753 resultados para team learning approach in education


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Learning is the ability of an organism to adapt to the changes of its environment in response to its past experience. It is a widespread ability in the animal kingdom, but its evolutionary aspects are poorly known. Learning ability is supposedly advantageous under some conditions, when environmental conditions are not too stable - because in this case there is no need to learn to predict any event in the environment - and not changing too fast - otherwise environmental cues cannot be used because they are not reliable. Nevertheless, learning ability is also known to be costly in terms of energy needed for neuronal synthesis, memory formation, initial mistakes. During my PhD, I focused on the study of genetic variability of learning ability in natural populations. Genetic variability is the basis on which natural selection and genetic drift can act. How does learning ability vary in nature? What are the roles of additive genetic variation or maternal effects in this variation? Is it involved in evolutionary trade-offs with other fitness-related traits?¦I investigated a natural population of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as a model organism. Its learning ability is easy to measure with associative memory tests. I used two research tools: multiple inbred and isofemale lines derived from a natural population as a representative sample. My work was divided into three parts.¦First, I investigated the effects of inbreeding on aversive learning (avoidance of an odor previously associated with mechanical shock). While the inbred lines consistently showed reduced egg-to-adult viability by 28 %, the effects of inbreeding on learning performance was 18 % and varied among assays, with a trend to be most pronounced for intermediate conditioning intensity. Variation among inbred lines indicates that ample genetic variance for learning was segregating in the base population, and suggests that the inbreeding depression observed in learning performance was mostly due to dominance rather than overdominance. Across the inbred lines, learning performance was positively correlated with the egg-to-adult viability. This positive genetic correlation contradicts previous studies which observed a trade-off between learning ability and lifespan or larval competitive ability. It suggests that much of the genetic variation for learning is due to pleiotropic effects of genes affecting other functions related to survival. Together with the overall mild effects of inbreeding on learning performance, this suggests that genetic variation specifically affecting learning is either very low, or is due to alleles with mostly additive (semi-dominant) effects. It also suggests that alleles reducing learning performance are on average partially recessive, because their effect does not appear in the outbred base population. Moreover, overdominance seems unlikely as major cause of the inbreeding depression, because even if the overall mean of the inbred line is smaller than the outbred base population, some of the inbred lines show the same learning score as the outbred base population. If overdominance played an important part in inbreeding depression, then all the homozygous lines should show lower learning ability than¦outbred base population.¦In the second part of my project, I sampled the same natural population again and derived isofemale lines (F=0.25) which are less adapted to laboratory conditions and therefore are more representative of the variance of the natural population. They also showed some genetic variability for learning, and for three other fitness-related traits possibly related with learning: resistance to bacterial infection, egg-to-adult viability and developmental time. Nevertheless, the genetic variance of learning ability did not appear to be smaller than the variance of the other traits. The positive correlation previously observed between learning ability and egg- to-adult viability did not appear in isofemale lines (nor a negative correlation). It suggests that there was still genetic variability within isofemale lines and that they did not fix the highly deleterious pleiotropic alleles possibly responsible for the previous correlation.