918 resultados para ACTIVITY LEVELS


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RESUMO: Actividade Física, é qualquer movimento corporal produzido pelos músculos esqueléticos que resultam em energia despendida, acima do nível de repouso (Caspersen et al1985; Baranowski et al 1992). Um indivíduo sedentário que comece uma Actividade Física regular desencadeia um conjunto de adaptações ao esforço, em que algumas destas adaptações serão benéficas em termos de saúde, ajudando na prevenção inicial de várias doenças (Haskell et al 1965; Barata et al 1997). A Aptidão Física é um conjunto de atributos que as pessoas têm ou alcançam, que estão relacionados com os movimentos que as pessoas desempenham (Caspersen et al 1985; Baranowski et al 1992). O objectivo central do presente estudo consistiu em verificar se existem diferenças significativas entre os Praticantes e Não Praticantes de ADEC e a Aptidão Física dos alunos. A amostra foi constituída por 310 sujeitos, 165 rapazes e 145 raparigas pertencentes ao Ensino Secundário de 4 escolas da rede de estágios da ULHT 2010/2011. As Capacidades Físicas foram avaliadas através dos testes do Fitnessgram, a Prática de ADEC e o Índice de Actividade Física foram obtidos através do Questionário de Actividade Desportiva. Conclusões: Os alunos que praticam ADEC são mais aptos do que os alunos que não praticam ADEC. Estes Praticantes apresentam valores mais elevados na Aptidão Aeróbia e no VO2máx., quando comparados com os Não Praticantes. Nas restantes Capacidades Físicas analisadas (Força de Braços, Força Abdominal e Flexibilidade) não foram encontradas diferenças significativas. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre a Prática de ADEC e o IMC. Os Praticantes de ADEC demonstraram ter um IAF superior aos Não Praticantes de ADEC. O Género Feminino apresenta melhores resultados do que o Género Masculino para a Força de Braços. Nas restantes Capacidades Físicas não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre Géneros. Quando analisado o IMC, o Género Feminino apresenta percentagens superiores de Peso Normal relativamente ao Género Masculino. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o Género e a Aptidão Física. Verificou-se que existe diferenças significativas na relação entre o Género e o IAF, o Género Masculino tem um IAF superior ao Género Feminino. Os alunos mais aptos fisicamente são os alunos com maior IAF. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as Modalidades praticadas pelos alunos e o desenvolvimento qualquer das Capacidades Físicas estudadas. ABSTRACT: Physical Activity is any body movement produced by skeletal muscles resulting in energy expenditure above the resting level (Caspersen et al1985; Baranowski et al 1992). A sedentary individual, who starts a regular Physical Activity, triggers a set of adaptations to stress, in which some of these changes will be helpful in terms of health, aiding in primary prevention of several diseases (Haskell et al 1965; Barata et al 1997). Physical Fitness is a set of attributes that people have or achieve, and are related with the movements that people perform (Caspersen et al 1985; Baranowski et al 1992). The main purpose of this study was to determine whether there are significant differences between Practicing and Non-practitioners of ADEC and Physical Fitness of students. The sample consisted of 310 subjects, 165 boys and 145 girls belonging to high school students of 4 schools integrated in the ULHT 2010/2011. The Physical Abilities were assessed through Fitnessgram tests, ADEC practice and the Index of Physical Activity were obtained through the Physical Activity Questionnaire. Conclusions: Students that practice ADEC are more able than students who do not practice ADEC. These students that practice ADEC have higher values in Aerobic Fitness and VO2max when compared to non-practicing students. In the remaining Physical Abilities analyzed (Arm Strength, Abdominal Strength and Flexibility) were not considered significant differences. No significant differences were found between ADEC practice and the BMI. The students that practice ADEC showed higher Physical Activity levels than students who do not practice. Female gender presents better results than the male gender in Arms strength. In the remaining components of Physical Fitness were not found significant differences between genders. When analyzed BMI, female gender has higher percentages of normal weight compared to male gender. No significant differences were found between Gender and Physical Fitness. It was verified that there are significant differences in the relation between gender and Physical Activity levels, the male gender have a higher level of Physical Activity than female gender. The most able students are the ones with higher levels of Physical Activity. There were no significant differences between the sports practiced by students and the development of the studied components of physical fitness.


