987 resultados para transcription factor MSX1


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la School of Life Sciences de la University of Dundee, Gran Bretanya, entre gener i març del 2007.L'estrès osmòtic causa rà pidament l'activació de la quinasa WNK1, que fosforila i activa a continuació les quinases SPAK i OSR1, que alhora regulen canals i transportadors d’ions preexistents a la membrana cel•lular. El factor de transcripció NFAT5 és el principal regulador de la resposta cel•lular transcripcional secundà ria a hipertonicitat i s’ha descrit que les quinases p38, Fyn, PKA, ERK/MEK i ATM estan involucrades en la seva regulació post-traduccional. No obstant, com que la funció d’aquestes quinases no explica totalment els mecanismes d'activació de NFAT5, s’ha estudiat si l’activitat transcripcional de NFAT5 pot estar regulada per WNK1, SPAK o OSR1. Així doncs, es va observar que l’activitat d’un reporter dependent de NFAT5 no es veu afectada per la presència de cap de les quinases anteriors, en la seva forma wild-type o dominant negatiu. D’altra banda, es va estudiar quin domini de WNK1 és necessari per a que pugui respondre a hipertonicitat i quines quinases poden estar involucrades en la fosforilació de la serina 382 de WNK1. En conclusió, les dades obtingudes apunten que l’activació de WNK1 en resposta a estrès osmòtic requereix la seva fosforilació en la serina 382 per quinases upstream com PAK2 o RSK i que també és necessari un dels seus dominis coiled-coil, almenys els aminoà cids 558 i 561. Aquests processos, però, semblen ser independents de l’activació de NFAT5 en resposta a hipertonicitat.   


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We have previously demonstrated that the bZIP transcription factor CREB-2, also called ATF-4, trans-activates, in association with the viral protein Tax, the human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) promoter. In this study, we have examined whether CREB-2 acetylation affects transcriptional activation mediated by Tax. We present evidence that CREB-2 is acetylated in vitro and in vivo. CREB-2 is acetylated in two regions: the basic domain of the bZIP (from amino acid residue 270 to 300) and the short basic domain (from 342 to 351) located downstream from the bZIP. We also demonstrate that CREB-2 is acetylated by p300/CBP but not by p/CAF. Moreover, replacement of lysine by arginine in the basic domains decreases the trans-activating capacity of CREB-2. However, in the presence of Tax, the HTLV-I transcription remains fully activated by these CREB-2 mutants. Although we cannot totally exclude that the mutations could also affect CREB-2 structure and activity independent of acetylation, our results suggest that activation of the viral promoter in the presence of Tax is independent of the CREB-2 acetylation.


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By interacting with MHC class II molecules, CD4 facilitates lineage development as well as activation of Th cells. Expression of physiological levels of CD4 requires a proximal CD4 enhancer to stimulate basic CD4 promoter activity. T cell factor (TCF)-1/beta-catenin pathway has previously been shown to regulate thymocyte survival via up-regulating antiapoptotic molecule Bcl-xL. By both loss and gain of function studies, in this study we show additional function of TCF-1/beta-catenin pathway in the regulation of CD4 expression in vivo. Mice deficient in TCF-1 displayed significantly reduced protein and mRNA levels of CD4 in CD4+ CD8+ double-positive (DP) thymocytes. A transgene encoding Bcl-2 restored survival but not CD4 levels of TCF-1(-/-) DP cells. Thus, TCF-1-regulated survival and CD4 expression are two separate events. In contrast, CD4 levels were restored on DP TCF-1(-/-) cells by transgenic expression of a wild-type TCF-1, but not a truncated TCF-1 that lacks a domain required for interacting with beta-catenin. Furthermore, forced expression of a stabilized beta-catenin, a coactivator of TCF-1, resulted in up-regulation of CD4. TCF-1 or stabilized beta-catenin greatly stimulated activity of a CD4 reporter gene driven by a basic CD4 promoter and the CD4 enhancer. However, mutation of a potential TCF binding site located within the enhancer abrogated TCF-1 and beta-catenin-mediated activation of CD4 reporter. Finally, recruitment of TCF-1 to CD4 enhancer was detected in wild-type but not TCF-1 null mice by chromatin-immunoprecipitation analysis. Thus, our results demonstrated that TCF/beta-catenin pathway enhances CD4 expression in vivo by recruiting TCF-1 to stimulate CD4 enhancer activity.