¦In order to investigate the relative amount of nuclear (additive and non-additive effects) and extra-nuclear (maternal and paternal effect) components of variance in learning ability and other fitness-related traits among the inbred lines tested in part one, I performed a diallel cross between them. The nuclear additive genetic variance was higher than other components for learning ability and survival to learning ability, but in contrast, maternal effects were more variable than other effects for developmental traits. This suggests that maternal effects, which reflects effects from mitochondrial DNA, epigenetic effects, or the amount of nutrients that are invested by the mother in the egg, are more important in the early stage of life, and less at the adult stage. There was no additive genetic correlation between learning ability and other traits, indicating that the correlation between learning ability and egg-to-adult viability observed in the first pat of my project was mostly due to recessive genes.¦Finally, my results showed that learning ability is genetically variable. The diallel experiment showed additive genetic variance was the most important component of the total variance. Moreover, every inbred or isofemale line showed some learning ability. This suggested that alleles impairing learning ability are eliminated by selection, and therefore that learning ability is under strong selection in natural populations of Drosophila. My results cannot alone explain the maintenance of the observed genetic variation. Even if I cannot eliminate the hypothesis of pleiotropy between learning ability and the other fitness-related traits I measured, there is no evidence for any trade-off between these traits and learning ability. This contradicts what has been observed between learning ability and other traits like lifespan and larval competitivity.¦L'apprentissage représente la capacité d'un organisme à s'adapter aux changement de son environnement au cours de sa vie, en réponse à son expérience passée. C'est une capacité très répandue dans le règne animal, y compris pour les animaux les plus petits et les plus simples, mais les aspects évolutifs de l'apprentissage sont encore mal connus. L'apprentissage est supposé avantageux dans certaines conditions, quand l'environnement n'est ni trop stable - dans ce cas, il n'y a rien à apprendre - ni trop variable - dans ce cas, les indices sur lesquels se reposer changent trop vite pour apprendre. D'un autre côté, l'apprentissage a aussi des coûts, en terme de synthèse neuronale, pour la formation de la mémoire, ou de coûts d'erreur initiale d'apprentissage. Pendant ma thèse, j'ai étudié la variabilité génétique naturelle des capacités d'apprentissage. Comment varient les capacités d'apprentissage dans la nature ? Quelle est la part de variation additive, l'impact des effets maternel ? Est-ce que l'apprentissage est impliqué dans des interactions, de type compromis évolutifs, avec d'autres traits liés à la fitness ?¦Afin de répondre à ces questions, je me suis intéressée à la mouche du vinaigre, ou drosophile, un organisme modèle. Ses capacités d'apprentissage sont facile à étudier avec un test de mémoire reposant sur l'association entre un choc mécanique et une odeur. Pour étudier ses capacités naturelles, j'ai dérivé de types de lignées d'une population naturelle: des lignées consanguines et des lignées isofemelles.