951 resultados para Air-flow Rate


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In pressure irrigation-water distribution networks, pressure regulating devices for controlling the discharged flow rate by irrigation units are needed due to the variability of flow rate. In addition, applied water volume is used controlled operating the valve during a calculated time interval, and assuming constant flow rate. In general, a pressure regulating valve PRV is the commonly used pressure regulating device in a hydrant, which, also, executes the open and close function. A hydrant feeds several irrigation units, requiring a wide range in flow rate. In addition, some flow meters are also available, one as a component of the hydrant and the rest are placed downstream. Every land owner has one flow meter for each group of field plots downstream the hydrant. Its lecture could be used for refining the water balance but its accuracy must be taken into account. Ideal PRV performance would maintain a constant downstream pressure. However, the true performance depends on both upstream pressure and the discharged flow rate. The objective of this work is to asses the influence of the performance on the applied volume during the whole irrigation events in a year. The results of the study have been obtained introducing the flow rate into a PRV model. Variations on flow rate are simulated by taking into account the consequences of variations on climate conditions and also decisions in irrigation operation, such us duration and frequency application. The model comprises continuity, dynamic and energy equations of the components of the PRV.


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La presente Tesis analiza las posibilidades que ofrecen en la actualidad las tecnologías del habla para la detección de patologías clínicas asociadas a la vía aérea superior. El estudio del habla que tradicionalmente cubre tanto la producción como el proceso de transformación del mensaje y las señales involucradas, desde el emisor hasta alcanzar al receptor, ofrece una vía de estudio alternativa para estas patologías. El hecho de que la señal emitida no solo contiene este mensaje, sino también información acerca del locutor, ha motivado el desarrollo de sistemas orientados a la identificación y verificación de la identidad de los locutores. Estos trabajos han recibido recientemente un nuevo impulso, orientándose tanto hacia la caracterización de rasgos que son comunes a varios locutores, como a las diferencias existentes entre grabaciones de un mismo locutor. Los primeros resultan especialmente relevantes para esta Tesis dado que estos rasgos podrían evidenciar la presencia de características relacionadas con una cierta condición común a varios locutores, independiente de su identidad. Tal es el caso que se enfrenta en esta Tesis, donde los rasgos identificados se relacionarían con una de la patología particular y directamente vinculada con el sistema de físico de conformación del habla. El caso del Síndrome de Apneas Hipopneas durante el Sueno (SAHS) resulta paradigmático. Se trata de una patología con una elevada prevalencia mundo, que aumenta con la edad. Los pacientes de esta patología experimentan episodios de cese involuntario de la respiración durante el sueño, que se prolongan durante varios segundos y que se reproducen a lo largo de la noche impidiendo el correcto descanso. En el caso de la apnea obstructiva, estos episodios se deben a la imposibilidad de mantener un camino abierto a través de la vía aérea, de forma que el flujo de aire se ve interrumpido. En la actualidad, el diagnostico de estos pacientes se realiza a través de un estudio polisomnográfico, que se centra en el análisis de los episodios de apnea durante el sueño, requiriendo que el paciente permanezca en el hospital durante una noche. La complejidad y el elevado coste de estos procedimientos, unidos a las crecientes listas de espera, han evidenciado la necesidad de contar con técnicas rápidas de detección, que si bien podrían no obtener tasas tan elevadas, permitirían reorganizar las listas de espera en función del grado de severidad de la patología en cada paciente. Entre otros, los sistemas de diagnostico por imagen, así como la caracterización antropométrica de los pacientes, han evidenciado la existencia de patrones anatómicos que tendrían influencia directa sobre el habla. Los trabajos dedicados al estudio del SAHS en lo relativo a como esta afecta al habla han sido escasos y algunos de ellos incluso contradictorios. Sin embargo, desde finales de la década de 1980 se conoce la existencia de patrones específicos relativos a la articulación, la fonación y la resonancia. Sin embargo, su descripción resultaba difícilmente aprovechable a través de un sistema de reconocimiento automático, pero apuntaba la existencia de un nexo entre voz y SAHS. En los últimos anos las técnicas de procesado automático han permitido el desarrollo de sistemas automáticos que ya son capaces de identificar diferencias significativas en el habla de los pacientes del SAHS, y que los distinguen de los locutores sanos. Por contra, poco se conoce acerca de la conexión entre estos nuevos resultados, los sé que habían obtenido en el pasado y la patogénesis del SAHS. Esta Tesis continua la labor desarrollada en este ámbito considerando específicamente: el estudio de la forma en que el SAHS afecta el habla de