440 resultados para subspecies


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The Neotropical genus Coprophanaeus Olsoufieff (1924), as classified here, comprises 38 species distributed among three subgenera (Megaphanaeus Olsoufieff, Metallophanaeus Olsoufieff, and Coprophanaeus s. str. ) and eight species groups. Keys presented help to identify supraspecific and species taxa, all of which are illustrated and diagnosed. Lectotypes are designated for Phanaeus ignecinctus Felsche and Phanaeus ohausi Felsche. Coprophanaeus corythus (Harold), formerly regarded as a subspecies of C. telamon (Erichson), assumes species status. Coprophanaeus magnoi Arnaud, described as a subspecies of C. milon (Blanchard), is raised to species status. New taxonomic interpretations result in 10 new subjective synonymies (junior synonym listed first): Phanaeus machadoi Pereira and d’Andretta = Coprophanaeus saphirinus (Perty); Phanaeus costatus Olsoufieff = Coprophanaeus cyanescens (Olsoufieff); Phanaeus worontzowi Pessôa and Lane = Coprophanaeus cyanescens (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus kohlmanni Arnaud = Coprophanaeus morenoi Arnaud; Coprophanaeus pluto nogueirai Arnaud = Coprophanaeus pluto (Harold); Coprophanaeus edmondsi Arnaud = Coprophanaeus conocephalus (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus uhleri Malý and Pokorný = Coprophanaeus chiriquensis (Olsoufieff); Coprophanaeus henryi Malý and Pokorný = Coprophanaeus gilli Arnaud; Phanaeus perseus Harold = Coprophanaeus corythus (Harold); Coprophanaeus telamon nevinsoni Arnaud and Gámez = Coprophanaeus corythus; and Coprophanaeus florenti Arnaud = Coprophanaeus ohausi (Felsche). The status of the following names remains unresolved: Phanaeus strandi Balthasar; Coprophanaeus rigoutorum Arnaud; C. terrali Arnaud; C. lichyi Arnaud; C. lecromi Arnaud; C. larseni Arnaud; and C. vazdemeloi Arnaud.


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English abstract: The cytogenetic characteristics of the varying lemming, Dicrostonyx torquatus stevensoni, (2n = 34), were investigated, and diploid chromosomal numbers were reported for four other nominal subspecies (exsul, nelsoni, richardsoni, and rubricatus) of the torquatus-group in North America. The diploid complements ranged from 30 to 44 chromosomes, and the fundamental number from 50 to 55. Chromosomal polymorphism was observed in all forms. In cross-breeding experiments, the mating of F1 progeny was not productive. The findings support the zoogeographic concept that populations of Dicrostonyx became fragmented or displaced southward during Würm time, with relict stocks persisting in unglaciated refugia or periglacial tundra. Speciation in the isolates led to chromosomal evolution, with the result that populations spreading from refugia in post-glacial time are reproductively isolated. The torquatus-group in North America appears to be a superspecies. German title: Untersuchungen an den Chromosomen von Dicrostonyx torquatus stevensoni Nelson und chromosomale Unterschiede bei Halsbandlemmingen German abstract: Die cytogenetischen Merkmale des Halsbandlemmings, Dicrostonyx torquatus stevensoni, (2n = 34) wurden eingehend untersucht, und für vier andere nordamerikanische Unterarten der torquatus-Gruppe wurden die somatischen Chromosomensätze festgestellt. Die Chromosomenzahl der untersuchten Populationen schwankte zwischen 30 und 44, der NF (Nombre Fondamental) zwischen 50 und 55. Zuchttiere der verschiedenen Populationen wurden erfolgreich gekreuzt, aber Sterilität der F1 Unterartbastarde war typisch. Die Halsbandlemminge wiesen Karyotypenverschiedenheiten auf, die sich durch Variationen des Robertsonschen Typus, Deletionen oder möglicherweise durch perizentrische Inversionen erklären. Die Ergebnisse sprechen dafür, daß das ursprüngliche Verbreitungsgebiet von Dicrostonyx in Nordamerika durch die letzte (Würm) Vereisung getrennt wurde, und daß die Reliktpopulationen die letzte Glazial-Phase in eisfreien Refugien oder in periglazialer Tundra überlebten, wo Karyotypevolution durch lokale Anpassungsbedürfnisse gefördert wurde. Die in der Postglazialzeit aus den Refugien sich verbreitenden Populationen von Dicrostonyx scheinen reproduktiv isoliert zu sein. Die torquatus-Gruppe in Nordamerika gilt also als Superspecies.


