793 resultados para user tracking
The objective is to find evidence and make recommendations on the use of Twitter in public health,particularly through the study of hashtags(#). This systematic review shows the use of Twitter in different areas of public health: epidemiological surveillance, health promotion, health protection and disease prevention. Articles on this subject published in indexed journals with impact factor show the importance of conversations to engage the attention of Twitter users by using citations (@ user) and retweets(RT); however, not much importance seems to be given to the use of hashtags(#), which are often assimilated to the concept of keywords. Although tracking recurring hashtagsshould be less expensive than computing Twitter content, the potential of hashtaggeddata has not been properly exploited or recognized over the past years, probably due to the lack of efficient tools.
Today’s business world demands more and more internal and external integration and transparency among companies at all fields. Integrated ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems offer a possibility to improve business practices and procedures by providing a unified view on the business including all functions and departments. Due to the obvious benefits, the popularity of integrated ERP systems keeps growing. The implementation of ERP systems has however proven risky. The implementation projects tend to be long, extensive, and costly – and often they end up in a failure. Due to the significant task and role changes ERP implementation brings to almost everybody in the company, training has been identified as one of the most critical success factors of an ERP implementation. To ensure that the training is conducted in the most effective and successful manner, the training outcomes should be evaluated. So far, training evaluation has however gained only limited attention at most companies investing in different training programs. Uponor corporation has initiated a large ERP implementation and process harmonization program in 2004. Thousands of end-users have been trained during this project so far, and the work still continues until the project is completed in 2010. In this thesis, the evaluation of end-user training in Uponor’s ERP program is brought further from the current state of performing the basic participant satisfaction survey in the end of each class. The results show that in order to reach reliable training effectiveness evaluation results, not only the reaction towards training but also transfer of skills and attitudes and the final results of the training program should be evaluated.
This diploma thesis has been done to international organization which takes care from the accounting actions of two major companies. In this organization are used three different purchasing tools which are used when new asset master data is wanted to input to SAP R/3- system. The aim of this thesis is to find out how much changing the user interface of one of these three e-procurement programs will affect to overall efficiency in asset accounting. As an addition will be introduced project framework which can be used in future projects and which help to avoid certain steps in the development process. At the moment data needs to be inputted manually with many useless mouse clicks and data needs to be searched from many various resources which slow down the process. Other organization has better tools at the moment than the myOrders system which is under investigation Research was started by exploring the main improvement areas. After this possible defects were traced. Suggested improvements were thought by exploring literature which has been written from usability design and research. Meanwhile also directional calculations from the benefits of the project were done alongside with the analysis of the possible risks and threats. After this NSN IT approved the changes which they thought was acceptable. The next step was to program them into tool and test them before releasing to production environment. The calculations were made also from implemented improvements and compared them to planned ones From whole project was made a framework which can be utilized also to other similar projects. The complete calculation was not possible because of time schedule of the project. Important observation in the project was that efficiency is not improved not only by changing the GUI but also improving processes without any programming. Feedback from end user should be also listened more in development process. End-user is after all the one who knows the best how the program should look like.
Työajan seuranta ja kohdistaminen oikeisiin kustannuslajeihin on yrityksen suorituskyvyn ja kasvun kannalta usein välttämättömyys. Tässä työssä tutkitaan mobiiliteknologioiden mahdollisuuksia ja soveltuvuutta tuottaa palveluita työajan hallinnointiin, valitaan sopiva arkkitehtuuri ja kehitetään Java ME –teknologialla prototyyppi, joka on helposti integroitavissa yrityksen nykyisiin palvelinpuolen järjestelmiin ja tietokantoihin. Työn sovellusosuudessa kuvataan prototyypin ohjelmoinnissa käytetyt työkalut, menetelmät, ongelmakohdat sekä niiden ratkaisut. Suunnitelluissa käyttötapauksissa tapahtumatiedot syötetään manuaalisesti puhelimen käyttöliittymän kautta tai automatisoidummin kerätään kustannuskohdistetietoa työkohteisiin sijoitetuista NFC-tageista. Työaikaleimaamista testattiin emulaattorilla ja oikealla matkapuhelimella. Lopputuloksena asiakkaan työajanhallinnan tapahtumat siirtyvät langattomasti ja reaaliaikaisesti yrityksen webpalvelimelle JSON-formaatissa.
RESUMO A tomada de decisão é uma das dimensões essenciais da formação do profissional da saúde, como mencionado nas atuais Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Medicina. O processo decisório, no âmbito da saúde, envolve diferentes aspectos, incluindo os elementos (bio)éticos. Nesse sentido, pesquisas que investiguem a tomada de decisão em (bio)ética poderão elucidar passos ainda não completamente esclarecidos, permitindo uma construção mais efetiva das competências em (bio)ética, na graduação e na pós-graduação. Diante desta perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo é explorar possibilidades de uso do Mobile Eye Tracking para o estudo do papel da atenção visual – durante a exibição de filmes de cinema – no processo decisório em (bio)ética.