los pacientes, la mejora en las tasas de clasificación automática y la combinación de la información obtenida con los predictores utilizados por los especialistas clínicos en sus evaluaciones preliminares. Las dos primeras tareas plantean problemas simbióticos, pero diferentes. Mientras el estudio de la conexión entre el SAHS y el habla requiere de modelos acotados que puedan ser interpretados con facilidad, los sistemas de reconocimiento se sirven de un elevado número de dimensiones para la caracterización y posterior identificación de patrones. Así, la primera tarea debe permitirnos avanzar en la segunda, al igual que la incorporación de los predictores utilizados por los especialistas clínicos. La Tesis aborda el estudio tanto del habla continua como del habla sostenida, con el fin de aprovechar las sinergias y diferencias existentes entre ambas. En el análisis del habla continua se tomo como punto de partida un esquema que ya fue evaluado con anterioridad, y sobre el cual se ha tratado la evaluación y optimización de la representación del habla, así como la caracterización de los patrones específicos asociados al SAHS. Ello ha evidenciado la conexión entre el SAHS y los elementos fundamentales de la señal de voz: los formantes. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el éxito de estos sistemas se debe, fundamentalmente, a la capacidad de estas representaciones para describir dichas componentes, obviando las dimensiones ruidosas o con poca capacidad discriminativa. El esquema resultante ofrece una tasa de error por debajo del 18%, sirviéndose de clasificadores notablemente menos complejos que los descritos en el estado del arte y de una única grabación de voz de corta duración. En relación a la conexión entre el SAHS y los patrones observados, fue necesario considerar las diferencias inter- e intra-grupo, centrándonos en la articulación característica del locutor, sustituyendo los complejos modelos de clasificación por el estudio de los promedios espectrales. El resultado apunta con claridad hacia ciertas regiones del eje de frecuencias, sugiriendo la existencia de un estrechamiento sistemático en la sección del tracto en la región de la orofaringe, ya prevista en la patogénesis de este síndrome. En cuanto al habla sostenida, se han reproducido los estudios realizados sobre el habla continua en grabaciones de la vocal /a/ sostenida. Los resultados son cualitativamente análogos a los anteriores, si bien en este caso las tasas de clasificación resultan ser más bajas. Con el objetivo de identificar el sentido de este resultado se reprodujo el estudio de los promedios espectrales y de la variabilidad inter e intra-grupo. Ambos estudios mostraron importantes diferencias con los anteriores que podrían explicar estos resultados. Sin embargo, el habla sostenida ofrece otras oportunidades al establecer un entorno controlado para el estudio de la fonación, que también había sido identificada como una fuente de información para la detección del SAHS. De su estudio se pudo observar que, en el conjunto de datos disponibles, no existen variaciones que pudieran asociarse fácilmente con la fonación. Únicamente aquellas dimensiones que describen la distribución de energía a lo largo del eje de frecuencia evidenciaron diferencias significativas, apuntando, una vez más, en la dirección de las resonancias espectrales. Analizados los resultados anteriores, la Tesis afronta la fusión de ambas fuentes de información en un único sistema de clasificación. Con ello es posible mejorar las tasas de clasificación, bajo la hipótesis de que la información presente en el habla continua y el habla sostenida es fundamentalmente distinta. Esta tarea se realizo a través de un sencillo esquema de fusión que obtuvo un 88.6% de aciertos en clasificación (tasa de error del 11.4%), lo que representa una mejora significativa respecto al estado del arte. Finalmente, la combinación de este clasificador con los predictores utilizados por los especialistas clínicos ofreció una tasa del 91.3% (tasa de error de 8.7%), que se encuentra dentro del margen ofrecido por esquemas más costosos e intrusivos, y que a diferencia del propuesto, no pueden ser utilizados en la evaluación previa de los pacientes. Con todo, la Tesis ofrece una visión clara sobre la relación entre el SAHS y el habla, evidenciando el grado de madurez alcanzado por la tecnología del habla en la caracterización y detección del SAHS, poniendo de manifiesto que su uso para la evaluación de los pacientes ya sería posible, y dejando la puerta abierta a futuras investigaciones que continúen el trabajo aquí iniciado. ABSTRACT This Thesis explores the potential of speech technologies for the detection of clinical disorders connected to the upper airway. The study of speech traditionally covers both the production process and post processing of the signals involved, from the speaker up to the listener, offering an alternative path to study these pathologies. The fact that utterances embed not just the encoded message but also information about the speaker, has motivated the development of automatic systems oriented to the identification and verificaton the speaker’s identity. These have recently been boosted and reoriented either towards the characterization of traits that are common to several speakers, or to the differences between records of the same speaker collected under different conditions. The