991 resultados para time-consistency
BACKGROUND - It is not clear how culture media used during transport and the interval between the biopsy procedure and final processing can affect the successful isolation of fungi. OBJECTIVE - The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of late inoculation of skin biopsies, transported in different sterile fluids, on the isolation rate of pathogenic fungi. METHODS -A total of 278 punch biopsy specimens were collected from 47 patients with suspected lesions of invasive mycoses. Each biopsy was transported in vials with Sabouraud medium with chloramphenicol or saline solution and finally inoculated on Sabouraud agar and 2% chloramphenicol after a 48-72-hour (early) or after 72-hour-7-day (late) interval, comprising four groups of study. RESULTS - The medians of isolation rate of the four sporotrichosis groups were 100%. For paracoccidioidomycosis, the medians ranged from 50% to 84%, with no statistically significant difference among the groups (p=0.88). CONCLUSION - It was concluded that skin biopsies can be transported in Sabouraud medium or saline solution within a 7-day interval from specimen collection up to final inoculation, at room temperature, maintaining viability and growth rate of fungus in culture.
The prognosis of glioblastomas is still extremely poor and the discovery of novel molecular therapeutic targets can be important to optimize treatment strategies. Gene expression analyses comparing normal and neoplastic tissues have been used to identify genes associated with tumorigenesis and potential therapeutic targets. We have used this approach to identify differentially expressed genes between primary glioblastomas and non-neoplastic brain tissues. We selected 20 overexpressed genes related to cell cycle, cellular movement and growth, proliferation and cell-to-cell signaling and analyzed their expression levels by real time quantitative PCR in cDNA obtained from microdissected fresh tumor tissue from 20 patients with primary glioblastomas and from 10 samples of non-neoplastic white matter tissue. The gene expression levels were significantly higher in glioblastomas than in non-neoplastic white matter in 18 out of 20 genes analyzed: P < 0.00001 for CDKN2C, CKS2, EEF1A1, EMP3, PDPN, BNIP2, CA12, CD34, CDC42EP4, PPIE, SNAI2, GDF15 and MMP23b; and NFIA (P: 0.0001), GPS1 (P: 0.0003), LAMA1 (P: 0.002), STIM1 (P: 0.006), and TASP1 (P: 0.01). Five of these genes are located in contiguous loci at 1p31-36 and 2 at 17q24-25 and 8 of them encode surface membrane proteins. PDPN and CD34 protein expression were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and they showed concordance with the PCR results. The present results indicate the presence of 18 overexpressed genes in human primary glioblastomas that may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of these tumors and that deserve further functional investigation as attractive candidates for new therapeutic targets.
PURPOSE. To determine the shape of spontaneous interblink time interval distributions obtained in a long observation period in normal subjects and patients with Graves` orbitopathy. METHODS. The magnetic search coil technique was used to register the spontaneous blinking activity during 1 hour of video observation of two groups of 10 subjects each (normal controls aged 27-61 years, mean +/- SD = 46.0 +/- 13.6; patients with Graves` orbitopathy aged 33-61 years, mean +/- SD +/- 46.7 +/- 8.9). The spontaneous blink rate of each subject was calculated for the entire period of observation and for 56 five-minute bins. Histograms of the interblink time interval were plotted for each measurement of blink rate. RESULTS. Neither the overall mean blink rate (controls, 19.8 +/- 4.9; Graves`, 17.6 +/- 5.4) nor the interblink time (controls, 5.2 +/- 3.1, Graves`, 7.9 +/- 3.5) differed between the two groups. There was a large variation of both measurements when the 5-minute bins were considered. The interblink time distribution of all subjects was highly positively skewed when the 1-hour period was measured. A significant number of the 5-minute bin distributions deviated from the overall pattern and became symmetric. CONCLUSIONS. The normal blinking process is characterized by highly positively skewed interblink time distributions. This result means that most blinks have a short time interval, and occasionally a small number of blinks have long time intervals. The different patterns of distribution described in the early literature probably represent artifacts because of the small samples analyzed. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52:3419-3424) DOI:10.1167/iovs.10-7060
There is an increasing interest about the use of stable isotopes for body composition analysis in pediatrics. To ensure the success of total body water analysis by the deuterium dilution method, it is fundamental to determine the equilibrium tune (plateau) of deuterium in the body fluid studied. Objectives: We report here the equilibration time of deuterium oxide in the saliva of newborns after oral intake of the isotope. Methods: Twenty healthy term newborn infants, 10 males and 10 females, were analyzed. Saliva was collected from each newborn before the oral administration of a 100 mg/kg dose of deuterium oxide (baseline sample) and then at 1-hour intervals for 5 hours after administration. Deuterium enrichment of saliva was determined by isotope ratio mass spectrometry according to the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Results: The plateau time of deuterium in saliva occurred 3 hours after oral administration of the stable isotope. Conclusion: These data are essential for further studies on the body composition of newborn infants. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study regarding the equilibration time of deuterium in the saliva of term newborns. JPGN 48:471-474, 2009.