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This paper reports the results of a comparative study of the development of the larval Echinococcus multilocularis Leuckart, 1863), and associated tissue reaction in naturally and experimentally infected mammals representing 31 species. The histogenesis of the larval cestode was traced in detail in arvicoline rodents of several species, and interspecific differences were defined. In arvicoline rodents, the developing larva exhibited host-specific characteristics within about a month after infection was established. The tissue reaction in Microtus oeconomus was characterized by the production of a large quantity of detritus around the larva, and by the formation of a thick epithelioid zone. In one subspecies, M. oeconomus innuitus, development of the larva was retarded, and the detrital mass was often calcified; in another, M. oeconomus operarius, the detritus rarely became calcified and the larva proliferated more rapidly. In M. pennsylvanicus, the tissue reaction was minimal, and little detritus was present. The characteristics of the tissue reaction in M. montebelli placed it in an intermediate position between the aforementioned species. In Clethrionomys rutilus, a thin epithelioid zone and an outer zone of loose collagenous fibers composed the adventitial layer; exogenous budding was retarded in this vole. A minimal tissue reaction occurred in Lagurus curtatus. In Lemmus spp., larger cysts were characteristic, but areas of small-cystic proliferation were always present. Similar differences in species or subspecies of Citellus and Dicrostonyx were described. Lesions of alveolar bydatid disease in man also were studied. The invasive growth of the larval cestode in the human liver involves a process comparable to small-cystic proliferation in the natural intermediate hosts. Although the later stages of development of the larval cestode are inhibited in man, exogenous proliferation of vesicles continues for the life of the host. The lesion in man was compared with a morphologically similar formation produced by anomalous development of the larval E. granulosus in the bovine liver. The latter is distinguished by the absence of areas of small-cystic proliferation. Non-echinococcal lesions found in the tissues studied, some of which resembled foci caused by the larval E. multilocularis, were briefly discussed.


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Two of the five subspecies of the western big-eared bat, Corynorhinus townsendii, are listed as federally endangered with the remaining three being of conservation concern. Knowing the degree of connectivity among populations would aid in the establishment of sound conservation and management plans for this taxon. For this purpose, we have developed and characterized eight polymorphic microsatellite markers.


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We developed 10 microsatellite markers for the mountain beaver, Aplodontia rufa rufa. In three populations of A. r. rufa, the number of alleles for these loci ranged from monomorphic to nine. Average observed heterozygosities in these populations ranged from 0.29 to 0.60. We also tested previously published markers from the endangered subspecies A. r. nigra in A. r. rufa populations.


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An updated checklist of the Cerambycidae of Costa Rica is presented. This new version includes 1,071 species and subspecies in 429 genera, 69 tribes, and six subfamilies. Of these, 181 are new country records and 136 species are known only from Costa Rica. In addition, provincial distribution data are provided for each species. The checklist supports a wealth of scientific literature in many other groups of flora and fauna indicating Costa Rica has high species richness of cerambycid beetles. Se presenta una lista actualizada de los Cerambycidae de Costa Rica. Esta nueva versión incluye 1.071 especies y subespecies en 429 géneros, 69 tribus, y seis subfamilias. De estas, 181 son nuevos registros para el país y 136 especies se conocen solamente de Costa Rica. Adicionalmente, para cada especie se incluyen datos sobre su presencia en las diferentes provincias. La lista concuerda con una gran cantidad de literatura científica en muchos otros grupos de flora y fauna que muestran que Costa Rica tiene una alta riqueza de especies.


