930 resultados para sub-assembly
Avaliou-se a aptidão para reflorestamento das terras das partes não edificadas da vertente norte do maciço da Tijuca, sub-bacias dos canais do Mangue e do Cunha, com o intuito de subsidiar ações do Programa Mutirão Reflorestamento da Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente do Rio de Janeiro. A avaliação da aptidão das terras estimou graus de limitação dos parâmetros: deficiência de nutrientes, deficiência de água, susceptibilidade à erosão e impedimentos ao manejo. Estes graus de limitação foram estimados para os componentes das unidades de mapeamento de solos, considerando as informações de solos e paisagens do mapeamento existente. Para a digitalização e organização das informações geradas, foram utilizados sistemas de informações geográficas. As seguintes classes de aptidão para reflorestamento foram determinadas: 11,2 % de Regular, 81,5 % de Restrita e 7,3 % de Inapta. A declividade representa o fator limitante de maior importância para as terras da classe de aptidão restrita, seguida da presença de rochosidade.
Calendar-year annual report to the Iowa Legislature on the Iowa Streamlined Sales Tax Advisory Council members, meetings, significant developments, issues, pending issues, and statutory responsibilities discharged.
Calendar-year annual report to the Iowa Legislature on the Iowa Streamlined Sales Tax Advisory Council members, meetings, significant developments, issues, pending issues, and statutory responsibilities discharged.
Calendar-year annual report to the Iowa Legislature on the Iowa Streamlined Sales Tax Advisory Council members, meetings, significant developments, issues, pending issues, and statutory responsibilities discharged.
In diabetes mellitus, it is expected to see a common, mainly sensitive, distal symmetrical polyneuropathy (DPN) involving a large proportion of diabetic patients according to known risk factors. Several other diabetic peripheral neuropathies are recognized, such as dysautonomia and multifocal neuropathies including lumbosacral radiculoplexus and oculomotor palsies. In this review, general aspects of DPN and other diabetic neuropathies are examined, and it is discussed why and how the general practionner has to perform a yearly examination. At the present time, some consensuses emerge to ask help from neurologist when faced to other forms of peripheral neuropathies than distal symmetrical DPN.
We have studied the disassembly and assembly of two morphologically and functionally distinct parts of the Golgi complex, the cis/middle and trans cisterna/trans network compartments. For this purpose we have followed the redistribution of three cis/middle- (GMPc-1, GMPc-2, MG 160) and two trans- (GMPt-1 and GMPt-2) Golgi membrane proteins during and after treatment of normal rat kidney (NRK) cells with brefeldin A (BFA). BFA induced complete disassembly of the cis/middle- and trans-Golgi complex and translocation of GMPc and GMPt to the ER. Cells treated for short times (3 min) with BFA showed extensive disorganization of both cis/middle- and trans-Golgi complexes. However, complete disorganization of the trans part required much longer incubations with the drug. Upon removal of BFA the Golgi complex was reassembled by a process consisting of three steps: (a) exist of cis/middle proteins from the ER and their accumulation into vesicular structures scattered throughout the cytoplasm; (b) gradual relocation and accumulation of the trans proteins in the vesicles containing the cis/middle proteins; and (c) assembly of the cisternae, and reconstruction of the Golgi complex within an area located in the vicinity of the centrosome from which the ER was excluded. Reconstruction of the cis/middle-Golgi complex occurred under temperature conditions inhibitory of the reorganization of the trans-Golgi complex, and was dependent on microtubules. Reconstruction of the trans-Golgi complex, disrupted with nocodazole after selective fusion of the cis/middle-Golgi complex with the ER, occurred after the release of cis/middle-Golgi proteins from the ER and the assembly of the cis/middle cisternae.
