408 resultados para 4x100 M Relay
The crystal structures of the catalytic fragment of chicken poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase [NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase; NAD+:poly(adenosine-diphosphate-D-ribosyl)-acceptor ADP-D-ribosyltransferase, EC] with and without a nicotinamide-analogue inhibitor have been elucidated. Because this enzyme is involved in the regulation of DNA repair, its inhibitors are of interest for cancer therapy. The inhibitor shows the nicotinamide site and also suggests the adenosine site. The enzyme is structurally related to bacterial ADP-ribosylating toxins but contains an additional alpha-helical domain that is suggested to relay the activation signal issued on binding to damaged DNA.
Localization of the central rhythm generator (CRG) of spontaneous consummatory licking was studied in freely moving rats by microinjection of tetrodotoxin (TTX) into the pontine reticular formation. Maximum suppression of spontaneous water consumption was elicited by TTX (1 ng) blockade of the oral part of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (NRG), whereas TTX injections into more caudal or rostral locations caused significantly weaker disruption of drinking. To verify the assumption that TTX blocked the proper CRG of licking rather than some relay in its output, spontaneously drinking thirsty rats were intracranially stimulated via electrodes chronically implanted into the oral part of the NRG. Lick-synchronized stimulation (a 100-ms train of 0.1-ms-wide rectangular pulses at 100 Hz and 25-150 microA) applied during continuous licking (after eight regular consecutive licks) caused a phase shift of licks emitted after stimulus delivery. The results suggest that the stimulation has reset the CRG of licking without changing its frequency. The reset-inducing threshold current was lowest during the tongue retraction and highest during the tongue protrusion period of the lick cycle. It is concluded that the CRG of licking is located in the oral part of NRG.
Transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) is a multifunctional factor that regulates proliferation and differentiation of many cell types. TGF-beta mediates its effects by binding to and activating cell surface receptors that possess serine/threonine kinase activity. However, the intracellular signaling pathways through which TGF-beta receptors act remain largely unknown. Here we show that TGF-beta activates a 78-kDa protein (p78) serine/threonine kinase as evidenced by an in-gel kinase assay. Ligand-induced activation of the kinase was near-maximal 5 min after TGF-beta addition to the cells and occurred exclusively on serine and threonine residues. This kinase is distinct from TGF-beta receptor type II, as well as several cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinases of similar size, including protein kinase C, Raf, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase, and ribosomal S6 kinase. Indeed, these kinases can be separated almost completely from p78 kinase by immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies. Furthermore, using different cell lines, we demonstrate that p78 kinase is activated only in cells for which TGF-beta can act as a growth inhibitory factor. These data raise the interesting possibility that protein serine/threonine kinases contribute to the intracellular relay of biological signals originating from receptor serine/threonine kinases such as the TGF-beta receptors.
Chemotactic responses in Escherichia coli are typically mediated by transmembrane receptors that monitor chemoeffector levels with periplasmic binding domains and communicate with the flagellar motors through two cytoplasmic proteins, CheA and CheY. CheA autophosphorylates and then donates its phosphate to CheY, which in turn controls flagellar rotation. E. coli also exhibits chemotactic responses to substrates that are transported by the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent carbohydrate phosphotransferase system (PTS). Unlike conventional chemoreception, PTS substrates are sensed during their uptake and concomitant phosphorylation by the cell. The phosphoryl groups are transferred from PEP to the carbohydrates through two common intermediates, enzyme I (EI) and phosphohistidine carrier protein (HPr), and then to sugar-specific enzymes II. We found that in mutant strains HPr-like proteins could substitute for HPr in transport but did not mediate chemotactic signaling. In in vitro assays, these proteins exhibited reduced phosphotransfer rates from EI, indicating that the phosphorylation state of EI might link the PTS phospho-relay to the flagellar signaling pathway. Tests with purified proteins revealed that unphosphorylated EI inhibited CheA autophosphorylation, whereas phosphorylated EI did not. These findings suggest the following model for signal transduction in PTS-dependent chemotaxis. During uptake of a PTS carbohydrate, EI is dephosphorylated more rapidly by HPr than it is phosphorylated at the expense of PEP. Consequently, unphosphorylated EI builds up and inhibits CheA autophosphorylation. This slows the flow of phosphates to CheY, eliciting an up-gradient swimming response by the cell.
Studies to date have identified only a few proteins that are expressed in a segment-specific manner within the mammalian brain. Here we report that a nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase, PTPH1, is selectively expressed in the adult thalamus. Expression of PTPH1 mRNA is detected in most, but not all, thalamic nuclei. Nuclei that are derived embryonically from the dorsal thalamus and project to the neocortex express this gene, whereas those derived from the ventral thalamus do not. PTPH1 mRNA expression is also restricted to the dorsal thalamus during development and, thus, can serve as a specific marker for the dorsal thalamic nuclei. Since the subcellular localization of PTPH1 protein is not known, its functional role is not clear. However, the restriction of its expression to the thalamic nuclei that have thalamocortical connections suggests that PTPH1 may play a role in the maintenance of these connections or in determining the physiological properties of thalamic relay nuclei.
