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用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术分析了蜂猴(N. coucang)和倭蜂猴(N. pygmaeus) 的血红蛋白(Hb)、乳酸脱氢酶、酯酶、苹果酸脱氢酶同功酶。用醋酸薄膜电泳分 析了蜂猴和倭蜂猴的血清 蛋白成分, 并进行了比较。懒猴的LDH-B含量明显低 于高等灵长类。
记述了寄生在zhao属鱼类上的寄生桡足类鳋科1新种——匙刺鳋Ergasilus cochlearius sp.l nov., 其第一至第四对足内肢末节的刺均为匙形, 第一胸节与头部等宽, 以游泳足的刚毛式和口器等, 而与E. spatulus Cressey相区别。模式标本存第一作者单位。图16参2
2006年7月至2007年12月对大清河3个样点的浮游藻类组成及密度、浮游叶绿素a浓度等指标进行逐月监测。共观察到浮游藻类65个分类单元,计53个属。所有样点的平均藻类密度是1.23×108 ind.L-1,最高密度为1.39×109 ind.L-1,最低密度为3.21×105 ind.L-1。铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)为绝对优势种,监测期间其平均相对丰度为92.23%。随着离湖距离的增加,浮游藻类总密度、铜绿微囊藻的百分含量明显降低,而香农-威纳(Shannon-Wien
本文以长江三峡干流河岸植物群落为研究对象,对群落的物种组成、物种多样性进行了分析,并利用TWINSPAN和DCA对植物群落进行等级式划分。结果表明:河岸植物区系组成较为复杂,以温带成分为主,有着较高比率的世界分布成分。灌、草丛群落之间的物种多样性差异不显著,但部分草丛的不同层次间存在较大差异。TWINSPAN 和DCA分析显示,河岸植物群落呈现沿湿度梯度方向的分布格局。图2表3参8。
以F4代转hGH基因红鲤体细胞 (肾脏和尾鳍 )及培养 18代的F4代转hGH基因红鲤尾鳍细胞为核供体 ,泥鳅或黄河鲤成熟卵为受体 ,进行了核移植 ,以探讨外源F4代转基因鱼体外源基因的分布与存在形式、稳定性和克隆转基因鱼的可能性。F4代红鲤肾脏细胞核与泥鳅卵配合的核移植胚胎有 12 4 %发育到囊胚 ,0 33%发育到神经胚 ;F4代尾鳍细胞核移入泥鳅卵后的重组胚发育到囊胚、神经胚、肌节期和肌肉效应期的胚胎分别为 2 4 5 %、0 3%、0 2 %和 0 1% ;对照卵无发育。F4代红鲤尾鳍培养细胞与
To select better plant species for adsorption and deposition of suspended solids in water, effectively, eight species of submerged macrophytes, which are popular in the middle or downstream area of Yangtze River, were studied. The effects of their adsorbability and sedimentation on suspended solids were monitored in the microcosm systems with natural lake's sediment and water. Within one week's regular disturbance, according to their adsorbability of the macrophytes on suspended solids, the macrophytes were divided into two groups. Elodea nuttallii, Potamogeton crispus, Hydrilla verticillata, Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton malaianus and Najas graminea were the macrophytes with stronger adsorbability. Vallisneria natans and Ceratoplyllum demersum were the macrophytes with weaker adsorbability. The average adsorbabilities of the two groups were 28.0 and 14.5 mg g(-1) FW-1, respectively. According to the sedimentation rate, the macrophytes were divided into three groups. P. crispus and H. verticillata were in the highest group. V.natans was in higher group. E nuttallii, M. spicatum, N. graminea, C demersum and P. malaianus were in the lowest group. The average sedimentation rates of the three groups were 3.42, 2.11 and 0.69 mg l(-1) d(-1). respectively. Therefore, P. crispus and H. verticillata were excellent species. C demersum was a poor species to improve transparency of water body.
Experimental sediments and water from shallow, eutrophic Dianchi Lakes were treated in a controlled laboratory microcosm using different chemicals under different anoxic levels. This study revealed that the polyaluminum chloride (PAC) was able to inhibit the phosphorus release and decrease the UV254 value at any anoxic level. When the DO concentrations were between 0.76-0.95 mg(.) L-1, the UV(254)value, total phosphorus (TP), and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) in the water column were decreased by 71.93%, 87.12% and 64.24% respectively. The UV254, TP, and TDP were also decreased by 72.94%, 70.87% and 50.76% respectively at the levels of 4.56-5.32mg(.)L(-1) of DO concentrations. The treatment effects of TP and TDP in the water column using copper sulfate however were not as efficient as the PAC treatment. The UV254 value was increased with the addition of copper sulfate at every anoxic level tested but the chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) content was decreased rapidly and efficiently by copper sulfate more than the treatment by PAC. When the DO concentrations were 0.76-0.86mg(.)L(-1) and 4.75-5.14mg(.)L(-1), the Chl-a concentrations were decreased by 84.87% and 75.07% respectively through copper sulfate treatment. With additions of PAC and copper sulfate, the phosphorus fractions in sediments were shifted forward to the favorable shapes that have little ability of release. The TP concentrations in sediments were increased after treatment via PAC and copper sulfate. Under anoxic conditions, most of the BD-P (Fe-P) to NaOH-P (Al-P) was converted using the recommended PAC dose in BD-P rich sediment. Similar to the PAC, the copper sulfate also could flocculate the exchange phosphorus from sediment to overlying water. Overall though, the effects of copper sulfate treatment were not better than that of the PAC.