916 resultados para AD-HOC NETWORKS
With the increasing popularity of wireless network and its application, mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETS) emerged recently. MANET topology is highly dynamic in nature and nodes are highly mobile so that the rate of link failure is more in MANET. There is no central control over the nodes and the control is distributed among nodes and they can act as either router or source. MANTEs have been considered as isolated stand-alone network. Node can add or remove at any time and it is not infrastructure dependent. So at any time at any where the network can setup and a trouble free communication is possible. Due to more chances of link failures, collisions and transmission errors in MANET, the maintenance of network became costly. As per the study more frequent link failures became an important aspect of diminishing the performance of the network and also it is not predictable. The main objective of this paper is to study the route instability in AODV protocol and suggest a solution for improvement. This paper proposes a new approach to reduce the route failure by storing the alternate route in the intermediate nodes. In this algorithm intermediate nodes are also involved in the route discovery process. This reduces the route establishment overhead as well as the time to find the reroute when a link failure occurs.
Recently, researchers have introduced the notion of super-peers to improve signaling efficiency as well as lookup performance of peer-to-peer (P2P) systems. In a separate development, recent works on applications of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) have seen several proposals on utilizing mobile fleets such as city buses to deploy a mobile backbone infrastructure for communication and Internet access in a metropolitan environment. This paper further explores the possibility of deploying P2P applications such as content sharing and distributed computing, over this mobile backbone infrastructure. Specifically, we study how city buses may be deployed as a mobile system of super-peers. We discuss the main motivations behind our proposal, and outline in detail the design of a super-peer based structured P2P system using a fleet of city buses.
This paper analyzes the performance of Enhanced relay-enabled Distributed Coordination Function (ErDCF) for wireless ad hoc networks under transmission errors. The idea of ErDCF is to use high data rate nodes to work as relays for the low data rate nodes. ErDCF achieves higher throughput and reduces energy consumption compared to IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) in an ideal channel environment. However, there is a possibility that this expected gain may decrease in the presence of transmission errors. In this work, we modify the saturation throughput model of ErDCF to accurately reflect the impact of transmission errors under different rate combinations. It turns out that the throughput gain of ErDCF can still be maintained under reasonable link quality and distance.
In this paper we evaluate the performance of our earlier proposed enhanced relay-enabled distributed coordination function (ErDCF) for wireless ad hoc networks. The idea of ErDCF is to use high data rate nodes to work as relays for the low data rate nodes. ErDCF achieves higher throughput and reduced energy consumption compared to IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF). This is a result of. 1) using relay which helps to increase the throughput and lower overall blocking time of nodes due to faster dual-hop transmission, 2) using dynamic preamble (i.e. using short preamble for the relay transmission) which further increases the throughput and lower overall blocking time and also by 3) reducing unnecessary overhearing (by other nodes not involved in transmission). We evaluate the throughput and energy performance of the ErDCF with different rate combinations. ErDCF (11,11) (ie. R1=R2=11 Mbps) yields a throughput improvement of 92.9% (at the packet length of 1000 bytes) and an energy saving of 72.2% at 50 nodes.
This paper analyzes the performance of enhanced relay-enabled distributed coordination function (ErDCF) for wireless ad hoc networks under transmission errors. The idea of ErDCF is to use high data rate nodes to work as relays for the low data rate nodes. ErDCF achieves higher throughput and reduces energy consumption compared to IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF) in an ideal channel environment. However, there is a possibility that this expected gain may decrease in the presence of transmission errors. In this work, we modify the saturation throughput model of ErDCF to accurately reflect the impact of transmission errors under different rate combinations. It turns out that the throughput gain of ErDCF can still be maintained under reasonable link quality and distance.
This paper analyzes the delay performance of Enhanced relay-enabled Distributed Coordination Function (ErDCF) for wireless ad hoc networks under ideal condition and in the presence of transmission errors. Relays are nodes capable of supporting high data rates for other low data rate nodes. In ideal channel ErDCF achieves higher throughput and reduced energy consumption compared to IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF). This gain is still maintained in the presence of errors. It is also expected of relays to reduce the delay. However, the impact on the delay behavior of ErDCF under transmission errors is not known. In this work, we have presented the impact of transmission errors on delay. It turns out that under transmission errors of sufficient magnitude to increase dropped packets, packet delay is reduced. This is due to increase in the probability of failure. As a result the packet drop time increases, thus reflecting the throughput degradation.
