957 resultados para spin probe


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The G genotyping of 74 group A rotavirus samples was done by RNA-DNA hybridization (dot-blot) using oligonucleotide probes for the VP7 gene region of the human rotavirus serotypes/genotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Thirty-one samples could be genotyped by dot-blot showing the following results: G1 = 16, G4 = 6, G3 = 5, and G2 = 4. The data show circulation of genotypes G1-G4 and the predominance of G1. The knowledge of genotypes provides important information concerning rotavirus circulation in Central Brazil.


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This thesis presents point-contact measurements between superconductors (Nb, Ta, Sn,Al, Zn) and ferromagnets (Co, Fe, Ni) as well as non-magnetic metals (Ag, Au, Cu, Pt).The point contacts were fabricated using the shear method. The differential resistanceof the contacts was measured either in liquid He at 4.2 K or in vacuum in a dilutionrefrigerator at varying temperature down to 0.1 K. The contact properties were investigatedas function of size and temperature. The measured Andreev-reflection spectrawere analysed in the framework of the BTK model – a three parameter model that describescurrent transport across a superconductor - normal conductor interface. Theoriginal BTK model was modified to include the effects of spin polarization or finitelifetime of the Cooper pairs. Our polarization values for the ferromagnets at 4.2 K agree with the literature data, but the analysis was ambiguous because the experimental spectra both with ferromagnets and non-magnets could be described equally well either with spin polarization or finite lifetime effects in the BTK model. With the polarization model the Z parametervaries from almost 0 to 0.8 while the lifetime model produces Z values close to 0.5. Measurements at lower temperatures partly lift this ambiguity because the magnitude of thermal broadening is small enough to separate lifetime broadening from the polarization. The reduced magnitude of the superconducting anomalies for Zn-Fe contacts required an additional modification of the BTK model which was implemented as a scaling factor. Adding this parameter led to reduced polarization values. However, reliable data is difficult to obtain because different parameter sets produce almost identical spectra.


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This work devotes to the theoretical investigations of spin-electromagnetic waves (SEW) propagating in a thin-film multiferroic structures that were composed of a slot-line and structures with several ferrite films. In contrast to earlier works, the spin-electromagnetic waves in the investigated structures are originated from two different electrodynamics coupling. The first one is coupling of the electromagnetic wave localized mainly in the slot-line with the spin wave excited mostly in the ferrite film. The second one is coupling of two spin waves in the different ferrite films separated by a thin ferroelectric film. For theoretical analysis of SEWs propagation in such kind of structures theories of their eigen-wave spectra were developed. Spectra of SEW in the investigated structures were calculated and analyzed. The range of electric and magnetic tunability of dispersion characteristic were investigated. Spectra of SEW in the investigated multiferroic structures are used for investigation of transfer function of periodic structures.


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The present study examined the distribution of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes and subtypes in a hemodialysis population in Goiás State, Central Brazil, and evaluated the efficiency of two genotyping methods: line probe assay (LiPA) based on the 5' noncoding region and nucleotide sequencing of the nonstructural 5B (NS5B) region of the genome. A total of 1095 sera were tested for HCV RNA by RT-nested PCR of the 5' noncoding region. The LiPA assay was able to genotype all 131 HCV RNA-positive samples. Genotypes 1 (92.4%) and 3 (7.6%) were found. Subtype 1a (65.7%) was the most prevalent, followed by subtypes 1b (26.7%) and 3a (7.6%). Direct nucleotide sequencing of 340 bp from the NS5B region was performed in 106 samples. The phylogenetic tree showed that 98 sequences (92.4%) were classified as genotype 1, subtypes 1a (72.6%) and 1b (19.8%), and 8 sequences (7.6%) as subtype 3a. The two genotyping methods gave concordant results within HCV genotypes and subtypes in 100 and 96.2% of cases, respectively. Only four samples presented discrepant results, with LiPA not distinguishing subtypes 1a and 1b. Therefore, HCV genotype 1 (subtype 1a) is predominant in hemodialysis patients in Central Brazil. By using sequence analysis of the NS5B region as a reference standard method for HCV genotyping, we found that LiPA was efficient at the genotype level, although some discrepant results were observed at the subtype level (sensitivity of 96.1% for subtype 1a and 95.2% for subtype 1b). Thus, analysis of the NS5B region permitted better discrimination between HCV subtypes, as required in epidemiological investigations.