first are particularly relevant to this Thesis as these patterns could reveal the presence of features that are related to a common condition shared among different speakers, regardless of their identity. Such is the case faced in this Thesis, where the traits identified would relate to a particular pathology, directly connected to the speech production system. The Obstructive Sleep Apnea syndrome (OSA) is a paradigmatic case for analysis. It is a disorder with high prevalence among adults and affecting a larger number of them as they grow older. Patients suffering from this disorder experience episodes of involuntary cessation of breath during sleep that may last a few seconds and reproduce throughout the night, preventing proper rest. In the case of obstructive apnea, these episodes are related to the collapse of the pharynx, which interrupts the air flow. Currently, OSA diagnosis is done through a polysomnographic study, which focuses on the analysis of apnea episodes during sleep, requiring the patient to stay at the hospital for the whole night. The complexity and high cost of the procedures involved, combined with the waiting lists, have evidenced the need for screening techniques, which perhaps would not achieve outstanding performance rates but would allow clinicians to reorganize these lists ranking patients according to the severity of their condition. Among others, imaging diagnosis and anthropometric characterization of patients have evidenced the existence of anatomical patterns related to OSA that have direct influence on speech. Contributions devoted to the study of how this disorder affects scpeech are scarce and somehow contradictory. However, since the late 1980s the existence of specific patterns related to articulation, phonation and resonance is known. By that time these descriptions were virtually useless when coming to the development of an automatic system, but pointed out the existence of a link between speech and OSA. In recent years automatic processing techniques have evolved and are now able to identify significant differences in the speech of OSAS patients when compared to records from healthy subjects. Nevertheless, little is known about the connection between these new results with those published in the past and the pathogenesis of the OSA syndrome. This Thesis is aimed to progress beyond the previous research done in this area by addressing: the study of how OSA affects patients’ speech, the enhancement of automatic OSA classification based on speech analysis, and its integration with the information embedded in the predictors generally used by clinicians in preliminary patients’ examination. The first two tasks, though may appear symbiotic at first, are quite different. While studying the connection between speech and OSA requires simple narrow models that can be easily interpreted, classification requires larger models including a large number dimensions for the characterization and posterior identification of the observed patterns. Anyhow, it is clear that any progress made in the first task should allow us to improve our performance on the second one, and that the incorporation of the predictors used by clinicians shall contribute in this same direction. The Thesis considers both continuous and sustained speech analysis, to exploit the synergies and differences between them. On continuous speech analysis, a conventional speech processing scheme, designed and evaluated before this Thesis, was taken as a baseline. Over this initial system several alternative representations of the speech information were proposed, optimized and tested to select those more suitable for the characterization of OSA-specific patterns. Evidences were found on the existence of a connection between OSA and the fundamental constituents of the speech: the formants. Experimental results proved that the success of the proposed solution is well explained by the ability of speech representations to describe these specific OSA-related components, ignoring the noisy ones as well those presenting low discrimination capabilities. The resulting scheme obtained a 18% error rate, on a classification scheme significantly less complex than those described in the literature and operating on a single speech record. Regarding the connection between OSA and the observed patterns, it was necessary to consider inter-and intra-group differences for this analysis, and to focus on the articulation, replacing the complex classification models by the long-term average spectra. Results clearly point to certain regions on the frequency axis, suggesting the existence of a systematic narrowing in the vocal tract section at the oropharynx. This was already described in the pathogenesis of this syndrome. Regarding sustained speech, similar experiments as those conducted on continuous speech were reproduced on sustained phonations of vowel / a /. Results were qualitatively similar to the previous ones, though in this case perfomance rates were found to be noticeably lower. Trying to derive further knowledge from this result, experiments on the long-term average spectra and intraand inter-group variability ratios were also reproduced on sustained speech records. Results on both experiments showed significant differences from the previous ones obtained from continuous speech which could explain the differences observed on peformance. However, sustained