993 resultados para 15-150


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Este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer, discutir e analisar as motivações e aspirações dos alunos inseridos nos cursos pré-vestibulares para negros e carentes da ONG EDUCAFRO, bem como a inserção desses jovens no Ensino Superior e no mercado de trabalho, considerando os mecanismos de inclusão e exclusão dos negros no Sistema Educacional Brasileiro. Dentre muitos estudos importantes, que abordam a temática do negro no sistema educacional, gostaríamos de destacar os Movimentos Sociais, de Educação e Cidadania, a dissertação: Um Estudo sobre os Cursos Pré-Vestibulares Populares, apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Mestre de Alexandre do Nascimento UERJ Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em 1999 e a dissertação de Mestrado de Cristiane Maria Ribeiro sob o título Anti-Racismo e Educação: O Projeto Político-Pedagógico das Lideranças Negras de Uberlândia em 2000. A leitura dessas obras foi essencial para o encaminhamento dos estudos que integram este trabalho, uma vez que argumentam sobre a dívida social que o Brasil tem com os afro-descendentes no sistema educacional. Destacamos também o professor, escritor e ativista dos direitos humanos, o historiador negro nascido nos EUA, John Hope Franklin declara que as políticas compensatórias foram aplicadas desde a década de sessenta. Essas políticas pretendiam oferecer aos afro-americanos a chance de participar das mudanças sociais. De modo que as universidades foram obrigadas a implantar políticas de cotas e também implantar procedimentos que fossem favoráveis à população negra. No Brasil, essa luta está sendo organizada pela ONG EDUCAFRO que vem desenvolvendo há alguns anos mecanismos de inclusão social, justificando-os por meio da necessidade de compensar os negros pela discriminação sofrida no passado, beneficiando de alguma forma essa porcentagem da população brasileira. No decorrer da pesquisa bibliográfica, encontramos, por meio das diversas obras consultadas, uma grande preocupação dos autores com a questão das Ações Afirmativas como meio de compensar a população negra, apesar da resistência por parte daqueles que temem o progresso social dos negros, no entanto, pesquisas s indicam caminhos para reverter esse quadro negativo. Diante dessa realidade, fica o grande desafio: o que motiva e quais são as metas dos professores que ministram voluntariamente aulas nos Cursinhos Comunitários? O que almejam os alunos com o seu acesso no Ensino Superior? A pesquisa confirmou que os alunos do Núcleo estudado buscam na ONG EDUCAFRO uma forma alternativa de inserção no Ensino Superior e, que essa inserção os motiva e os inspira no vislumbre de se colocarem também no mercado de trabalho. Vale ressaltar que o presente estudo não tem a pretensão de esgotar o assunto, mas de abrir espaços


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Stimulus encouraging the production and consumption of biodiesel favors the policy of pre-serving the environment, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas reducing climate change. The current trend of research in this field focuses on improving these processes with the use of heterogeneous catalysts, seeing has significant advantages such as: low contamination of products, ease of separation of the catalyst from the reaction medium, possibili-ty of reuse of the catalyst, decreased corrosion problems. The objective of this research was to optimize the synthesis of AlSBA-15 for the production of biodiesel through transesterification process via ethyl route. For the optimization of hydrothermal synthesis of type AlSBA-15 catalyst has assembled a 23 factorial experimental matrix with eleven trials. The stoichiometric amounts of starting materials were varied according to different ratios Si / Al which is a factor in the experimental design, in addition to the time and temperature of aging of the synthesis gel. The material showed the best results of characterization (SBET = 591.7 (m2 / g), Vp = 0.83 (cm3 / g), Dp = 5.59 (nm), w = 6.48 (nm) was synthesized at 100 ° C for 24 hours, with a ratio Si / Al = 10.This material was applied as a heterogeneous catalyst in the reaction of ethyl transesterification as raw coconut oil in natura. Coconut oil presented suitable for obtaining biodiesel via ethyl route.The visual aspects and physical-chemical characteristics of the reaction products show that AlSBA-15 catalyst favored the reaction. According to physical-chemical analysis the order of oxidative stability of the product of the transesterification reaction was: catalytic reaction at 1500 ° C> non-catalytic reaction at 100 ° C> 100 ° C catalytic> catalytic reaction at 200 ° C Reaction. The results of oxidative stability and kinematic viscosity shows that the biodiesel produced in the catalytic sandblasting held at 150 ° C which was maintained within the ABNT NBR 7148, ABNT NBR 10441 and EN 14112.


