397 resultados para spindle


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Propagation of discharges in cortical and thalamic systems, which is used as a probe for examining network circuitry, is studied by constructing a one-dimensional model of integrate-and-fire neurons that are coupled by excitatory synapses with delay. Each neuron fires only one spike. The velocity and stability of propagating continuous pulses are calculated analytically. Above a certain critical value of the constant delay, these pulses lose stability. Instead, lurching pulses propagate with discontinuous and periodic spatio-temporal characteristics. The parameter regime for which lurching occurs is strongly affected by the footprint (connectivity) shape; bistability may occur with a square footprint shape but not with an exponential footprint shape. For strong synaptic coupling, the velocity of both continuous and lurching pulses increases logarithmically with the synaptic coupling strength gsyn for an exponential footprint shape, and it is bounded for a step footprint shape. We conclude that the differences in velocity and shape between the front of thalamic spindle waves in vitro and cortical paroxysmal discharges stem from their different effective delay; in thalamic networks, large effective delay between inhibitory neurons arises from their effective interaction via the excitatory cells which display postinhibitory rebound.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) recently has been described to be a relatively specific growth factor for the lymphatic vascular system. Here we report that ectopic application of recombinant VEGF-C also has potent angiogenic effects in vivo. VEGF-C is sufficiently potent to stimulate neovascularization from limbal vessels in the mouse cornea. Similar to VEGF, the angiogenic response of corneas induced by VEGF-C is intensive, with a high density of new capillaries. However, the outgrowth of microvessels stimulated by VEGF-C was significantly longer than that induced by VEGF. In the developing embryo, VEGF-C was able to induce branch sprouts from the established blood vessels. VEGF-C also induced an elongated, spindle-like cell shape change and actin reorganization in both VEGF receptor (VEGFR)-2 and VEGFR-3-overexpressing endothelial cells, but not in VEGFR-1-expressing cells. Further, both VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 could mediate proliferative and chemotactic responses in endothelial cells on VEGF-C stimulation. Thus, VEGF-C may regulate physiological angiogenesis and participate in the development and progression of angiogenic diseases in addition to lymphangiogenesis.


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Members of the polo subfamily of protein kinases play pivotal roles in cell-cycle control and proliferation. In addition to a high degree of sequence similarity in the kinase domain, polo kinases contain a strikingly conserved motif termed “polo-box” in the noncatalytic C-terminal domain. We have previously shown that the mammalian polo-like kinase Plk is a functional homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc5. Here, we show that, in a polo-box- and kinase activity-dependent manner, ectopic expression of Plk in budding yeast can induce a class of cells with abnormally elongated buds. In addition to localization at spindle poles and cytokinetic neck filaments, Plk induces and localizes to ectopic septin ring structures within the elongated buds. In contrast, mutations in the polo-box abolish both localization to, and induction of, septal structures. Consistent with the polo-box-dependent subcellular localization, the C-terminal domain of Plk, but not its polo-box mutant, is sufficient for subcellular localization. Our data suggest that Plk may contribute a signal to initiate or promote cytokinetic event(s) and that an intact polo-box is required for regulation of these cellular processes.


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During mitosis an inhibitory activity associated with unattached kinetochores prevents PtK1 cells from entering anaphase until all kinetochores become attached to the spindle. To gain a better understanding of how unattached kinetochores block the metaphase/anaphase transition we followed mitosis in PtK1 cells containing two independent spindles in a common cytoplasm. We found that unattached kinetochores on one spindle did not block anaphase onset in a neighboring mature metaphase spindle 20 μm away that lacked unattached kinetochores. As in cells containing a single spindle, anaphase onset occurred in the mature spindles x̄ = 24 min after the last kinetochore attached regardless of whether the adjacent immature spindle contained one or more unattached kinetochores. These findings reveal that the inhibitory activity associated with an unattached kinetochore is functionally limited to the vicinity of the spindle containing the unattached kinetochore. We also found that once a mature spindle entered anaphase the neighboring spindle also entered anaphase x̄ = 9 min later regardless of whether it contained monooriented chromosomes. Thus, anaphase onset in the mature spindle catalyzes a “start anaphase” reaction that spreads globally throughout the cytoplasm and overrides the inhibitory signal produced by unattached kinetochores in an adjacent spindle. Finally, we found that cleavage furrows often formed between the two independent spindles. This reveals that the presence of chromosomes and/or a spindle between two centrosomes is not a prerequisite for cleavage in vertebrate somatic cells.


