989 resultados para 3D CAD software for clothing
En el área de Aerofotogrametría Digital, el software comercial prevalente para postproceso presenta limitaciones debido a dos factores: (i) las legislaciones de cada país o región requieren diferentes convenciones, y (ii) las necesidades de las empresas son tan cambiantes que no justifican la compra de software de alto rendimiento, que puede quedar sin utilizar debido a un viraje del mercado -- El presente proyecto se ha desarrollado para atender necesidades de procesamiento automático de planos (partición, detección y corrección de errores, etc.), así como módulos de importación – exportación paquete a paquete, trazado de rutas e interacción con GPS -- Este artículo informa de los dos últimos aspectos -- Debido a necesidades de los clientes, los archivos entregados deben llevar un formato comercial (DWG, DXF), pero el procesamiento de los archivos debe ser hecho en paquetes y formatos diversos (DGN) -- Por lo tanto, fue necesario diseñar e implementar un formato acompañante que permitió llevar la información que se pierde al usar filtros comerciales (DGN a DXF/DWG) -- Asimismo se crearon módulos de importación y exportación redundantes, que hicieron efectivos dichos atributos -- En el aspecto de generación de rutas de vuelo, se reportan en este artículo la aplicación de algoritmos tradicionales de barrido (peinado) de áreas 2D, a los cuales se agregaron restricciones geométricas (puntos fijos, offsets, orden de los barridos de acuerdo a coordenadas del sitio de partida, etc.) -- Debido a los altos costos de equipos equivalentes, se decidió desarrollar software para traducción de rutas entre formatos GPS y formatos geográficos locales al país -- Ello permite la eliminación de fuentes de error y además facilita la carga del plan de vuelo, a costos mucho menores a los del hardware / software comercial
Los modeladores geométricos más comunes en el mercado ofrecen, además de sus servicios de modelado, una API (Application Programming Interface) que permite la construcción de aplicaciones o software cliente -- Estas aplicaciones aprovechan los servicios básicos del modelador para proveer tareas específicas -- Sin embargo las diferencias entre API´s de distintos modeladores imposibilita el intercambio del software cliente entre ellos -- Application Interface Specification -AIS- es una API genérica para ser usada por aplicaciones cliente de los modeladores geométricos -- Este artículo reporta la implementación de AIS sobre AutoCAD® y MicroStation® y discute aspectos importantes de dicha implementación -- Además presenta una aplicación cliente neutra que habla lenguaje AIS y por lo tanto se ejecuta transparentemente sobre los dos modeladores -- AIS se presenta como una alternativa económica para escribir aplicaciones de CAD/CAM/CG -- Futuros desarrollos incluyen la implementación de AIS para labores gráficas y/o de base de datos
The purpose of this project is to develop a three-dimensional block model for a garnet deposit in the Alder Gulch, Madison County, Montana. Garnets occur in pre-Cambrian metamorphic Red Wash gneiss and similar rocks in the vicinity. This project seeks to model the percentage of garnet in a deposit called the Section 25 deposit using the Surpac software. Data available for this work are drillhole, trench and grab sample data obtained from previous exploration of the deposit. The creation of the block model involves validating the data, creating composites of assayed garnet percentages and conducting basic statistics on composites using Surpac statistical tools. Variogram analysis will be conducted on composites to quantify the continuity of the garnet mineralization. A three-dimensional block model will be created and filled with estimates of garnet percentage using different methods of reserve estimation and the results compared.
Purpose: Custom cranio-orbital implants have been shown to achieve better performance than their hand-shaped counterparts by restoring skull anatomy more accurately and by reducing surgery time. Designing a custom implant involves reconstructing a model of the patient's skull using their computed tomography (CT) scan. The healthy side of the skull model, contralateral to the damaged region, can then be used to design an implant plan. Designing implants for areas of thin bone, such as the orbits, is challenging due to poor CT resolution of bone structures. This makes preoperative design time-intensive since thin bone structures in CT data must be manually segmented. The objective of this thesis was to research methods to accurately and efficiently design cranio-orbital implant plans, with a focus on the orbits, and to develop software that integrates these methods. Methods: The software consists of modules that use image and surface restoration approaches to enhance both the quality of CT data and the reconstructed model. It enables users to input CT data, and use tools to output a skull model with restored anatomy. The skull model can then be used to design the implant plan. The software was designed using 3D Slicer, an open-source medical visualization platform. It was tested on CT data from thirteen patients. Results: The average time it took to create a skull model with restored anatomy using our software was 0.33 hours ± 0.04 STD. In comparison, the design time of the manual segmentation method took between 3 and 6 hours. To assess the structural accuracy of the reconstructed models, CT data from the thirteen patients was used to compare the models created using our software with those using the manual method. When registering the skull models together, the difference between each set of skulls was found to be 0.4 mm ± 0.16 STD. Conclusions: We have developed a software to design custom cranio-orbital implant plans, with a focus on thin bone structures. The method described decreases design time, and is of similar accuracy to the manual method.