speech also provided the opportunity to study phonation within the controlled framework it provides. This was also identified in the literature as a source of information for the detection of OSA. In this study it was found that, for the available dataset, no sistematic differences related to phonation could be found between the two groups of speakers. Only those dimensions which relate energy distribution along the frequency axis provided significant differences, pointing once again towards the direction of resonant components. Once classification schemes on both continuous and sustained speech were developed, the Thesis addressed their combination into a single classification system. Under the assumption that the information in continuous and sustained speech is fundamentally different, it should be possible to successfully merge the two of them. This was tested through a simple fusion scheme which obtained a 88.6% correct classification (11.4% error rate), which represents a significant improvement over the state of the art. Finally, the combination of this classifier with the variables used by clinicians obtained a 91.3% accuracy (8.7% error rate). This is within the range of alternative, but costly and intrusive schemes, which unlike the one proposed can not be used in the preliminary assessment of patients’ condition. In the end, this Thesis has shed new light on the underlying connection between OSA and speech, and evidenced the degree of maturity reached by speech technology on OSA characterization and detection, leaving the door open for future research which shall continue in the multiple directions that have been pointed out and left as future work.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi obter polpa de guavira desidratada por atomização, utilizando maltodextrina ou goma arábica como agentes carreadores. Inicialmente, avaliou-se a influência das condições de processo, temperatura do ar de secagem (130, 155 e 180) °C e vazão volumétrica da mistura (20 e 40) mL/min, o tipo e concentração de agente carreador (10 e 20) % nas características físicas, físico-químicas e atividade antioxidante do produto obtido. As propriedades analisadas foram umidade, atividade de água, higroscopicidade, solubilidade, cor, distribuição e tamanho médio de partículas, morfologia, compostos fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante. A temperatura do ar de secagem e a vazão volumétrica de alimentação influenciaram significativamente todas as propriedades da guavira em pó. A umidade e atividade de água apresentaram os menores valores na temperatura intermediária, independentemente do tipo e concentração do carreador usado. A solubilidade das amostras adicionadas de maltodextrina foram superiores às amostras com goma arábica. O aumento da concentração de agente carreador, em geral, proporcionou um aumento no parâmetro L* e diminuição dos parâmetros a* e b*, tornando as amostras mais claras e reduzindo as tonalidades vermelha e amarela. A guavira em pó apresentou coloração próxima do amarelo e marrom, com grande variação nos parâmetros de cor C* e H* em função das diferentes condições de secagem. A distribuição do tamanho de partículas não teve um padrão definido e o tamanho médio das amostras com maltodextrina foram maiores do que as com goma arábica para a temperatura do ar a 130 °C. No entanto, para as outras temperaturas (155 e 180) °C não houve um comportamento específico do tamanho das partículas em função da vazão de alimentação, tipo e ou concentração de agente carreador. A análise de microscopia eletrônica de varredura permitiu observar que as partículas obtidas tanto com maltodextrina como goma arábica apresentaram formato esférico, superfície rugosa e com adesão de partículas menores nas de maior tamanho, sendo que a superfície das partículas com goma arábica também apresentaram concavidades. A atividade antioxidante foi superior quando utilizada a temperatura de secagem intermediária. A partir das condições selecionadas na primeira etapa (temperatura do ar de 155 °C, vazão volumétrica da mistura de 40 mL/min e 10% de maltodextrina ou goma arábica) a polpa de guavira em pó foi caracterizada quanto a temperatura de transição vítrea, as isotermas de adsorção e a estabilidade à estocagem do ácido ascórbico, compostos fenólicos totais e da atividade antioxidante da polpa de guavira em pó produzida por spray drying ao longo de 120 dias. As temperaturas de transição vítrea foram de (25,2 ± 2,7 °C e 31,4 ± 0,4) °C para os pós produzidos com goma arábica e maltodextrina, respectivamente. O modelo de BET apresentou ajuste muito bom (R2>0,99) para descrever o comportamento de sorção de água das amostras nas temperaturas de (20, 30 e 40) °C. A polpa de guavira em pó produzida com goma arábica apresentou maior adsorção de água do que as amostras obtidas com maltodextrina. No estudo da estabilidade, as amostras foram acondicionadas em embalagem de polietileno laminado e armazenadas a 25 °C e umidade relativa de 75%. A embalagem de polietileno laminado foi eficiente na manutenção do teor de ácido ascórbico e atividade antioxidante da guavira em pó por um período de 120 dias, independente do carreador adicionado. O teor de compostos fenólicos para a guavira em pó com goma arábica apresentou uma redução nos primeiros 22 dias, contudo a amostra com maltodextrina manteve-se estável durante 120 dias de armazenamento.


