941 resultados para web technology


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The airflow between the fast-moving substrate and stationary print heads in a web print press may cause print quality issues in high-speed, roll-to-roll printing applications. We have studied the interactions between ink drops and the airflow in the gap between the printhead and substrate, by using an experimental flow channel and high-speed imaging. The results show: 1) the gap airflow is well approximated by a standard Couette flow profile; 2) the effect of gap airflow on the flight paths of main drops and satellites is negligible; and 3) the interaction between the gap airflow and the wakes from the printed ink drops should be investigated as the primary source of aerodynamically- related print quality issues. ©2012 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.


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The current study extends our earlier investigation on the real-time dynamics of print gap airflow around a single jetted drop over a moving substrate. In the present work, simulated web press printing was performed using a stationary grey-scale commercial inkjet print head to print full-width block of solid colour images onto a paper substrate with extended print gaps. The resultant printed images exhibit patterns or 'wood-graining' effects which become more prevalent as the relevant Reynolds number (Re) increases. The high-resolution scans of the printed images revealed that the patterns are created by oscillation and coalescence of neighboring printed tracks across the web. The phenomenon could be a result of drop stream perturbations caused by unsteady print gap airflow of the type similar to that observed in the previous study. ©2013; Society for Imaging Science and Technology.


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With long-term marine surveys and research, and especially with the development of new marine environment monitoring technologies, prodigious amounts of complex marine environmental data are generated, and continuously increase rapidly. Features of these data include massive volume, widespread distribution, multiple-sources, heterogeneous, multi-dimensional and dynamic in structure and time. The present study recommends an integrative visualization solution for these data, to enhance the visual display of data and data archives, and to develop a joint use of these data distributed among different organizations or communities. This study also analyses the web services technologies and defines the concept of the marine information gird, then focuses on the spatiotemporal visualization method and proposes a process-oriented spatiotemporal visualization method. We discuss how marine environmental data can be organized based on the spatiotemporal visualization method, and how organized data are represented for use with web services and stored in a reusable fashion. In addition, we provide an original visualization architecture that is integrative and based on the explored technologies. In the end, we propose a prototype system of marine environmental data of the South China Sea for visualizations of Argo floats, sea surface temperature fields, sea current fields, salinity, in-situ investigation data, and ocean stations. An integration visualization architecture is illustrated on the prototype system, which highlights the process-oriented temporal visualization method and demonstrates the benefit of the architecture and the methods described in this study.


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Internet连接了全球的计算机 ,它为人们提供了分享数据、图片、影像甚至实时影像的机会 ,但与远程地点的真实交互还是离不开象机器人这样的智能设备 .Web技术与机器人控制技术的结合 ,促成了基于 web的远程控制机器人概念的诞生 .本文将就基于 web的远程控制机器人的发展历程、研究现状、主要技术与实现、发展趋势及应用前景等做综合的介绍 .


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Web数据挖掘是将数据挖掘技术和理论应用于对WWW资源进行挖掘的一个新兴的研究领域,本文介绍了Web数据挖掘的基本概念,分类,并给出 Web数据挖掘的基本原理,基本方法,最后指出 Web数据挖掘的用途,展望了其美好的发展前景。


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Poster pokazuje metody komunikacji z czytelnikiem stosowane w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu w technologii mediów cyfrowych. Cyfrowe narzędzia komunikacji stały się bardzo pomocne, niemal niezbędne w pozyskiwaniu nowych czytelników, podtrzymywaniu i rozwijaniu współpracy w społeczności w sieci Web.2.0, zarówno tej globalnej, jak i lokalnej akademickiej. Strona WWW jako statyczna komunikacyjnie jest wspierana przez fora dyskusyjne, chaty, wideokonferencje, warsztaty informacyjne, które są prowadzone w czasie rzeczywistym. Twórczą siłę relacji społecznych z biblioteką rozwinęły interaktywne serwisy społecznościowe (Facebook) oraz komunikatory internetowe integrowane na platformie Ask a Librarian. Biblioteka stała się Biblioteką 2.0 ukierunkowaną na komunikację z czytelnikiem. Aktywne uczestnictwo i udział czytelników przy tworzeniu zasobów naukowych wdrożyliśmy w projekcie instytucjonalnego repozytorium - Adam Mickiewicz Repository (AMUR). Biblioteka zmienia się dla czytelników i z czytelnikami. Wykorzystywane platformy i serwisy społecznościowe dostarczają unikatowych danych o nowych potrzebach informacyjnych i oczekiwaniach docelowego Patrona 2.0, co skutkuje doskonaleniu usług istniejących i tworzeniu nowych. Biblioteka monitoruje usługi i potrzeby czytelników przez prowadzone badania społeczne. Technologie cyfrowe stosowane w komunikacji sprawiają, iż biblioteka staje się bliższa, bardziej dostępna, aby stać się w rezultacie partnerem dla stałych i nowych czytelników. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu bierze udział w programach europejskich w zakresie katalogowania i digitalizacji zasobu biblioteki cyfrowej WBC, w zakresie wdrożenia nowych technologii i rozwiązań podnoszących jakość usług bibliotecznych, działalności kulturotwórczej (Poznańska Dyskusyjna Akademia Kominksu, deBiUty) i edukacji informacyjnej. Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu jest członkiem organizacji międzynarodowych: LIBER (Liga Europejskich Bibliotek Naukowych), IAML (Stowarzyszenie Bibliotek Muzycznych, Archiwów i Ośrodków Dokumentacji), CERL - Europejskie Konsorcjum Bibliotek Naukowych.