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On morphological and zoogeographical grounds, discussed in the present paper, it is concluded that the narrow-skulled vole in North America, previously designated Microtus (Stenocranius) miurus Osgood, is conspecific with the Eurasian M. (Stenocranius) gregalis Pallas. Fourteen subspecies in Eurasia and 5 in North America are now recognized, but it is probable that the number in Eurasia will be reduced through future investigation. The Eurasian subspecies of this vole comprise two major groups, of which one occupies the tundra zone and the other occurs across central Asia below latitude 60° N; their geographic ranges are largely separate but evidently become confluent in northeastern Siberia. The members of the northern group of Eurasian subspecies and the North American forms are closely related; the present distribution of the latter indicates post-glacial dispersal from the Amphiberingian Refugium. It is believed that the tundra-inhabiting voles in Eurasia likewise survived the Pleistocene glaciations in northern refugia, while the members of the southern group of subspecies probably represent populations that survived south of the limits of the continental glaciers. The ranges of the two Eurasian groups probably have become confluent during post-glacial time in northeastern Siberia as a result of the southward spread of the northern forms. At least, the subspecies having the intervening range closely resembles members of the northern group. Some of the ecological and ethological characteristics of these voles are briefly discussed. The chromosome number of one of the North American subspecies of narrow-skulled vole was determined to be 54; this is the first time that the chromosomes of a member of the subgenus Stenocranius have been investigated. A karyogram has been included. German abstract: Auf morphologischen und tiergeographischen Grundlagen, die in dieser Arbeit besprochen wurden, ist festgestellt worden, daß die schmalschädlige Wiihlmaus in Nordamerika, friiher Microtus (Stenocranius) miurus Osgood bezeichnet, mit der palaearktischen Art M. (Stenocranius) gregalis Pallas identisch ist. Zur Zeit gelten 14 Unterarten in Eurasien und 5 in Nordamerika als unterscheidbar; vermutlich aber wird die Zahl der palaearktischen Unterarten durch eingehendere Untersuchungen künftig vermindert werden. Auf Grund ihrer Verbreitung bilden die palaearktischen Unterarten zwei beinahe vollständig getrennte Gruppen. Die Wühlmäuse der nördlichen Gruppe bewohnen die Tundrazone, während die Vertreter der zweiten Gruppe über Mittelasien südlicher als 60° N.B. verbreitet sind. Die Verbreitungsgebiete der zwei Gruppen verbinden sich anscheinend. Die nordamerikanischen schmalschädligen Wühlmäuse sind mit den in der Tundrazone vorkommenden palaearktischen Formen nahe verwandt; sie haben sich wahrscheinlich während der Postglazialzeit aus dem Amphiberingschen Refugium verbreitet. Möglicherweise überlebten die tundrabewohnenden Wühlmäuse Eurasiens die Eiszeit ebenfalls in vereinzelten Refugien in Nordostsibirien, während die Formen der südlichen Gruppe sie jenseits der Grenzen des Festlandsgletschers überlebten. Wahrscheinlich wurden die zwei Verbreitungsgebiete dieser Art in Eurasien erst während der Postglazialzeit durch das Vordringen der nordischen Formen verbunden, da eine nähere Verwandtschaft zwischen den nördlichen und der dazwischenliegenden Unterart besteht. Einige ökologische und ethologische Eigentümlichkeiten dieser Wühlmäuse werden kurz besprochen. Es wurde festgestellt, daß eine der nordamerikanischen Unterarten der schmalschädligen Wühlmaus 54 Chromosomen hat; sie ist der einzige Vertreter der Untergattung Stenocranius, dessen Chromosomen untersucht worden sind.


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The species Sporophila bouvreuil comprises four subspecies: S. b. bouvreuil, S. b. pileata, S. b. saturata and S. b. crypta. The males of each subspecies differ in plumage whereas the females and juveniles are very similar and difficult to identify to subspecies. Here we use external morphological characters, mostly plumage, to examine the validity of the subspecies. A total of 209 specimens was examined (131 S. b. bouvreuil, 29 S. b. crypta, 43 S. b. pileata and 6 S. b. saturata). Although morphological measurements did not separate any taxa, plumage patterns support recognition of two taxonomic units, one of birds having reddish brown male plumage and the other of birds with grayish to white male plumage. Discrete diagnostic characters and sympatry in SE Brazil allow separation of Sporophila pileata (Sclater 1864) from S. bouvreuil (Muller 1776). On the other hand, S. b. saturata Hellmayr 1904 and S. b. crypta Sick 1968 should be considered synonyms of S. bouvreuil.


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Recently four subspecies of Chironius multiventris were recognized as valid distinct species: C. in. foveatus, C. in. multiventris, C. in. cochranae, and C. m. septentrionalis. Although C. foveatus and C. septentrionalis clearly deserve specific status, a re-evaluation of the characters pointed in the literature as diagnostic of C. multiventris and C. cochranae does not support their recognition as valid distinct taxa. Additionally, our analysis of the scutellation pattern, continuous characters, and hemipenial morphology of 34 specimens, and of the available data in literature, shows that there are no significant differences between them. We therefore suggest that C. cochranae should be synonymized with C. multiventris.