The rhythmogenesis of 10-Hz sleep spindles is studied in a large-scale thalamic network model with two cell populations: the excitatory thalamocortical (TC) relay neurons and the inhibitory nucleus reticularis thalami (RE) neurons. Spindle-like bursting oscillations emerge naturally from reciprocal interactions between TC and RE neurons. We find that the network oscillations can be synchronized coherently, even though the RE-TC connections are random and sparse, and even though individual neurons fire rebound bursts intermittently in time. When the fast gamma-aminobutyrate type A synaptic inhibition is blocked, synchronous slow oscillations resembling absence seizures are observed. Near-maximal network synchrony is established with even modest convergence in the RE-to-TC projection (as few as 5-10 RE inputs per TC cell suffice). The hyperpolarization-activated cation current (Ih) is found to provide a cellular basis for the intermittency of rebound bursting that is commonly observed in TC neurons during spindles. Such synchronous oscillations with intermittency can be maintained only with a significant degree of convergence for the TC-to-RE projection.
Complex three-dimensional waves of excitation can explain the observed cell movement pattern in Dictyostelium slugs. Here we show that these three-dimensional waves can be produced by a realistic model for the cAMP relay system [Martiel, J. L. & Goldbeter, A. (1987) Biophys J. 52, 807-828]. The conversion of scroll waves in the prestalk zone of the slug into planar wave fronts in the prespore zone can result from a smaller fraction of relaying cells in the prespore zone. Further, we show that the cAMP concentrations to which cells in a slug are exposed over time display a simple pattern, despite the complex spatial geometry of the waves. This cAMP distribution agrees well with observed patterns of cAMP-regulated cell type-specific gene expression. The core of the spiral, which is a region of low cAMP concentration, might direct expression of stalk-specific genes during culmination.
Stathmin is a ubiquitous, cytosolic 19-kDa protein, which is phosphorylated on up to four sites in response to many regulatory signals within cells. Its molecular characterization indicates a functional organization including an N-terminal regulatory domain that bears the phosphorylation sites, linked to a putative alpha-helical binding domain predicted to participate in coiled-coil, protein-protein interactions. We therefore proposed that stathmin may play the role of a relay integrating diverse intracellular regulatory pathways; its action on various target proteins would be a function of its combined phosphorylation state. To search for such target proteins, we used the two-hybrid screen in yeast, with stathmin as a "bait." We isolated and characterized four cDNAs encoding protein domains that interact with stathmin in vivo. One of the corresponding proteins was identified as BiP, a member of the hsp70 heat-shock protein family. Another is a previously unidentified, putative serine/threonine kinase, KIS, which might be regulated by stathmin or, more likely, be part of the kinases controlling its phosphorylation state. Finally, two clones code for subdomains of two proteins, CC1 and CC2, predicted to form alpha-helices participating in coiled-coil interacting structures. Their isolation by interaction screening further supports our model for the regulatory function of stathmin through coiled-coil interactions with diverse downstream targets via its presumed alpha-helical binding domain. The molecular and biological characterization of KIS, CC1, and CC2 proteins will give further insights into the molecular functions and mechanisms of action of stathmin as a relay of integrated intracellular regulatory pathways.
Os sistemas de proteção dos elementos da rede elétrica desempenham um papel de fundamental importância na segurança e confiabilidade dos sistemas de potência. A não atuação ou a atuação incorreta dos relés de proteção durante uma falta localizada em um componente da rede pode transformar-se em um evento sistêmico de grandes proporções (blecaute). Esses eventos trazem riscos e elevados prejuízos econômicos à sociedade. A proteção dos geradores síncronos, apesar do alto custo e complexidade deste tipo de equipamento, não recebe a mesma atenção na literatura que a dedicada à proteção de outros elementos da rede, como, por exemplo, a das linhas de transmissão. Isso decorre do menor número de geradores existentes na rede e também da ideia que as faltas neste tipo de equipamento são menos frequentes. Este trabalho aborda os principais aspectos envolvidos com o projeto de um sistema de proteção para geradores síncronos de grande porte. Incialmente, discutese os principais conceitos associados com os geradores, de interesse para a tarefa de proteção. Particular atenção é dedicada às formas de aterramento e aos critérios adotados para projeto do resistor de aterramento utilizado nesse equipamento. Em seguida, apresentam-se as principais funções de proteção aplicáveis aos geradores, particularmente aquelas voltadas para a detecção de faltas nos enrolamentos do estator. Discute-se também os critérios de ajustes dos parâmetros dessas funções. Descreve-se o uso de uma plataforma laboratorial, baseada em simulador de tempo real (RTDS), para ensaio e análise do sistema de proteção visando validar seu correto desempenho frente às possíveis condições operativas que podem ser encontradas em campo. Finalmente, utilizando os conceitos desenvolvidos ao longo do trabalho, desenvolve-se um estudo de caso, onde é realizado o projeto e implementação do sistema de proteção dos geradores de uma usina hidrelétrica hipotética. Para avaliar e analisar o desempenho do sistema de proteção dessa rede exemplo, parametrizou-se o IED G60 (GE) e realizou-se inúmeras simulações na plataforma de testes proposta.
