999 resultados para 1900-2002
In this study, a total of 865 serum samples were collected between 1995 and 2002 from individuals living in Goiânia, Central Brazil, and clinically suspected of hepatitis. After exclusion of 162 samples which were positive for hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus, 703 samples were tested for anti-hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV) IgM antibodies by enzyme immunoassay. In addition, 588 of these samples and 22 fecal samples were analyzed by reverse transcription-nested PCR for HAV RNA detection, with positivity indices of 13.1% (77/588) and 54.5% (12/22), respectively. A similar index of viral RNA detection in anti-HAV-IgM positive or negative samples was observed in serum samples. HAV infection is a public health problem worldwide and this study underscores the extent of HAV circulation in our region.
We present the results of a study on myiasis in Panama during the first years of a Cochliomyia hominivorax eradication program (1998-2005), with the aim of investigating the behavior of the flies that produce myiasis in animals and human beings. The hosts that registered positive for myiasis were cattle (46.4%), dogs (15.3%), humans (14.7%), birds (12%), pigs (6%), horses (4%), and sheep (1%). Six fly species caused myiasis: Dermatobia hominis (58%), Phaenicia spp. (20%), Cochliomyia macellaria (19%), Chrysomya rufifacies (0.4%), and maggots of unidentified species belonging to the Sarcophagidae (3%) and Muscidae (0.3%). With the Dubois index, was no evidence that the absence of C. hominivorax allowed an increase in the cases of facultative myiasis.
The reintroduction of dengue virus type 3 (DENV-3) in Brazil in 2000 and its subsequent spread throughout the country was associated with genotype III viruses, the only DENV-3 genotype isolated in Brazil prior to 2002. We report here the co-circulation of two different DENV-3 genotypes in patients living in the Northern region of Brazil during the 2002-2004 epidemics. Complete genomic sequences of viral RNA were determined from these epidemics, and viruses belonging to genotypes V (Southeast Asia/South Pacific) and III were identified. This recent co-circulation of different DENV-3 genotypes in South America may have implications for pathological and epidemiological dynamics.
La recerca va analitzar la interacció entre innovació tecnològica, canvi organitzatiu i transformació dels serveis públics i els processos polítics a l'Ajuntament de Barcelona. Prenent com a hipòtesi de partida l'aparició d'un possible model Barcelona II (que entenem que és paral·lel al model Barcelona, un exemple internacionalment reconegut de combinació de polítiques urbanes), es van estudiar les transformacions internes del consistori barceloní vinculades amb l'ús innovador de les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació i es van relacionar amb el conjunt de canvis socials i polítics que interaccionaven amb aquest procés.
Cancer is a major health problem in our Autonomous Community and is the second cause of death in both males and females. The incidence, mortality, potential years of life lost and resource consumption alongside the suffering endured by patients and families call for a commitment to be made by the Health Administration, healthcare professionals, patients and caregivers. This Plan is based on updated analyses of the mortality, incidence and survival of Cancer in Andalusia, of the situation of Cancer care and the resources available and of the expectations of patients and main caregivers, and on the conclusions of different Work Groups on the Management of Processes related to Cancer. The Andalusian Comprehensive Cancer Plan establishes an action programme that involves organisational and functional changes, new proposals for the training of professionals and a specific funding base.
Article que es refereix a la XVI Olimpíada Nacional de Química (2002 – 2003), celebrada el 9-12 de maig de 2003, al Seminari Menor de Tarazona (Saragossa). L’ olimpíada consisteix en dues proves: la primera consisteix en la resolució de 4 problemes llargs, i la segona en 45 preguntes de resposta múltiple (tipus test) que contenen qüestions teòriques i problemes curt. En aquest article s’ esmenten els alumnes que han obtingut alguna mena de distinció, els classificats per a la Fase Nacional, els problemes proposats i les característiques de les preguntes del test
Descripció de la vida i obra de Frederic-Pau Verrié, amb motiu de l’atorgament del Premi 2002 de l’Institut del Patrimoni Cultural de la UdG. La Revista de Girona recull el discurs que va fer en l’acte de lliurament del Premi, i l’autor aprofita per fer una ressenya del premiat
El sector vitícola català, màxim exponent de l'expansió agrícola registrada des d'inici del segle XVIII fins a mitjan XIX, va patir en les darreres dècades de la passada centúria un gran daltabaix. Un insecte desconegut fins aleshores, la fil•loxera, originari del continent americà i contra el qual les vinyes europees no disposaven de cap mena de defensa, va destruir en un marge de cinquanta anys tots els antics ceps d'Europa.