1000 resultados para 260.5430


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Some anuran amphibians use the bromeliads during the entire life cycle and others only as diurnal shelter. At the sandy coastal plain of Linhares, State of Espírito Santo, Southeastern Brazil, 676 bromeliads were examined, of which 303 of Aechmea blanchetiana (Baker) L. B. Smith., 1955, 287 of Aechmea nudicaulis (L.) Griseb., 1864, and 86 of Vrisea procera (Mart. Ex Schult. f.) Wittm, 1891. The morphometric and physical-chemical analysis of different bromeliads evidenced variations among plants. During the period sampled, six anuran species were found inside the plant axils. The hylid frog Phyllodytes luteolus (Wied, 1824) was the most abundant species (260 specimens). Its abundance was higher in the epiphyte bromeliad Vrisea procera. Phyllodytes luteolus had higher occurrences in bromeliads located at a transitional area between open and under the shrub vegetation. Specimens of Scinax alterus (Lutz, B., 1973) and Aparasphenodon brunoi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920, were more frequent mainly in transitional areas; Bufo granulosus Spix, 1824 occurred in open and transitional areas, whereas Gastrotheca fissipis (Boulenger, 1888) and Leptodactylus fuscus (Schneider, 1799) were found only in bromeliads located in open areas.


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Calacarus heveae Feres, 1992 é um eriofídeo descrito de espécimes coletados em plantas de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis, Euphorbiaceae) na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo. Esse ácaro prefere a face adaxial dos folíolos e pode causar a perda do brilho, amarelecimento, bronzeamento dessa região e a subseqüente queda prematura das folhas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a distribuição de C. heveae em seringueira, selecionar a unidade de amostragem mais representativa e desenvolver um plano de amostragem para o estudo de sua flutuação populacional. O trabalho foi conduzido com os clones PB 260 e IAN 873, respectivamente nos municípios de Itiquira e de Pontes e Lacerda, ambos no Mato Grosso. Em Itiquira, diferenças significativas foram observadas em quatro ocasiões em relação ao número médio de ácaros por folha nos diferentes estratos das plantas. Nas amostragens realizadas em Pontes e Lacerda, nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada entre os estratos em relação àquele parâmetro. Apenas em Itiquira, em uma ocasião de amostragem, foi verificada diferença entre os três estratos, em relação à proporção de folhas infestadas. Nenhuma diferença significativa foi verificada em relação ao número médio de ácaros por folha e proporção de folhas infestadas por C. heveae a diferentes distâncias da periferia da copa. Calacarus heveae exibe distribuição agregada no campo. Para estimar a densidade de C. heveae, um plano numérico e um plano binomial de amostragem foram desenvolvidos.