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We review studies from our laboratories using different molecular tools to characterize the ancestry of Brazilians in reference to their Amerindian, European and African roots. Initially we used uniparental DNA markers to investigate the contribution of distinct Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA lineages to present-day populations. High levels of genetic admixture and strong directional mating between European males and Amerindian and African females were unraveled. We next analyzed different types of biparental autosomal polymorphisms. Especially useful was a set of 40 insertion-deletion polymorphisms (indels) that when studied worldwide proved exquisitely sensitive in discriminating between Amerindians, Europeans and Sub-Saharan Africans. When applied to the study of Brazilians these markers confirmed extensive genomic admixture, but also demonstrated a strong imprint of the massive European immigration wave in the 19th and 20th centuries. The high individual ancestral variability observed suggests that each Brazilian has a singular proportion of Amerindian, European and African ancestries in his mosaic genome. In Brazil, one cannot predict the color of persons from their genomic ancestry nor the opposite. Brazilians should be assessed on a personal basis, as 190 million human beings, and not as members of color groups.


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Alpha-thalassemia is the most common inherited disorder of hemoglobin synthesis. Genomic deletions involving the alpha-globin gene cluster on chromosome 16p13.3 are the most frequent molecular causes of the disease. Although common deletions can be detected by a single multiplex gap-PCR, the rare and novel deletions depend on more laborious techniques for their identification. The multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) technique has recently been used for this purpose and was successfully used in the present study to detect the molecular alterations responsible for the alpha-thalassemic phenotypes in 8 unrelated individuals (3 males and 5 females; age, 4 months to 30 years) in whom the molecular basis of the disease could not be determined by conventional methods. A total of 44 probe pairs were used for MLPA, covering approximately 800 kb from the telomere to the MSLN gene in the 16p13.3 region. Eight deletions were detected. Four of these varied in size from 240 to 720 kb and affected a large region including the entire alpha-globin gene cluster and its upstream regulatory element (alpha-MRE), while the other four varied in size from 0.4 to 100 kb and were limited to a region containing this element. This study is the first in Brazil to use the MLPA method to determine the molecular basis of alpha-thalassemia. The variety of rearrangements identified highlights the need to investigate all cases presenting microcytosis and hypochromia, but without iron deficiency or elevated hemoglobin A2 levels and suggests that these rearrangements may be more frequent in our population than previously estimated.


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Radiotherapy is one of the main approaches to cure prostate cancer, and its success depends on the accuracy of dose planning. A complicating factor is the presence of a metallic prosthesis in the femur and pelvis, which is becoming more common in elderly populations. The goal of this work was to perform dose measurements to check the accuracy of radiotherapy treatment planning under these complicated conditions. To accomplish this, a scale phantom of an adult pelvic region was used with alanine dosimeters inserted in the prostate region. This phantom was irradiated according to the planned treatment under the following three conditions: with two metallic prostheses in the region of the femur head, with only one prosthesis, and without any prostheses. The combined relative standard uncertainty of dose measurement by electron spin resonance (ESR)/alanine was 5.05%, whereas the combined relative standard uncertainty of the applied dose was 3.35%, resulting in a combined relative standard uncertainty of the whole process of 6.06%. The ESR dosimetry indicated that there was no difference (P>0.05, ANOVA) in dosage between the planned dose and treatments. The results are in the range of the planned dose, within the combined relative uncertainty, demonstrating that the treatment-planning system compensates for the effects caused by the presence of femur and hip metal prostheses.


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Resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a reality worldwide, and its diagnosis continues to be difficult and time consuming. To face this challenge, the World Health Organization has recommended the use of rapid molecular tests. We evaluated the routine use (once a week) of a line probe assay (Genotype MTBDRplus) for early diagnosis of resistance and for assessment of the main related risk factors over 2 years. A total of 170 samples were tested: 15 (8.8%) were resistant, and multidrug resistance was detected in 10 (5.9%). The sensitivity profile took 3 weeks (2 weeks for culture and 1 week for rapid testing). Previous treatment for tuberculosis and the persistence of positive acid-fast smears after 4 months of supervised treatment were the major risk factors observed. The use of molecular tests enabled early diagnosis of drug-resistant bacilli and led to appropriate treatment of the disease. This information has the potential to interrupt the transmission chain of resistant M. tuberculosis.