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Kinetochores are complex macromolecular structures that link mitotic chromosomes to spindle microtubules. Although a small number of kinetochore components have been identified, including the kinesins CENP-E and XKCM1 as well as cytoplasmic dynein, neither how these and other proteins are organized to produce a kinetochore nor their exact functions within this structure are understood. For this reason, we have developed an assay that allows kinetochore components to assemble onto discrete foci on in vitro-condensed chromosomes. The source of the kinetochore components is a clarified cell extract from Xenopus eggs that can be fractionated or immunodepleted of individual proteins. Kinetochore assembly in these clarified extracts requires preincubating the substrate sperm nuclei in an extract under low ATP conditions. Immunodepletion of XKCM1 from the extracts prevents the localization of kinetochore-associated XKCM1 without affecting the targeting of CENP-E and cytoplasmic dynein or the binding of monomeric tubulin to the kinetochore. Extension of this assay for the analysis of other components should help to dissect the protein–protein interactions involved in kinetochore assembly and function.


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Cell cycle progression is monitored by checkpoint mechanisms that ensure faithful duplication and accurate segregation of the genome. Defects in spindle assembly or spindle-kinetochore attachment activate the mitotic checkpoint. Once activated, this checkpoint arrests cells prior to the metaphase-anaphase transition with unsegregated chromosomes, stable cyclin B, and elevated M phase promoting factor activity. However, the mechanisms underlying this process remain obscure. Here we report that upon activation of the mitotic checkpoint, MAD2, an essential component of the mitotic checkpoint, associates with the cyclin B-ubiquitin ligase, known as the cyclosome or anaphase-promoting complex. Moreover, purified MAD2 causes a metaphase arrest in cycling Xenopus laevis egg extracts and prevents cyclin B proteolysis by blocking its ubiquitination, indicating that MAD2 functions as an inhibitor of the cyclosome. Thus, MAD2 links the mitotic checkpoint pathway to the cyclin B destruction machinery which is critical in controlling the metaphase-anaphase transition.


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Centrosome duplication and separation are of central importance for cell division. Here we provide a detailed account of this dynamic process in Dictyostelium. Centrosome behavior was monitored in living cells using a γ-tubulin–green fluorescent protein construct and correlated with morphological changes at the ultrastructural level. All aspects of the duplication and separation process of this centrosome are unusual when compared with, e.g., vertebrate cells. In interphase the Dictyostelium centrosome is a box-shaped structure comprised of three major layers, surrounded by an amorphous corona from which microtubules emerge. Structural duplication takes place during prophase, as opposed to G1/S in vertebrate cells. The three layers of the box-shaped core structure increase in size. The surrounding corona is lost, an event accompanied by a decrease in signal intensity of γ-tubulin–green fluorescent protein at the centrosome and the breakdown of the interphase microtubule system. At the prophase/prometaphase transition the separation into two mitotic centrosomes takes place via an intriguing lengthwise splitting process where the two outer layers of the prophase centrosome peel away from each other and become the mitotic centrosomes. Spindle microtubules are now nucleated from surfaces that previously were buried inside the interphase centrosome. Finally, at the end of telophase, the mitotic centrosomes fold in such a way that the microtubule-nucleating surface remains on the outside of the organelle. Thus in each cell cycle the centrosome undergoes an apparent inside-out/outside-in reversal of its layered structure.


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Mob1p is an essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein, identified from a two-hybrid screen, that binds Mps1p, a protein kinase essential for spindle pole body duplication and mitotic checkpoint regulation. Mob1p contains no known structural motifs; however MOB1 is a member of a conserved gene family and shares sequence similarity with a nonessential yeast gene, MOB2. Mob1p is a phosphoprotein in vivo and a substrate for the Mps1p kinase in vitro. Conditional alleles of MOB1 cause a late nuclear division arrest at restrictive temperature. MOB1 exhibits genetic interaction with three other yeast genes required for the completion of mitosis, LTE1, CDC5, and CDC15 (the latter two encode essential protein kinases). Most haploid mutant mob1 strains also display a complete increase in ploidy at permissive temperature. The mechanism for the increase in ploidy may occur through MPS1 function. One mob1 strain, which maintains stable haploidy at both permissive and restrictive temperature, diploidizes at permissive temperature when combined with the mps1–1 mutation. Strains containing mob2Δ also display a complete increase in ploidy when combined with the mps1-1 mutation. Perhaps in addition to, or as part of, its essential function in late mitosis, MOB1 is required for a cell cycle reset function necessary for the initiation of the spindle pole body duplication.