A interação homem-máquina tem evoluído significativamente nos últimos anos, a ponto de permitir desenvolver soluções adequadas para apoio a pessoas que possuem um certo tipo de limitação física ou cognitiva. O desenvolvimento de técnicas naturais e intuitivas de interação, as chamadas Natural User Interface (NUI), permitem, hoje, que pessoas que estejam acamadas e/ou com incapacidade motora possam executar um conjunto de ações por intermédio de gestos, aumentando assim a sua qualidade de vida. A solução implementada neste projecto é baseada em processamento de imagem e visão por computador através do sensor 3D Kinect e consiste numa interface natural para o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação que reconheça gestos efetuados por uma mão humana. Os gestos identificados pela aplicação acionam um conjunto de ações adequados a uma pessoa acamada, como, por exemplo, acionar a emergência, ligar ou desligar a TV ou controlar a inclinação da cama. O processo de desenvolvimento deste projeto implicou várias etapas. Inicialmente houve um trabalho intenso de investigação sobre as técnicas e tecnologias consideradas importantes para a realização do trabalho - a etapa de investigação, a qual acompanhou praticamente todo o processo. A segunda etapa consistiu na configuração do sistema ao nível do hardware e do software. Após a configuração do sistema, obtiveram-se os primeiros dados do sensor 3D Kinect, os quais foram convertidos num formato mais apropriado ao seu posterior tratamento. A segmentação da mão permitiu posteriormente o reconhecimento de gestos através da técnica de matching para os seis gestos implementados. Os resultados obtidos são satisfatórios, tendo-se contabilizado cerca de 96% de resultados válidos. A área da saúde e bem-estar tem necessidade de aplicações que melhorem a qualidade de vida de pessoas acamadas, nesse sentido, o protótipo desenvolvido faz todo o sentido na sociedade actual, onde se verifica o envelhecimento da população.
This thesis focuses on finding the optimum block cutting dimensions in terms of the environmental and economic factors by using a 3D algorithm for a limestone quarry in Foggia, Italy. The environmental concerns of quarrying operations are mainly: energy consumption, material waste, and pollution. The main economic concerns are the block recovery, the selling prices, and the production costs. Fractures adversely affect the block recovery ratio. With a fracture model, block production can be optimized. In this research, the waste volume produced by quarrying was minimised to increase the recovery ratio and ensure economic benefits. SlabCutOpt is a software developed at DICAM–University of Bologna for block cutting optimization which tests different cutting angles on the x-y-z planes to offer up alternative cutting methods. The program tests several block sizes and outputs the optimal result for each entry. By using SlabCutOpt, ten different block dimensions were analysed, the results indicated the maximum number of non-intersecting blocks for each dimension. After analysing the outputs, the block named number 1 with the dimensions ‘1mx1mx1m’ had the highest recovery ratio as 43% and the total Relative Money Value (RMV) with a value of 22829. Dimension number 1, also had the lowest waste volume, with a value of 3953.25 m3, for the total bench. For cutting the total bench volume of 6932.25m3, the diamond wire cutter had the lowest dust emission values for the block with the dimension ‘2mx2mx2m’, with a value of 24m3. When compared with the Eco-Label standards, block dimensions having surface area values lower than 15m2, were found to fit the natural resource waste criteria of the label, as the threshold required 25% of minimum recovery [1]. Due to the relativity of production costs, together with the Eco-Label threshold, the research recommends the selection of the blocks with a surface area value between 6m2 and 14m2.
