991 resultados para 19-189
Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.
Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.
Tag & Release is the newsletter for the South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series, an official program of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.
Concert program for High School Music Institute, July 19, 1940
Concert program for Die Fledermaus, November 18, 19, 21, and 22, 1977
Concert Program for Music of Today Series, UW Modern Ensemble, May 19, 2014
Concert program for Philadelphia String Quartet, Nov. 19, 1971
Concert Program
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças
Dissertação de Mestrado submetida ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria. Trabalho efectuado sob a orientação do Professor Doutor Eduardo Sá e Silva
Revista elaborada pela Assessoria de Comunicação e Imprensa da Reitoria da UNESP
A Leptospirose é uma doença infecciosa causada por bactérias patogénicas do género Leptospira. Ocorre sobretudo nos países em desenvolvimento, em regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Nos últimos anos tem-se tornado um problema emergente de Saúde Pública, afectando uma grande diversidade de mamíferos (hospedeiros), incluindo os humanos. Actualmente observa-se um aumento do número de casos com alterações do padrão epidemiológico, assim como o ressurgimento de surtos epidémicos devido a alterações climáticas. No entanto, devido aos sintomas inespecíficos, o diagnóstico clínico é confundível com outras doenças e o laboratorial é difícil e dispendioso, requerendo recursos e técnicos especializados. Em Angola (Lubango), o diagnóstico laboratorial não é praticado devido à indisponibilidade de testes específicos, resultando no desconhecimento da sua prevalência. Assim, de modo, a determinar a sero-ocorrência da Leptospirose humana em doentes febris assistidos no Hospital Central do Lubango, contribuindo para: i) a possível inclusão desta doença no diagnóstico diferencial de doentes com síndromes febris indeterminados; e ii) implementar medidas de prevenção e controlo. Foram analisadas 300 amostras séricas obtidas em igual número de doentes febris que recorreram ao referido hospital, no período de Setembro a Dezembro de 2012, aos quais também se aplicou um inquérito clínico-epidemiológico. Foi realizada uma avaliação serológica usando a técnica de rastreio (MACROLepto), e a técnica de referência (Técnica de Aglutinação Microscópica; TAM). Para a análise molecular usou-se a Reacção em Cadeia de Polimerase (PCR), em soro utilizando primers baseados no gene hap1 (para leptospiras patogénicas). Os produtos amplificados foram sequenciados para determinação de espécies genómicas de Leptospira. A amostra populacional foi constituída por indivíduos do género masculino (111; 37%) e (189; 63%) do género feminino. A suspeita clínica de Leptospirose foi confirmada serologicamente pela TAM em (120+/300; 40%) dos doentes, e a análise por PCR foi positiva em (30+/193; 16%) das amostras analisadas. A sequenciação do DNA obtido permitiu identificar três espécies genómicas: L. borgpetersenii, L. interrogans e L. kirschneri. Os participantes no estudo foram distribuídos por grupos etários, e a média de idade foi de 30 anos, sendo os grupos (11-20 e 21- 30 anos) os mais representados, e o género feminino o mais afectado (61%). As principais manifestações clínicas foram a febre (91%), cefaleias (84%) e mialgias (59%). Em relação as variáveis de risco de infecção por Leptospira spp., verificou-se que a ausência de saneamento básico, exposição aos lixos, presença de roedores próximos das populações e o consumo de água não tratada, foram as situações mais referidas. O contacto com os roedores, seguido dos canídeos, foi referido por 97% e 41% dos doentes com resultado positivo. Quanto à proveniência, a maioria dos doentes veio de áreas suburbanas. No que respeita à ocupação destacaram-se as mulheres camponesas, estudantes e domésticas. Os soros com resultado positivo mostraram reactividade específica para leptospiras de 19 serogrupos (serovares) com maior destaque, Icterohaemorrhagiae (Copenhageni), Hebdomadis, Javanica (Poi) Australis (Bratislava) e Sejroe (Hardjobovis). O título mais elevado foi de 1:800 observado para os serovares Copenhageni, Ballum (Arborea), Panama e Pyrogenes. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a Leptospirose está presente entre os doentes febris na província da Huíla, sendo importante incluir esta zoonose no diagnóstico diferencial e promover medidas de prevenção e controlo, especialmente nos grupos de risco agora identificados.