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Microtubules are intrinsically dynamic polymers, and their dynamics play a crucial role in mitotic spindle assembly, the mitotic checkpoint, and chromosome movement. We hypothesized that, in living cells, suppression of microtubule dynamics is responsible for the ability of taxol to inhibit mitotic progression and cell proliferation. Using quantitative fluorescence video microscopy, we examined the effects of taxol (30–100 nM) on the dynamics of individual microtubules in two living human tumor cell lines: Caov-3 ovarian adenocarcinoma cells and A-498 kidney carcinoma cells. Taxol accumulated more in Caov-3 cells than in A-498 cells. At equivalent intracellular taxol concentrations, dynamic instability was inhibited similarly in the two cell lines. Microtubule shortening rates were inhibited in Caov-3 cells and in A-498 cells by 32 and 26%, growing rates were inhibited by 24 and 18%, and dynamicity was inhibited by 31 and 63%, respectively. All mitotic spindles were abnormal, and many interphase cells became multinucleate (Caov-3, 30%; A-498, 58%). Taxol blocked cell cycle progress at the metaphase/anaphase transition and inhibited cell proliferation. The results indicate that suppression of microtubule dynamics by taxol deleteriously affects the ability of cancer cells to properly assemble a mitotic spindle, pass the metaphase/anaphase checkpoint, and produce progeny.


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A gene (NhKIN1) encoding a kinesin was cloned from Nectria haematococca genomic DNA by polymerase chain reaction amplification, using primers corresponding to conserved regions of known kinesin-encoding genes. Sequence analysis showed that NhKIN1 belongs to the subfamily of conventional kinesins and is distinct from any of the currently designated kinesin-related protein subfamilies. Deletion of NhKIN1 by transformation-mediated homologous recombination caused several dramatic phenotypes: a 50% reduction in colony growth rate, helical or wavy hyphae with reduced diameter, and subcellular abnormalities including withdrawal of mitochondria from the growing hyphal apex and reduction in the size of the Spitzenkörper, an apical aggregate of secretory vesicles. The effects on mitochondria and Spitzenkörper were not due to altered microtubule distribution, as microtubules were abundant throughout the length of hyphal tip cells of the mutant. The rate of spindle elongation during anaphase B of mitosis was reduced 11%, but the rate was not significantly different from that of wild type. This lack of a substantial mitotic phenotype is consistent with the primary role of the conventional kinesins in organelle motility rather than mitosis. Our results provide further evidence that the microtubule-based motility mechanism has a direct role in apical transport of secretory vesicles and the first evidence for its role in apical transport of mitochondria in a filamentous fungus. They also include a unique demonstration that a microtubule-based motor protein is essential for normal positioning of the Spitzenkörper, thus providing a new insight into the cellular basis for the aberrant hyphal morphology.


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Partitioning of the mammalian Golgi apparatus during cell division involves disassembly at M-phase. Despite the importance of the disassembly/reassembly pathway in Golgi biogenesis, it remains unclear whether mitotic Golgi breakdown in vivo proceeds by direct vesiculation or involves fusion with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To test whether mitotic Golgi is fused with the ER, we compared the distribution of ER and Golgi proteins in interphase and mitotic HeLa cells by immunofluorescence microscopy, velocity gradient fractionation, and density gradient fractionation. While mitotic ER appeared to be a fine reticulum excluded from the region containing the spindle-pole body, mitotic Golgi appeared to be dispersed small vesicles that penetrated the area containing spindle microtubules. After cell disruption, M-phase Golgi was recovered in two size classes. The major breakdown product, accounting for at least 75% of the Golgi, was a population of 60-nm vesicles that were completely separated from the ER using velocity gradient separation. The minor breakdown product was a larger, more heterogenously sized, membrane population. Double-label fluorescence analysis of these membranes indicated that this portion of mitotic Golgi also lacked detectable ER marker proteins. Therefore we conclude that the ER and Golgi remain distinct at M-phase in HeLa cells. To test whether the 60-nm vesicles might form from the ER at M-phase as the result of a two-step vesiculation pathway involving ER–Golgi fusion followed by Golgi vesicle budding, mitotic cells were generated with fused ER and Golgi by brefeldin A treatment. Upon brefeldin A removal, Golgi vesicles did not emerge from the ER. In contrast, the Golgi readily reformed from similarly treated interphase cells. We conclude that Golgi-derived vesicles remain distinct from the ER in mitotic HeLa cells, and that mitotic cells lack the capacity of interphase cells for Golgi reemergence from the ER. These experiments suggest that mitotic Golgi breakdown proceeds by direct vesiculation independent of the ER.


