997 resultados para Age, calculated calendar years


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Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) cycles are the most dramatic, frequent, and wide-reaching abrupt climate changes in the geologic record. On Greenland, D-O cycles are characterized by an abrupt warming of 10 ± 5°C from a cold stadial to a warm interstadial phase, followed by gradual cooling before a rapid return to stadial conditions. The mechanisms responsible for these millennial cycles are not fully understood but are widely thought to involve abrupt changes in Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation due to freshwater perturbations. Here we present a new, high-resolution multiproxy marine sediment core monitoring changes in the warm Atlantic inflow to the Nordic seas as well as in local sea ice cover and influx of ice-rafted debris. In contrast to previous studies, the freshwater input is found to be coincident with warm interstadials on Greenland and has a Fennoscandian rather than Laurentide source. Furthermore, the data suggest a different thermohaline structure for the Nordic seas during cold stadials in which relatively warm Atlantic water circulates beneath a fresh surface layer and the presence of sea ice is inferred from benthic oxygen isotopes. This implies a delicate balance between the warm subsurface Atlantic water and fresh surface layer, with the possibility of abrupt changes in sea ice cover, and suggests a novel mechanism for the abrupt D-O events observed in Greenland ice cores.


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Correlation of paleoceanographic events in several key regions of the World Ocean: North Atlantic, Antarctic, West Arctic Seas, North Pacific and tropical Indo-Pacific has been carried out for the last 135 ka based on micropaleontological, stable isotope, geochronological (AMS-14C) and other data. It has been shown that the global thermohaline circulation controls remote climatic teleconnections on millennial-scale and partly on centennial-scale, while short-term climate changes are mainly transferred by the atmosphere. The basic information is given about the recent thermohaline circulation and stages of its development during Neogene.


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On the basis of two sedimentary records from the central Sea of Okhotsk, we reconstruct the closely coupled glacial/interglacial changes in terrigenous flux, marine productivity, and sea ice coverage over the past 1.1 Myr. The correspondance of our sedimentary records to the China loess grain size record (China loess particle timescale, CHILOPARTS) suggests that environmental changes in both the Sea of Okhotsk area and in SE Asia were closely related via the Siberian atmospheric high-pressure cell. During full glacial times our records point to a strong Siberian High causing northerly wind directions, the extension of the sea ice cover, and a reduced Amur River discharge. Deglacial maxima of terrigenous flux were succeeded by or synchronous to high-productivity events. Marine productivity was strengthened during glacial terminations because of an effective nutrient utilization at times of enhanced water column stratification and high nutrient supply from fluvial runoff and sea ice thawing. During interglacials, SE monsoonal winds prevailed, analogous to today's summer situation of a pronounced Mongolian Heat Low and a strong Hawaiian High. Strong freshwater discharge induced by high precipitation rates in the Amur drainage area and a seasonally reduced and mobile sea ice cover favored marine productivity (although being considerably lower than during the terminations) and a lowered flux of ice-rafted detritus.


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Environmental changes in the surface and bottom water layers of the Ingøydjupet Basin and history of Atlantic water inflow to the southwestern Barents Sea during the last 16 ka are reconstructed on the base of planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages. A multiproxy study of sediment cores PSh-5159R and PSh-5159N, including AMS 14C dating, provides time resolution of about 200 years for the deglaciation period, 100 years for Holocene, and 25-50 years for the last 400 years. Stable polar conditions with sea ice on the surface were typical for the early deglaciation period. Unstable bottom settings and onset of ice rafting marked Oldest Dryas. Cold Atlantic water inflow increased notably during the Boiling-Allerod interstadial nearby the site location and then decreased during the Younger Dryas. Early Holocene was characterized by abrupt warming in the bottom and surface water layers, especially ~9.7-7.6 ka BP. Stable conditions prevailed during Middle Holocene. Remarkable changes in the sea-surface temperature and bottom environments occurred during last 2.5 cal. ka BP.


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Various biomarkers (n-alkanes, n-alcohols, and sterols) have been studied in a piston core TSP-2PC taken from the Southern Ocean to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental changes in the subantarctic region for the last two deglaciations. Mass accumulation rates of terrestrial (higher molecular weight n-alkanes and n-alcohols) and marine (dinosterol and brassicasterol) biomarkers increased significantly at the last two glacials and stayed low during interglacial peaks (early Holocene and the Eemian). These records indicate that the enhanced atmospheric transport of continental materials and the increased marine biological productivity were synchronously linked in the Southern Ocean at the last two glacials. This suggests that increased glacial dust inputs have relieved iron limitation in the subantarctic Southern Ocean. These two processes, however, were not linked at the cooling phase from the Eemian to marine isotope stage (MIS) 5d. During this period, paleoproductivity may have been influenced by the latitudinal migration of the high-production zone associated with the Antarctic Polar Front.