Gliomas are one of the most frequent primary malignant brain tumors. Acquisition of stem-like features likely contributes to the malignant nature of high-grade gliomas and may be responsible for the initiation, growth, and recurrence of these tumors. In this regard, although the traditional 2D cell culture system has been widely used in cancer research, it shows limitations in maintaining the stemness properties of cancer and in mimicking the in vivo microenvironment. In order to overcome these limitations, different three-dimensional (3D) culture systems have been developed to mimic better the tumor microenvironment. Cancer cells cultured in 3D structures may represent a more reliable in vitro model due to increased cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interaction. Several attempts to recreate brain cancer tissue in vitro are described in literature. However, to date, it is still unclear which main characteristics the ideal model should reproduce. The overall goal of this project was the development of a 3D in vitro model able to reproduce the brain ECM microenvironment and to recapitulate pathological condition for the study of tumor stroma interactions, tumor invasion ability, and molecular phenotype of glioma cells. We performed an in silico bioinformatic analysis using GEPIA2 Software to compare the expression level of seven matrix protein in the LGG tumors with healthy tissues. Then, we carried out a FFPE retrospective study in order to evaluate the percentage of expression of selected proteins. Thus, we developed a 3D scaffold composed by Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen IV in a ratio of 50:50. We used two astrocytoma cell lines, HTB-12 and HTB-13. In conclusion, we developed an in vitro 3D model able to reproduce the composition of brain tumor ECM, demonstrating that it is a feasible platform to investigate the interaction between tumor cells and the matrix.
Augmented Reality (AR) is a novel promising technology, which is gaining success in the medical field. A number of applications in surgery have been described, but few studies have been focusing on pediatric craniofacial surgery. In this research project, the Authors have been implementing a system for intraoperative surgical navigation by means of HoloLens 2 by Microsoft, applied to pediatric craniofacial surgery. The Authors tested the device in a preclinical setting first, and then moved to patients. The Authors assessed the accuracy of the HoloLens 2 by performing 36 procedures in vitro on a printed 3D model of a patient. In clinical setting, 10 patients were prospectively enrolled in the study. The virtual surgical planning was designed for each patient and uploaded onto the software which allows for the AR interface and the standard neurosurgical navigator. For each patient, the surgeon has been drawing osteotomy lines both under the guidance of HoloLens2 and of the neurosurgical navigator. The Author then checked the accuracy with calibrated CAD CAM cutting guides with different grooves, in order to assess the accuracy of the osteotomies performed. We tested levels of accuracy of ±1.5 mm and ±1mm . In the preclinical setting, the HoloLens 2 performed with levels of accuracy of 1.5 mm, whereas in the real setting, surgeons were able to trace the osteotomy lines under the AR guidance for an amount of 45% (0.4 SD) of the entire line, with an accuracy level of ±1.5 mm. This percentage lowers to 34% (0.4 SD) when assessing accuracy level of ±1 mm. The results of the same tasks for the standard navigator are 36% and 16%, for ±1.5 mm and ± 1 mm accuracy level, respectively. The Authors reported encouraging results both in the preclinical and the clinical setting.
L’idrovolante è un velivolo in grado di decollare ed ammarare su uno specchio d’acqua e che, quindi, non necessita di infrastrutture di terra come aeroporti. Questa caratteristica lo rende ideale per certe tipologie di missione e gli permette di operare in zone remote e poco accessibili ai velivoli convenzionali. Il prezzo da pagare per questa maggiore libertà di impiego sono le peggiori prestazioni di un idrovolante rispetto alle sue controparti di terra, soprattutto in termini di peso e resistenza aerodinamica. In questa tesi si analizzano i metodi per la progettazione di un idrovolante e, in particolare, dei suoi scarponi, che sono il dispositivo che gli consente di galleggiare e svolgere operazioni sull’acqua. Successivamente, si applicano queste metodologie alla progettazione degli scarponi per tre velivoli in configurazione convenzionale. Si descrive in seguito come produrre un disegno CAD di questi velivoli con e senza scarponi tramite il software Solidworks e, sempre con questo programma, come svolgere simulazioni di fluidodinamica per un calcolo indicativo del loro coefficiente di resistenza aerodinamica in condizioni di volo livellato. Si vede, poi, come effettuare una stima del peso totale al decollo di un velivolo e si calcola l’aumento percentuale di questo parametro nella trasformazione dei velivoli selezionati in idrovolanti. Infine, si confrontano i risultati ottenuti per i coefficienti di resistenza e per il peso massimo al decollo per quantificare il calo di prestazioni causato dalla presenza degli scarponi. Osservando come questo sia significativo, si conclude che l’impiego degli idrovolanti è destinato a rimanere limitato ai soli casi in cui le operazioni da specchi d’acqua non presentino altre alternative: questo a meno che non si riescano ad ideare nuove soluzioni costruttive in grado di risolvere le principali problematiche di questo tipo di velivolo.
Currently making digital 3D models and replicas of the cultural heritage assets play an important role in the preservation and having a high detail source for future research and intervention. In this dissertation, it is tried to assess different methods for digital surveying and making 3D replicas of cultural heritage assets in different scales of size. The methodologies vary in devices, software, workflow, and the amount of skill that is required. The three phases of the 3D modelling process are data acquisition, modelling, and model presentation. Each of these sections is divided into sub-sections and there are several approaches, methods, devices, and software that may be employed, furthermore, the selection process should be based on the operation's goal, available facilities, the scale and properties of the object or structure to be modeled, as well as the operators' expertise and experience. The most key point to remember is that the 3D modelling operation should be properly accurate, precise, and reliable; therefore, there are so many instructions and pieces of advice on how to perform 3D modelling effectively. It is an attempt to compare and evaluate the various ways of each phase in order to explain and demonstrate their differences, benefits, and drawbacks in order to serve as a simple guide for new and/or inexperienced users.
Nowadays, product development in all its phases plays a fundamental role in the industrial chain. The need for a company to compete at high levels, the need to be quick in responding to market demands and therefore to be able to engineer the product quickly and with a high level of quality, has led to the need to get involved in new more advanced methods/ processes. In recent years, we are moving away from the concept of 2D-based design and production and approaching the concept of Model Based Definition. By using this approach, increasingly complex systems turn out to be easier to deal with but above all cheaper in obtaining them. Thanks to the Model Based Definition it is possible to share data in a lean and simple way to the entire engineering and production chain of the product. The great advantage of this approach is precisely the uniqueness of the information. In this specific thesis work, this approach has been exploited in the context of tolerances with the aid of CAD / CAT software. Tolerance analysis or dimensional variation analysis is a way to understand how sources of variation in part size and assembly constraints propagate between parts and assemblies and how that range affects the ability of a project to meet its requirements. It is critically important to note how tolerance directly affects the cost and performance of products. Worst Case Analysis (WCA) and Statistical analysis (RSS) are the two principal methods in DVA. The thesis aims to show the advantages of using statistical dimensional analysis by creating and examining various case studies, using PTC CREO software for CAD modeling and CETOL 6σ for tolerance analysis. Moreover, it will be provided a comparison between manual and 3D analysis, focusing the attention to the information lost in the 1D case. The results obtained allow us to highlight the need to use this approach from the early stages of the product design cycle.
Il tema approfondito in questo elaborato è relativo a nuove forme di esperienze museali in grado di favorire una maggiore fruizione dei musei da parte dei visitatori portatori di disabilità sensoriali. L’obiettivo dello studio, reso possibile grazie alla collaborazione con il Comune di Riccione, l’Università di Bologna e il Museo del Territorio di Riccione, riguarda la riproduzione tattile 3D di alcuni manufatti di epoca romana rinvenuti nel territorio e l’implementazione di soluzioni di esplorazione dei modelli fisici con tecniche di realtà aumentata e feedback sonori per fornire al visitatore un’esperienza tattile/sensoriale sugli oggetti. La parte di competenza di questo elaborato riguarda principalmente due aspetti: il rilievo 3D effettuato su quattro diversi frammenti di due serie di lastre fittili, mediante l’utilizzo di scanner ad alta risoluzione e fotogrammetria digitale, e la successiva modellazione in ambiente digitale. Quest’ultima fase comporta l’elaborazione delle scansioni tramite software dedicati e la creazione di mesh per generare la stampa di copie fisiche 3D. In una fase successiva alla stampa 3D le copie saranno poi gestite con particolari tecnologie di esplorazione sensoriale che accompagneranno l’utente durante l’esperienza tattile con feedback sonori. La sperimentazione condotta in questa tesi vuole dimostrare come sia possibile portare ad una trasformazione del ruolo dei musei, da quello tradizionale di magazzino statico a quello di ambiente di apprendimento attivo a disposizione di tutti offrendo esperienze immersive ed educative.
Modern society is now facing significant difficulties in attempting to preserve its architectural heritage. Numerous challenges arise consequently when it comes to documentation, preservation and restoration. Fortunately, new perspectives on architectural heritage are emerging owing to the rapid development of digitalization. Therefore, this presents new challenges for architects, restorers and specialists. Additionally, this has changed the way they approach the study of existing heritage, changing from conventional 2D drawings in response to the increasing requirement for 3D representations. Recently, Building Information Modelling for historic buildings (HBIM) has escalated as an emerging trend to interconnect geometrical and informational data. Currently, the latest 3D geomatics techniques based on 3D laser scanners with enhanced photogrammetry along with the continuous improvement in the BIM industry allow for an enhanced 3D digital reconstruction of historical and existing buildings. This research study aimed to develop an integrated workflow for the 3D digital reconstruction of heritage buildings starting from a point cloud. The Pieve of San Michele in Acerboli’s Church in Santarcangelo Di Romagna (6th century) served as the test bed. The point cloud was utilized as an essential referential to model the BIM geometry using Autodesk Revit® 2022. To validate the accuracy of the model, Deviation Analysis Method was employed using CloudCompare software to determine the degree of deviation between the HBIM model and the point cloud. The acquired findings showed a very promising outcome in the average distance between the HBIM model and the point cloud. The conducted approach in this study demonstrated the viability of producing a precise BIM geometry from point clouds.