Cholesterol regulates plasma membrane (PM) association and functioning of syntaxin-4 and soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein 23 (SNAP23) in the secretory pathway. However, the molecular mechanism and cellular cholesterol pools that determine the localization and assembly of these target membrane SNAP receptors (t-SNAREs) are largely unknown. We recently demonstrated that high levels of annexin A6 (AnxA6) induce accumulation of cholesterol in late endosomes, thereby reducing cholesterol in the Golgi and PM. This leads to an impaired supply of cholesterol needed for cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) to drive Golgi vesiculation and caveolin transport to the cell surface. Using AnxA6-overexpressing cells as a model for cellular cholesterol imbalance, we identify impaired cholesterol egress from late endosomes and diminution of Golgi cholesterol as correlating with the sequestration of SNAP23/syntaxin-4 in Golgi membranes. Pharmacological accumulation of late endosomal cholesterol and cPLA2 inhibition induces a similar phenotype in control cells with low AnxA6 levels. Ectopic expression of Niemann-Pick C1 (NPC1) or exogenous cholesterol restores the location of SNAP23 and syntaxin-4 within the PM. Importantly, AnxA6-mediated mislocalization of these t-SNAREs correlates with reduced secretion of cargo via the SNAP23/syntaxin-4¿dependent constitutive exocytic pathway. We thus conclude that inhibition of late endosomal export and Golgi cholesterol depletion modulate t-SNARE localization and functioning along the exocytic pathway.
The clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia (CALM) gene encodes a putative homologue of the clathrin assembly synaptic protein AP180. Hence the biochemical properties, the subcellular localization, and the role in endocytosis of a CALM protein were studied. In vitro binding and coimmunoprecipitation demonstrated that the clathrin heavy chain is the major binding partner of CALM. The bulk of cellular CALM was associated with the membrane fractions of the cell and localized to clathrin-coated areas of the plasma membrane. In the membrane fraction, CALM was present at near stoichiometric amounts relative to clathrin. To perform structure-function analysis of CALM, we engineered chimeric fusion proteins of CALM and its fragments with the green fluorescent protein (GFP). GFP-CALM was targeted to the plasma membrane-coated pits and also found colocalized with clathrin in the Golgi area. High levels of expression of GFP-CALM or its fragments with clathrin-binding activity inhibited the endocytosis of transferrin and epidermal growth factor receptors and altered the steady-state distribution of the mannose-6-phosphate receptor in the cell. In addition, GFP-CALM overexpression caused the loss of clathrin accumulation in the trans-Golgi network area, whereas the localization of the clathrin adaptor protein complex 1 in the trans-Golgi network remained unaffected. The ability of the GFP-tagged fragments of CALM to affect clathrin-mediated processes correlated with the targeting of the fragments to clathrin-coated areas and their clathrin-binding capacities. Clathrin-CALM interaction seems to be regulated by multiple contact interfaces. The C-terminal part of CALM binds clathrin heavy chain, although the full-length protein exhibited maximal ability for interaction. Altogether, the data suggest that CALM is an important component of coated pit internalization machinery, possibly involved in the regulation of clathrin recruitment to the membrane and/or the formation of the coated pit.
Introduction and summary Iowa Code § 8D.10 requires certain state agencies to prepare an annual report to the General Assembly certifying the identified savings associated with that state agency’s use of the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). This report covers estimated cost savings related to video conferencing via ICN for the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT). In FY 2010, the DOT did not conduct any sessions utilizing ICN’s video conferencing system. Therefore, no cost savings were calculated for this report.
In the 2006 Iowa General Assembly, House File 2797 called for a study on the status of afterschool arts programs and appropriated $5,000 for the study. In accordance with the legislation, the Iowa Arts Council, who received the charge, contracted with the Iowa Afterschool Alliance to form a Resource Group of out-of-school arts providers and experts to develop and oversee the study, review its results, and make recommendations for the expansion of arts programs that operate outside the normal school day. As a part of its charge in HF 2797, the Iowa Arts Council also documented a sampling of out-of-school arts programs statewide. Five are featured in this report.
