992 resultados para Abastecimento de água - Desenvolvimento - Brasil
While most countries are committed to increasing access to safe water and thereby reducing child mortality, there is little consensus on how to actually improve water services. One important proposal under discussion is whether to privatize water provision. In the 1990s Argentina embarked on one of the largest privatization campaigns in the world including the privatization of local water companies covering approximately 30 percent of the country’s municipalities. Using the varia tion in ownership of water provision across time and space generated by the privatization process, we find that child mortality fell 8 percent in the areas that privatized their water services; and that the effect was largest (26 percent) in the poorest areas. We check the robustness of these estimates using cause specific mortality. While privatization is associated with significant reductions in deaths from infectious and parasitic diseases, it is uncorrelated with deaths from causes unrelated to water conditions.
O Norte e o Sudeste têm concentrado nos últimos dias as menções na internet acrises de abastecimento de água, revelando a preocupação com a insegurança hídrica em cidades dessas regiões. O retrato da insatisfação nas redes sociais reflete uma realidade de baixos investimentos em saneamento básico no país e reforça o cenário de descontentamento disseminado com a qualidade dos serviços públicos em geral.
This paper discusses ~he widespread inefficiency in water pricing today and uses the State of California as an example. After solving the Planner' s Problem I conclude that water for irrigation should cost more than for domestic use. The optimal price leveI can be calculated from a correct measure of the true marginal cost of supply.
O Carnaval chegou e esta semana registrou um aumento no volume de menções ao carnaval. O monitoramento realizado pela FGV-DAPP revela os assuntos mais comentados em relação ao feriado, os destinos mais procurados e o aumento do consumo em áreas como turismo e bebidas. Mas as menções evidenciam também as preocupações relacionadas às festas, como nas áreas de saúde, segurança e - neste ano,- o abastecimento de água e energia, sobretudo no Sudeste. Na reta final para o carnaval, Segurança publica e saúde são os que mais preocupam os foliões pelo país. A falta d’água e os já clássicos trânsitos do feriados tiveram bastante repercussão nas redes sociais.
Fundação Getulio Vargas. Escola de Pós-Graduação em Economia
This dissertation aims at giving new insights for governments in understanding efficient water management models, especially in the case of the water crisis in Sao Paulo. Also, other actors dealing with water issues, such as multinational companies, could have new tools to improve efficiency in this field.
Iniciado em 2007, o trabalho é derivado do modelo "Juruti Sustentável", uma proposta de desenvolvimento local para o município, que à época vivenciava a chegada de um empreendimento de mineração da Alcoa na região. O primeiro monitoramento, publicado em 2009, apontou caminhos e tendências nos mais diversos temas - saúde, educação, população, meio ambiente, agricultura e pecuária, desenvolvimento econômico, entre outros -, tendo como base o ano de 2008. Esta segunda edição apresenta informações atualizadas até 2010. A iniciativa é fundamentada na crença de que o processo de construção de indicadores e o acompanhamento das transformações sociais, econômicas e ambientais de uma região estimula a reflexão coletiva sobre a realidade local, promovendo um ambiente de aprendizado que favorece o empoderamento humano e social, e instrumentaliza o planejamento estratégico das instituições públicas e privadas. Os indicadores também enviam uma importante mensagem a outros municípios brasileiros que hospedam ou vão hospedar grandes empreendimentos. Como preparar as regiões para as transformações que vão enfrentar? Como aproveitar as oportunidades para garantir um desenvolvimento de qualidade para todos?
Os 20 projetos apresentados nesta publicação são os finalistas, entre os 629 inscritos do primeiro ano de atividade do Programa Gestão Pública e Cidadania, para disseminação e premiação de inovações de governos subnacionais brasileiros, fruto de iniciativa conjunta da Fundação Getulio Vargas de São Paulo (EAESP/FGV) e da Fundação Ford
Os vinte finalistas aqui reunidos são exemplos relevantes de mudanças na concepção sobre a natureza dos serviços prestados; de atendimento de segmentos da população tradicionalmente não atendidos pelo setor público; de iniciativas que visam à geração de emprego e renda e ao desenvolvimento local. Os finalistas de 1997 também confirmam a tendência de emergência de novas formas de gestão de políticas públicas e de alterações nos processos políticos associados à concepção e execução das políticas pelas prefeituras e por governos estaduais, em que se destaca a participação de novos atores no processo de formulação e implementação dos programas de governo
Em outubro de 1998, o Programa Gestão Pública e Cidadania da Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo, com o apoio da Fundação Ford, realizou no Rio de Janeiro o primeiro de um ciclo de quatro seminários voltados à análise e reflexão de estratégias locais para redução da pobreza. Em cada encontro de dois dias, por volta de 30 pessoas de diferentes universos de ação (pesquisa acadêmica, organizações comunitárias, ONGs, secretarias de governos municipal e estadual, banco de desenvolvimento e instituições multilaterais) estiveram presentes para debater o espaço possível de ação local no enfrentamento da pobreza
O material apresenta alguns dos sistemas de saneamento encontrados nas cidades. O objetivo é proporcionar ao aluno o conceito de saneamento, o qual engloba os sistemas de abastecimento de água e de esgotamento sanitário, o manejo de resíduos sólidos e o manejo de águas pluviais urbanas. O conteúdo é exposto em um filme, onde o percurso da água, desde o manancial até o lançamento do esgoto tratado, é abordado.