Vehicular networks ensure that the information received from any vehicle is promptly and correctly propagated to nearby vehicles, to prevent accidents. A crucial point is how to trust the information transmitted, when the neighboring vehicles are rapidly changing and moving in and out of range. Current trust management schemes for vehicular networks establish trust by voting on the decision received by several nodes, which might not be required for practical scenarios. It might just be enough to check the validity of incoming information. Due to the ephemeral nature of vehicular networks, reputation schemes for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) cannot be applied to vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). We point out several limitations of trust management schemes for VANET. In particular, we identify the problem of information cascading and oversampling, which commonly arise in social networks. Oversampling is a situation in which a node observing two or more nodes, takes into consideration both their opinions equally without knowing that they might have influenced each other in decision making. We show that simple voting for decision making, leads to oversampling and gives incorrect results. We propose an algorithm to overcome this problem in VANET. This is the first paper which discusses the concept of cascading effect and oversampling effects to ad hoc networks. © 2011 IEEE.
Detecting misbehavior (such as transmissions of false information) in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) is a very important problem with wide range of implications, including safety related and congestion avoidance applications. We discuss several limitations of existing misbehavior detection schemes (MDS) designed for VANETs. Most MDS are concerned with detection of malicious nodes. In most situations, vehicles would send wrong information because of selfish reasons of their owners, e.g. for gaining access to a particular lane. It is therefore more important to detect false information than to identify misbehaving nodes. We introduce the concept of data-centric misbehavior detection and propose algorithms which detect false alert messages and misbehaving nodes by observing their actions after sending out the alert messages. With the data-centric MDS, each node can decide whether an information received is correct or false. The decision is based on the consistency of recent messages and new alerts with reported and estimated vehicle positions. No voting or majority decisions is needed, making our MDS resilient to Sybil attacks. After misbehavior is detected, we do not revoke all the secret credentials of misbehaving nodes, as done in most schemes. Instead, we impose fines on misbehaving nodes (administered by the certification authority), discouraging them to act selfishly. This reduces the computation and communication costs involved in revoking all the secret credentials of misbehaving nodes. © 2011 IEEE.
In the past few years, vehicular ad hoc networks(VANETs) was studied extensively by researchers. VANETs is a type of P2P network, though it has some distinct characters (fast moving, short lived connection etc.). In this paper, we present several limitations of current trust management schemes in VANETs and propose ways to counter them. We first review several trust management techniques in VANETs and argue that the ephemeral nature of VANETs render them useless in practical situations. We identify that the problem of information cascading and oversampling, which commonly arise in social networks, also adversely affects trust management schemes in VANETs. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to introduce information cascading and oversampling to VANETs. We show that simple voting for decision making leads to oversampling and gives incorrect results in VANETs. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel voting scheme. In our scheme, each vehicle has different voting weight according to its distance from the event. The vehicle which is more closer to the event possesses higher weight. Simulations show that our proposed algorithm performs better than simple voting, increasing the correctness of voting. © 2012 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a special kind of ad-hoc networks that is usually deployed in a monitoring field in order to detect some physical phenomenon. Due to the low dependability of individual nodes, small radio coverage and large areas to be monitored, the organization of nodes in small clusters is generally used. Moreover, a large number of WSN nodes is usually deployed in the monitoring area to increase WSN dependability. Therefore, the best cluster head positioning is a desirable characteristic in a WSN. In this paper, we propose a hybrid clustering algorithm based on community detection in complex networks and traditional K-means clustering technique: the QK-Means algorithm. Simulation results show that QK-Means detect communities and sub-communities thus lost message rate is decreased and WSN coverage is increased. © 2012 IEEE.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
Several countries have invested in technologies for Smart Grids. Among such protocols designed cover this area, highlights the DNP3 (Distributed Network Protocol version 3). Although the DNP3 be developed for operation over the serial interface, there is a trend in the literature to the use of other interfaces. The Zigbee wireless interface has become more popular in the industrial applications. In order to study the challenges of integrating of these two protocols, this article is presented the analysis of DNP3 protocol stack through state machines The encapsulation of DNP3 messages in P2P (point-to-point) ZigBee Network, may assist in the discovery and solution of failures of availability and security of this integration. The ultimate goal is to merge the features of DNP3 and Zigbee stacks, and display a solution that provides the benefits of wireless environment, without impairment of security required for Smart Grid applications.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE