926 resultados para 280212 Neural Networks, Genetic Alogrithms and Fuzzy Logic


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BACKGROUND The diagnostic performance of biochemical scores and artificial neural network models for portal hypertension and cirrhosis is not well established. AIMS To assess diagnostic accuracy of six serum scores, artificial neural networks and liver stiffness measured by transient elastography, for diagnosing cirrhosis, clinically significant portal hypertension and oesophageal varices. METHODS 202 consecutive compensated patients requiring liver biopsy and hepatic venous pressure gradient measurement were included. Several serum tests (alone and combined into scores) and liver stiffness were measured. Artificial neural networks containing or not liver stiffness as input variable were also created. RESULTS The best non-invasive method for diagnosing cirrhosis, portal hypertension and oesophageal varices was liver stiffness (C-statistics=0.93, 0.94, and 0.90, respectively). Among serum tests/scores the best for diagnosing cirrhosis and portal hypertension and oesophageal varices were, respectively, Fibrosis-4, and Lok score. Artificial neural networks including liver stiffness had high diagnostic performance for cirrhosis, portal hypertension and oesophageal varices (accuracy>80%), but were not statistically superior to liver stiffness alone. CONCLUSIONS Liver stiffness was the best non-invasive method to assess the presence of cirrhosis, portal hypertension and oesophageal varices. The use of artificial neural networks integrating different non-invasive tests did not increase the diagnostic accuracy of liver stiffness alone.


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Self-consciousness implies not only self or group recognition, but also real knowledge of one’s own identity. Self-consciousness is only possible if an individual is intelligent enough to formulate an abstract self-representation. Moreover, it necessarily entails the capability of referencing and using this elf-representation in connection with other cognitive features, such as inference, and the anticipation of the consequences of both one’s own and other individuals’ acts. In this paper, a cognitive architecture for self-consciousness is proposed. This cognitive architecture includes several modules: abstraction, self-representation, other individuals'representation, decision and action modules. It includes a learning process of self-representation by direct (self-experience based) and observational learning (based on the observation of other individuals). For model implementation a new approach is taken using Modular Artificial Neural Networks (MANN). For model testing, a virtual environment has been implemented. This virtual environment can be described as a holonic system or holarchy, meaning that it is composed of autonomous entities that behave both as a whole and as part of a greater whole. The system is composed of a certain number of holons interacting. These holons are equipped with cognitive features, such as sensory perception, and a simplified model of personality and self-representation. We explain holons’ cognitive architecture that enables dynamic self-representation. We analyse the effect of holon interaction, focusing on the evolution of the holon’s abstract self-representation. Finally, the results are explained and analysed and conclusions drawn.


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The development of new-generation intelligent vehicle technologies will lead to a better level of road safety and CO2 emission reductions. However, the weak point of all these systems is their need for comprehensive and reliable data. For traffic data acquisition, two sources are currently available: 1) infrastructure sensors and 2) floating vehicles. The former consists of a set of fixed point detectors installed in the roads, and the latter consists of the use of mobile probe vehicles as mobile sensors. However, both systems still have some deficiencies. The infrastructure sensors retrieve information fromstatic points of the road, which are spaced, in some cases, kilometers apart. This means that the picture of the actual traffic situation is not a real one. This deficiency is corrected by floating cars, which retrieve dynamic information on the traffic situation. Unfortunately, the number of floating data vehicles currently available is too small and insufficient to give a complete picture of the road traffic. In this paper, we present a floating car data (FCD) augmentation system that combines information fromfloating data vehicles and infrastructure sensors, and that, by using neural networks, is capable of incrementing the amount of FCD with virtual information. This system has been implemented and tested on actual roads, and the results show little difference between the data supplied by the floating vehicles and the virtual vehicles.


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Social behaviour is mainly based on swarm colonies, in which each individual shares its knowledge about the environment with other individuals to get optimal solutions. Such co-operative model differs from competitive models in the way that individuals die and are born by combining information of alive ones. This paper presents the particle swarm optimization with differential evolution algorithm in order to train a neural network instead the classic back propagation algorithm. The performance of a neural network for particular problems is critically dependant on the choice of the processing elements, the net architecture and the learning algorithm. This work is focused in the development of methods for the evolutionary design of artificial neural networks. This paper focuses in optimizing the topology and structure of connectivity for these networks.


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This paper presents some ideas about a new neural network architecture that can be compared to a Taylor analysis when dealing with patterns. Such architecture is based on lineal activation functions with an axo-axonic architecture. A biological axo-axonic connection between two neurons is defined as the weight in a connection in given by the output of another third neuron. This idea can be implemented in the so called Enhanced Neural Networks in which two Multilayer Perceptrons are used; the first one will output the weights that the second MLP uses to computed the desired output. This kind of neural network has universal approximation properties even with lineal activation functions. There exists a clear difference between cooperative and competitive strategies. The former ones are based on the swarm colonies, in which all individuals share its knowledge about the goal in order to pass such information to other individuals to get optimum solution. The latter ones are based on genetic models, that is, individuals can die and new individuals are created combining information of alive one; or are based on molecular/celular behaviour passing information from one structure to another. A swarm-based model is applied to obtain the Neural Network, training the net with a Particle Swarm algorithm.


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This paper present an environmental contingency forecasting tool based on Neural Networks (NN). Forecasting tool analyzes every hour and daily Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) concentrations and Meteorological data time series. Pollutant concentrations and meteorological variables are self-organized applying a Self-organizing Map (SOM) NN in different classes. Classes are used in training phase of a General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) classifier to provide an air quality forecast. In this case a time series set obtained from Environmental Monitoring Network (EMN) of the city of Salamanca, Guanajuato, México is used. Results verify the potential of this method versus other statistical classification methods and also variables correlation is solved.


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Solar drying is one of the important processes used for extending the shelf life of agricultural products. Regarding consumer requirements, solar drying should be more suitable in terms of curtailing total drying time and preserving product quality. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a fuzzy logic-based control system, which performs a ?human-operator-like? control approach through using the previously developed low-cost model-based sensors. Fuzzy logic toolbox of MatLab and Borland C++ Builder tool were utilized to develop a required control system. An experimental solar dryer, constructed by CONA SOLAR (Austria) was used during the development of the control system. Sensirion sensors were used to characterize the drying air at different positions in the dryer, and also the smart sensor SMART-1 was applied to be able to include the rate of wood water extraction into the control system (the difference of absolute humidity of the air between the outlet and the inlet of solar dryer is considered by SMART-1 to be the extracted water). A comprehensive test over a 3 week period for different fuzzy control models has been performed, and data, obtained from these experiments, were analyzed. Findings from this study would suggest that the developed fuzzy logic-based control system is able to tackle difficulties, related to the control of solar dryer process.


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Tool wear detection is a key issue for tool condition monitoring. The maximization of useful tool life is frequently related with the optimization of machining processes. This paper presents two model-based approaches for tool wear monitoring on the basis of neuro-fuzzy techniques. The use of a neuro-fuzzy hybridization to design a tool wear monitoring system is aiming at exploiting the synergy of neural networks and fuzzy logic, by combining human reasoning with learning and connectionist structure. The turning process that is a well-known machining process is selected for this case study. A four-input (i.e., time, cutting forces, vibrations and acoustic emissions signals) single-output (tool wear rate) model is designed and implemented on the basis of three neuro-fuzzy approaches (inductive, transductive and evolving neuro-fuzzy systems). The tool wear model is then used for monitoring the turning process. The comparative study demonstrates that the transductive neuro-fuzzy model provides better error-based performance indices for detecting tool wear than the inductive neuro-fuzzy model and than the evolving neuro-fuzzy model.


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A new method to study large scale neural networks is presented in this paper. The basis is the use of Feynman- like diagrams. These diagrams allow the analysis of collective and cooperative phenomena with a similar methodology to the employed in the Many Body Problem. The proposed method is applied to a very simple structure composed by an string of neurons with interaction among them. It is shown that a new behavior appears at the end of the row. This behavior is different to the initial dynamics of a single cell. When a feedback is present, as in the case of the hippocampus, this situation becomes more complex with a whole set of new frequencies, different from the proper frequencies of the individual neurons. Application to an optical neural network is reported.