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During the Indian Ocean Expedition of R/V METEOR phytoplankton samples were taken with a multiple closing net (Multinet) at 103 stations. In this material the diatoms were investigated. In all 247 taxa could be identified which belong to 242 species and 5 varieties of formae of 80 genera. Of these 1 variety, 15 pecies, and 3 genera are newly described. New combinations were made for 18 species, and a number of old combinations was reinstated.


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La amibiasis es una de las enfermedades parasitarias de mayor importancia en países subdesarrollados con climas tropicales y subtropicales, siendo México un país en el cual los datos epidemiológicos demuestran que el 20 % de la población se encuentra infectada por el protozoario Entamoeba histolytica. La principal quimioterapia para esta enfermedad se basa en el uso de imidazoles principalmente del Metronidazol el cual es la causa de numerosos efectos secundarios producidos tras su administración, por lo que es necesario obtener nuevos compuestos antiprotozoarios que ayuden a lograr mejores tratamientos. La medicina tradicional usada en el noreste de México menciona el empleo de numerosas plantas las cuales pueden ser empleadas para el tratamientos de desórdenes intestinales provocados por parásitos tanto protozoarios como helmintos. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar la actividad amebicida de 15 plantas medicinales empleadas en la medicina tradicional mexicana y aislar e identificar los compuestos con la principal actividad amebicida del extracto de la planta que presente el mayor porcentaje de inhibición sobre el crecimiento del parásito. Ruta chalepensis fue la planta con el mayor porcentaje de inhibición, se utilizaron 660 g de hojas de R. chalepensis los cuales fueron sometidos a extracción Soxhlet empleando metanol como solvente de extracción; después de eliminar el solvente, se evaluó la actividad amebicida del extracto metanólico y de sus particiones hexánica y de acetato de etilo. El extracto metanólico mostró una actividad amebicida de 90.50 % a 150 g/ml, en tanto la partición hexánica fue de 93.47 % y la partición de acetato de etilo de 84.82 % las cuales fueron evaluadas a la misma concentración de 150 g/ml, debido a que se obtuvieron porcentajes de inhibición sobresaliente en las dos particiones se realizó la separación cromatográfica de los componentes de ambas particiones. Del fraccionamiento cromatográfico se identificaron mediante diversas técnicas de RMN y espectrometría de masas los siguientes compuestos, una mezcla de psoraleno y bergapteno (IC50 de 57.09 g/ml), una mezcla de xantotoxina-isopimpinelina (IC50 de 26.22 g/ml), chalepensina (IC50 de 38.71 g/ml), graveolina, rutamarina (IC50 de 6.54 g/ml) y chalepina (IC50 de 28.67 g/ml). Como es posible observar el efecto amebicida de R. chalepensis está respaldado por la presencia de furanocumarinas.


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The infrared (IR) spectroscopic data and Raman spectroscopic properties for a series of 13 “pinwheel-like” homoleptic bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth complexes M[Pc(α-OC5H11)4]2 [M = Y and Pr–Lu except Pm; H2Pc(α-OC5H11)4 = 1,8,15,22-tetrakis(3-pentyloxy)phthalocyanine] have been collected and comparatively studied. Both the IR and Raman spectra for M[Pc(α-OC5H11)4]2 are more complicated than those of homoleptic bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth analogues, namely M(Pc)2 and M[Pc(OC8H17)8]2, but resemble (for IR) or are a bit more complicated (for Raman) than those of heteroleptic counterparts M(Pc)[Pc(α-OC5H11)4], revealing the decreased molecular symmetry of these double-decker compounds, namely S8. Except for the obvious splitting of the isoindole breathing band at 1110–1123 cm−1, the IR spectra of M[Pc(α-OC5H11)4]2 are quite similar to those of corresponding M(Pc)[Pc(α-OC5H11)4] and therefore are similarly assigned. With laser excitation at 633 nm, Raman bands derived from isoindole ring and aza stretchings in the range of 1300–1600 cm−1 are selectively intensified. The IR spectra reveal that the frequencies of pyrrole stretching and pyrrole stretching coupled with the symmetrical CH bending of –CH3 groups are sensitive to the rare earth ionic size, while the Raman technique shows that the bands due to the isoindole stretchings and the coupled pyrrole and aza stretchings are similarly affected. Nevertheless, the phthalocyanine monoanion radical Pc′− IR marker band of bis(phthalocyaninato) complexes involving the same rare earth ion is found to shift to lower energy in the order M(Pc)2 > M(Pc)[Pc(α-OC5H11)4] > M[Pc(α-OC5H11)4]2, revealing the weakened π–π interaction between the two phthalocyanine rings in the same order.