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The usefulness of motor subtypes of delirium is unclear due to inconsistency in subtyping methods and a lack of validation with objective measures of activity. The activity of 40 patients was measured over 24 h with a commercial accelerometer-based activity monitor. Accelerometry data from patients with DSM-IV delirium that were readily divided into hyperactive, hypoactive and mixed motor subtypes, were used to create classification trees that were Subsequently applied to the remaining cohort to define motoric subtypes. The classification trees used the periods of sitting/lying, standing, stepping and number of postural transitions as measured by the activity monitor as determining factors from which to classify the delirious cohort. The use of a classification system shows how delirium subtypes can be categorised in relation to overall activity and postural changes, which was one of the most discriminating measures examined. The classification system was also implemented to successfully define other patient motoric subtypes. Motor subtypes of delirium defined by observed ward behaviour differ in electronically measured activity levels. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The usefulness of motor subtypes of delirium is unclear due to inconsistency in subtyping methods and a lack of validation with objective measures of activity. The activity of 40 patients was measured over 24 h with a discrete accelerometer-based activity monitor. The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) with various mother wavelets were applied to accelerometry data from three randomly selected patients with DSM-IV delirium that were readily divided into hyperactive, hypoactive, and mixed motor subtypes. A classification tree used the periods of overall movement as measured by the discrete accelerometer-based monitor as determining factors for which to classify these delirious patients. This data used to create the classification tree were based upon the minimum, maximum, standard deviation, and number of coefficient values, generated over a range of scales by the CWT. The classification tree was subsequently used to define the remaining motoric subtypes. The use of a classification system shows how delirium subtypes can be categorized in relation to overall motoric behavior. The classification system was also implemented to successfully define other patient motoric subtypes. Motor subtypes of delirium defined by observed ward behavior differ in electronically measured activity levels.


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The usefulness of motor subtypes of delirium is unclear due to inconsistency in sub-typing methods and a lack of validation with objective measures of activity. The activity of 40 patients was measured with 24 h accelerometry monitoring. Patients with Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) delirium (n = 30) were allocated into hyperactive, hypoactive and mixed motor subtypes. Delirium subtypes differed in relation to overall amount of activity, including movement in both sagittal and transverse planes. Differences were greater in the daytime and during the early evening ‘sundowning’ period. Frequency of postural changes was the most discriminating measure examined. Clinical subtypes of delirium defined by observed motor behaviour on the ward differ in electronically measured activity levels.


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Objective: Protein kinase C (PKC) plays a pivotal role in modulating the growth and differentiation of many cell types including the cardiac myocyte. However, little is known about molecules that act immediately downstream of PKC in the heart. In this study we have investigated the expression of 80K/MARCKS, a major PKC substrate, in whole ventricles and in cardiac myocytes from developing rat hearts. Methods: Poly A+ RNA was prepared from neonatal (2-day) and adult (42-day) cardiac myocytes and whole ventricular tissue and mRNA expression determined by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using primers designed to identify a 420 bp fragment in the 80K/MARCKS gene. Protein extracts were prepared from either 2-day and 42-day cardiac myocytes or from whole ventricular tissue at 2, 5–11, 14, 17, 21, 28 and 42 days of age. Protein expression was determined by immunoblotting with an 80K/MARCKS antipeptide antibody and PKC activity was determined by measuring the amount of γ32P-ATP transferred to a specific peptide substrate. Results: RT-PCR analysis of 80K/MARCKS mRNA in neonatal (2-day) and adult (42-day) cardiac myocytes showed the expression of this gene in both cell types. Immunoblotting revealed maximum 80K/MARCKS protein expression in whole ventricular tissue at 5 days (a 75% increase above values at 2 days), followed by a transient decrease in expression during the 6–8-day period (61% of the protein expressed at 2 days for 8-day tissue) with levels returning to 5 day levels by 11 days of age. 80K/MARCKS protein was present in cardiac myocytes at 2 days of age whereas it was not detectable in adult cells. In addition, PKC activity levels increased to 160% of levels present at 2 days in 8-day-old ventricles with PKC activity levels returning to 5-day levels by 9 days of age. This was then followed by a steady decline in both 80K/MARCKS protein expression and PKC activity through to adulthood. Conclusions: Expression of the PKC substrate, 80K/MARCKS, in cardiac myocytes changes significantly during development and the transient loss of immunoreactive protein during the 6–8-day developmental period may reflect 80K/MARCKS phosphorylation and subsequent down-regulation as a result of the concomitant up-regulation of PKC activity at this time.