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Jasmonates (JAs) trigger an important transcriptional reprogramming of plant cells to modulate both basal development and stress responses. In spite of the importance of transcriptional regulation, only one transcription factor (TF), the Arabidopsis thaliana basic helix-loop-helix MYC2, has been described so far as a direct target of JAZ repressors. By means of yeast two-hybrid screening and tandem affinity purification strategies, we identified two previously unknown targets of JAZ repressors, the TFs MYC3 and MYC4, phylogenetically closely related to MYC2. We show that MYC3 and MYC4 interact in vitro and in vivo with JAZ repressors and also form homo- and heterodimers with MYC2 and among themselves. They both are nuclear proteins that bind DNA with sequence specificity similar to that of MYC2. Loss-of-function mutations in any of these two TFs impair full responsiveness to JA and enhance the JA insensitivity of myc2 mutants. Moreover, the triple mutant myc2 myc3 myc4 is as impaired as coi1-1 in the activation of several, but not all, JA-mediated responses such as the defense against bacterial pathogens and insect herbivory. Our results show that MYC3 and MYC4 are activators of JA-regulated programs that act additively with MYC2 to regulate specifically different subsets of the JA-dependent transcriptional response.


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The Onecut homeodomain transcription factor hepatic nuclear factor 6 (Hnf6) is necessary for proper development of islet beta-cells. Hnf6 is initially expressed throughout the pancreatic epithelium but is downregulated in endocrine cells at late gestation and is not expressed in postnatal islets. Transgenic mice in which Hnf6 expression is maintained in postnatal islets (pdx1(PB)Hnf6) show overt diabetes and impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) at weaning. We now define the mechanism whereby maintenance of Hnf6 expression postnatally leads to beta-cell dysfunction. We provide evidence that continued expression of Hnf6 impairs GSIS by altering insulin granule biosynthesis, resulting in a reduced response to secretagogues. Sustained expression of Hnf6 also results in downregulation of the beta-cell-specific transcription factor MafA and a decrease in total pancreatic insulin. These results suggest that downregulation of Hnf6 expression in beta-cells during development is essential to achieve a mature, glucose-responsive beta-cell.


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In the pathogenesis of type I diabetes mellitus, activated leukocytes infiltrate pancreatic islets and induce beta cell dysfunction and destruction. Interferon (IFN)-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin (IL)-1 beta play important, although not completely defined, roles in these mechanisms. Here, using the highly differentiated beta Tc-Tet insulin-secreting cell line, we showed that IFN-gamma dose- and time-dependently suppressed insulin synthesis and glucose-stimulated secretion. As described previously IFN-gamma, in combination with IL-1 beta, also induces inducible NO synthase expression and apoptosis (Dupraz, P., Cottet, S., Hamburger, F., Dolci, W., Felley-Bosco, E., and Thorens, B. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 37672--37678). To assess the role of the Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway in IFN-gamma intracellular signaling, we stably overexpressed SOCS-1 (suppressor of cytokine signaling-1) in the beta cell line. We demonstrated that SOCS-1 suppressed cytokine-induced STAT-1 phosphorylation and increased cellular accumulation. This was accompanied by a suppression of the effect of IFN-gamma on: (i) reduction in insulin promoter-luciferase reporter gene transcription, (ii) decrease in insulin mRNA and peptide content, and (iii) suppression of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Furthermore, SOCS-1 also suppressed the cellular effects that require the combined presence of IL-1 beta and IFN-gamma: induction of nitric oxide production and apoptosis. Together our data demonstrate that IFN-gamma is responsible for the cytokine-induced defect in insulin gene expression and secretion and that this effect can be completely blocked by constitutive inhibition of the Janus kinase/STAT pathway.


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DBP (albumin D-site-binding protein), HLF (hepatic leukemia factor), and TEF (thyrotroph embryonic factor) are the three members of the PAR bZip (proline and acidic amino acid-rich basic leucine zipper) transcription factor family. All three of these transcriptional regulatory proteins accumulate with robust circadian rhythms in tissues with high amplitudes of clock gene expression, such as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the liver. However, they are expressed at nearly invariable levels in most brain regions, in which clock gene expression only cycles with low amplitude. Here we show that mice deficient for all three PAR bZip proteins are highly susceptible to generalized spontaneous and audiogenic epilepsies that frequently are lethal. Transcriptome profiling revealed pyridoxal kinase (Pdxk) as a target gene of PAR bZip proteins in both liver and brain. Pyridoxal kinase converts vitamin B6 derivatives into pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), the coenzyme of many enzymes involved in amino acid and neurotransmitter metabolism. PAR bZip-deficient mice show decreased brain levels of PLP, serotonin, and dopamine, and such changes have previously been reported to cause epilepsies in other systems. Hence, the expression of some clock-controlled genes, such as Pdxk, may have to remain within narrow limits in the brain. This could explain why the circadian oscillator has evolved to generate only low-amplitude cycles in most brain regions.