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five:fashion musings is an upcoming 2009 publicaton to celebrate the fashion discipline's five-year milestone at the Queensland Unviesity of Technology. it represents a body of work by fashion practitioners, aceademic and educators commissioned to explore their research in fashion theory, practice and pedogogy through five key themes.


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Wideband frequency synthesisers have application in many areas, including test instrumentation and defence electronics. Miniaturisation of these devices provides many advantages to system designers, particularly in applications where extra space and weight are expensive. The purpose of this project was to miniaturise a wideband frequency synthesiser and package it for operation in several different environmental conditions while satisfying demanding technical specifications. The four primary and secondary goals to be achieved were: 1. an operating frequency range from low MHz to greater than 40 GHz, with resolution better than 1 MHz, 2. typical RF output power of +10 dBm, with maximum DC supply of 15 W, 3. synthesiser package of only 150  100  30 mm, and 4. operating temperatures from 20C to +71C, and vibration levels over 7 grms. This task was approached from multiple angles. Electrically, the system is designed to have as few functional blocks as possible. Off the shelf components are used for active functions instead of customised circuits. Mechanically, the synthesiser package is designed for efficient use of the available space. Two identical prototype synthesisers were manufactured to evaluate the design methodology and to show the repeatability of the design. Although further engineering development will improve the synthesiser’s performance, this project has successfully demonstrated a level of miniaturisation which sets a new benchmark for wideband synthesiser design. These synthesisers will meet the demands for smaller, lighter wideband sources. Potential applications include portable test equipment, radar and electronic surveillance systems on unmanned aerial vehicles. They are also useful for reducing the overall weight and power consumption of other systems, even if small dimensions are not essential.


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The Queensland Court of Appeal recently heard a case that raised the defence of volenti on fit injuria. By a majority of 2:1 the court held in Leyden v Caboolture Shire Council [2007] QCA 134 (20 April 2007) that the defence of volenti was established and defeated the action in negligence for damages for personal injury. The facts of the case were quite simple. The plaintiff was 15 years old when he was injured at the Bluebell Park which was controlled and managed by the Caboolture Shire Council (the defendant). The park had a BMX track – built and maintained by the defendant. At trial it was held that although the defendant owed a duty of care to entrants, a duty was not owed to the plaintiff. The judge found that the plaintiff was different to other entrants who used facilities provided by a council in a public park. The plaintiff was not relying upon the defendant to provide a BMX track with jumps that were reasonably safe as the evidence was that the track was regularly altered by third parties and the plaintiff knew that. Therefore it was reasoned that the plaintiff was relying upon the ability of the third parties who modified the jump and his own ability to use it, not the ability of the defendant to provide a reasonably safe track (at [10]). The trial judge also held that if a duty was owed, the defence of volenti applied so as to defeat the claim for damages. This was based upon the evidence that the plaintiff knew of the modification of the jump by third parties and knew of the risk. It was held that the plaintiff ‘had the appropriate subjective appreciation of the risk’ (at [11]).


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This paper investigates whether Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) is more or less sensitive to market downturns than conventional investment, and examines the legal implications for fund managers and trustees. Using a market model methodology, we find that over the past 15 years, the beta risk of SRI, both in Australia and internationally, increased more than that of conventional investment during economic downturns. This implies that companies acting as fund trustees, managed investment schemes and traditional institutional fund managers risk breaching their fiduciary or statutory duties if they go long - or remain long - in SRI funds during market downturns, unless perhaps relevant legislation is reformed. If reform is viewed as desirable, possible reforms could include explicitly overriding the common law to allow all traditional funds to invest in SRI; granting immunity to directors of trustee companies from potential personal liability under sections 197 or 588G et seq of the Corporations Act; allowing companies acting as trustees, managed investment schemes and traditional institutional fund managers and trustees to invest in SRI without triggering a substantial capital gains tax liability through trust resettlement; tax concessions for SRI (eg. introducing a 150% tax deduction or investment allowance for SRI); and allowing SRI sub-funds to obtain “deductible gift recipient” status or the equivalent from relevant taxation authorities. The research is important and original insofar as the assessment of risk in SRIs during market downturns is an area which has hitherto not been subjected to rigorous empirical investigation, despite its serious legal implications.