997 resultados para thermal effectiveness
As centrais termoelétricas convencionais convertem apenas parte do combustível consumido na produção de energia elétrica, sendo que outra parte resulta em perdas sob a forma de calor. Neste sentido, surgiram as unidades de cogeração, ou Combined Heat and Power (CHP), que permitem reaproveitar a energia dissipada sob a forma de energia térmica e disponibilizá-la, em conjunto com a energia elétrica gerada, para consumo doméstico ou industrial, tornando-as mais eficientes que as unidades convencionais Os custos de produção de energia elétrica e de calor das unidades CHP são representados por uma função não-linear e apresentam uma região de operação admissível que pode ser convexa ou não-convexa, dependendo das caraterísticas de cada unidade. Por estas razões, a modelação de unidades CHP no âmbito do escalonamento de geradores elétricos (na literatura inglesa Unit Commitment Problem (UCP)) tem especial relevância para as empresas que possuem, também, este tipo de unidades. Estas empresas têm como objetivo definir, entre as unidades CHP e as unidades que apenas geram energia elétrica ou calor, quais devem ser ligadas e os respetivos níveis de produção para satisfazer a procura de energia elétrica e de calor a um custo mínimo. Neste documento são propostos dois modelos de programação inteira mista para o UCP com inclusão de unidades de cogeração: um modelo não-linear que inclui a função real de custo de produção das unidades CHP e um modelo que propõe uma linearização da referida função baseada na combinação convexa de um número pré-definido de pontos extremos. Em ambos os modelos a região de operação admissível não-convexa é modelada através da divisão desta àrea em duas àreas convexas distintas. Testes computacionais efetuados com ambos os modelos para várias instâncias permitiram verificar a eficiência do modelo linear proposto. Este modelo permitiu obter as soluções ótimas do modelo não-linear com tempos computationais significativamente menores. Para além disso, ambos os modelos foram testados com e sem a inclusão de restrições de tomada e deslastre de carga, permitindo concluir que este tipo de restrições aumenta a complexidade do problema sendo que o tempo computacional exigido para a resolução do mesmo cresce significativamente.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
This document presents particular description of work done during student’s internship in PR Metal company realized as ERASMUS PROJECT at ISEP. All information including company’s description and its structure, overview of the problems and analyzed cases, all stages of projects from concept to conclusion can be found here. Description of work done during the internship is divided here into two pieces. First part concerns one activities of the company which is robotic chefs (kitchen robot) production line. Work, that was done for development of this line involved several tasks, among them: creating a single-worker montage station for screwing robots housing’s parts, improve security system for laser welding chamber, what particularly consists in designing automatically closing door system with special surface, that protects against destructive action of laser beam, test station for examination of durability of heating connectors, solving problem with rotors vibrations. Second part tells about main task, realized in second half of internship and stands a complete description of machine development and design. The machine is a part of car handle latch cable production line and its tasks are: cutting cable to required length and hot-forming plastic cover for further assembly needs.
Dissertação Apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Conservação, especialização em Pintura
Objective:We aimed to identify if there was any difference in Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) efficacy or weight gain when used in heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) treatment, between obese and non-obese women. Population and methods: This was a case-controlled retrospective study undertaken between 2002-2007. 194 women with HMB were treated with LNG-IUS and stratified into two groups accordingly with body mass index (BMI): Obese Group – BMI ≥ 30 (n=53) and Non-obese Group – BMI < 30 (n=141). Age, weight, days of spotting and days of menses were analyzed at 1, 3 and 6 months after insertion and then annually until 2 years. Analytic parameters of anemia (hemoglobin, serum ferritin, mean corpuscular volume) were reviewed at pre-insertion, at 6 months and then annually until 2 years. Results: During the 2-year follow-up there was a similar improvement in two groups regarding duration of menses, spotting and in analytic parameters of anemia. A statistically significant improvement was observed in obese group after 2 years of treatment regarding analytic parameters of anemia and menstrual characteristics, without weight gain. Conclusion: In obese women, the LNG-IUS is an effective treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding, without being associated to weight gain.
