993 resultados para ADAM, TAPI, CDC42


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La poesía latina del maestro Adán de San Víctor (ca.11121192), oriundo de Bretaña y canónigo agustino de la abadía parisina de SaintVictor, representa, en su ámbito y en su época, una novedad trascendente dentro de la lírica litúrgica y particularmente de la lírica mariana. La ductilidad rítmica y retórica del subgénero de la sequentia lograda en sus piezas hace de este autor un paradigma de la creación poética litúrgica en la Europa de los siglos XII y XIII. En este sentido, tanto la mención a su obra como la inclusión de sus sequentiae (junto con otras del mismo período y "estilo" gótico) en diversos manuscritos hispánicos, desde las Cantigas de Santa María hasta el ms. Alcobacense 149, permiten considerar la relevante influencia de esta refinada lírica del siglo XII en la confección de poemas y compilaciones marianas del siglo siguiente en la Península Ibérica.


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La poesía latina del maestro Adán de San Víctor (ca.11121192), oriundo de Bretaña y canónigo agustino de la abadía parisina de SaintVictor, representa, en su ámbito y en su época, una novedad trascendente dentro de la lírica litúrgica y particularmente de la lírica mariana. La ductilidad rítmica y retórica del subgénero de la sequentia lograda en sus piezas hace de este autor un paradigma de la creación poética litúrgica en la Europa de los siglos XII y XIII. En este sentido, tanto la mención a su obra como la inclusión de sus sequentiae (junto con otras del mismo período y "estilo" gótico) en diversos manuscritos hispánicos, desde las Cantigas de Santa María hasta el ms. Alcobacense 149, permiten considerar la relevante influencia de esta refinada lírica del siglo XII en la confección de poemas y compilaciones marianas del siglo siguiente en la Península Ibérica.


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The small GTPases Cdc42 and Rac regulate a variety of biological processes, including actin polymerization, cell proliferation, and JNK/mitogen-activated protein kinase activation, conceivably via distinct effectors. Whereas the effector for mitogen-activated protein kinase activation appears to be p65PAK, the identity of effector(s) for actin polymerization remains unclear. We have found a putative effector for Drosophila Cdc42, Genghis Khan (Gek), which binds to Dcdc42 in a GTP-dependent and effector domain-dependent manner. Gek contains a predicted serine/threonine kinase catalytic domain that is 63% identical to human myotonic dystrophy protein kinase and has protein kinase activities. It also possesses a large coiled-coil domain, a putative phorbol ester binding domain, a pleckstrin homology domain, and a Cdc42 binding consensus sequence that is required for its binding to Dcdc42. To study the in vivo function of gek, we generated mutations in the Drosophila gek locus. Egg chambers homozygous for gek mutations exhibit abnormal accumulation of F-actin and are defective in producing fertilized eggs. These phenotypes can be rescued by a wild-type gek transgene. Our results suggest that this multidomain protein kinase is an effector for the regulation of actin polymerization by Cdc42.


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The ability of signaling via the JNK (c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase)/stress-activated protein kinase cascade to stimulate or inhibit DNA synthesis in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes was examined. Treatment of hepatocytes with media containing hyperosmotic glucose (75 mM final), tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα, 1 ng/ml final), and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, 1 ng/ml final) caused activation of JNK1. Glucose, TNFα, or HGF treatments increased phosphorylation of c-Jun at serine 63 in the transactivation domain and stimulated hepatocyte DNA synthesis. Infection of hepatocytes with poly-l-lysine–coated adenoviruses coupled to constructs to express either dominant negatives Ras N17, Rac1 N17, Cdc42 N17, SEK1−, or JNK1− blunted the abilities of glucose, TNFα, or HGF to increase JNK1 activity, to increase phosphorylation of c-Jun at serine 63, and to stimulate DNA synthesis. Furthermore, infection of hepatocytes by a recombinant adenovirus expressing a dominant-negative c-Jun mutant (TAM67) also blunted the abilities of glucose, TNFα, and HGF to stimulate DNA synthesis. These data demonstrate that multiple agonists stimulate DNA synthesis in primary cultures of hepatocytes via a Ras/Rac1/Cdc42/SEK/JNK/c-Jun pathway. Glucose and HGF treatments reduced glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) activity and increased c-Jun DNA binding. Co-infection of hepatocytes with recombinant adenoviruses to express dominant- negative forms of PI3 kinase (p110α/p110γ) increased basal GSK3 activity, blocked the abilities of glucose and HGF treatments to inhibit GSK3 activity, and reduced basal c-Jun DNA binding. However, expression of dominant-negative PI3 kinase (p110α/p110γ) neither significantly blunted the abilities of glucose and HGF treatments to increase c-Jun DNA binding, nor inhibited the ability of these agonists to stimulate DNA synthesis. These data suggest that signaling by the JNK/stress-activated protein kinase cascade, rather than by the PI3 kinase cascade, plays the pivotal role in the ability of agonists to stimulate DNA synthesis in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes.


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We applied recombinant forms of the Rho-related small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) Rac2 and Cdc42/G25K to permeabilized mast cells to test their ability to regulate exocytotic secretion. Mast cells permeabilized with streptolysin-O leak soluble (cytosol) proteins over a period of 5 min and become refractory to stimulation by Ca2+ and guanosine triphosphate (GTP)γS over about 20–30 min. This loss of sensitivity is likely to be due to loss of key regulatory proteins that are normally tethered at intracellular locations. Exogenous proteins that retard this loss of sensitivity to stimulation may be similar, if not identical, to those secretory regulators that are lost. Recombinant Rac and Cdc42/G25K, preactivated by binding GTPγS, retard the loss of sensitivity (run-down) and, more importantly, enable secretion to be stimulated by Ca2+ alone. Investigation of the concentration dependence of each of these two GTPases applied individually to the permeabilized cells, and of Cdc42/G25K applied in the presence of an optimal concentration of Rac2, has provided evidence for a shared effector pathway and also a second effector pathway activated by Cdc42/G25K alone. Dominant negative mutant (N17) forms of Rac2 and Cdc42/G25K inhibit secretion induced by Ca2+ and GTPγS. Our data suggest that Rac2 and Cdc42 should be considered as candidates for GE, GTPases that mediate exocytosis in cells of hematopoeitic origin.


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Adhesion to ECM is required for many cell functions including cytoskeletal organization, migration, and proliferation. We observed that when cells first adhere to extracellular matrix, they spread rapidly by extending filopodia-like projections and lamellipodia. These structures are similar to the Rac- and Cdc42-dependent structures observed in growth factor-stimulated cells. We therefore investigated the involvement of Rac and Cdc42 in adhesion and spreading on the ECM protein fibronectin. We found that integrin-dependent adhesion led to the rapid activation of p21-activated kinase, a downstream effector of Cdc42 and Rac, suggesting that integrins activate at least one of these GTPases. Dominant negative mutants of Rac and Cdc42 inhibit cell spreading in such a way as to suggest that integrins activate Cdc42, which leads to the subsequent activation of Rac; both GTPases then contribute to cell spreading. These results demonstrate that initial integrin-dependent activation of Rac and Cdc42 mediates cell spreading.


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