¦Dans une première partie, je me suis intéressée aux effets de la consanguinité sur les capacités d'apprentissage, qui sont peu connues. Alors que les lignées consanguines ont montré une réduction de 28% de leur viabilité (proportion d'adultes émergeants d'un nombre d'oeufs donnés), leurs capacités d'apprentissage n'ont été réduites que de 18%, la plus forte diminution étant obtenue pour un conditionnement modéré. En outre, j'ai également observé que les capacités d'apprentissage était positivement corrélée à la viabilité entre les lignées. Cette corrélation est surprenante car elle est en contradiction avec les résultats obtenus par d'autres études, qui montrent l'existence de compromis évolutifs entre les capacités d'apprentissage et d'autres traits comme le vieillissement ou la compétitivité larvaire. Elle suggère que la variation génétique des capacités d'apprentissage est due aux effets pleiotropes de gènes récessifs affectant d'autres fonctions liées à la survie. Ces résultats indiquent que la variation pour les capacités d'apprentissage est réduite comparée à celle d'autres traits ou est due à des allèles principalement récessifs. L'hypothèse de superdominance semble peu vraisemblable, car certaines des lignées consanguines ont obtenu des scores d'apprentissage égaux à ceux de la population non consanguine, alors qu'en cas de superdominance, elles auraient toutes dû obtenir des scores inférieurs.¦Dans la deuxième partie de mon projet, j'ai mesuré les capacités d'apprentissage de lignées isofemelles issues de la même population initiale que les lignées consanguines. Ces lignées sont issues chacune d'un seul couple, ce qui leur donne un taux d'hétérozygosité supérieur et évite l'élimination de lignées par fixation d'allèles délétères rares. Elles sont ainsi plus représentatives de la variabilité naturelle. Leur variabilité génétique est significative pour les capacités d'apprentissage, et trois traits liés à la fois à la fitness et à l'apprentissage: la viabilité, la résistance à l'infection bactérienne et la vitesse de développement. Cependant, la variabilité des capacités d'apprentissage n'apparaît cette fois pas inférieure à celle des autres traits et aucune corrélation n'est constatée entre les capacité d'apprentissage et les autres traits. Ceci suggère que la corrélation observée auparavant était surtout due à la fixation d'allèles récessifs délétères également responsables de la dépression de consanguinité.¦Durant la troisième partie de mon projet, je me suis penchée sur la décomposition de la variance observée entre les lignées consanguines observée en partie 1. Quatre composants ont été examinés: la variance due à des effets nucléaires (additifs et non additifs), et due à des effets parentaux (maternels et paternels). J'ai réalisé un croisement diallèle de toutes les lignées. La variance additive nucléaire s'est révélée supérieure aux autres composants pour les capacités d'apprentissage et la résistance à l'infection bactérienne. Par contre, les effets maternels étaient plus importants que les autres composants pour les traits développementaux (viabilité et vitesse de développement). Ceci suggère que les effets maternels, dus à G ADN mitochondrial, à l'épistasie ou à la quantité de nutriments investis dans l'oeuf par la mère, sont plus importants dans les premiers stades de développement et que leur effet s'estompe à l'âge adulte. Il n'y a en revanche pas de corrélation statistiquement significative entre les effets additifs des capacités d'apprentissage et des autres traits, ce qui indique encore une fois que la corrélation observée entre les capacités d'apprentissage et la viabilité dans la première partie du projet était due à des effets d'allèles partiellement récessifs.¦Au, final, mes résultats montrent bien l'existence d'une variabilité génétique pour les capacités d'apprentissage, et l'expérience du diallèle montre que la variance additive de cette capacité est importante, ce qui permet une réponse à la sélection naturelle. Toutes les lignées, consanguines ou isofemelles, ont obtenu des scores d'apprentissage supérieurs à zéro. Ceci suggère que les allèles supprimant les capacités d'apprentissage sont fortement contre-sélectionnés dans la nature Néanmoins, mes résultats ne peuvent pas expliquer le maintien de cette variabilité génétique par eux-même. Même si l'hypothèse de pléiotropie entre les capacités d'apprentissage et l'un des traits liés à la fitness que j'ai mesuré ne peut être éliminée, il n'y a aucune preuve d'un compromis évolutif pouvant contribuer au maintien de la variabilité.


