the particle number size distribution data, with a particular focus on the ultrafine size range of synthetic clay particles emitted from a jet milling machine was conducted using the multi-lognormal fitting method. The results showed relatively high contribution of nanoparticles to the emissions in many of the tested cases, and also, that both surface treatment and feed rate of the machine are significant factors influencing the size distribution of the emitted particles of this size. In particular, applying surface treatments and increasing the machine feed rate have the similar effect of reducing the size of the particles, however, no general trend was found in variations of size distribution across different surface treatments and feed rates. The findings of our study demonstrate that for this process and other activities, where no general trend is found in the size distribution of the emitted airborne particles due to dissimilar effects of the driving factors, each case must be treated separately in terms of workplace exposure assessment and regulations.


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Indoor air quality is a critical factor in the classroom due to high people concentration in a unique space. Indoor air pollutant might increase the chance of both long and short-term health problems among students and staff, reduce the productivity of teachers and degrade the student’s learning environment and comfort. Adequate air distribution strategies may reduce risk of infection in classroom. So, the purpose of air distribution systems in a classroom is not only to maximize conditions for thermal comfort, but also to remove indoor contaminants. Natural ventilation has the potential to play a significant role in achieving improvements in IAQ. The present study compares the risk of airborne infection between Natural Ventilation (opening windows and doors) and a Split-System Air Conditioner in a university classroom. The Wells-Riley model was used to predict the risk of indoor airborne transmission of infectious diseases such as influenza, measles and tuberculosis. For each case, the air exchange rate was measured using a CO2 tracer gas technique. It was found that opening windows and doors provided an air exchange rate of 2.3 air changes/hour (ACH), while with the Split System it was 0.6 ACH. The risk of airborne infection ranged between 4.24 to 30.86 % when using the Natural Ventilation and between 8.99 to 43.19% when using the Split System. The difference of airborne infection risk between the Split System and the Natural Ventilation ranged from 47 to 56%. Opening windows and doors maximize Natural Ventilation so that the risk of airborne contagion is much lower than with Split System.


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The paper furnishes a review and air ovendepr "f radio noise *om lightning as rr so~irce of interference to analogue and digital Corn?tunicatioiz. The parameters of fhe different fornls < f, noise necessary .for pssessigth e interfering effect of the rloise are described. 4railublr irfjrncroiun thrr tndevstor71zs, thunder-clouds, convecrion cells and lightning are er ieveadn d their liizitatimsp ointed oui. Thew fol101r.s a descripiicn of how the source, popugafiona nd receiver chaacteristidse termine the sfrticture qf a/rnosplro.ic noise as receiwd at a point of observation. The tratrrral unit for this noise i.s the mise burst rtrising from o w complete lightning.flas4. The pmuneters of the nrise birrst as a 11.hole and its structure ctetennine the inrqfflrrence enrirnniient. A hisforic reriel$. qf t2sophericii oke .studies sho1(5 that it i. wrreirt(v of importance oldy in thc ropicarl egions of' the wr ldf i>rs hichf hc neailable data are wry defective. New data are ficnrished. The contribution of atmospheric noise for backgrouzd interference even in remote places ,for r.adicj astronomy at VHF is firrnished. The imporlance of aimcspizeric nctise cceurring ;vporadiea@ in high values fur slzort inier.als at VHF and higher frequencies in the tropics is brought out.


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The unconfined aquifer of the Continental Terminal in Niger was investigated by magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) and by 14 pumping tests in order to improve calibration of MRS outputs at field scale. The reliability of the standard relationship used for estimating aquifer transmissivity by MRS was checked; it was found that the parametric factor can be estimated with an uncertainty a parts per thousand currency sign150% by a single point of calibration. The MRS water content (theta (MRS)) was shown to be positively correlated with the specific yield (Sy), and theta (MRS) always displayed higher values than Sy. A conceptual model was subsequently developed, based on estimated changes of the total porosity, Sy, and the specific retention Sr as a function of the median grain size. The resulting relationship between theta (MRS) and Sy showed a reasonably good fit with the experimental dataset, considering the inherent heterogeneity of the aquifer matrix (residual error is similar to 60%). Interpreted in terms of aquifer parameters, MRS data suggest a log-normal distribution of the permeability and a one-sided Gaussian distribution of Sy. These results demonstrate the efficiency of the MRS method for fast and low-cost prospection of hydraulic parameters for large unconfined aquifers.


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The information on altitude distribution of aerosols in the atmosphere is essential in assessing the impact of aerosol warming on thermal structure and stability of the atmosphere.In addition, aerosol altitude distribution is needed to address complex problems such as the radiative interaction of aerosols in the presence of clouds. With this objective,an extensive, multi-institutional and multi-platform field experiment (ICARB-Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget) was carried out under the Geosphere Biosphere Programme of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO-GBP) over continental India and adjoining oceans during March to May 2006. Here, we present airborne LIDAR measurements carried out over the east Coast of the India during the ICARB field campaign. An increase in aerosol extinction (scattering + absorption) was observed from the surface upwards with a maximum around 2 to 4 km. Aerosol extinction at higher atmospheric layers (>2 km) was two to three times larger compared to that of the surface. A large fraction (75-85%) of aerosol column optical depth was contributed by aerosols located above 1 km. The aerosol layer heights (defined in this paper as the height at which the gradient in extinction coefficient changes sign) showed a gradual decrease with an increase in the offshore distance. A large fraction (60-75%) of aerosol was found located above clouds indicating enhanced aerosol absorption above clouds. Our study implies that a detailed statistical evaluation of the temporal frequency and spatial extent of elevated aerosol layers is necessary to assess their significance to the climate. This is feasible using data from space-borne lidars such as CALIPSO,which fly in formation with other satellites like MODIS AQUA and MISR, as part of the A-Train constellation.


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This paper explores the use of public journalism within a community radio news context. It argues that, the central tenets of the public journalism movement can help to frame, more adequately, a news gathering and production approach Tailored to the needs of community media. . Community radio stations generally enjoy strong relationships with their listeners and play an important role in the formation of the community itself (Lowrey et al., 2008). This paper argues that such strong community ties, in conjunction with public journalism news gathering approaches give community radio stations a strong opportunity to produce relevant, local news sourced driven by their listeners. In this regard ,this paper examines a particular case of public journalism used within the The Wire, a national, daily current affairs program broadcast on community radio. In the case study examined here ,public journalism informed story production that were designed to better meet the needs of community radio stations and their audiences.