BACKGROUND: The FTO gene harbors the strongest known susceptibility locus for obesity. While many individual studies have suggested that physical activity (PA) may attenuate the effect of FTO on obesity risk, other studies have not been able to confirm this interaction. To confirm or refute unambiguously whether PA attenuates the association of FTO with obesity risk, we meta-analyzed data from 45 studies of adults (n = 218,166) and nine studies of children and adolescents (n = 19,268). METHODS AND FINDINGS: All studies identified to have data on the FTO rs9939609 variant (or any proxy [r(2)>0.8]) and PA were invited to participate, regardless of ethnicity or age of the participants. PA was standardized by categorizing it into a dichotomous variable (physically inactive versus active) in each study. Overall, 25% of adults and 13% of children were categorized as inactive. Interaction analyses were performed within each study by including the FTO×PA interaction term in an additive model, adjusting for age and sex. Subsequently, random effects meta-analysis was used to pool the interaction terms. In adults, the minor (A-) allele of rs9939609 increased the odds of obesity by 1.23-fold/allele (95% CI 1.20-1.26), but PA attenuated this effect (p(interaction) = 0.001). More specifically, the minor allele of rs9939609 increased the odds of obesity less in the physically active group (odds ratio = 1.22/allele, 95% CI 1.19-1.25) than in the inactive group (odds ratio = 1.30/allele, 95% CI 1.24-1.36). No such interaction was found in children and adolescents. CONCLUSIONS: The association of the FTO risk allele with the odds of obesity is attenuated by 27% in physically active adults, highlighting the importance of PA in particular in those genetically predisposed to obesity.
Diagnostic information on children is typically elicited from both children and their parents. The aims of the present paper were to: (1) compare prevalence estimates according to maternal reports, paternal reports and direct interviews of children [major depressive disorder (MDD), anxiety and attention-deficit and disruptive behavioural disorders]; (2) assess mother-child, father-child and inter-parental agreement for these disorders; (3) determine the association between several child, parent and familial characteristics and the degree of diagnostic agreement or the likelihood of parental reporting; (4) determine the predictive validity of diagnostic information provided by parents and children. Analyses were based on 235 mother-offspring, 189 father-offspring and 128 mother-father pairs. Diagnostic assessment included the Kiddie-schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS) (offspring) and the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) (parents and offspring at follow-up) interviews. Parental reports were collected using the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC). Analyses revealed: (1) prevalence estimates for internalizing disorders were generally lower according to parental information than according to the K-SADS; (2) mother-child and father-child agreement was poor and within similar ranges; (3) parents with a history of MDD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) reported these disorders in their children more frequently; (4) in a sub-sample followed-up into adulthood, diagnoses of MDD, separation anxiety and conduct disorder at baseline concurred with the corresponding lifetime diagnosis at age 19 according to the child rather than according to the parents. In conclusion, our findings support large discrepancies of diagnostic information provided by parents and children with generally lower reporting of internalizing disorders by parents, and differential reporting of depression and ADHD by parental disease status. Follow-up data also supports the validity of information provided by adolescent offspring.
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: To describe alcohol use, binge drinking and drinking consequences in 19 year old men. METHODS: During a one-day army recruitment process mandatory for all Swiss males, a convenience sample of 1,004 men completed the "Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire", assessing demographics, alcohol use, binge drinking, and drinking consequences over the last 12 months. Binge drinking was defined as having 5 or more drinks on a single occasion at least once over the last 12 months. Among the 1,004 subjects, binge drinking could not be defined in 123 (12.3%) due to "don't know" responses, leaving 881 subjects with complete data. RESULTS: Of the 881 subjects, 690 (78.3%) reported binge drinking at least once over the last 12 months, 269 (30.5%) with infrequent binge drinking (< or = 1x/month) and 421 (47.8%) with frequent binge drinking (> or = 2x/month). In addition, 379 (43.0%) of the subjects experienced 3 or more drinking consequences over the last 12 months and the number of these consequences increased as the frequency of binge drinking increased (trend analyses significant for 9 of the 12 consequences evaluated). Among the 687 subjects with moderate average alcohol intake (< 14 drinks per week), 252 (36.7%) reported infrequent binge drinking, of whom 82 (32.5%) experienced 3 or more adverse drinking consequences over the last 12 months, whereas 246 (35.8%) reported frequent binge drinking and 128 (52.0%) of these experienced 3 or more adverse drinking consequences. CONCLUSIONS: Binge drinking in this sample of young men is frequent and is associated with numerous consequences, even among those consuming moderate amounts of alcohol.