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This document puts into question the conventional way of delineating tourism destinations. It intends to show a model of spatial analysis, to find new interpretations of the reality, more balanced and more optimized, in comparison with other territorial views most of them based on administrative boundaries. This paper portrays a methodological exercise that aims to structure tourism geographies into new tourism areas on the basis of visitorâs consumption patterns, which would be better fitted to the needs of tourist demand


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The use of herbicides in agriculture may lead to environmental problems, such as surface water pollution, with a potential risk for aquatic organisms. The herbicide glyphosate is the most used active ingredient in the world and in Switzerland. In the Lavaux vineyards it is nearly the only molecule applied. This work aimed at studying its fate in soils and its transfer to surface waters, using a multi-scale approach: from molecular (10-9 m) and microscopic scales (10-6 m), to macroscopic (m) and landscape ones (103 m). First of all, an analytical method was developed for the trace level quantification of this widely used herbicide and its main by-product, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA). Due to their polar nature, their derivatization with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate (FMOC-Cl) was done prior to their concentration and purification by solid phase extraction. They were then analyzed by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The method was tested in different aqueous matrices with spiking tests and validated for the matrix effect correction in relevant environmental samples. Calibration curves established between 10 and 1000ng/l showed r2 values above 0.989, mean recoveries varied between 86 and 133% and limits of detection and quantification of the method were as low as 5 and 10ng/l respectively. At the parcel scale, two parcels of the Lavaux vineyard area, located near the Lutrive River at 6km to the east of Lausanne, were monitored to assess to which extent glyphosate and AMPA were retained in the soil or exported to surface waters. They were equipped at their bottom with porous ceramic cups and runoff collectors, which allowed retrieving water samples for the growing seasons 2010 and 2011. Results revealed that the mobility of glyphosate and AMPA in the unsaturated zone was likely driven by the precipitation regime and the soil characteristics, such as slope, porosity structure and layer permeability discrepancy. Elevated glyphosate and AMPA concentrations were measured at 60 and 80 cm depth at parcel bottoms, suggesting their infiltration in the upper parts of the parcels and the presence of preferential flow in the studied parcels. Indeed, the succession of rainy days induced the gradual saturation of the soil porosity, leading to rapid infiltration through macropores, as well as surface runoff formation. Furthermore, the presence of more impervious weathered marls at 100 cm depth induced throughflows, the importance of which for the lateral transport of the herbicide molecules was determined by the slope steepness. Important rainfall events (>10 mm/day) were clearly exporting molecules from the soil top layer, as indicated by important concentrations in runoff samples. A mass balance showed that total loss (10-20%) mainly occurred through surface runoff (96%) and, to a minor extent, by throughflows in soils (4%), with subsequent exfiltration to surface waters. Observations made in the Lutrive River revealed interesting details of glyphosate and AMPA dynamics in urbanized landscapes, such as the Lavaux vineyards. Indeed, besides their physical and chemical properties, herbicide dynamics at the catchment level strongly depend on application rates, precipitation regime, land use and also on the presence of drains or constructed channels. Elevated concentrations, up to 4970 ng/l, observed just after the application, confirmed the diffuse export of these compounds from the vineyard area by surface runoff during main rain events. From April to September 2011, a total load of 7.1 kg was calculated, with 85% coming from vineyards and minor urban sources and 15% from arable crops. Small vineyard surfaces could generate high concentrations of herbicides and contribute considerably to the total load calculated at the outlet, due to their steep slopes (~10%). The extrapolated total amount transferred yearly from the Lavaux vineyards to the Lake of Geneva was of 190kg. At the molecular scale, the possible involvement of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in glyphosate and copper transport was studied using UV/Vis fluorescence spectroscopy. Combined with parallel factor (PARAFAC) analysis, this technique allowed characterizing DOM of soil and surface water samples from the studied vineyard area. Glyphosate concentrations were linked to the fulvic-like spectroscopic signature of DOM in soil water samples, as well as to copper, suggesting the formation of ternary complexes. In surface water samples, its concentrations were also correlated to copper ones, but not in a significant way to the fulvic-like signature. Quenching experiments with standards confirmed field tendencies in the laboratory, with a stronger decrease in fluorescence intensity for fulvic-like fluorophore than for more aromatic ones. Lastly, based on maximum concentrations measured in the river, an environmental risk for these compounds was assessed, using laboratory tests and ecotoxicity data from the literature. In our case and with the methodology applied, the risk towards aquatic species was found negligible (RF<1).


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Esta publicación aborda, de manera monográfica, el tema del asesoramiento en educación. Han transcurrido prácticamente treinta años desde que a finales de los 70 y principios de los 80 surgieran en nuestro país los Servicios de Orientación Educativa y Vocacional (SOEV), que junto a los Institutos de Orientación Educativa y Profesional (IOEP) y los Equipos Multiprofesionales (EM) dan origen âen los 90â a los actuales Equipos de Orientación Educativa y Psicopedagógica (EOEP). Han pasado veinticinco años desde el nacimiento en España âa mediados de los 80â de los Centros de Profesores (CEP). Inspirados en los â˜Teachers Centersâ británicos, los CEP vienen a cubrir las necesidades de formación permanente del profesorado como respuesta a la inoperancia de los Institutos de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) del momento. Han sido, pues, treinta años de lo que ha venido a llamarse asesoramiento institucional, esto es, asesoramiento organizado y estructurado, ofertado desde sistemas de apoyo a la escuela, dando cabida en u actuación a multitud de iniciativas y prácticas de apoyo entre las que se encuentran las de asesoramiento, entremezclándose y confundiéndose a veces como prácticas de orientación, a veces como formación, o simplemente como actividades de asistencia y colaboración entre profesionales para la resolución de necesidades y problemas en el seno de nuestras escuelas. Y tal ha sido su diversidad y tipología, su riqueza y amplitud, que se han invertido no pocos esfuerzos, debates y ríos de tinta para comprender y definir, clasificar y etiquetar un ingente y variopinto conjunto de prácticas que convenimos en llamar, de asesoramiento


