999 resultados para APA Gama e Cabeça de Veado


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o potencial da técnica de MALDI-MS para caracterizar espécies de lipídios presentes em um único embrião equino e estudar algumas estruturas lipídicas detectadas por dissociação induzida por colisão (CID). No espectro de modo íon positivo, pudemos observar espécies, principalmente, protonadas e sodiadas de esfingomielinas (SM), fosfatidileolinas (PC) e triacilgliceróis (TAG). No modo negativo, observamos fosfatidiletanolaminas (PE) e fosfatidilinositos (PI). Espectros de íons de lípidos com maior intensidade foram utilizados para demonstrar o potencial da informação estrutural por MALDI-MS/MS. O espectro no modo positivo de m/z (massa sobre carga) 760,6 (atribuída como PC34:1) apresentou características de fragmentos PC de m/z 184,1 (denominada cabeça polar de colina), além de perda neutral (NL) de m/z 183 (fosforilcolina). Para o íon de m/z 766,6 (atribuída como PE38:5), observou-se a NL de 140, característica do PE. Para o íon de m/z 808,7 (38,5 atribuído como PC), além do fragmento m/z 184,1 na NL de 183, foi possível observar a perda de trimetilamina (íon de m/z 749,6) e o ciclofosfano (íon de m/z 147,0). Finalmente, para o modo de íon negativo, foram isolados e fragmentados o íon de m/z 863,6 que foi atribuído como PI36:1, devido à presença de m/z 153 (fosfato de glicerol – H2O-H ), 223 (inositol fosfo - 2H2O-H) , 241 (fosfoinositol – H2O-H), 281 (ácido oleico) e 581,3 (lisofosfoinositol – H2O+H). Concluímos que a MALDI - MS permite a detecção de uma ampla gama de espécies de PC, SM, PE, PI e TAG lipídicas, bem como a caracterização rápida e confiante de estruturas lipídicas a partir de um único embrião equino.


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Neoplasias of the head and neck correspond to the fifth most common cancer in the world, with high mortality and morbidity. The aim of this study was to show, through a literature review, a little about the epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis and therapy of the most common malignant tumors of each anatomical region of the head and neck. The research of the articles was made in MEDLINE data base, with a total of 52 articles used. In this review, we analyze the main aspects related to the tumors of oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and salivary glands. Almost all cancers of the head and neck affecting the mucosa of the upper aerodigestive tract are derived from squamous cells. Therefore, the risk factors between the various types of tumors are similar, with alcohol and tobacco being the main ones. To be composed of several distinct structures, the head and neck tumors deserve a diagnostic and therapeutic approach individualized for each anatomical region. Controllingthe risk factors and doing the right approach, it is expected that the incidence of cancers of the head and neck decreases, thereby reducing mortality from malignant neoplasms worldwide


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Lyme disease (LD) is a systemic inflammatory changes resulting from the direct action of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi on the host or indirect damage produced by immune response to this microorganism. This pathogen is transmitted by inoculation in the bloodstream by the tick genus Ixodes and is most commonly found in North America, Europe and Asia. In these regions, the dental community is aware about its commonest clinical symptoms, collaborating with the establishment of a diagnosis. However, in Brazil, the frequent facial or peripheral neurological manifestations, among them the Bell's palsy, ocular disorders, disorders in the temporomandibular joint, as well as paresthesia of upper and lower alveolar nerves are observed. In our country, the diagnosis of Lyme disease is primarily based on clinical symptomatology, but most of cases remain without diagnosis and treatment. Then, the detection of the early manifestations of Lyme disease by health professionals is essential for the proper antibiotic treatment, preventing the progression of the disease, and allowing the establishment of favorable prognostic.


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O câncer é um problema de saúde pública mundial, com destaque para a incidência do câncer de cabeça e pescoço, em função da biologia das lesões, custo do tratamento, acompanhamento e ônus social. Seus tratamentos mais utilizados como a cirurgia e radioterapia, apresentam sérios efeitos colaterais de curto e longo prazo, cujo é são complexo. As principais orientações e cuidados no tratamento do câncer de cabeça e pescoço foram obtidos através de revisão de literatura sistemática em bases de dados públicas. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi mostrar os principais cuidados na prevenção e tratamento das sequelas da radioterapia desse tipo de câncer. Nesse particular, observa-se a necessidade de um protocolo de enfermagem-odontologia, visto a complexidade e a falta de direcionamento das normas do Sistema Único de Saúde, além da responsabilidade dos cuidados desses pacientes, que ficam a cargo da equipe de saúde, atendendo as suas reais necessidades, tanto pessoais, psicológicas e fisiológicas.


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Radioterapia é uma das modalidades terapêuticas mais utilizadas no tratamento de neoplasias de cabeça e pescoço. Contudo apresenta severos efeitos colaterais, dentre os quais a mucosite é uma das mais prevalentes e sérias, ocasionando áreas ulceradas com extremo desconforto para alimentação e possibilidades de infecções secundárias, muitas delas por microrganismos oportunistas. Esse estudo objetivou investigar a ocorrência e grau de severidade da mucosite oral em pacientes com lesões malignas de cabeça e pescoço submetidos à radioterapia, bem como relacionar com a interrupção do tratamento. 50 pacientes foram avaliados clinicamente e por meio de questionário, durante e após o tratamento, no Centro de Radioterapia de Megavoltagem em São José do Rio Preto-SP utilizando-se os critérios de mucosite da OMS. Pode-se verificar que a maioria dos pacientes apresentou algum grau de mucosite durante o tratamento e persiste em alguns pacientes mesmo após a interrupção da radioterapia. A má higiene bucal e tratamentos odontológicos prévios são fatores associados aos graus mais severos das lesões.