The value and benefits of user experience (UX) are widely recognized in the modern world and UX is seen as an integral part of many fields. This dissertation integrates UX and understanding end users with the early phases of software development. The concept of UX is still unclear, as witnessed by more than twenty-five definitions and ongoing argument about its different aspects and attributes. This missing consensus forms a problem in creating a link between UX and software development: How to take the UX of end users into account when it is unclear for software developers what UX stands for the end users. Furthermore, currently known methods to estimate, evaluate and analyse UX during software development are biased in favor of the phases where something concrete and tangible already exists. It would be beneficial to further elaborate on UX in the beginning phases of software development. Theoretical knowledge from the fields of UX and software development is presented and linked with surveyed and analysed UX attribute information from end users and UX professionals. Composing the surveys around the identified 21 UX attributes is described and the results are analysed in conjunction with end user demographics. Finally the utilization of the gained results is explained with a proof of concept utility, the Wizard of UX, which demonstrates how UX can be integrated into early phases of software development. The process of designing, prototyping and testing this utility is an integral part of this dissertation. The analyses show statistically significant dependencies between appreciation towards UX attributes and surveyed end user demographics. In addition, tests conducted by software developers and industrial UX designer both indicate the benefits and necessity of the prototyped Wizard of UX utility. According to the conducted tests, this utility meets the requirements set for it: It provides a way for software developers to raise their know-how of UX and a possibility to consider the UX of end users with statistical user profiles during the early phases of software development. This dissertation produces new and relevant information for the UX and software development communities by demonstrating that it is possible to integrate UX as a part of the early phases of software development.
Physical activity (PA) is an important field of healthcare research internationally and within Finland. As technology devices and services penetrate deeper levels within society, the need for studying the usefulness for PA turns vital. We started this research work by reviewing literature consisting of two hundred research journals, all of which have found technology to significantly improve an individual’s ability to get motivation and achieve officially recommended levels of physical activity, like the 10000 steps a day, being tracked with the help of pedometers. Physical activity recommendations require sustained encouragement, consistent performance in order to achieve the long term benefits. We surveyed within the city of Turku, how the motivation levels and thirty three other criterions encompassing technology awareness, adoption and usage attitudes are impacted. Our aim was to know the factors responsible for achieving consistent growth in activity levels within the individuals and focus groups, as well as to determine the causes of failures and for collecting user experience feedback. The survey results were quite interesting and contain impeccable information for this field. While the focus groups confirmed the theory established by past studies within our literature review, it also establishes our research propositions that ict tools and services have provided and can further add higher benefits and value to individuals in tracking and maintain their activity levels consistently for longer time durations. This thesis includes two new models which dictate technology and physical activity adoption patterns based on four easy to evaluate criterions, thereby helping the healthcare providers to recommend improvements and address issues with an easy rule based approach. This research work provides vital clues on technology based healthcare objectives and achievement of standard PA recommendations by people within Turku and nearby regions.
Collection : Archives de la linguistique française ; 136
The measurement of cardiovascular features of wild animals is important, as is the measurement in pets, for the assessment of myocardial function and the early detection of cardiac abnormalities, which could progress to heart failure. Speckle tracking echocardiography (2D STE) is a new tool that has been used in veterinary medicine, which demonstrates several advantages, such as angle independence and the possibility to provide the early diagnosis of myocardial alterations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the left myocardial function in a maned wolf by 2D STE. Thus, the longitudinal, circumferential and radial strain and strain rate were obtained, as well as, the radial and longitudinal velocity and displacement values, from the right parasternal long axis four-chamber view, the left parasternal apical four chamber view and the parasternal short axis at the level of the papillary muscles. The results of the longitudinal variables were -13.52±7.88, -1.60±1.05, 4.34±2.52 and 3.86±3.04 for strain (%), strain rate (1/s), displacement (mm) and velocity (cm/s), respectively. In addition, the radial and circumferential Strain and Strain rate were 24.39±14.23, 1.86±0.95 and -13.69±6.53, -1.01±0.48, respectively. Thus, the present study provides the first data regarding the use of this tool in maned wolves, allowing a more complete quantification of myocardial function in this species.
Model-View-Controller architectural pattern and its evolution in graphical user interface frameworks
Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software development for graphical user interfaces. It was one of the first proposed solutions in the late 1970s to the Smart UI anti-pattern, which refers to the act of writing all domain logic into a user interface. The original MVC pattern has since evolved in multiple directions, with various names and may confuse many. The goal of this thesis is to present the origin of the MVC pattern and how it has changed over time. Software architecture in general and the MVC’s evolution within web applications are not the primary focus. Fundamen- tal designs are abstracted, and then used to examine the more recent versions. Prob- lems with the subject and its terminology are also presented.
Heli Kautonen's presentation in the LIBER Conference 27 June, 2013 in Munich, Germany.
A control law was designed for a satellite launcher ( rocket ) vehicle using eigenstructure assignment in order that the vehicle tracks a reference attitude and also to decouple the yaw response from roll and pitch manoeuvres and to decouple the pitch response from roll and yaw manoeuvres. The design was based on a complete linear coupled model obtained from the complete vehicle non linear model by linearization at each trajectory point. After all, the design was assessed with the vehicle time varying non-linear model showing a good performance and robustness. The used design method is explained and a case study for the Brazilian satellite launcher ( VLS Rocket ) is reported.