1000 resultados para xarxa sense fils


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Histone H1 in the parasitic protozoan Leishmania is a developmentally regulated protein encoded by two genes, HIS-1.1 and HIS-1.2. These genes are separated by approximately 20 kb of sequence and are located on the same DNA strand of chromosome 27. When Northern blots of parasite RNA were probed with HIS-1 strand-specific riboprobes, we detected sense and antisense transcripts that were polyadenylated and developmentally regulated. When the HIS-1.2 coding region was replaced with the coding region of the neomycin phosphotransferase gene, antisense transcription of this gene was unaffected, indicating that the regulatory elements controlling antisense transcription were located outside of the HIS-1.2 gene, and that transcription in Leishmania can occur from both DNA strands even in the presence of transcription of a selectable marker in the complementary strand. A search for other antisense transcripts within the HIS-1 locus identified an additional transcript (SC-1) within the intervening HIS-1 sequence, downstream of adenine and thymine-rich sequences. These results show that gene expression in Leishmania is not only regulated polycistronically from the sense strand of genomic DNA, but that the complementary strand of DNA also contains sequences that could drive expression of open reading frames from the antisense strand of DNA. These findings suggest that the parasite has evolved in such a way as to maximise the transcription of its genome, a mechanism that might be important for it to maintain virulence.


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La casa és un conjunt de condicions físiques que en fan un habitatge, però també, és una xarxa de relacions que conformen la vida domèstica. Si bé el disseny disposa d’instruments molt efectius per garantir els estàndards d’habitabilitat, no es planteja, al mateix nivell, la qualitat de la domesticitat, la regulació de la qual, queda en el terreny dels usos dels habitants. L’estudi de cas de l’espai narratiu de les Peces de Cambra d’August Strindberg, analitzat a partir del conjunt d’àmbits comuns de la vida social, que proposa Peter Sloterdijk, permet establir quatre tipus ideals de cases sense llar i identifi car greus dèfi cits de domesticitat. Des d’aquests contraexemples s’obren perspectives que amplien l’horitzó del projecte d’espais domèstics.


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La història de la traducció francesa d’Incerta glòria i les relacions epistolars entre l’autor i el seu traductor permeten entendre millor el procés de composició de la gran novel·la de Joan Sales, sempre necessitat d’explicar la seva veritat i permanentment insatisfet amb la seva obra