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Estudou-se o processo de absorção e dessorção de CO2 em solução aquosa da mistura de metildietanolamina (MDEA) e piperazina (PZ). Os ensaios de absorção foram realizados numa coluna de parede molhada com promotor de película, e, os ensaios de dessorção num sistema de semibatelada, ambos em escala de laboratório. Os testes experimentais de absorção foram realizados a 298 K e pressão atmosférica, com vazão de gás (CO2 e ar atmosférico) de 2,2.10-4 m3 s-1 e as seguintes vazões de líquido: 1,0.10-6; 1,3.10-6 e 1,7.10-6 m3 s-1. O sistema de absorção foi caracterizado através da determinação da área interfacial, a, o coeficiente volumétrico de transferência de massa, kGa, e o coeficiente volumétrico global médio de transferência de massa, KGa. No caso dos ensaios de dessorção, estes foram realizados nas temperaturas de 353, 363 e 368 K, onde empregou-se uma solução carbonatada de 10% PZ-20% MDEA e uma corrente de ar atmosférico nas vazões de 1,1.10-5 m3 s-1 e 2,7.10-5 m3 s-1. Este sistema foi caracterizado através da determinação do coeficiente volumétrico global de transferência de massa, KLa. Os resultados experimentais da área interfacial mostram que este é função da vazão do líquido, sugerindo uma maior área de irrigação como o aumento desta, onde teve-se uma maior área de transferência de massa. O resultado do parâmetro, KGa, indica uma dependência da vazão de líquido, a qual está associada à variação da área interfacial e à dependência do parâmetro KG com o perfil das concentrações da MDEA e PZ ao longo da coluna. A partir da teoria do duplo filme e pelo conhecimento dos parâmetros KGa, a e kGa, estimou-se um parâmetro cinético-difusivo associado à fase líquida, (( ) ) . Os resultados experimentais mostram que esse parâmetro varia pouco com a vazão de líquido, indicando tratar-se de um processo independente da hidrodinâmica do líquido, característico de sistemas com reação rápida. A concentração das aminas e carbamatos, nos ensaios de absorção e dessorção, foi determinada através dos modelos de calibração obtidas pela técnica de espectroscopia no infravermelho. Nos ensaios de absorção, foram observados que a concentração de PZ teve uma variação considerável (4 a 5% massa massa-1), entanto que a de MDEA variou pouco (0,3 a 0,5% massa massa-1), sugerindo que o processo de absorção de CO2 na mistura MDEA-PZ é controlado principalmente pela PZ, e supõe-se que a MDEA tem um papel de receptor de prótons procedentes da reação entre a PZ e o CO2. Nos ensaios de dessorção, observou-se que esse processo é afetado pela temperatura, sendo que, em temperaturas perto da ebulição (372 K), a taxa de dessorção de CO2 é maior do que em temperaturas menores, em certa forma é devido à dependência da velocidade de reação química com a temperatura. Os resultados do parâmetro KLa indicam que este diminui em função da concentração de carbamato de PZ (por exemplo, na temperatura de 368 K, de 7,5.10-4 a 1,0.10-4 s-1), devido a que este componente é decomposto em altas temperaturas gerando o CO2 e as aminas, sugerindo uma diminuição na velocidade de dessorção de CO2. Assim também, os resultados experimentais do parâmetro KLa indicam que este aumenta ligeiramente com a vazão do gás.


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At head of title: Cornell University, Graduate School of Aeronautical Engineering.


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"A translation."


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The influence of three dimensional effects on isochromatic birefringence is evaluated for planar flows by means of numerical simulation. Two fluid models are investigated in channel and abrupt contraction geometries. In practice, the flows are confined by viewing windows, which alter the stresses along the optical path. The observed optical properties differ therefore from their counterpart in an ideal two-dimensional flow. To investigate the influence of these effects, the stress optical rule and the differential propagation Mueller matrix are used. The material parameters are selected so that a retardation of multiple orders is achieved, as is typical for highly birefringent melts. Errors due to three dimensional effects are mainly found on the symmetry plane, and increase significantly with the flow rate. Increasing the geometric aspect ratio improve the accuracy provided that the error on the retardation is less than one order. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Wind tunnel measurements of drop Size distributions from Micronair A U4000 and A U5000 rotary atomizers were collected to develop a database for model use. The measurements varied tank mix, flow rate, air speed, and blade angle conditions, which were correlated by multiple regressions (average R-2 = 0.995 for A U4000 and 0.988 for AU5000). This database replaces an outdated set of rotary atomizer data measured in the 1980s by the USDA Forest Service and fills in a gap in data measured in the 1990s by the Spray Drift Task Force. Since current USDA Forest Service spray projects rely on rotary atomizers, the creation of the database (and its multiple regression interpolation) satisfies a need seen for ten years.