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Members of the Ly-49 gene family code for class I MHC-specific receptors that regulate NK cell function. Due to a combinatorial distribution of Ly-49 receptors, NK cells display considerable clonal heterogeneity. The acquisition of one Ly-49 receptor, Ly-49A is strictly dependent on the transcriptional trans-acting factor T cell-specific factor-1 (TCF-1). Indeed, TCF-1 binds to two sites in the Ly-49a promoter and regulates its activity, suggesting that the Ly-49a gene is a direct TCF-1 target. TCF-1 deficiency resulted in the altered usage of additional Ly-49 receptors. We show in this study, using TCF-1 beta(2)-microglobulin double-deficient mice, that these repertoire alterations are not due to Ly-49/MHC class I interactions. Our findings rather suggest a TCF-1-dependent, cell autonomous effect on the acquisition of multiple Ly-49 receptors. Besides reduced receptor usage (Ly-49A and D), we also observed no effect (Ly-49C) and significantly expanded (Ly-49G and I) receptor usage in the absence of TCF-1. These effects did not in all cases correlate with the presence of TCF binding sites in the respective proximal promoter. Therefore, besides TCF-1 binding to the proximal promoter, Ly-49 acquisition may also be regulated by TCF-1 binding to more distant cis-acting elements and/or by regulating the expression of additional trans-acting factors. Consistent with the observed differential, positive or negative role of TCF-1 for Ly-49 receptor acquisition, reporter gene assays revealed the presence of an inducing as well as a repressing TCF site in certain proximal Ly-49 promoters. These findings reveal an important role of TCF-1 for the formation of the NK cell receptor repertoire.


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DNA sequence variation has been associated with quantitative changes in molecular phenotypes such as gene expression, but its impact on chromatin states is poorly characterized. To understand the interplay between chromatin and genetic control of gene regulation, we quantified allelic variability in transcription factor binding, histone modifications, and gene expression within humans. We found abundant allelic specificity in chromatin and extensive local, short-range, and long-range allelic coordination among the studied molecular phenotypes. We observed genetic influence on most of these phenotypes, with histone modifications exhibiting strong context-dependent behavior. Our results implicate transcription factors as primary mediators of sequence-specific regulation of gene expression programs, with histone modifications frequently reflecting the primary regulatory event.


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Redox-based mechanisms play critical roles in the regulation of multiple cellular functions. NF-kappaB, a master regulator of inflammation, is an inducible transcription factor generally considered to be redox-sensitive, but the modes of interactions between oxidant stress and NF-kappaB are incompletely defined. Here, we show that oxidants can either amplify or suppress NF-kappaB activation in vitro by interfering both with positive and negative signals in the NF-kappaB pathway. NF-kappaB activation was evaluated in lung A549 epithelial cells stimulated with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), either alone or in combination with various oxidant species, including hydrogen peroxide or peroxynitrite. Exposure to oxidants after TNFalpha stimulation produced a robust and long lasting hyperactivation of NF-kappaB by preventing resynthesis of the NF-kappaB inhibitor IkappaB, thereby abrogating the major negative feedback loop of NF-kappaB. This effect was related to continuous activation of inhibitor of kappaB kinase (IKK), due to persistent IKK phosphorylation consecutive to oxidant-mediated inactivation of protein phosphatase 2A. In contrast, exposure to oxidants before TNFalpha stimulation impaired IKK phosphorylation and activation, leading to complete prevention of NF-kappaB activation. Comparable effects were obtained when interleukin-1beta was used instead of TNFalpha as the NF-kappaB activator. This study demonstrates that the influence of oxidants on NF-kappaB is entirely context-dependent, and that the final outcome (activation versus inhibition) depends on a balanced inhibition of protein phosphatase 2A and IKK by oxidant species. Our findings provide a new conceptual framework to understand the role of oxidant stress during inflammatory processes.


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Two candidate genes for controlling thymocyte differentiation, T-cell factor-1 (Tcf-1) and lymphoid enhancer-binding factor (Lef-1), encode closely related DNA-binding HMG-box proteins. Their expression pattern is complex and largely overlapping during embryogenesis, yet restricted to lymphocytes postnatally. Here we generate two independent germline mutations in Tcf-1 and find that thymocyte development in (otherwise normal) mutant mice is blocked at the transition from the CD8+, immature single-positive to the CD4+/CD8+ double-positive stage. In contrast to wild-type mice, most of the immature single-positive cells in the mutants are not in the cell cycle and the number of immunocompetent T cells in peripheral lymphoid organs is reduced. We conclude that Tcf-1 controls an essential step in thymocyte differentiation.