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This paper presents a multi-stage algorithm for the dynamic condition monitoring of a gear. The algorithm provides information referred to the gear status (fault or normal condition) and estimates the mesh stiffness per shaft revolution in case that any abnormality is detected. In the first stage, the analysis of coefficients generated through discrete wavelet transformation (DWT) is proposed as a fault detection and localization tool. The second stage consists in establishing the mesh stiffness reduction associated with local failures by applying a supervised learning mode and coupled with analytical models. To do this, a multi-layer perceptron neural network has been configured using as input features statistical parameters sensitive to torsional stiffness decrease and derived from wavelet transforms of the response signal. The proposed method is applied to the gear condition monitoring and results show that it can update the mesh dynamic properties of the gear on line.


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Automatic blood glucose classification may help specialists to provide a better interpretation of blood glucose data, downloaded directly from patients glucose meter and will contribute in the development of decision support systems for gestational diabetes. This paper presents an automatic blood glucose classifier for gestational diabetes that compares 6 different feature selection methods for two machine learning algorithms: neural networks and decision trees. Three searching algorithms, Greedy, Best First and Genetic, were combined with two different evaluators, CSF and Wrapper, for the feature selection. The study has been made with 6080 blood glucose measurements from 25 patients. Decision trees with a feature set selected with the Wrapper evaluator and the Best first search algorithm obtained the best accuracy: 95.92%.


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This work aims to develop a novel Cross-Entropy (CE) optimization-based fuzzy controller for Unmanned Aerial Monocular Vision-IMU System (UAMVIS) to solve the seeand- avoid problem using its accurate autonomous localization information. The function of this fuzzy controller is regulating the heading of this system to avoid the obstacle, e.g. wall. In the Matlab Simulink-based training stages, the Scaling Factor (SF) is adjusted according to the specified task firstly, and then the Membership Function (MF) is tuned based on the optimized Scaling Factor to further improve the collison avoidance performance. After obtained the optimal SF and MF, 64% of rules has been reduced (from 125 rules to 45 rules), and a large number of real flight tests with a quadcopter have been done. The experimental results show that this approach precisely navigates the system to avoid the obstacle. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to present the optimized fuzzy controller for UAMVIS using Cross-Entropy method in Scaling Factors and Membership Functions optimization.


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Esta tesis estudia la evolución estructural de conjuntos de neuronas como la capacidad de auto-organización desde conjuntos de neuronas separadas hasta que forman una red (clusterizada) compleja. Esta tesis contribuye con el diseño e implementación de un algoritmo no supervisado de segmentación basado en grafos con un coste computacional muy bajo. Este algoritmo proporciona de forma automática la estructura completa de la red a partir de imágenes de cultivos neuronales tomadas con microscopios de fase con una resolución muy alta. La estructura de la red es representada mediante un objeto matemático (matriz) cuyos nodos representan a las neuronas o grupos de neuronas y los enlaces son las conexiones reconstruidas entre ellos. Este algoritmo extrae también otras medidas morfológicas importantes que caracterizan a las neuronas y a las neuritas. A diferencia de otros algoritmos hasta el momento, que necesitan de fluorescencia y técnicas inmunocitoquímicas, el algoritmo propuesto permite el estudio longitudinal de forma no invasiva posibilitando el estudio durante la formación de un cultivo. Además, esta tesis, estudia de forma sistemática un grupo de variables topológicas que garantizan la posibilidad de cuantificar e investigar la progresión de las características principales durante el proceso de auto-organización del cultivo. Nuestros resultados muestran la existencia de un estado concreto correspondiente a redes con configuracin small-world y la emergencia de propiedades a micro- y meso-escala de la estructura de la red. Finalmente, identificamos los procesos físicos principales que guían las transformaciones morfológicas de los cultivos y proponemos un modelo de crecimiento de red que reproduce el comportamiento cuantitativamente de las observaciones experimentales. ABSTRACT The thesis analyzes the morphological evolution of assemblies of living neurons, as they self-organize from collections of separated cells into elaborated, clustered, networks. In particular, it contributes with the design and implementation of a graph-based unsupervised segmentation algorithm, having an associated very low computational cost. The processing automatically retrieves the whole network structure from large scale phase-contrast images taken at high resolution throughout the entire life of a cultured neuronal network. The network structure is represented by a mathematical object (a matrix) in which nodes are identified neurons or neurons clusters, and links are the reconstructed connections between them. The algorithm is also able to extract any other relevant morphological information characterizing neurons and neurites. More importantly, and at variance with other segmentation methods that require fluorescence imaging from immunocyto- chemistry techniques, our measures are non invasive and entitle us to carry out a fully longitudinal analysis during the maturation of a single culture. In turn, a systematic statistical analysis of a group of topological observables grants us the possibility of quantifying and tracking the progression of the main networks characteristics during the self-organization process of the culture. Our results point to the existence of a particular state corresponding to a small-world network configuration, in which several relevant graphs micro- and meso-scale properties emerge. Finally, we identify the main physical processes taking place during the cultures morphological transformations, and embed them into a simplified growth model that quantitatively reproduces the overall set of experimental observations.