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Including positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) in the manual resuscitation bag (MRB) may render manual hyperinflation (MHI) ineffective as a secretion maneuver technique in mechanically ventilated patients. In this study we aimed to determine the effect of increased PEEP or decreased compliance on peak expiratory flow rate (PEF) during MHI. A blinded, randomized study was performed on a lung simulator by 10 physiotherapists experienced in MHI and intensive care practice. PEEP levels of 0-15 cm H2O, compliance levels of 0.05 and 0.02 L/cm H2O, and MRB type were randomized. The Mapleson-C MRB generated significantly higher PEF (P < 0.01, d = 2.72) when compared with the Laerdal MRB for all levels of PEEP. In normal compliance (0.05 L/cm H2O) there was a significant decrease in PEF (P < 0.01, d = 1.45) for a PEEP more than 10 cm H2O in the Mapleson-C circuit. The Laerdal MRB at PEEP levels of more than 10 cm H2O did not generate a PEF that is theoretically capable of producing two-phase gas-liquid flow and, consequently, mobilizing pulmonary secretions. If MHI is indicated as a result of mucous plugging, the Mapleson-C MRB may be the most effective method of secretion mobilization.


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Setf-supported asymmetric hollow-fiber membranes of mixed oxygen-ionic and electronic conducting perovskite Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-delta (BSCF) were prepared by a combined phase-inversion and sintering technique. The starting inorganic powder was synthesized by combined EDTA-citrate complexing process followed by thermal treatment at 600 degrees C. The powder was dispersed in a polymer solution and then extruded into hollow-fiber precursors through a spinneret. ne fiber precursors were sintered at elevated temperatures to form gastight membranes, which were characterized by SEM and gas permeation tests. Performance of the hollow fibers in air separation was both experimentally and theoretically studied at various conditions. The results reveal that the oxygen permeation process was controlled by the slow oxygen surface exchange kinetics under the investigated conditions. The porous inner surface of the prepared perovskite hollow-fiber membranes considerably favored the oxygen permeation. The maximum oxygen flux measured was 0.031 mol-m(-2).s(-1) at 950 degrees C with the sweep gas flow rate of 0.522 mol(.)m(-2).s(-1). To improve the oxygen flux of BSCF perovskite membranes, future work should be focused on surface modification rather than reduction of the membrane thickness. (c) 2006 American Institute of Chemical Engineers.


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Small-angle neutron scattering measurements on a series of monodisperse linear entangled polystyrene melts in nonlinear flow through an abrupt 4:1 contraction have been made. Clear signatures of melt deformation and subsequent relaxation can be observed in the scattering patterns, which were taken along the centerline. These data are compared with the predictions of a recently derived molecular theory. Two levels of molecular theory are used: a detailed equation describing the evolution of molecular structure over all length scales relevant to the scattering data and a simplified version of the model, which is suitable for finite element computations. The velocity field for the complex melt flow is computed using the simplified model and scattering predictions are made by feeding these flow histories into the detailed model. The modeling quantitatively captures the full scattering intensity patterns over a broad range of data with independent variation of position within the contraction geometry, bulk flow rate and melt molecular weight. The study provides a strong, quantitative validation of current theoretical ideas concerning the microscopic dynamics of entangled polymers which builds upon existing comparisons with nonlinear mechanical stress data. Furthermore, we are able to confirm the appreciable length scale dependence of relaxation in polymer melts and highlight some wider implications of this phenomenon.