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Faced with an increasing number of data and rankings, the author questions the roles of the different groups of actors who were originally involved in questioning the use of statistical indicators as a means of addressing issues of access to higher education. The comparison and nature of these international (UNESCO, OECD, EUROSTAT) and national (Germany, England, France, Switzerland) indicators in matters of inequalities of access to higher education question the tension between the discourses and the indicators they generate, and their recording at the national level. Who says what and with what consequences? What range of actors are involved in this process? What kind of power relations forms them? The author discusses how the issue of inequalities of access to higher education got on to the agendas of European organisations, identifies the policies that were defined, and sets them against an array of indicators, showing the discrepancy between the discourses and what the indicators reveal, the gap between the recommendations and the available tools. Why is there such a contrast? What are the mechanisms at work? Is it a technical or a political problem? What does this discrepancy reveal as far as national specificities within the construction of social inequalities are concerned?


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Virulent infections are expected to impair learning ability, either as a direct consequence of stressed physiological state or as an adaptive response that minimizes diversion of energy from immune defense. This prediction has been well supported for mammals and bees. Here, we report an opposite result in Drosophila melanogaster. Using an odor-mechanical shock conditioning paradigm, we found that intestinal infection with bacterial pathogens Pseudomonas entomophila or Erwinia c. carotovora improved flies' learning performance after a 1h retention interval. Infection with P. entomophila (but not E. c. carotovora) also improved learning performance after 5 min retention. No effect on learning performance was detected for intestinal infections with an avirulent GacA mutant of P. entomophila or for virulent systemic (hemocoel) infection with E. c. carotovora. Assays of unconditioned responses to odorants and shock do not support a major role for changes in general responsiveness to stimuli in explaining the changes in learning performance, although differences in their specific salience for learning cannot be excluded. Our results demonstrate that the effects of pathogens on learning performance in insects are less predictable than suggested by previous studies, and support the notion that immune stress can sometimes boost cognitive abilities.


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Digitaalinen tulostus osana informaatiologistiikan toimialaa elää murroskautta kovankilpailun ja palveluiden kehittymisen myÃtä. Moderni teknologia mahdollistaa uudenlaisia älykkäitä palveluita, jotka antavat lisäarvoa niin yritysasiakkaille kuin kuluttajillekin. Siten myÃs myyntiprosesseja kehitetään tukemaan arvon luontia. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa sovellettiin arvon luomiseen ja myymiseen liittyviä keskeisiä teorioita, sekä organisaation ostokäyttäytymisen ja suhdemarkkinoinnin asioita. Empiirinen tutkimus toteutettiin asiakas- ja asiantuntijahaastatteluiden sekä kansainvälisten koulutuspäivien avulla. TyÃn tavoitteena oli luoda teoreettisen ja empiirisen tutkimuksen tulosten pohjalta ohjeistus digitaalisen tulostuksen palveluiden arvomyyntiin. Lisäksi tyÃssä käsiteltiin myyntiprosessiin liittyviä kysymyksiä alan ominaispiirteet huomioon ottaen.


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This report synthesizes the findings of 11 country reports on policy learning in labour market and social policies that were conducted as part of WP5 of the INSPIRES project, which is funded by the 7th Framework Program of the EU-Commission. Notably, this report puts forward objectives of policy learning, discusses tools, processes and institutions of policy learning and presents the impacts of various tools and structures of the policy learning infrastructure for the actual policy learning process. The report defines three objectives of policy learning: evaluation and assessment of policy effectiveness, vision building and planning, and consensus building. In the 11 countries under consideration, the tools and processes of the policy learning, infrastructure can be classified into three broad groups: public bodies, expert councils, and parties, interest groups and the private sector. Finally, we develop four recommendations for policy learning: Firstly, learning processes should keep the balance between centralisation and plurality. Secondly, learning processes should be kept stable beyond the usual political business cycles. Thirdly, policy learning tools and infrastructures should be sufficiently independent from political influence or bias. Fourth, Policy learning tools and infrastructures should balance out mere effectiveness, evaluation and vision building.