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Tässä työssä tarkastellaan Start-up & Spin-off Factory -projektissa, pääsääntöisesti Kymenlaaksossa toimiville, yrittäjille suunnattua ja toteutettua yritysvalmennusohjelmaa. Työssä selvitetään ja käsitellään Start-up & Spin-off -projektin yritysvalmennuksen onnistumisia ja kehittämiskohteita sähköisen kyselyn sekä teemahaastatteluiden pohjalta. Start-up & Spin-off Factory -projektissa tuettiin innovatiivisten yritysten (21 yritystä) kasvua kiihdytysohjelmalla, jossa kokeneet sarjayrittäjät valmensivat uutta yritystä perustavia tai jo yritystoiminnan aloittaneita yrittäjiä, joiden tuotteille/palveluille haluttiin saada kasvua. Projektin tavoitteena oli edistää erityisesti kiihdytettävien yritysten nopeaa kansainvälistymistä auttamalla yrittäjiä pilottien, asiakkaiden, partnerien ja rahoituksen hankinnassa. Valmennettavat kokivat saaneensa lisäarvoa valmennuksesta omaksumalla uusia näkökulmia. He kokivat koulutuksen tuoneen yrityksen toimintaan lisää nöyrää asennetta ja lujaa uskoa tulevaisuuteen. Vertaistuen osuutta sekä verkostojen lisääntymisen mukana tullutta uusien kontaktien määrää pidettiin myönteisenä asiana. Vastausten perusteella valmennus selkeytti valmennettavien ymmärrystä liiketoiminnan kehittämisestä. Hissipuheen teko ja harjoittelu koettiin tärkeäksi ja jännittäväksi. Valmennus vahvisti luottamusta omaan tuotteeseen ja palveluun. Valmennuksen painottuminen ICT-alan firmoihin merkitsi valmennuksessa sitä, että teoriat ja esimerkit tulivat useasti tältä alalta. Toimialojen eroavaisuus tulisi huomioida valmennuksessa opetussisältöjen ja esimerkkien osalta. Kyselyn ja haastatteluiden mukaan valmentajien asiantuntemukseen oltiin tyytyväisiä. Lisäksi onnistuneena osa-alueena koettiin valmennuksen käytännön järjestelyjä. Kehitettävää puolestaan oli opetusmateriaalien, opetusmenetelmien ja koulutuksen keston suhteen. Kysyttäessä valmennuksen hyvistä ja huonoista puolista olivat vastaajat sitä mieltä, että valmennuksessa oli hyvä ilmapiiri ja valmennus oli käytännönläheistä. Pienryhmävalmennusta pidettiin hyvänä asiana, samoin kuin henkilökohtaistamista.


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ZrO2 nanocomposites were investigated considering their perspective application in hygroelectric power elements. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques allowed to visualize the surface topography and electrical properties. In this work was compared spacial charge behaviour of sample in humid and dry air conditions. Also different SPM modes were compared. Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) was applied to characterize the spacial charge distribution on surface of the sample. Measurements showed, that trapped charge is not dissipated and can be manipulated with low voltages. Humidity influence on the electric potential of the sample was shown.


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Life science-ala on rahoituksellisesti erittäin haastava, koska tuotekehitysputket ovat 10-15 vuoden pituisia ja voivat vaatia suuria etupainotteisia investointeja. Monet life science-alan yritykset ovat niin Suomessa kuin kansainvälisestikin syntyneet suoraan yliopistosta niin sanottuina spin-off-yrityksinä. Yrityksen perustaminen tutkimustiedon pohjalle on yksi akateemisen yrittäjyyden muodoista. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkitaan akateemista yrittäjyyttä life science-alalla Suomessa. Suomessa life science-alan osaaminen on kansainvälistä huippua ja alalle on syntynyt useita spin-off-yrityksiä viime vuosina. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat keskittyneet erityisesti agentti-päämiesongelmiin akateemisessa yrittäjyydessä ja life science alaa puolestaan on käsitelty usein pelkästään yhtenä alana. Tutkimuksessa pyritään analysoimaan life science-alan eri painopiste-alueita tarkemmin rahoitusstrategisesta näkökulmasta, koska ala ei ole homogeeninen. Akateemisen yrittäjyyden agenttiongelmaa pyritään tarkoittamaan Suomen yliopistomaailmassa life science-alalta käsin. Tutkimus toteutetaan kvalitatiivisena haastattelututkimuksena ja sitä tukevana tilinpäätöstietojen analysointina. Tutkimuksen tulokset vahvistavat agentti-päämiesongelmien olemassaolon suomalaisessa yliopistomaailmassa. Ongelmien osapuolina ovat niin akateemikot, yliopiston innovaatiopalvelut kuin TEKES:kin. Yrittäjät kaipaavat kokonaisvaltaisempaa apua, koska kokevat alalla liiketoimintaosaamisen puuttuvan monin paikoin. Alan vaatimien runsaiden tuotekehityspanostusten vuoksi alan yritykset ovat pitkään raskaasti tappiollisia. Yritysten valitsemat rahoitusratkaisut vaihtelevat suuresti. Kaikki tutkitut yritykset pyrkivät kasvamaan nykyisten ydintuotteidensa mukana ja ovat jo jossain määrin hankkineet rahoitusta kasvustrategiaansa varten. Alan pääomaintensiivisyydestä johtuen ovat monet yritykset kuitenkin suunnittelemassa tai jo päätyneet tekemään yhteistyötä integroituen alalla joko vertikaalisesti tai horisontaalisesti. Tutkimuksen tulokset vahvistavat aiemman käsityksen, jonka mukaan life science-alan yrityksiä on vaikea arvioida ulkopuolelta pelkästään tilinpäätöstietojen pohjalta, koska alkuvaiheessa rahoituskierrokset ja tappiolliset vuoden seuraavat toisiaan ja toisaalta yrityksen arvo sitoutuu pitkiin tuotekehitysputkiin, jotka eivät välttämättä näy tilinpäätöksessä. Tulokset tuovat esille merkittäviä yritysten kokemia ongelmia rahoituksen saannissa life science-alalla Suomessa sekä akateemisen yrittäjyyden epäkohtia yritystoiminnan näkökulmasta. Näiden tekijöiden huomioonottaminen ja laajempi kansainvälinen vertailu voivat auttaa suomalaisia yrityksiä tällä vahvalla osaamisalalla eteenpäin.