A simulação da distribuição espacial da erosão do solo consiste em uma ferramenta poderosa para o planejamento conservacionista em bacias hidrográficas, sendo uma importante aplicação da Equação Universal de Perdas de Solo (EUPS) associada a princípios de interpolação espacial, principalmente a geoestatística. Este trabalho objetivou simular a distribuição espacial da erosão hídrica numa sub-bacia hidrográfica da região do Alto Rio Grande (MG), aplicando ferramentas geoestatísticas para distribuição espacial e mapeamento. Diferentes cenários de uso do solo foram analisados. A erosão foi estimada com base na EUPS aplicada a células, considerando as unidades pedológicas e diferentes usos em cada célula. O fator topográfico (LS) das células foi obtido com base no Modelo Digital de Elevação da sub-bacia, identificando comprimento e direção principal do escoamento. A erosividade média anual da região é de 8.030 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1, e a erodibilidade dos solos foi extraída da literatura. A EUPS foi aplicada a cada célula, levando-se em conta a situação atual do solo, áreas degradadas plantadas com eucalipto, pastagem plantada e plantio convencional de milho, considerando a ocupação de toda a sub-bacia hidrográfica. Na situação atual, a sub-bacia apresenta taxas de erosão inferiores aos limites de tolerância para os respectivos solos, com exceção das áreas degradadas ocupadas por eucalipto e pastagem em Cambissolo. No entanto, em todas as situações analisadas, seu lado leste apresentou as maiores perdas de solo, especialmente para os cenários de eucalipto nas condições atuais e plantio convencional de milho em Cambissolo e Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, sendo necessária a aplicação de técnicas conservacionistas.
[Notitia dignitatum omnium tam civilium quam militarium (latin). 1552]
O desenvolvimento de modelos hidrológicos capazes de predizer o impacto de fontes difusas de poluição e do uso e ocupação do solo na qualidade das águas superficiais e subterrâneas tem auxiliado o estudo de agroecossistemas. Com esse objetivo, foi utilizado o modelo SWAT 2005 (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) para avaliar sua sensibilidade na predição da vazão e do fluxo de massa do P total. O estudo foi realizado em duas microbacias hidrográficas contíguas, dos rios Conrado e Pinheiro, afluentes do rio Pato Branco, localizadas nos municípios de Pato Branco e Mariópolis, no Estado do Paraná. Foram utilizados dados climatológicos do período 1979/2006 e dados observados de vazão e concentração de P total dos anos 2004/2005 de duas estações de monitoramento, localizadas na parte inferior do curso principal dos rios Conrado e Pinheiro. Utilizou-se a interface AvSWAT-X, com o SIG ArcView 3.3® e a extensão Spatial Analyst 2.0®, para entrada e manipulação dos dados. As médias anuais e mensais observadas de vazão e P total foram comparadas aos dados simulados. O Coeficiente de Eficiência de Nash-Sutcliffe (COE) foi utilizado para avaliar a eficiência do modelo. A modelagem foi melhorada com a associação de análise de sensibilidade, autocalibração e calibração manual, verificando-se que, com frequência de amostragem regular, o modelo SWAT 2005 realizou de forma aceitável as simulações de vazão e de exportação de P total. Já com frequência de amostragem irregular e pequeno número de dados, os procedimentos de análise de sensibilidade e de autocalibração não foram eficientes na calibração do modelo SWAT 2005 para a simulação de vazão e exportação de P total. Foram encontrados diferentes níveis de sensibilidade entre as duas estações, refletindo as desigualdades entre as Unidades de Resposta Hidrológica. A distribuição mensal simulada das exportações de P mostrou a heterogeneidade da aplicação do nutriente ao longo do ano.
This brochure is the printed copy of the speech made by Hon. John A. Kasson to the Twentieth General Assembly for the Inauguration of the Iowa State Capitol
Iowa Code section 8D.10 requires certain state agencies prepare an annual report to the General Assembly certifying the identified savings associated with that state agency’s use of the Iowa Communications Network (ICN). This report covers estimated cost savings related to video conferencing via ICN for the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT). In fiscal year 2011, the Iowa DOT did not conduct any sessions utilizing ICN’s video conferencing system, therefore, no cost savings were calculated for this report.