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Em um caso fatal de ophidismo, em individuo de 15 annos de edade, picado por uma cobra jararaca (Bothrops jararaca) na face externa da perna direita e que veio a fallecer 26 dias apoz o accidente, os A.A, descrevem as lesões anatomo-pathologicas encontradas e as modificações do metabolismo, evidenciadas pelos exames chimicos do sangue. As principaes alterações existentes, acham-se localisadas nos rins os quaes apresentam lesões de glomerulonephrite diffusa e o aspecto typico da necrose cortical symmetrica. Como alterações de maior significação observam-se ainda lesões vasculares de grande intensidade e constituidas essencialmente por processo de endoarterite productiva. A necrose symmetrica da cortex renal, a vista das intensas alterações vasculares (endoarterite productiva) que acarretaram a obliteração das arterías, é considerada como a consequencia immediata de taes lesões vasculares. Os vasos renaes, séde do processo inflammatorio, são as arterias interlobar, arciforme e interlobular, mas principalmente as arteriolares da camada cortical. O processo de endoarterite assume sempre o carater progressivo, de modo que a luz vascular vae sendo aos poucos, totalmente obstruida. Ao contrario do que se tem observado nos casos de necrose cortical symmetrica, citados na literatura, em que as alterações parenchymatosas são consequentes a thrombose dos vasos reanes, no caso presente esse aspecto não foi verificado mas tão sómente a existencia da endoarterite productiva obliterante. Consideram os A.A. as lesões renaes no caso que estudaram, como a resultante da actuação lenta e prolongada do veneno de cobra sobre as estructuras renaes, baseados nos seguintes factos já conhecidos e admittidos: eliminação do veneno de cobra pelos rins; capacidade do mesmo veneno, determinar a glomerulo-nephrite diffusa e acção do veneno de cobra sobre o endothelio vascular, facilitada essencialmente pela funcção especifica do orgão. As modificações do metabolismo se traduziram por alterações urinarias e sanguineas. As urinas foram emitidas em muito pequena quantidade (50 cc. em 24 horas) não havendo comtudo, anuria absoluta. Cylindros hyalinos e granulosos, bem como leucocytos e cellulas renaes, associadas á albuminoria, era presentes. Os exames chimicos do sangue, revelaram: Proteinas totaes 7,61 grs. em 1000 cc.; Albumina 2,39 grs em 1000 cc.; Globulina 5,22 grs. em 1000 cc.; Uréa 6,42 grs. em 1000 cc.; Fibrinogeneo 0,324 grs. em 1000 cc.; Indican +++; Cl. plasmatico 339 mgrs. em 100 cc.; Cl. globular 170 mgrs. em 100 cc.; Cholesterol 163 mgrs. em 100 cc.; Creatinia 260 mgrs. em 100 cc.; Ph. inorganico 13,4 mgrs. em 100 cc.; Calcio 10,3 mgrs em 100 cc.; Potassio 28 mgrs. em 100 cc.; Sodio 328 mgrs. em 100 cc.. O exame hematologico revelou 11% de hemoglobina; 960.000 hematias por mm.³; e 5.200 leucocytos por mm.³. A formula leucocytaria revelou augmento dos neutrophilos, com 74% dos segmentados. A proporção entre sôro o coagulo foi 9 x 3 cc. A reacção de Wassermann no sôro sanguineo foi negativa. A insufficiencia renal se traduziu no caso em estudo, por modificações humoraes, particularmente pela azotemia elevada, pelo augmento da creatinina, do phosphoro inorganico e do indican. Em contraste com a existencia de taes modificações, o doente não apresentou os signaes clinicos observados nos casos emque a azotemia se mantem elevada, reproduzindo tal facto, o quadro clinico descripto para a necrose symmetrica da cortex renal.


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The classification of salmonellae in accordance with the Kauffmann-White schema accepted by the presents various inconveniences and difficulties to application. Among these is the necessity of preparing, dosing and preserving a considerable number of specific sera whose validity as is well known, is limited. The criterion of Kauffmann’s classification is exclusively, for it abandoned cultural tests, leaving therefore only a unilateral criterion. By following it one might include Chromobacterium typhi-flavum in the Salmonella genus as well as other bacteria which differ completely from the Salmonella, as long as they are antigenically related. On the other hand, the chart approximates or separates in the different groups of antigen O species or types of salmonellae which are biologically close or almost indistinguishable. The chart has given rise to an excessive number of species and lypes of salmonellae which from 44 in the chart approved by the in 1934 rose ro 60 in Bergey’s Manual and everything leads one to believe that the end is not yet for every day new lypes or species are found. And perforce this must be so for new antigenic factors have been found which give rise to new structural combinations. Applying the formula of combinations (formule) to the factors already known, there are probable possibilities of having 260 different antigenic combinations in group A, or 3260 lypes or species if all the flagellate antigens of the other groups should be found, in it combined 2 and 2. Futher applying the formula of combinations to the other groups there would be possibility of so many combinations that the number of salmonellae would exceed the number of known bacterian species or perhaps the number of those existing on earth. Undoubledly Kauffmann-White’s chart is an improvement, but the bacterian analysis made with it was exaggerated and exceeded the limit of the present possibilities of the realities of life. It revealed interesting aspects of the somatic complexity of bacteria but seems untenable because of its use in pratical sense.