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Global biodiversity is eroding at an alarming rate, through a combination of anthropogenic disturbance and environmental change. Ecological communities are bewildering in their complexity. Experimental ecologists strive to understand the mechanisms that drive the stability and structure of these complex communities in a bid to inform nature conservation and management. Two fields of research have had high profile success at developing theories related to these stabilising structures and testing them through controlled experimentation. Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning (BEF) research has explored the likely consequences of biodiversity loss on the functioning of natural systems and the provision of important ecosystem services. Empirical tests of BEF theory often consist of simplified laboratory and field experiments, carried out on subsets of ecological communities. Such experiments often overlook key information relating to patterns of interactions, important relationships, and fundamental ecosystem properties. The study of multi-species predator-prey interactions has also contributed much to our understanding of how complex systems are structured, particularly through the importance of indirect effects and predator suppression of prey populations. A growing number of studies describe these complex interactions in detailed food webs, which encompass all the interactions in a community. This has led to recent calls for an integration of BEF research with the comprehensive study of food web properties and patterns, to help elucidate the mechanisms that allow complex communities to persist in nature. This thesis adopts such an approach, through experimentation at Lough Hyne marine reserve, in southwest Ireland. Complex communities were allowed to develop naturally in exclusion cages, with only the diversity of top trophic levels controlled. Species removals were carried out and the resulting changes to predator-prey interactions, ecosystem functioning, food web properties, and stability were studied in detail. The findings of these experiments contribute greatly to our understanding of the stability and structure of complex natural communities.


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Understanding how dynamic ecological communities respond to anthropogenic drivers of change such as habitat loss and fragmentation, climate change and the introduction of alien species requires that there is a theoretical framework able to predict community dynamics. At present there is a lack of empirical data that can be used to inform and test predictive models, which means that much of our knowledge regarding the response of ecological communities to perturbations is obtained from theoretical analyses and simulations. This thesis is composed of two strands of research: an empirical experiment conducted to inform the scaling of intraspecific and interspecific interaction strengths in a three species food chain and a series of theoretical analyses on the changes to equilibrium biomass abundances following press perturbations. The empirical experiment is a consequence of the difficulties faced when parameterising the intraspecific interaction strengths in a Lotka-Volterra model. A modification of the dynamic index is used alongside the original dynamic index to estimate intraspecific interactions and interspecific interaction strengths in a three species food. The theoretical analyses focused on the effect of press perturbations to focal species on the equilibrium biomass densities of all species in the community; these perturbations allow for the quantification of a species total net effect. It was found that there is a strong and consistent positive relationship between a species body size and its total net effect for a set of 97 synthetic food webs and also for the Ythan Estuary and Tuesday Lake food webs (empirically described food webs). It is shown that ecological constraints (due to allometric scaling) on the magnitude of entries in the community matrix cause the patterns observed in the inverse community matrix and thus explain the relationship between a species body mass and its total net effect in a community.


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This article describes ongoing research on developing a portal framework based on the OASIS Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) standard for integration of Web-based education contents and services made available through a model for a European Networked University. We first identify the requirements for such a framework that supports integration at the presentation level and collaboration in developing and updating study programmes and course materials. We then outline the architecture design, and report on the initial implementation and preliminary evaluation.


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Many Web applications walk the thin line between the need for dynamic data and the need to meet user performance expectations. In environments where funds are not available to constantly upgrade hardware inline with user demand, alternative approaches need to be considered. This paper introduces a ‘Data farming’ model whereby dynamic data, which is ‘grown’ in operational applications, is ‘harvested’ and ‘packaged’ for various consumer markets. Like any well managed agricultural operation, crops are harvested according to historical and perceived demand as inferred by a self-optimising process. This approach aims to make enhanced use of available resources through better utlilisation of system downtime - thereby improving application performance and increasing the availability of key business data.


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Innovation in technology and communications and particularly the advent of the Web is changing the structure of teaching and learning today. While there is much debate about the use of technology in learning and how e-learning is creating new approaches to delivery of learning there is been very little if any work on the use of of the emerging technologies in providing student support through their learning process. This paper reports on research and development undertaken by the eCentre based at the University of Greenwich School Of Computing in designing and developing a "Project Blog System" in order to address some long standing issues related to supervision of final year degree student projects. The paper will report on the methodology used to design the system and will discuss some of the results from students and staff evaluation of the system developed.