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The gecko genus Phyllopezus occurs across South America's open biomes: Cerrado, Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF, including Caatinga), and Chaco. We generated a multi-gene dataset and estimated phylogenetic relationships among described Phyllopezus taxa and related species. We included exemplars from both described Phyllopezus pollicaris subspecies, P. p. pollicaris and P. p. przewalskii. Phylogenies from the concatenated data as well as species trees constructed from individual gene trees were largely congruent. All phylogeny reconstruction methods showed Bogertia lutzae as the sister species of Phyllopezus maranjonensis, rendering Phyllopezus paraphyletic. We synonymized the monotypic genus Bogertia with Phyllopezus to maintain a taxonomy that is isomorphic with phylogenetic history. We recovered multiple, deeply divergent, cryptic lineages within P. pollicaris. These cryptic lineages possessed mtDNA distances equivalent to distances among other gekkotan sister taxa. Described P. pollicaris subspecies are not reciprocally monophyletic and current subspecific taxonomy does not accurately reflect evolutionary relationships among cryptic lineages. We highlight the conservation significance of these results in light of the ongoing habitat loss in South America's open biomes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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African honey bees, introduced to Brazil in 1956, rapidly dominated the previously introduced European subspecies. To better understand how hybridization between these different types of bees proceeded, we made geometric morphometric analyses of the wing venation patterns of specimens resulting from crosses made between Africanized honey bees (predominantly Apis mellifera scutellata) and Italian honey bees (A. mellifera ligustica) from 1965 to 1967, at the beginning of the Africanization process, in an apiary about 150 km from the original introduction site. Two virgin queens reared from an Italian parental were instrumentally inseminated with semen from drones from an Africanized parental. Six F-1 queens from one of these colonies were open mated with Africanized drones. Resultant F-1 drones were backcrossed to 50 Italian and 50 Africanized parental queens. Five backcross workers were collected from each of eight randomly selected colonies of each type of backcross (N = 5 bees x 8 colonies x 2 types of backcrosses). The F-1 progeny (40 workers and 30 drones) was found to be morphologically closer to the Africanized than to the European parental (N = 20 drones and 40 workers, each); Mahalanobis square distances = 21.6 versus 25.8, respectively, for the workers, and 39.9 versus 46.4, respectively, for the drones. The worker progenies of the backcrosses (N = 40, each) were placed between the respective parental and the F-1 progeny, although closer to the Africanized than to the Italian parentals (Mahalanobis square distance = 6.2 versus 12.1, respectively). Consequently, the most common crosses at the beginning of the Africanization process would have generated individuals more similar to Africanized than to Italian bees. This adds a genetic explanation for the rapid changes in the populational morphometric profile in recently colonized areas. Africanized alleles of wing venation pattern genes are apparently dominant and epistatic.


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Abstract Background Banana cultivars are mostly derived from hybridization between wild diploid subspecies of Musa acuminata (A genome) and M. balbisiana (B genome), and they exhibit various levels of ploidy and genomic constitution. The Embrapa ex situ Musa collection contains over 220 accessions, of which only a few have been genetically characterized. Knowledge regarding the genetic relationships and diversity between modern cultivars and wild relatives would assist in conservation and breeding strategies. Our objectives were to determine the genomic constitution based on Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions polymorphism and the ploidy of all accessions by flow cytometry and to investigate the population structure of the collection using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) loci as co-dominant markers based on Structure software, not previously performed in Musa. Results From the 221 accessions analyzed by flow cytometry, the correct ploidy was confirmed or established for 212 (95.9%), whereas digestion of the ITS region confirmed the genomic constitution of 209 (94.6%). Neighbor-joining clustering analysis derived from SSR binary data allowed the detection of two major groups, essentially distinguished by the presence or absence of the B genome, while subgroups were formed according to the genomic composition and commercial classification. The co-dominant nature of SSR was explored to analyze the structure of the population based on a Bayesian approach, detecting 21 subpopulations. Most of the subpopulations were in agreement with the clustering analysis. Conclusions The data generated by flow cytometry, ITS and SSR supported the hypothesis about the occurrence of homeologue recombination between A and B genomes, leading to discrepancies in the number of sets or portions from each parental genome. These phenomenons have been largely disregarded in the evolution of banana, as the “single-step domestication” hypothesis had long predominated. These findings will have an impact in future breeding approaches. Structure analysis enabled the efficient detection of ancestry of recently developed tetraploid hybrids by breeding programs, and for some triploids. However, for the main commercial subgroups, Structure appeared to be less efficient to detect the ancestry in diploid groups, possibly due to sampling restrictions. The possibility of inferring the membership among accessions to correct the effects of genetic structure opens possibilities for its use in marker-assisted selection by association mapping.