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Prospective measurement of nutrition, cognition, and physical activity in later life would facilitate early detection of detrimental change and early intervention but is hard to achieve in community settings. Technology can simplify the task and facilitate daily data collection. The Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing (NANA) toolkit was developed to provide a holistic picture of an individual's function including diet, cognition and activity levels. This study aimed to validate the NANA toolkit for data collection in the community. Forty participants aged 65 years and over trialled the NANA toolkit in their homes for three 7-day periods at four-week intervals. Data collected using the NANA toolkit were compared with standard measures of diet (four-day food diary), cognitive ability (processing speed) and physical activity (self-report). Bland–Altman analysis of dietary intake (energy, carbohydrates, protein fat) found a good relationship with the food diary and cognitive processing speed and physical activity (hours) were significantly correlated with their standard counterparts. The NANA toolkit enables daily reporting of data that would otherwise be collected sporadically while reducing demands on participants; older adults can complete the daily reporting at home without a researcher being present; and it enables prospective investigation of several domains at once


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Biometric parameters, glycemia and activity levels of plasma neutral aminopeptidase (APN) and dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) were measured in monosodium glutamate obese and food-deprived rats (MSG-FD), to analyze the involvement of these enzymes in such situations. Plasma APN was distinguished as sensitive (PSA) (K(m) = 7.8 x 10(-5) mol/l) and predominantly insensitive (APM) (K(m) = 21.6 x 10(-5) mol/l) to puromycin, whereas DPPIV was sensitive (DPPIV-DS) (K(m) = 0.24 x 10(-5) mol/l) and predominantly insensitive (DPPIV-DI) (K(m) = 7.04 x 10(-5) mol/l) to diprotin A. Although unchanged in the MSG and food-deprived animals, APM activity levels were closely correlated with body mass, Lee index, and mass of retroperitoneal fat pad in the food deprived, but not in the MSG animals. DPPIV-DI activity levels decreased by 33% and were correlated with body mass, Lee index, and mass of periepididymal fat pad in the food-deprived MSG rats. These data suggest that APM and DPPIV-DI are respectively related to the downregulation of somatostatin in food-deprived rats, and to the recovery of energy balance in MSG obese rats during food deprivation.


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This study presents the in-vivo evaluation of Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy implants obtained by the hydride route via powder metallurgy. The cylindrical implants were processed at different sintering and holding times. The implants` were characterized for density, microstructure (SEM), crystalline phases (XRD), and bulk (EDS) and surface composition (XPS). The implants were then sterilized and surgically placed in the central region of the rabbit`s tibiae. Two double fluorescent markers were applied at 2 and 3 weeks, and 6 and 7 weeks after implantation. After an 8-week healing period, the implants were retrieved, non-decalcified section processed, and evaluated by electron, UV light (fluorescent labeling), and light microscopy (toluidine blue). BSE-SEM showed close contact between bone and implants. Fluorescent labeling assessment showed high bone activity levels at regions close to the implant surface. Toluidine blue staining revealed regions comprising osteoblasts at regions of newly forming/formed bone close to the implant surface. The results obtained in this study support biocompatible and osseoconductive properties of Ti-13Nb-13Zr processed through the hydride powder route. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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In the last decade, there has been renewed interest in biologically active peptides in fields like allergy, autoimmume diseases and antibiotic therapy. Mast cell degranulating peptides mimic G-protein receptors, showing different activity levels even among homologous peptides. Another important feature is their ability to interact directly with membrane phospholipids, in a fast and concentration-dependent way. The mechanism of action of peptide HR1 on model membranes was investigated comparatively to other mast cell degranulating peptides (Mastoparan, Eumenitin and Anoplin) to evidence the features that modulate their selectivity. Using vesicle leakage, single-channel recordings and zeta-potential measurements, we demonstrated that HR1 preferentially binds to anionic bilayers, accumulates, folds, and at very low concentrations, is able to insert and create membrane spanning ion-selective pores. We discuss the ion selectivity character of the pores based on the neutralization or screening of the peptides charges by the bilayer head group charges or dipoles. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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It is often challenging to create a new enrichment program for any animal. This is especially true with the additional challenge that I wanted to use only naturalistic enrichment, and I’m working with animals some of which are nocturnal. Even with a many hurdles, a little bit of enrichment can do a big difference and make a big difference in activity levels of the animals. Eskilstuna parkens zoo have a house called the MUSeum housing four kinds of rodents. Rodents are generally much more active at night and spend much of the day sleeping out of sight of the public. One of the goals of starting an enrichment program was to increase the animal’s activity throughout the day to provide an improved guest experience. Many of the guests would stop briefly at the exhibit only seeing the empty exhibit, unaware of that there were animals there. Before starting an enrichment program, I wanted to determine how the rodent was spending their time. By observing the animals’ behaviour for 15 minutes a day at various times throughout the day, for a total of 15 observations, I was able to construct an activity budget for their behaviour. The results obtained were, as expected, that the rodents spent a lot of time resting. By enrichment both with food and the temperature we were able to take the activity to another level, and several new behaviours were observed.