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We have screened for temperature-sensitive (ts) fission yeast mutants with altered polarity (alp1–15). Genetic analysis indicates that alp2 is allelic to atb2 (one of two α-tubulin genes) and alp12 to nda3 (the single β-tubulin gene). atb2+ is nonessential, and the ts atb2 mutations we have isolated are dominant as expected. We sequenced two alleles of ts atb2 and one allele of ts nda3. In the ts atb2 mutants, the mutated residues (G246D and C356Y) are found at the longitudinal interface between α/β-heterodimers, whereas in ts nda3 the mutated residue (Y422H) is situated in the domain located on the outer surface of the microtubule. The ts nda3 mutant is highly sensitive to altered gene dosage of atb2+; overexpression of atb2+ lowers the restrictive temperature, and, conversely, deletion rescues ts. Phenotypic analysis shows that contrary to undergoing mitotic arrest with high viability via the spindle assembly checkpoint as expected, ts nda3 mutants execute cytokinesis and septation and lose viability. Therefore, it appears that the ts nda3 mutant becomes temperature lethal because of irreversible progression through the cell cycle in the absence of activating the spindle assembly checkpoint pathway.


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Microtubules are dynamic structures whose proper rearrangement during the cell cycle is essential for the positioning of membranes during interphase and for chromosome segregation during mitosis. The previous discovery of a cyclin B/cdc2-activated microtubule-severing activity in M-phase Xenopus egg extracts suggested that a microtubule-severing protein might play an important role in cell cycle-dependent changes in microtubule dynamics and organization. However, the isolation of three different microtubule-severing proteins, p56, EF1α, and katanin, has only confused the issue because none of these proteins is directly activated by cyclin B/cdc2. Here we use immunodepletion with antibodies specific for a vertebrate katanin homologue to demonstrate that katanin is responsible for the majority of M-phase severing activity in Xenopus eggs. This result suggests that katanin is responsible for changes in microtubules occurring at mitosis. Immunofluorescence analysis demonstrated that katanin is concentrated at a microtubule-dependent structure at mitotic spindle poles in Xenopus A6 cells and in human fibroblasts, suggesting a specific role in microtubule disassembly at spindle poles. Surprisingly, katanin was also found in adult mouse brain, indicating that katanin may have other functions distinct from its mitotic role.


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Members of the MKLP1 subfamily of kinesin motor proteins localize to the equatorial region of the spindle midzone and are capable of bundling antiparallel microtubules in vitro. Despite these intriguing characteristics, it is unclear what role these kinesins play in dividing cells, particularly within the context of a developing embryo. Here, we report the identification of a null allele of zen-4, an MKLP1 homologue in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, and demonstrate that ZEN-4 is essential for cytokinesis. Embryos deprived of ZEN-4 form multinucleate single-celled embryos as they continue to cycle through mitosis but fail to complete cell division. Initiation of the cytokinetic furrow occurs at the normal time and place, but furrow propagation halts prematurely. Time-lapse recordings and microtubule staining reveal that the cytokinesis defect is preceded by the dissociation of the midzone microtubules. We show that ZEN-4 protein localizes to the spindle midzone during anaphase and persists at the midbody region throughout cytokinesis. We propose that ZEN-4 directly cross-links the midzone microtubules and suggest that these microtubules are required for the completion of cytokinesis.


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The roles of two kinesin-related proteins, Kip2p and Kip3p, in microtubule function and nuclear migration were investigated. Deletion of either gene resulted in nuclear migration defects similar to those described for dynein and kar9 mutants. By indirect immunofluorescence, the cytoplasmic microtubules in kip2Δwere consistently short or absent throughout the cell cycle. In contrast, in kip3Δ strains, the cytoplasmic microtubules were significantly longer than wild type at telophase. Furthermore, in the kip3Δ cells with nuclear positioning defects, the cytoplasmic microtubules were misoriented and failed to extend into the bud. Localization studies found Kip2p exclusively on cytoplasmic microtubules throughout the cell cycle, whereas GFP-Kip3p localized to both spindle and cytoplasmic microtubules. Genetic analysis demonstrated that the kip2Δ kar9Δ double mutants were synthetically lethal, whereas kip3Δ kar9Δ double mutants were viable. Conversely, kip3Δ dhc1Δ double mutants were synthetically lethal, whereas kip2Δ dhc1Δ double mutants were viable. We suggest that the kinesin-related proteins, Kip2p and Kip3p, function in nuclear migration and that they do so by different mechanisms. We propose that Kip2p stabilizes microtubules and is required as part of the dynein-mediated pathway in nuclear migration. Furthermore, we propose that Kip3p functions, in part, by depolymerizing microtubules and is required for the Kar9p-dependent orientation of the cytoplasmic microtubules.