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Abstract Background Advanced glycation end products (AGE) alter lipid metabolism and reduce the macrophage expression of ABCA-1 and ABCG-1 which impairs the reverse cholesterol transport, a system that drives cholesterol from arterial wall macrophages to the liver, allowing its excretion into the bile and feces. Oxysterols favors lipid homeostasis in macrophages and drive the reverse cholesterol transport, although the accumulation of 7-ketocholesterol, 7alpha- hydroxycholesterol and 7beta- hydroxycholesterol is related to atherogenesis and cell death. We evaluated the effect of glycolaldehyde treatment (GAD; oxoaldehyde that induces a fast formation of intracellular AGE) in macrophages overloaded with oxidized LDL and incubated with HDL alone or HDL plus LXR agonist (T0901317) in: 1) the intracellular content of oxysterols and total sterols and 2) the contents of ABCA-1 and ABCG-1. Methods Total cholesterol and oxysterol subspecies were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and HDL receptors content by immunoblot. Results In control macrophages (C), incubation with HDL or HDL + T0901317 reduced the intracellular content of total sterols (total cholesterol + oxysterols), cholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol, which was not observed in GAD macrophages. In all experimental conditions no changes were found in the intracellular content of other oxysterol subspecies comparing C and GAD macrophages. GAD macrophages presented a 45% reduction in ABCA-1 protein level as compared to C cells, even after the addition of HDL or HDL + T0901317. The content of ABCG-1 was 36.6% reduced in GAD macrophages in the presence of HDL as compared to C macrophages. Conclusion In macrophages overloaded with oxidized LDL, glycolaldehyde treatment reduces the HDL-mediated cholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol efflux which is ascribed to the reduction in ABCA-1 and ABCG-1 protein level. This may contribute to atherosclerosis in diabetes mellitus.


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ZusammenfassungLautäußerungen von Singvögeln (Passeriformes) werden gemeinhin als Träger phylogenetischer Information betrachtet, obwohl direkte Nachweise in vergleichend bioakustischen Studien rar sind. Dieser Thematik widmet sich meine Dissertation am Beispiel dreier Singvogelgruppen: Goldhähnchen (Regulus), Goldbrillenlaubsänger (Seicercus) sowie verwandter Laubsänger (Phylloscopus) und Kohlmeisen (Parus major). Neben der Erhebung bioakustischer Daten wurde für jede Gruppe eine molekulare Phylogenie basierend auf Cytochrom-b-Sequenzen erstellt und für verschiedene akustische Merkmale Homoplasie-indizes berechnet (CI, RI und RC). Die phylogenetisch informativen Gesangsstrukturen innerhalb der Gattungen Regulus und Seicercus/ Phylloscopus sind sämtlich Syntaxmerkmale, zumeist der Gesamtstrophe, seltener von Strophenabschnitten. Bei den Goldhähnchen (Regulus) sind solche Syntaxmerkmale angeboren, Elementmerkmale hingegen sind erlernt und phylogenetisch nicht informativ. Die innerhalb der Kohlmeisen homogene Gesangssyntax ist erst auf höherer taxonomischer Ebene (Gattung Parus) ein informatives Merkmal. Der mittels einer Merkmalsmatrix berechnete akustische Divergenzindex zwischen Taxonpaaren steigt signifikant proportional zur genetischen Distanz. Damit ist erstmalig der Zusammenhang zwischen genetischer und akustischer Differenzierung quantifiziert. Die molekulare Phylogenie erhellt zudem bislang ungeklärte phylogenetische Beziehungen innerhalb aller drei Taxa. Diese werden im Hinblick auf das phylogenetische und das biologische Artkonzept diskutiert. Der Artstatus des Teneriffa-Goldhähnchens (Regulus teneriffae) sowie der bokharensis-Kohlmeisen ist fragwürdig aufgrund ihrer engen Verwandtschaft zu zu einzelnen Subspezies der Wintergoldhähnchen bzw. der Kohlmeisen.


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Evolutionary processes within the bird genus Certhia (treecreepers) are investigated and taxonomic uncertainties clarified. The original seven species of the genus have Holarctic distribution, are uniform morphologically and hence difficult to distinguish. I employed four methodological approaches. 1. Molecular phylogeny using the mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene largely established relationships and revealed two cryptic species. 2. Call and song recordings from all species and many subspecies were evaluated sonagraphically. The nine phylospecies outlined in Part 1 were clearly delimited from one another by time and frequency parameters. They comprise a monophyletic group of "motif singers" and a purely southeast Asian group of "trill singers". Song-character differences were generally consistent with molecular phylogeny (strong phylogenetic signals). 3. Central European Certhia familiaris in the field responded territorially to playback of verses of allopatric "motif singer" taxa, but usually more weakly than to their own subsequently presented songs. No song characters were unambiguously recognised as species-specific. 4. Standard body dimensions of nearly 2000 museum specimens characterise species and subspecies biometrically and reveal geographic trends. Lengths of bill and hind claw proved important parameters to explain the treecreeper lifestyle (climbing and feeding on tree trunks). In the Himalayas (highest species density) tail dimensions are also significant.