Desde seu lançamento, em 2002, a Norma IEC 61850 vem evoluindo para se tornar o padrão adotado nos Sistemas de Automação de Subestações. Dentre seus vários aspectos, destacam- se os serviços de tempo real, que permitem a implementação de funções de automação e de proteção dentro da subestação através da troca de mensagens específicas entre Dispositivos Eletrônicos Inteligentes através de um barramento digital de rede de dados. O objetivo central deste trabalho é explorar algumas das questões que envolvem a implementação de uma classe de serviços de tempo real: a transmissão de valores amostrados através de Serviços SMV, definidos pela Norma IEC 61850-9. Primeiramente, apresenta-se um breve resumo das principais características da Norma IEC 61850 que possibilitam o atendimento dos três requisitos por ela estabelecidos como base: a interoperabilidade entre dispositivos de diferentes fabricantes, a versatilidade na configuração e reconfiguração do Sistema de Automação da Subestação, e a possibilidade de implementação de novas tecnologias. Em seguida, explora-se com maior profundidade todos os aspectos relevantes à implementação dos Serviços SMV. Devido à complexidade deste assunto, o autor propõe abordá-lo sob a ótica de cinco tópicos interdependentes: variações da Norma IEC 61850-9, confiabilidade do barramento de processo, sincronismo de tempo, análise da qualidade da medição e segurança cibernética. Com base nos resultados apresentados neste estudo, propõem-se duas plataformas, um protótipo de Transformador de Potencial Óptico e um protótipo de Relé de Proteção Diferencial para transformadores de potência, com o objetivo de explorar alguns dos aspectos pertinentes à implementação de um barramento de processo de acordo com a Norma IEC 61850-9. Também foram realizados testes de geração e transmissão de mensagens contendo valores de amostras de tensão/corrente do sistema elétrico (denominadas de SV Messages) com a finalidade de implementá-las de fato e avaliar as ferramentas de mercado disponíveis. Por fim foi proposto um modelo para a simulação do sistema de potência em conjunto com a rede de comunicação utilizando o programa Matlab/Simulink. O autor espera que este trabalho contribua para esclarecer os vários conceitos envolvidos na implementação do barramento de processo definido pela Norma IEC 61850-9, auxiliando na pesquisa e no desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas e dispositivos, e no aprimoramento da Norma IEC 61850.
Two letters in which Jones requests that Tudor relay his regrets to José de la Mar for missing the general’s installation as president of Peru, and mentions he is sending Tudor an ensign to be used "at the Palace."
One letter providing detailed information on the capture of the schooner Shillelah by the Brazilian government and requesting Tudor relay to Dobbins the status of the ship.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
The utility of the HMBC experiment for structure elucidation is unquestionable, but the nature of the coupling pathways leading to correlations in an HMBC experiment creates the potential for misinterpretation. This misinterpretation potential is intimately linked to the size of the long-range heteronuclear couplings involved, and may become troublesome in those cases of a particularly strong 2JCH correlation that might be mistaken for a 3JCH correlation or a 4JCH correlation of appreciable strength that could be mistaken for a weaker 3JCH correlation. To address these potential avenues of confusion, work from several laboratories has been focused on the development of what might be considered “coupling pathway edited” long-range heteronuclear correlation experiments that are derived from or related to the HMBC experiment. The first example of an effort to address the problems associated with correlation path length was seen in the heteronucleus-detected XCORFE experiment described by Reynolds and co-workers that predated the development of the HMBC experiment. Proton-detected analogs of the HMBC experiment intended to differentiate 2JCH correlations from nJCH correlations where n = 3, 4, include the 2J,3J-HMBC, HMBC-RELAY, H2BC, edited-HMBC, and HAT H2BC experiments. The principles underlying the critical components of each of these experiments are discussed and experimental verification of the results that can be obtained using model compounds are shown. This contribution concludes with a brief discussion of the 1,1-ADEQUATE experiments that provide an alternative means of identifying adjacent protonated and non-protonated carbon correlations by exploiting 1JCC correlations at natural abundance.
{Woolfolk winning relay in UM-Chicago meet]