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Esta tesis estudia la evolución estructural de conjuntos de neuronas como la capacidad de auto-organización desde conjuntos de neuronas separadas hasta que forman una red (clusterizada) compleja. Esta tesis contribuye con el diseño e implementación de un algoritmo no supervisado de segmentación basado en grafos con un coste computacional muy bajo. Este algoritmo proporciona de forma automática la estructura completa de la red a partir de imágenes de cultivos neuronales tomadas con microscopios de fase con una resolución muy alta. La estructura de la red es representada mediante un objeto matemático (matriz) cuyos nodos representan a las neuronas o grupos de neuronas y los enlaces son las conexiones reconstruidas entre ellos. Este algoritmo extrae también otras medidas morfológicas importantes que caracterizan a las neuronas y a las neuritas. A diferencia de otros algoritmos hasta el momento, que necesitan de fluorescencia y técnicas inmunocitoquímicas, el algoritmo propuesto permite el estudio longitudinal de forma no invasiva posibilitando el estudio durante la formación de un cultivo. Además, esta tesis, estudia de forma sistemática un grupo de variables topológicas que garantizan la posibilidad de cuantificar e investigar la progresión de las características principales durante el proceso de auto-organización del cultivo. Nuestros resultados muestran la existencia de un estado concreto correspondiente a redes con configuracin small-world y la emergencia de propiedades a micro- y meso-escala de la estructura de la red. Finalmente, identificamos los procesos físicos principales que guían las transformaciones morfológicas de los cultivos y proponemos un modelo de crecimiento de red que reproduce el comportamiento cuantitativamente de las observaciones experimentales. ABSTRACT The thesis analyzes the morphological evolution of assemblies of living neurons, as they self-organize from collections of separated cells into elaborated, clustered, networks. In particular, it contributes with the design and implementation of a graph-based unsupervised segmentation algorithm, having an associated very low computational cost. The processing automatically retrieves the whole network structure from large scale phase-contrast images taken at high resolution throughout the entire life of a cultured neuronal network. The network structure is represented by a mathematical object (a matrix) in which nodes are identified neurons or neurons clusters, and links are the reconstructed connections between them. The algorithm is also able to extract any other relevant morphological information characterizing neurons and neurites. More importantly, and at variance with other segmentation methods that require fluorescence imaging from immunocyto- chemistry techniques, our measures are non invasive and entitle us to carry out a fully longitudinal analysis during the maturation of a single culture. In turn, a systematic statistical analysis of a group of topological observables grants us the possibility of quantifying and tracking the progression of the main networks characteristics during the self-organization process of the culture. Our results point to the existence of a particular state corresponding to a small-world network configuration, in which several relevant graphs micro- and meso-scale properties emerge. Finally, we identify the main physical processes taking place during the cultures morphological transformations, and embed them into a simplified growth model that quantitatively reproduces the overall set of experimental observations.


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The diversity of bibliometric indices today poses the challenge of exploiting the relationships among them. Our research uncovers the best core set of relevant indices for predicting other bibliometric indices. An added difficulty is to select the role of each variable, that is, which bibliometric indices are predictive variables and which are response variables. This results in a novel multioutput regression problem where the role of each variable (predictor or response) is unknown beforehand. We use Gaussian Bayesian networks to solve the this problem and discover multivariate relationships among bibliometric indices. These networks are learnt by a genetic algorithm that looks for the optimal models that best predict bibliometric data. Results show that the optimal induced Gaussian Bayesian networks corroborate previous relationships between several indices, but also suggest new, previously unreported interactions. An extended analysis of the best model illustrates that a set of 12 bibliometric indices can be accurately predicted using only a smaller predictive core subset composed of citations, g-index, q2-index, and hr-index. This research is performed using bibliometric data on Spanish full professors associated with the computer science area.