987 resultados para AK4-274
Este trabalho aborda a Legislação sobre a Defesa do Património em Cabo Verde (1975 – 2005), durante 30 anos do seu percurso como país independente. Dado que o valor do Património requer especial atenção por parte de todos, visto ser constituído por bens que se encontram num ambiente onde a conservação e a degradação se coabitam, neste sentido é necessário que haja uma perspectiva virada para a educação patrimonial, de modo a resgatar os bens mais sensíveis que poderão desaparecer, caso não receberem tratamentos adequados. Como o conceito do Património teve uma evolução ao longo dos tempos, subdivide-se actualmente em Cultural e Natural. Desde a Independência Nacional, em Cabo Verde começou-se a dar os primeiros passos para a preservação daquilo que constitui a nossa identidade cultural. Os sucessivos governos tiveram a consciência da necessidade da sua conservação, como se verifica através dos Programas e Planos Nacionais, nos quais elegeram o Património como um dos eixos principais de desenvolvimento. Desta feita, saíram muitas Leis, Decretos, Despachos e Regulamentos respeitantes a este tema, embora, muitos sem efeitos práticos, por falta de regulamentação. É importante referir que as nossas Leis de Bases do Património Cultural e Natural receberam influências das de Portugal, apesar de serem elaboradas com um certo intervalo de tempo.
Puhe 4. 4. 1938 maalaisliiton 32. puoluekokouksessa Lapualla
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to clarify the contribution of international dispute adjudication mechanisms in regard to environmental protection. Most specifically, the study aims to identify and develop the criterion adopted by the international judge in relation to the compensation for environmental damages. In this perspective, the study identifies some gaps between international responsibility and environmental protection interests. The premise sustained all along the study is that compensation is determinant to conciliate environmental prerogatives with mechanisms of international adjudication, in particular the system of international responsibility. Supported by the analysis of treaties, international decisions and secondary sources, the thesis defends the idea that some elements of international law allow the adjudicator to adapt the compensation to attend certain environmental interests, creating a new approach which was entitled 'fair compensation'. The antithesis of this approach is the idea that compensation in international law is limited exclusively to the strict reparation of the material losses incurred by the victim. As a synthesis, the study defends the specificity of environmental damages in relation to other kind of damages that are subject to compensation under international law. The measure upon which compensation for environmental damages could be classified as a specific type of damage under international law remains to be determined. The main conclusion of the study is that the existing standard of compensation defined by the theory and practice of international law is impossible to be strictly respected in cases involving environmental damages. This limitation is mainly due to the complexity of the notion of environment, which is constantly conflicting with the anthropologic view of legal theory. The study supports the idea that the establishment of a 'fair compensation' which takes into account the political, legal and technical context of the environmental damage, is the best possible approach to conciliate internationally responsibility and environmental interests. This could be implemented by the observance of certain elements by the international judge/arbitrator through a case-by-case analysis.