Ticks deposit saliva at the site of their attachment to a host in order to inhibit haemostasis, inflammation and innate and adaptive immune responses. The anti-haemostatic properties of tick saliva have been described by many studies, but few show that tick infestations or its anti-haemostatic components exert systemic effects in vivo. In the present study, we extended these observations and show that, compared with normal skin, bovine hosts that are genetically susceptible to tick infestations present an increase in the clotting time of blood collected from the immediate vicinity of haemorrhagic feeding pools in skin infested with different developmental stages of Rhipicepahlus microplus; conversely, we determined that clotting time of tick-infested skin from genetically resistant bovines was shorter than that of normal skin. Coagulation and inflammation have many components in common and we determined that in resistant bovines, eosinophils and basophils, which are known to contain tissue factor, are recruited in greater numbers to the inflammatory site of tick bites than in susceptible hosts. Finally, we correlated the observed differences in clotting times with the expression profiles of transcripts for putative anti-haemostatic proteins in different developmental stages of R. microplus fed on genetically susceptible and resistant hosts: we determined that transcripts coding for proteins similar to these molecules are overrepresented in salivary glands from nymphs and males fed on susceptible bovines. Our data indicate that ticks are able to modulate their host`s local haemostatic reactions. In the resistant phenotype, larger amounts of inflammatory cells are recruited and expression of anti-coagulant molecules is decreased tick salivary glands, features that can hamper the tick`s blood meal. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
To evaluate the effect of pregnancy and smoking on endothelial function using brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and to determine the time necessary until the occurrence of maximum brachial artery dilation after stimulus. This study was an observational study evaluating 133 women, who were grouped as follows: non-smoking pregnant women (N = 47), smoking pregnant women (N = 33), non-smoking women (N = 34), and smoking pregnant women (N = 19). The diameter of the brachial artery was measured at baseline and at 30, 60, 90 and 120 s after stimulus. The relative change of brachial artery was determined for each of these four moments. FMD measured at 60 s after stimulus was compared between the groups. The maximum FMD was observed at 60 s after cuff release in all groups. FMD was greater among non-smoking pregnant women compared to smoking pregnant women (11.50 +/- A 5.77 vs. 8.74 +/- A 4.83; p = 0.03) and also between non-smoking non-pregnant women compared to smoking non-pregnant women (10.52 +/- A 4.76 vs. 7.21 +/- A 5.57; p = 0.03). Maximum FMD was observed approximately 60 s after stimulus in all groups regardless of smoking and pregnancy status. The smoking habit seems to lead to endothelial dysfunction both in pregnant and non-pregnant women, as demonstrated by the lower FMD in smokers.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the genetic correlations among real-time ultrasound carcass, BW, and scrotal circumference (SC) traits in Nelore cattle. Carcass traits, measured by real-time ultrasound of the live animal, were recorded from 2002 to 2004 on 10 farms across 6 Brazilian states on 2,590 males and females ranging in age from 450 to 599 d. Ultrasound records of LM area (LMA) and backfat thickness (BF) were obtained from cross-sectional images between the 12th and 13th ribs, and rump fat thickness (RF) was measured between the hook and pin bones over the junction between gluteus medius and biceps femoris muscles. Also, BW (n = 22,778) and SC ( n = 5,695) were recorded on animals born between 1998 and 2003. The BW traits were 120, 210, 365, 450, and 550-d standardized BW (W120, W210, W365, W450, and W550), plus BW (WS) and hip height (HH) on the ultrasound scanning date. The SC traits were 365-, 450-, and 550-d standardized SC (SC365, SC450, and SC550). For the BW and SC traits, the database used was from the Nelore Breeding Program-Nelore Brazil. The genetic parameters were estimated with multivariate animal models and REML. Estimated genetic correlations between LMA and other traits were 0.06 (BF), -0.04 ( RF), 0.05 (HH), 0.58 (WS), 0.53 (W120), 0.62 (W210), 0.67 (W365), 0.64 ( W450 and W550), 0.28 (SC365), 0.24 (SC450), and 0.00 ( SC550). Estimated genetic correlations between BF and with other traits were 0.74 ( RF), -0.32 (HH), 0.19 (WS), -0.03 (W120), -0.10 (W210), 0.04 (W365), 0.01 (W450), 0.06 ( W550), 0.17 (SC365 and SC450), and -0.19 (SC550). Estimated genetic correlations between RF and other traits were -0.41 (HH), -0.09 (WS), -0.13 ( W120), -0.09 ( W210), -0.01 ( W365), 0.02 (W450), 0.03 (W550), 0.05 ( SC365), 0.11 ( SC450), and -0.18 (SC550). These estimates indicate that selection for carcass traits measured by real-time ultrasound should not cause antagonism in the genetic improvement of SC and BW traits. Also, selection to increase HH might decrease subcutaneous fat as correlated response. Therefore, to obtain animals suited to specific tropical production systems, carcass, BW, and SC traits should be considered in selection programs.