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Growing evidence suggest the importance of different environments in promoting the pathogenesis and/or exacerbation of asthma. Indoor air pollution is a major contributor to human exposure, since people spend up to 90% of their day indoors. Apart from active smoking, indoor pollution is considered one of the major preventable risk factors of chronic respiratory diseases. The professional activity can also be dangerous because it exposes the subject to environments that can promote the onset of asthma or worsening of the latter in those already affected. Even bad habits such as incorrect diet, lead to more difficulty in controlling their disease. However asthma is a multifactorial disease in nature so it is not easy to distinguish the role of occupational exposure, pollution and normal habits such as smoking, nutrition, sports, etc. This retrospective study was conducted on a sample of asthma patients residing in the metropolitan area of Parma. 116 patients were selected among those who are followed up at least two years at the Asthma outpatient Clinic of Parma University Hospital. The sample in question is therefore closely controlled and monitored; it comes to patients who are well educated on the control of their disease, are able to take appropriate measures to minimize the symptomatology. With this tight approach is proposed to minimize the effect of confounding and then traced with greater certainty the possible cause of the failure to control the disease. For this purpose, each patient was subjected to regular checkups; we took as a reference the period of time between April and October 2015. During each visit, in addition to general data for each patient, we were collected personal information about their habits and way of life through a validated questionnaire delivered and completed by the patient during the visit in the presence of the permanent staff. The questionnaire covers mainly the qualification of the patient, its possible occupational exposure, his home, with information about nearby traffic, time spent outside, physical activity (place and time), exposure to chemicals, exposure to various fumes (fireplace or stove) and cigarette smoke, comorbidities and any drugs taken during the visits considered. Regarding the respiratory conditions of patients during every examination we were considered: Asthma Control Test (a test performed by patients to assess the state of the disease during the month preceding the test), the measurement of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) as an index of airways inflammation, measuring the resistance level of small airways (R5-R20) and some spirometric values observed in experiment; in particular the forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV 1), FEV1/FVC ratio, forced expiratory flow rate over the middle 50% of the FVC (FEF25–75) and FEF25-75/FVC were recorded. The sample has been studied considering both the changes of the respiratory parameters for every patient in their examinations, and the respiratory parameters of all the examinations took as a whole in relation with the variables considered. From the results obtained, the patients are clinically stable; their adopted lifestyle and the exposure to possible sources of outdoor pollution, seems not affect the overall control of their disease. Some findings of our study are of interest. First, the subjects who carry a steroid therapy show a clinical worst, as revealed by the decrease of most spirometric indices, particularly FEF25, FEF75, FEF25-75 and R5-R20; also, the presence of comorbidities and the subsequent intake of other drugs, in addition to normal therapy for asthma, seem to be conditions associated with poorer performance in the functional respiratory parameters in particular FEV1/FVC, FEF75 and FEF25-75. Spirometric indexes that are down are mainly those related to obstruction imposed on small airways; this suggests a neglect to the latter on the contrary should be further explored and treated accordingly. It is also observed that both patients are overweight than those living on the lower floors and/or who have the most windows exposed to traffic, showed a decrease of pulmonary function, especially those relate to an obstruction at the small airways level. In conclusion, our results provided the evidence that a most appropriate therapy, specific to reach the small airways, associated with a healthy lifestyle, can help improve the management of asthma.


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The thesis presents an experimentally validated modelling study of the flow of combustion air in an industrial radiant tube burner (RTB). The RTB is used typically in industrial heat treating furnaces. The work has been initiated because of the need for improvements in burner lifetime and performance which are related to the fluid mechanics of the com busting flow, and a fundamental understanding of this is therefore necessary. To achieve this, a detailed three-dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model has been used, validated with experimental air flow, temperature and flue gas measurements. Initially, the work programme is presented and the theory behind RTB design and operation in addition to the theory behind swirling flows and methane combustion. NOx reduction techniques are discussed and numerical modelling of combusting flows is detailed in this section. The importance of turbulence, radiation and combustion modelling is highlighted, as well as the numerical schemes that incorporate discretization, finite volume theory and convergence. The study first focuses on the combustion air flow and its delivery to the combustion zone. An isothermal computational model was developed to allow the examination of the flow characteristics as it enters the burner and progresses through the various sections prior to the discharge face in the combustion area. Important features identified include the air recuperator swirler coil, the step ring, the primary/secondary air splitting flame tube and the fuel nozzle. It was revealed that the effectiveness of the air recuperator swirler is significantly compromised by the need for a generous assembly tolerance. Also, there is a substantial circumferential flow maldistribution introduced by the swirier, but that this is effectively removed by the positioning of a ring constriction in the downstream passage. Computations using the k-ε turbulence model show good agreement with experimentally measured velocity profiles in the combustion zone and proved the use