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In order to evaluate the quality of life of patients with head and neck cancer, this study analyzed data of 24 patients with squamous cell carcinoma, which indicated therapy was radiotherapy or not be combined with chemotherapy and surgery. The study was conducted in the Unit of Radiotherapy of Megavoltage located in the São José de Rio Preto-SP, in the period August 2007 to January 2008. Then, it was used the questionnaire of quality of life from University of Washington which enabled the identification of different quality of life patterns associated with the different stages of radiotherapy, indicating to be viable the prospect of recognition of prognostic factors of reduction in multiple domains of quality of life. From the data collected and analyzed, it was identified that the areas with the worst score in the begin of radiotherapy were appearance, speech and anxiety; during the treatment were taste, saliva and anxiety; and in the end were taste, saliva and swallowing. Throughout the treatment, it was observed the deterioration of patients' mood. In this regard, emphasizes the importance of dental and psychological follow-up, within the framework of a multidisciplinary care for patients with head and neck cancer during radiotherapy treatment.


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Joaquin Torres Garcia reversed the position of the map of the continent, reaching South America north. This little drawing illustrates an article by Torres García, 1935, in which he advocates the creation of a "Escuela del Sur". This image illustrates a need in Latin America to seek their own ways. Torres-Garcia was inspired by the preColumbian American heritage for their symbolic and Constructivism proposes that Latin America look to the popular ancestral and cultural traditions and build an art itself through which the continent would no longer be a tributary of European culture. As production visual modern and contemporary Latin American context of globalization, takes the center / periphery relationship? The colonizer's model center/periphery relationship persists in the Latin American visual production? The technologies offered other ways of representation that break with the culture of repetition? These questions guide our research.


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The study of the physical man characteristics and their variations have caught the man's interests since the ancient age. In Brazil, there are no studies which define the anthropometric profile of the Brazilian's head, hindering the development of ergonomic designs. One problem that occurs in the Brazilian armed forces is the use of protective helmets made with measurements of other countries, which causes great discomfort. Thus, this study aims to conduct a study to determine the anthropometric measurements of the head of the Brazilian Air Force military, assisting in the production of helmets more suitable. Therefore, it is presented ananthropometric survey in 576 students of the School of Aeronautics Expert, 286 females and 290 males, aged between 17 and 36 years. The study showed that the differences found between genders are less than 5%. In addition to the fact that the helmet Tues adjustments, there is no need for production of different helmets in relation to gender, but some changes are necessary measures in circumference and shape of the helmet.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of gamma radiation on fruit quality and conservation of mana cubiu through its enzymatic characteristics, with 20 days of storage and 5 taken every 4 days. The fruits selected were subjected to different doses of gamma radiation Co60 (0.0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6 and 0.8 kGy) packaged in trays of expanded polyethylene then covered with stretchable PVC film associated with refrigerated stored at 10 ± 3°C e 85 ± 5% de UR and evaluated in six periods (0, 4, 8, 12, 16 e 20 days). The variables evaluated were: enzymatic activity of pectin (PME), polygalacturonase (PG), polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD). For PG there was no interaction between dose and storage on the day 16 the highest value to 640.10 UE min-1 g-1 and 0.8 kGy dose showed the lowest with 376.37 10 UE min-1 g-1. PME now get in 16 days and 0.8 kGy dose the highest values of the experiment, to 290.74 UE min-1 g-1. In POF, the day 16 presented the value of 0.26 min-1 g-1 of dry mass-1. In 20 days the fruits of all treatments provided the highest values of POD during the experiment. The results showed that different doses of gamma radiation does not interfere with the activity of the enzymes determined in this experiment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Many social wasps are known to use thermogenesis to warm up their flight muscles and are therefore able to forage under a broad range of ambient temperatures. However it is uncertain whether there exists a possible relation between ambient temperature and thermogenic capacity for tropical species, as we lack studies focusing on these species. Therefore, we examined the use of this mechanism in the neotropical Epiponini wasp Polybia ignobilis. More specifically, we used a thermographic camera to obtain data of the surface temperatures of three body regions (head, thorax and abdomen) of wasps during foraging activities (pre-flight, flight and post-flight) in cold [initial pe- riod of foraging activity: TAM : 15 − 20◦C] and warm [final period of foraging activity: TPM : 30 − 35◦C] conditions. Thorax temperature (Tth) was always higher than head (Th) and abdomen temperature (Tabd). In general, the lowest body temperatures were observed during the pre-flight period, while the highest values occurred upon the return of the wasps from the foraging flight. Except for the pre-flight period, Tth was always higher than Tabd, indicating that heat generated at the thorax was preferentially directed to the cephalic region. Therefore we confirmed the use of thermogenesis by a neotropical social wasp, although its magnitude was found modest compared to temperate species, which suggests a link between thermal environment and thermogenic capacity. We also showed that P. ignobilis modulates heat production as a function of ambient temperature (TA), maintaining a greater temperature difference (Tbody − TA) at cooler temperatures. Finally, we identified the cephalic region of wasps as an important route for the dissipation of the heat generated during flight