BACKGROUND: High-grade gliomas are aggressive, incurable tumors characterized by extensive diffuse invasion of the normal brain parenchyma. Novel therapies at best prolong survival; their costs are formidable and benefit is marginal. Economic restrictions thus require knowledge of the cost-effectiveness of treatments. Here, we show the cost-effectiveness of enhanced resections in malignant glioma surgery using a well-characterized tool for intraoperative tumor visualization, 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of 5-ALA fluorescence-guided neurosurgery compared with white-light surgery in adult patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma, adopting the perspective of the Portuguese National Health Service. METHODS: We used a Markov model (cohort simulation). Transition probabilities were estimated with the use of data from 1 randomized clinical trial and 1 noninterventional prospective study. Utility values and resource use were obtained from published literature and expert opinion. Unit costs were taken from official Portuguese reimbursement lists (2012 values). The health outcomes considered were quality-adjusted life-years, lifeyears, and progression-free life-years. Extensive 1-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS: The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios are below €10 000 in all evaluated outcomes, being around €9100 per quality-adjusted life-year gained, €6700 per life-year gained, and €8800 per progression-free life-year gained. The probability of 5-ALA fluorescence-guided surgery cost-effectiveness at a threshold of €20000 is 96.0% for quality-adjusted life-year, 99.6% for life-year, and 98.8% for progression-free life-year. CONCLUSION: 5-ALA fluorescence-guided surgery appears to be cost-effective in newly diagnosed high-grade gliomas compared with white-light surgery. This example demonstrates cost-effectiveness analyses for malignant glioma surgery to be feasible on the basis of existing data.
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES:Recently, three novel non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants received approval for reimbursement in Portugal for patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF). It is therefore important to evaluate the relative cost-effectiveness of these new oral anticoagulants in Portuguese AF patients. METHODS: A Markov model was used to analyze disease progression over a lifetime horizon. Relative efficacy data for stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic), bleeding (intracranial, other major bleeding and clinically relevant non-major bleeding), myocardial infarction and treatment discontinuation were obtained by pairwise indirect comparisons between apixaban, dabigatran and rivaroxaban using warfarin as a common comparator. Data on resource use were obtained from the database of diagnosis-related groups and an expert panel. Model outputs included life years gained, quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), direct healthcare costs and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs). RESULTS:Apixaban provided the most life years gained and QALYs. The ICERs of apixaban compared to warfarin and dabigatran were €5529/QALY and €9163/QALY, respectively. Apixaban was dominant over rivaroxaban (greater health gains and lower costs). The results were robust over a wide range of inputs in sensitivity analyses. Apixaban had a 70% probability of being cost-effective (at a threshold of €20 000/QALY) compared to all the other therapeutic options. CONCLUSIONS:Apixaban is a cost-effective alternative to warfarin and dabigatran and is dominant over rivaroxaban in AF patients from the perspective of the Portuguese national healthcare system. These conclusions are based on indirect comparisons, but despite this limitation, the information is useful for healthcare decision-makers.
Background. HIV infected women have higher rates of infertility. Objective. The purpose of this literature review is to evaluate the effectiveness of fresh IVF/ICSI cycles in HIV infected women. Materials and Methods. A search of the PubMed database was performed to identify studies assessing fresh nondonor oocyte IVF/ICSI cycle outcomes of serodiscordant couples with an HIV infected female partner. Results and Discussion. Ten studies met the inclusion criteria. Whenever a comparison with a control group was available, with the exception of one case, ovarian stimulation cancelation rate was higher and pregnancy rate (PR) was lower in HIV infected women. However, statistically significant differences in both rates were only seen in one and two studies, respectively. A number of noncontrolled sources of bias for IVF outcome were identified. This fact, added to the small size of samples studied and heterogeneity in study design and methodology, still hampers the performance of a meta-analysis on the issue. Conclusion. Prospective matched case-control studies are necessary for the understanding of the specific effects of HIV infection on ovarian response and ART outcome.
Diabetic macular oedema (DMO) is a leading cause of vision loss in the working-age population worldwide. Corticosteroid drugs have been demonstrated to inhibit the expression of both the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene and other anti-inflammatory mediators, such as prostaglandins. Triamcinolone, fluocinolone and dexamethasone are the main steroids that have been studied for the treatment of macular oedema. Over the last few years, several studies have suggested an important role for dexamethasone in the management of DMO. The dexamethasone intravitreal implant (DEX implant) (Ozurdex®; Allergan, Inc., Irvine, CA) is a novel approach approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and by the EU for the intravitreal treatment of macular oedema after branch or central retinal vein occlusion, and for the treatment of non-infectious uveitis affecting the posterior segment of the eye. We reviewed manuscripts that had investigated the pharmacokinetics, efficacy and safety of the DEX implant regarding DMO treatment.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Construction and Building Materials 49 (2013), 315-327
Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering
While testing 414 sera for the diagnosis of Chagas' disease, the conventional reactions of indirect hemagglutination, indirect immunofluorescence and the immunosorbent assay showed a sensitivity of 95.7%, 100% and 98.2% and a specificity of 98%, 98% and 96.4%, respectively, and an excellent association using Fisher's exact test. Chemiluminescence presented 100% sensitivity and 89.6% specificity, while PCR showed 100% specificity and 1.2% sensitivity. It is believed that the three conventional serological reactions are still adequate for diagnosing Chagas' disease.