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A chemical test previously described for the diagnosis of pregnancy was applied to the study of the excretion of gonadotropin in the urine during menstrual cycle. The chemical test is based on the selective adsorption by kaolim of the reducing substances biologically related to urinary gonadotropin. The active substance when acidified to pH 4.0 is adsorbed by the kolin and eluated with O.1N sodium hydroxide. The alkaline solution is treated by Somogyi's copper reagent and the excess not reduced is titrated by 0.005 N sodium thiosulfate. Gonadotropin is quantitatively addorbed by kaolin at pH 4.0 and eluated by alkaline solution as previously demonstrated by the A. (1). In the present paper the complete menstrual cycle was studied daily. It was observed that normally there are two distinct maxima of excretion. This study is based on 11 normal cycles (24-30 days) and 34 abnormal ones. Normal cycles showed a intramenstrual estrogens elimination from 200 to 260 mice units determinated by the Allen - Doisy full estrus smear test. The abnormal cycles belonging also to normal women showed much less estrogen excretion (14 to 25 mice units) Table II). In those cases with decreased estrogen excretion no fall in the curve after 14 th. day was observed. The A. suggest that the peaks of gonadotropin excretion is not related to the oculation but possibly due, the first one, to the follicle stimulating hormone and the second to the luteinizing hormone of hormone stimulating of the inerstitial tissue.


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Aquest treball, complementari de Els senadors republicans catalans durant la monarquia d’Alfons XIII (1903-1923) (WP número 249, 2006), aporta la identitat i el perfil dels 23 senadors catalans del Partit Conservador, 16 dels quals electius, durant el mateix període. El treball es clou amb un apèndix que recull les seves intervencions en el plenari de la Cambra, amb indicació de les comissions permanents de què formaren part.


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El proyecto tiene como objetivo el diseño y desarrollo de un nuevo sistema de aprendizaje del swing de golf.


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En Suisse, la schizophrénie affecte directement ou indirectement environ 260 000 personnes si l'on considère les patients eux-mêmes [60 000] et leurs proches [plus de 200 000]. Ces patients vivent la plupart du temps hors de l'hôpital et les familles jouent un rôle majeur dans leur prise en charge. Pour les soignants, établir un partenariat avec les malades et les proches est devenu essentiel et dans ce but, des groupes psychoéducatifs destinés aux patients et/ou à leur famille sont proposés par la plupart des services spécialisés. Une revue de la littérature montre que ces groupes permettent de réduire d'environ 20% le taux de rechute et sont à même d'améliorer la qualité de vie des malades et de leurs proches, voire les coûts des traitements. Le présent article décrit les groupes psychoéducatifs proposés par la section "E. Minkowski" - spécialisées dans le traitement de patients souffrant de schizophrénie ou d'un trouble apparenté - du Département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte de Lausanne: le groupe "Profamille", destiné aux proches des personnes souffrant de schizophrénie, et le groupe "Prelapse" qui s'adresse aux patients.


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This paper uses forecasts from the European Central Bank's Survey of Professional Forecasters to investigate the relationship between inflation and inflation expectations in the euro area. We use theoretical structures based on the New Keynesian and Neoclassical Phillips curves to inform our empirical work. Given the relatively short data span of the Survey of Professional Forecasters and the need to control for many explanatory variables, we use dynamic model averaging in order to ensure a parsimonious econometric speci cation. We use both regression-based and VAR-based methods. We find no support for the backward looking behavior embedded in the Neo-classical Phillips curve. Much more support is found for the forward looking behavior of the New Keynesian Phillips curve, but most of this support is found after the beginning of the financial crisis.