La segmentazione prevede la partizione di un'immagine in aree strutturalmente o semanticamente coerenti. Nell'imaging medico, è utilizzata per identificare, contornandole, Regioni di Interesse (ROI) clinico, quali lesioni tumorali, oggetto di approfondimento tramite analisi semiautomatiche e automatiche, o bersaglio di trattamenti localizzati. La segmentazione di lesioni tumorali, assistita o automatica, consiste nell’individuazione di pixel o voxel, in immagini o volumi, appartenenti al tumore. La tecnica assistita prevede che il medico disegni la ROI, mentre quella automatica è svolta da software addestrati, tra cui i sistemi Computer Aided Detection (CAD). Mediante tecniche di visione artificiale, dalle ROI si estraggono caratteristiche numeriche, feature, con valore diagnostico, predittivo, o prognostico. L’obiettivo di questa Tesi è progettare e sviluppare un software di segmentazione assistita che permetta al medico di disegnare in modo semplice ed efficace una o più ROI in maniera organizzata e strutturata per futura elaborazione ed analisi, nonché visualizzazione. Partendo da Aliza, applicativo open-source, visualizzatore di esami radiologici in formato DICOM, è stata estesa l’interfaccia grafica per gestire disegno, organizzazione e memorizzazione automatica delle ROI. Inoltre, è stata implementata una procedura automatica di elaborazione ed analisi di ROI disegnate su lesioni tumorali prostatiche, per predire, di ognuna, la probabilità di cancro clinicamente non-significativo e significativo (con prognosi peggiore). Per tale scopo, è stato addestrato un classificatore lineare basato su Support Vector Machine, su una popolazione di 89 pazienti con 117 lesioni (56 clinicamente significative), ottenendo, in test, accuratezza = 77%, sensibilità = 86% e specificità = 69%. Il sistema sviluppato assiste il radiologo, fornendo una seconda opinione, non vincolante, adiuvante nella definizione del quadro clinico e della prognosi, nonché delle scelte terapeutiche.
Lo studio condotto è relativo allo sviluppo del Digital Twin di macchine automatiche finalizzato all’implementazione del cosiddetto Virtual Commissioning, cioè simulazioni virtuali della messa in servizio delle macchine per la verifica preliminare e/o ottimizzazione dei codici di controllo (Part Program o G-code). In particolare, il caso di studio trattato in questa tesi è la macchina F2F prodotta dall’Azienda GIULIANI (gruppo Bucci Automations S.p.a., Faenza – RA), con centro di lavoro bi-mandrino con tavola rotante azionato tramite controllore Fanuc. Dopo aver creato il Digital Twin della macchina, che ha richiesto come primo passo la digitalizzazione di alcuni componenti di cui non si avevano a disposizione i modelli CAD 3D, sono state effettuate simulazioni di cicli di lavoro di diversi semigrezzi, così da validare il modello in modo approfondito sulla base dell’esame di varie casistiche. In questa tesi si analizzano nel dettaglio il processo di sviluppo del modello e le procedure di simulazioni di Virtual Commissioning implementate sul software Eureka Virtual Machining (Roboris S.r.l., Pisa), delle quali vengono presentati i maggiori problemi riscontrati e illustrate le relative soluzioni. L’obiettivo è quello di fornire linee guida di carattere generale per affrontare anche in futuro le criticità più significative durante la fase di digitalizzazione delle macchine prodotte dall’Azienda. Inoltre, come applicazione particolare delle simulazioni Virtual Commissiong, è stata svolta un’attività di ottimizzazione per la riduzione del tempo di ciclo di lavoro di un pezzo, con lo scopo di incrementare la produttività della macchina. Infine, si fa notare che il produttore del software ha eseguito modifiche alla versione corrente di Eureka sulla base delle criticità che sono state riscontrate e segnalate durante lo sviluppo di questa tesi.