of the modelling strategy prior to the combustion study. Reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 200,000 nodes. Agreement was poorer with the RNG  k-ε and Reynolds Stress models. The study continues to address the combustion process itself and the heat transfer process internal to the RTB. A series of combustion and radiation model configurations were developed and the optimum combination of the Eddy Dissipation (ED) combustion model and the Discrete Transfer (DT) radiation model was used successfully to validate a burner experimental test. The previously cold flow validated k-ε turbulence model was used and reasonable mesh independence was obtained with 300,000 nodes. The combination showed good agreement with temperature measurements in the inner and outer walls of the burner, as well as with flue gas composition measured at the exhaust. The inner tube wall temperature predictions validated the experimental measurements in the largest portion of the thermocouple locations, highlighting a small flame bias to one side, although the model slightly over predicts the temperatures towards the downstream end of the inner tube. NOx emissions were initially over predicted, however, the use of a combustion flame temperature limiting subroutine allowed convergence to the experimental value of 451 ppmv. With the validated model, the effectiveness of certain RTB features identified previously is analysed, and an analysis of the energy transfers throughout the burner is presented, to identify the dominant mechanisms in each region. The optimum turbulence-combustion-radiation model selection was then the baseline for further model development. One of these models, an eccentrically positioned flame tube model highlights the failure mode of the RTB during long term operation. Other models were developed to address NOx reduction and improvement of the flame profile in the burner combustion zone. These included a modified fuel nozzle design, with 12 circular section fuel ports, which demonstrates a longer and more symmetric flame, although with limited success in NOx reduction. In addition, a zero bypass swirler coil model was developed that highlights the effect of the stronger swirling combustion flow. A reduced diameter and a 20 mm forward displaced flame tube model shows limited success in NOx reduction; although the latter demonstrated improvements in the discharge face heat distribution and improvements in the flame symmetry. Finally, Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) modelling attempts indicate the difficulty of the application of this NOx reduction technique in the Wellman RTB. Recommendations for further work are made that include design mitigations for the fuel nozzle and further burner modelling is suggested to improve computational validation. The introduction of fuel staging is proposed, as well as a modification in the inner tube to enhance the effect of FGR.


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This work is concerned with a study of certain phenomena related to the performance and design of distributors in gas fluidized beds with particular regard to flowback of solid particles. The work to be described is divided into two parts. I. In Part one, a review of published material pertaining to distribution plates, including details from the patent specifications, has been prepared. After a chapter on the determination of the incipient fluidizing velocity, the following aspects of multi-orifice distributor plates in gas fluidized beds have been studied: (i) The effect of the distributor on bubble formation related to the way in which even distribution of bubbles on the top surface of the fluidized bed is obtained, e.g. the desirable pressure drop ratio ?PD/?PB for the even distribution of gas across the bed. Ratios of distributor pressure drop ?PD to bed pressure drop at which stable fluidization occurs show reasonable agreement with industrial practice. There is evidence that larger diameter beds tend to be less stable than smaller diameter beds when these are operated with shallow beds. Experiments show that in the presence of the bed the distributor pressure drop is reduced relative to the pressure drop without the bed, and this pressure drop in the former condition is regarded as the appropriate parameter for the design of the distributor. (ii) Experimental measurements of bubble distribution at the surface has been used to indicate maldistribution within the bed. Maldistribution is more likely at low gas flow rates and with distributors having large fractional free area characteristics (i.e. with distributors having low pressure drops). Bubble sizes obtained from this study, as well as those of others, have been successfully correlated. The correlation produced implies the existence of a bubble at the surface of an orifice and its growth by the addition of excess gas from the fluidized bed. (iii) For a given solid system, the amount of defluidized particles stagnating on the distributor plate is influenced by the orifice spacing, bed diameter and gas flow rate, but independent of the initial bed height and the way the orifices are arranged on the distributor plate. II. In Part two, solids flowback through single and multi-orifice distributors in two-dimensional and cylindrical beds of solids fluidized with air has been investigated. Distributors equipped with long cylindrical nozzles have also been included in the study. An equation for the prediction of free flowback of solids through multi-orifice distributors has been derived. Under fluidized conditions two regimes of flowback have been differentiated, namely Jumping and weeping. Data in the weeping regime have been successfully correlated. The limiting gas velocity through the distributor orifices at which flowback is completely excluded is found to be indepnndent of bed height, but a function of distributor design and physical properties of gas and solid used. A criterion for the prediction of this velocity has been established. The decisive advantage of increasing the distributor thickness or using nozzles to minimize solids flowback in fluidized beds has been observed and the opportunity taken to explore this poorly studied subject area. It has been noted, probably for the first time, that with long nozzles, there exists a critical nozzle length above which uncontrollable downflow of solids occurs. A theoretical model for predicting the critical length of a bundle of nozzles in terms of gas velocity through the nozzles has been set up. Theoretical calculations compared favourably with experiments.