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Background and Aims: Gender differences have been reported among pathological gamblers populations. These differences concern variables such as type of gambling (men are more likely engaged in ''strategic gambling'' whereas women prefer ''non-strategic'' gambling), evolution of the gambling problem (faster progression for women) and suicidal behaviours (more attempted suicide by women). The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between gender and clinical status in a Swiss sample of treatment seeking pathological gamblers. Method: Prospective descriptive study of 260 new outpatients entering treatment between October 1999 and October 2007 at the Center for Excessive Gambling Studies, Lausanne, Switzerland. Data are issued from standardised medical records. Gender differences were examined (Chi-squares and ANOVAs) on interval between first gambling behaviours and first specialized treatment, interval between pathological gambling onset and first specialized treatment, purpose of consulting, type of gambling (« strategic gambling » vs « nonstrategic gambling ») and suicidality. Results and Discussion: In line with international findings, gender differences were observed on type of gambling, suicidality and interval between pathological gambling onset and first specialized treatment. A tendency emerged on interval between first gambling behaviours and first specialized treatment. As a new finding, we observed a difference on the purpose of consulting, with emotional crisis more reported by women whereas men are more likely to report familial crisis. Gender seems to be relevant in the context of pathological gambling and should be integrated in prevention and clinical strategies.


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A recent study with 69 Japanese liver transplants treated with tacrolimus found that the MDR13435 C >T polymorphism, but not the MDR12677 G >T polymorphism, was associated with differences in the intestinal expression level of CYP3A4 mRNA. In the present study, over 6 h, we measured the kinetics of a 75 microg oral dose of midazolam, a CYP3A substrate, in 21 healthy subjects genotyped for the MDR13435 C >T and 2677 G >T polymorphism. No statistically significant differences were found in the calculated pharmacokinetic parameters between the three 3435 C >T genotypes (TT, CT and CC group, respectively: Cmax (mean +/- SD: 0.30 +/- 0.08 ng/ml, 0.31 +/- 0.09 ng/ml and 0.31 +/- 0.11 ng/ml; Apparent clearance: 122 +/- 29 l/h, 156 +/- 92 l/h and 111 +/- 35 l/h; t1/2: 1.9 +/- 1.1 h, 1.6 +/- 0.90 h and 1.7 +/- 0.7 h). In addition, the 30-min 1'OH midazolam to midazolam ratio, a marker of CYP3A activity, determined in 74 HIV-positive patients before the introduction of antiretroviral treatment, was not significantly different between the three 3435 C >T genotypes (mean ratio +/- SD: 3.65 +/- 2.24, 4.22 +/- 3.49 and 4.24 +/- 2.03, in the TT, CT and CC groups, respectively). Similarly, no association was found between the MDR12677 G >T polymorphism and CYP3A activity in the healthy subjects or in the HIV-positive patients. The existence of a strong association between the activity of CYP3A and MDR13435 C >T and 2677 G >T polymorphisms appears unlikely, at least in Caucasian populations and/or in the absence of specific environmental factors.


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To investigate the molecular basis that makes heterodimeric CD8alphabeta a more efficient coreceptor than homodimeric CD8alphaalpha, we used various CD8 transfectants of T1.4 T cell hybridomas, which are specific for H-2Kd, and a photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide PbCS 252-260 (SYIPSAEKI). We demonstrate that CD8 is palmitoylated at the cytoplasmic tail of CD8beta and that this allows partitioning of CD8alphabeta, but not of CD8alphaalpha, in lipid rafts. Localization of CD8 in rafts is crucial for its coreceptor function. First, association of CD8 with the src kinase p56lck takes place nearly exclusively in rafts, mainly due to increased concentration of both components in this compartment. Deletion of the cytoplasmic domain of CD8beta abrogated localization of CD8 in rafts and association with p56lck. Second, CD8-mediated cross-linking of p56lck by multimeric Kd-peptide complexes or by anti-CD8 Ab results in p56lck activation in rafts, from which the abundant phosphatase CD45 is excluded. Third, CD8-associated activated p56lck phosphorylates CD3zeta in rafts and hence induces TCR signaling and T cell activation. This study shows that palmitoylation of CD8beta is required for efficient CD8 coreceptor function, mainly because it dramatically increases CD8 association with p56lck and CD8-mediated activation of p56lck in lipid rafts.