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The objective of this study is to show that bone strains due to dynamic mechanical loading during physical activity can be analysed using the flexible multibody simulation approach. Strains within the bone tissue play a major role in bone (re)modeling. Based on previous studies, it has been shown that dynamic loading seems to be more important for bone (re)modeling than static loading. The finite element method has been used previously to assess bone strains. However, the finite element method may be limited to static analysis of bone strains due to the expensive computation required for dynamic analysis, especially for a biomechanical system consisting of several bodies. Further, in vivo implementation of strain gauges on the surfaces of bone has been used previously in order to quantify the mechanical loading environment of the skeleton. However, in vivo strain measurement requires invasive methodology, which is challenging and limited to certain regions of superficial bones only, such as the anterior surface of the tibia. In this study, an alternative numerical approach to analyzing in vivo strains, based on the flexible multibody simulation approach, is proposed. In order to investigate the reliability of the proposed approach, three 3-dimensional musculoskeletal models where the right tibia is assumed to be flexible, are used as demonstration examples. The models are employed in a forward dynamics simulation in order to predict the tibial strains during walking on a level exercise. The flexible tibial model is developed using the actual geometry of the subjectâs tibia, which is obtained from 3 dimensional reconstruction of Magnetic Resonance Images. Inverse dynamics simulation based on motion capture data obtained from walking at a constant velocity is used to calculate the desired contraction trajectory for each muscle. In the forward dynamics simulation, a proportional derivative servo controller is used to calculate each muscle force required to reproduce the motion, based on the desired muscle contraction trajectory obtained from the inverse dynamics simulation. Experimental measurements are used to verify the models and check the accuracy of the models in replicating the realistic mechanical loading environment measured from the walking test. The predicted strain results by the models show consistency with literature-based in vivo strain measurements. In conclusion, the non-invasive flexible multibody simulation approach may be used as a surrogate for experimental bone strain measurement, and thus be of use in detailed strain estimation of bones in different applications. Consequently, the information obtained from the present approach might be useful in clinical applications, including optimizing implant design and devising exercises to prevent bone fragility, accelerate fracture healing and reduce osteoporotic bone loss.


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Numerous studies assess the correlation between genetic and species diversities, but the processes underlying the observed patterns have only received limited attention. For instance, varying levels of habitat disturbance across a region may locally reduce both diversities due to extinctions, and increased genetic drift during population bottlenecks and founder events. We investigated the regional distribution of genetic and species diversities of a coastal sand dune plant community along 240 kilometers of coastline with the aim to test for a correlation between the two diversity levels. We further quantify and tease apart the respective contributions of natural and anthropogenic disturbance factors to the observed patterns. We detected significant positive correlation between both variables. We further revealed a negative impact of urbanization: Sites with a high amount of recreational infrastructure within 10 km coastline had significantly lowered genetic and species diversities. On the other hand, a measure of natural habitat disturbance had no effect. This study shows that parallel variation of genetic and species diversities across a region can be traced back to human landscape alteration, provides arguments for a more resolute dune protection, and may help to design priority conservation areas.


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The purpose of the present paper is to analyse the present state of thepractical application of cooperative learning methodologies at the University of Girona,to assess its strengths and weaknesses and to extract from that criteria, ideas andprinciples. These materials will be the basis upon which a guide or manual of use oncooperative learning will be drafted. The guide will be at the disposal of the UdGteaching staff and other people interested in it, with the aim of helping them with theirteaching and foster a higher degree of use of cooperative learning at the University. Thepaper presents the survey already conducted, as well as the methodology followed, thehypotheses of the study and the results obtained


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The writing of I is a project that starts an itinerary through past, present and future experiences of each of our students based on following research activities. Reading, creation and recreation of text and other items that turn essentially around autobiographical writing and culminate with the elaboration of a free autobiography