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Objective: To investigate whether beacon administration affects substrate utilisation, physical activity levels or energy expenditure in Psammomys obesus. Design: Pairs of age- and sex-matched Psammomys obesus were randomly assigned to either beacon-treated (15 µg/day for 7 days (i.c.v.)) or control (i.c.v. saline) groups. Measurements: Indirect calorimetry on day 0 and day 7 to measure oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, which were used to calculate fat oxidation, carbohydrate oxidation and total energy expenditure. Physical activity in the calorimeter was measured using an infrared beam system. Food intake and body weight were measured daily. Results: The administration of beacon significantly increased body weight compared to saline-treated control animals. This body weight gain was primarily due to increased body fat content. Average daily food intake tended to be higher in beacon-treated Psammomys obesus, but no effect of beacon administration on substrate oxidation, activity or energy expenditure was detected. Conclusion: The effects of beacon on body weight are due to increased food intake, with no detectable effect on nutrient partitioning, physical activity or energy expenditure.


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The effects of hormonal status and activity levels on Achilles tendon structure were examined in asymptomatic post-menopausal women. It was hypothesized that women using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) would have better tendon structure than those not using HRT and that active women would have poorer tendon structure than inactive women. Eighty-five women including 53 active women (regular golf players) and 32 controls (healthy but inactive women) recorded their HRT and menopausal history and underwent basic anthropometric measurements. Women were divided into two groups based on their hormonal status: those currently using HRT; and those who had never used HRT or ceased using HRT at least 12 months prior to the study. Achilles tendons were examined with ultrasound and categorized as normal or abnormal, and the diameter of each tendon (mm) was recorded. Active women had a greater prevalence of tendon abnormality ( P=0.10) and thicker Achilles tendons than inactive women ( P<0.05). Active women on HRT had less tendon abnormality ( P=0.056) than active women not on HRT and significantly less tendon thickness ( P<0.05). This study indicates that Achilles tendon diameter is greater in active post-menopausal women. Hormone replacement therapy appeared to ameliorate this effect in active women. A similar effect from HRT on the Achilles tendons of inactive women was not apparent.


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Activity performed by children in their free-time may have a significant impact on overall physical activity levels, however, very little is known about the influences on children's active free-play. To examine the role and use of public open spaces, 132 children (6-12 years) from a selection of primary schools participated in small focus group interviews. Children reported that their use of public open spaces was influenced by a combination of intrapersonal, social and environmental factors including; the play equipment and facilities at local parks, lack of independent mobility, urban design features, presence of friends, and personal motivation.


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Diabetes On Referral Option To Healthy Exercise for Adults (DOROTHEA) was a 12-month physical activity promotion programme that used motivational based exercise consultations among a population of adults with type 2 diabetes. The programme was piloted in a successful randomised controlled trial within locally-provided diabetes services (Kirk et al, 2004). It proved very successful at increasing physical activity levels and retaining participants. As part of the evaluation study of DOROTHEA, short semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with a random selection of all those who had.


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Obesity prevention is an international public health priority. The prevalence of obesity and overweight is increasing in child populations throughout the world, impacting on short and long-term health. Obesity prevention strategies for children can change behaviour but efficacy in terms of preventing obesity remains poorly understood.

To assess the effectiveness of interventions designed to prevent obesity in childhood through diet, physical activity and/or lifestyle and social support.

Search strategy
MEDLINE, PsycINFO, EMBASE, CINAHL and CENTRAL were searched from 1990 to February 2005. Non-English language papers were included and experts contacted.

Selection criteria
Randomised controlled trials and controlled clinical trials with minimum duration twelve weeks.

Data collection and analysis
Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed study quality.

Main results
Twenty-two studies were included; ten long-term (at least 12 months) and twelve short-term (12 weeks to 12 months). Nineteen were school/preschool-based interventions, one was a community-based intervention targeting low-income families, and two were family-based interventions targeting non-obese children of obese or overweight parents.

Six of the ten long-term studies combined dietary education and physical activity interventions; five resulted in no difference in overweight status between groups and one resulted in improvements for girls receiving the intervention, but not boys. Two studies focused on physical activity alone. Of these, a multi-media approach appeared to be effective in preventing obesity. Two studies focused on nutrition education alone, but neither were effective in preventing obesity.

Four of the twelve short-term studies focused on interventions to increase physical activity levels, and two of these studies resulted in minor reductions in overweight status in favour of the intervention. The other eight studies combined advice on diet and physical activity, but none had a significant impact.

The studies were heterogeneous in terms of study design, quality, target population, theoretical underpinning, and outcome measures, making it impossible to combine study findings using statistical methods. There was an absence of cost-effectiveness data.

Authors' conclusions
The majority of studies were short-term. Studies that focused on combining dietary and physical activity approaches did not significantly improve BMI, but some studies that focused on dietary or physical activity approaches showed a small but positive impact on BMI status. Nearly all studies included resulted in some improvement in diet or physical activity. Appropriateness of development, design, duration and intensity of interventions to prevent obesity in childhood needs to be reconsidered alongside comprehensive reporting of the intervention scope and process.