The present research if inserts in the subject of the habitation of social interest and its relation with the sanitation infra-structure questions (sewer, water, draining and garbage). Having as study universe the narrow river of the Forty , situated one in the city of Manaus, capital of Amazon, approaches questions that if present between the necessities of housing and the especificidades of the natural environment, whose characteristics evidence limits for the implantation of adequate habitations. The objective is to analyze the possibilities and the limits of the urbanística regularization in the palafitas of the narrow rivers of Manaus, in view of the factors of habitability and ambient protection, expresses for the sanitation system - sanitary exhaustion, water supply, urban draining and garbage collection. The work approaches initially relative the conceptual aspects to the subject of social habitation in the country and its relation with the habitability factors, also focusing the question of the housing and the processes of urban informality in the city of Manaus. It deals with the process of constitution of the palafitas in the space of the city and its relation with the habitacionais politics, presenting the analysis of the implantation of the palafitas in relation to the sanitation infra-structure conditions (sewer, water, draining and garbage). As conclusion, it identifies to the possibilities and limits of urbanística regularization of the palafitas implanted to the long one of the narrow river of the Forty , taking in consideration the systems of the sanitation infrastructure
The Cruzeta impoundment, situated in the city of Cruzeta, hinterland of the state of the Rio Grande do Norte state has significant importance to the municipality as it represents the only source of supplying water to the region. It was hypothesized that the regional consequence of the global warming and the warming of surface water could substantially contribute the significant growth of the aquatic macrophytes in the years 2008-2009. The growth of these vegetation believed to be improved the degree of water transparency and as a consequence of the improved growth of phytoplankton species and chlorophyll biomass. At the same time the aquatic macrophyte could interact and compete potentially for the dissolved inorganic nutrients resources and the phytoplankton community. This study presents a comparison of years 2004-2005 when it did not have the expressive presence of the aquatic macrophyte community or restricted to the littoral region. In contrast, the years 2008-2009 showed a significant growth of the aquatic macrophyte in the Cruzeta/RN impoundments. The present study is an attempt to elucidate the significant presence of the aquatic macrophyte, Eichhornia crassipes, Ceratophyllum submersum, Nymphea sp and Pistia sp, and its interference on the ecology of phytoplankton. The samplings had been carried out from September of 2008 to April of 2009 and consistently between 10:00 h and 12:00 h with the aid of Van Dorn bottle and the plankton net of mesh size 20 Qm. The collections were made in three depths ie., surface, mid-column and bottom. The Physical-Chemical parameters such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen had been analyzed in situ. The samples for analysis of nutrients and chlorophyll were kept under refrigeration for posterior analysis in the laboratory. Phytoplankton samples were preserved in Lugol-iodine and kept for sedimentation for quali-quantitative analysis of phytoplankton. Enumeration of cells, colonies and filaments was done with the aid of Sedgwick-Rafter counting chamber and expressed as numbers/ml. Chlorophyll a was analyzed as a functional component of phytoplankton biomass and extracted with cold 90% acetone. The results indicate that the chlorophyll concentration varied between 5,65-8,08 Qg.L-1 for the dry period and 5,09-6,23 Qg.L-1 for the rainy period and showed considerable reduction when compared to the values to the 2004-2005 study period. The temperature was always presented higher in relation to the 2004-2005 study. Phytoplankton species showed a relative abundance of the Cyanophyceae for both the period of dry and rainy. The predominance species are filamentous Leptolymbya geophila Borzi (Planctolyngbya sp), Anabaena plankctônica Brunnthaler, Oscillatória limosa Ag. and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Wolosz). The concentration of the nutrients such as nitrate and orto-phosfato had always presented higher values during the rainy period and the ammoniacal nitrogen retained moderate values in the dry period and a slight increase in rainy season. The main conclusions are the reduction of the concentration of chlorophyll, diversity of phytoplankton, and the increase in temperature and transparency of the water during the period of the study
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The increasing of pollution in aquatic ecosystems in the last decades has caused an expansion of eutrophication and loss of water quality for human consumption. The increase of frequency and intensity of cyanobacteria blooms have been recognized as a major problem connected to water quality and eutrophication. The knowledge of environmental factors controlling these blooms is a key step towards the management for recovering aquatic ecosystems from eutrophic conditions. Primary productivity in aquatic ecosystems is dependent on light and nutrients availability. In the present work we evaluated the relative importance of the concentration of major nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, and light for phytoplankton growth in the main water reservoir of Rio Grande do Norte State, named Engenheiro Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves (EARG), which is an eutrophic system, dominated by potentially toxic cyanobacteria populations. Limitation of phytoplankton growth was evaluated through bioassays using differential enrichment of nutrients (N and/or P) under two light conditions (low light and high light) and monthly monitoring of chlorophyll-a and nutrients (total nitrogen and phosphorus) concentrations, and water transparency (Secchi depth) at the pelagic region. Our results confirm that EARG reservoir is an eutrophic system with a low water quality. Results of bioassays on the growth of phytoplankton limitation (N or P) were conflicting with the results predicted by the TN:TP ratios, which indicates that these ratios were not a good indicator of algal growth limitation. Nitrogen was the limiting nutrient, considering both frequency and magnitude. Light and hidrology affected phytoplankton response to nutrient enrichment. The extreme eutrophic conditions of this reservoir, dominated by cyanobacteria blooms, demand urgent managing strategies in order to guarantee the multiple uses for this system, including water supply for human population. Although nitrogen is the limiting nutrient, an effective management program must focus on the reduction of both phosphorus and nitrogen input