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T cell factor-1 (Tcf-1) is a transcription factor that binds to a sequence motif present in several T cell-specific enhancer elements. In Tcf-1-deficient (Tcf-1-/-) mice, thymocyte development is partially blocked at the transition from the CD4-8+ immature single-positive stage to the CD4+8+ double-positive stage, resulting in a marked decrease of mature peripheral T cells in lymph node and spleen. We report here that the development of most intestinal TCR gamma delta+ cells and liver CD4+ NK1.1+TCR alpha beta+ (NK1+T) cells, which are believed to be of extrathymic origin, is selectively impaired in Tcf-1-/- mice. In contrast, thymic and thymus-derived (splenic) TCR gamma delta+ cells are present in normal numbers in Tcf-1-/- mice, as are other T cell subsets in intestine and liver. Collectively, our data suggest that Tcf-1 is differentially required for the development of some extrathymic T cell subsets, including intestinal TCR gamma delta+ cells and liver CD4+ NK1+T cells.


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Tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) regulate immune and inflammatory responses. Here we show that the TNFR1-associated death domain protein (TRADD) is critical in TNFR1, TLR3 and TLR4 signaling. TRADD deficiency abrogated TNF-induced apoptosis, prevented recruitment of the ubiquitin ligase TRAF2 and ubiquitination of the adaptor RIP1 in the TNFR1 signaling complex, and considerably inhibited but did not completely abolish activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinases 'downstream' of TNFR1. TRIF-dependent cytokine production induced by the synthetic double-stranded RNA poly(I:C) and lipopolysaccharide was lower in TRADD-deficient mice than in wild-type mice. Moreover, TRADD deficiency inhibited poly(I:C)-mediated RIP1 ubiquitination and activation of NF-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in fibroblasts but not in bone marrow macrophages. Thus, TRADD is an essential component of TNFR1 signaling and has a critical but apparently cell type-specific function in TRIF-dependent TLR responses.


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The Tax protein of the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) has been implicated in human T-cell immortalization. The primary function of Tax is to transcriptionally activate the HTLV-1 promoter, but Tax is also known to stimulate expression of cellular genes. It has been reported to associate with several transcription factors, as well as proteins not involved in transcription. To better characterize potential cellular targets of Tax present in infected cells, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae two-hybrid screening was performed with a cDNA library constructed from the HTLV-1-infected MT2 cell line. From this study, we found 158 positive clones representing seven different cDNAs. We focused our attention on the cDNA encoding the transcription factor CREB-2. CREB-2 is an unconventional member of the ATF/CREB family in that it lacks a protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation site and has been reported to negatively regulate transcription from the cyclic AMP response element of the human enkephalin promoter. In this study, we demonstrate that CREB-2 cooperates with Tax to enhance viral transcription and that its basic-leucine zipper C-terminal domain is required for both in vitro and in vivo interactions with Tax. Our results confirm that the activation of the HTLV-1 promoter through Tax and factors of the ATF/CREB family is PKA independent.


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One of the key mechanisms linking cell signaling and control of gene expression is reversible phosphorylation of transcription factors. FOXC2 is a forkhead transcription factor that is mutated in the human vascular disease lymphedema-distichiasis and plays an essential role in lymphatic vascular development. However, the mechanisms regulating FOXC2 transcriptional activity are not well understood. We report here that FOXC2 is phosphorylated on eight evolutionarily conserved proline-directed serine/threonine residues. Loss of phosphorylation at these sites triggers substantial changes in the FOXC2 transcriptional program. Through genome-wide location analysis in lymphatic endothelial cells, we demonstrate that the changes are due to selective inhibition of FOXC2 recruitment to chromatin. The extent of the inhibition varied between individual binding sites, suggesting a novel rheostat-like mechanism by which expression of specific genes can be differentially regulated by FOXC2 phosphorylation. Furthermore, unlike the wild-type protein, the phosphorylation-deficient mutant of FOXC2 failed to induce vascular remodeling in vivo. Collectively, our results point to the pivotal role of phosphorylation in the regulation of FOXC2-mediated transcription in lymphatic endothelial cells and underscore the importance of FOXC2 phosphorylation in vascular development.