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K-(BETS)2FeBr4 is a quasi-2D charge transfer organic metal with interesting electronic and magnetic properties. It undergoes a transition to an antiferromagnetic (AF) state at ambient pressure at the Neel temperature (T^^) = 2.5 K, as well as to a superconducting (SC) state at 1.1 K [1]. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity shows a small decrease at T;v indicating the resistivity drops as a result of the onset of the ordering of Fe'*''" spins. A sharp drop in the resistivity at 1.1 K is due to its superconducting transition. The temperature dependence of the susceptibility indicates an antiferromagnetic spin structure with the easy axis parallel to the a-axis. The specific heat at zero-field shows a large peak at about 2.4 K, which corresponds to the antiferromagnetic transition temperature (Tat) and no anomaly is observed around the superconducting transition temperature (1.1 K) demonstrating that the magnetically ordered state is not destroyed by the appearance of another phase transition (the superconducting transition) in the 7r-electron layers [1], [2]. This work presents an investigation of how the low frequency electromagnetic response is affected by the antiferromagnetic and superconducting states, as well as the onset of strong correlation. The location of the easy axis of three samples was determined and polarized thermal reflectance measurements of these «-(BETS)2FeBr4 samples oriented with their vertical axis along the a- and c axes were then carried out using a *He refrigerator cryostat and a Martin-Puplett type polarizing interferometer at various temperatures (T = 0.5 K, 1.4 K. 1.9 K, 2.8 K) above and below the superconducting state and/or antiferromagnetic state. Comparison of the SC state to the normal state along the o- and c-axes indicates a rising thermal reflectance at low frequencies (below 10 cm"' ) which may be a manifestation of the superconducting energy gap. A dip-Hke feature is detected at low frequencies (below 15 cm"') in the thermal reflectance plots which probe the antiferromagnetic state along the two axes, and may be due to the opening of a gap in the excitation spectrum as a result of the antiferromagnetism. In another set of experiments, thermal reflectance measurements carried out along the a- and c-axes at higher temperatures (10 K-80 K) show that the reflectivity decreases with increasing temperature to 60 K (the coherence temperature) above which it increases again. Comparison of the thermal reflectance plots along the a- and c-axes at higher temperatures reveals an anisotropy between these two axes. The Hagen-Rubens thermal reflectance plots corresponding to an average over the ac-plane were calculated using experimental hterature resistivity values. Comparison of the Hagen-Rubens plots with the experimental thermal reflectance along the a- and c-axes indicates that both exhibit the general trend of a decrease in thermal reflectance with increasing frequency, however the calculated Hagen-Rubens thermal reflectance at different temperatures is much lower than the experimental curves.


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The superconducting transition temperature Tc of metallic glasses ZrxFelOO-x (x=80, 75), Zr75(NixFelOO-x)25 (x=75, 50, 25), and CU2SZr75 were measured under quasi-hydrostatic pressure up to 8 OPa (80kbar). The volume (pressure) dependence of the electron-phonon coupling parameters Aep for CU25Zr75 was calculated using the McMillan equatio11. Using this volume dependence of Aep and the modified McMillan equation which incorporates spin-fluctuations, the volume dependence of the spin fluctuation parameter, Asf, was determined in Zr75Ni25, ZrxFelOO-x , a11d Zr75(NixFelOO-x)25. It was found that with increasing pressure, spinfluctuations are suppressed at a faster rate in ZrxFe lOO-x and Zr75(NixFelOO-x)25, as Fe concentration is increased. The rate of suppression of spin-fluctuations with pressure was also found to be higher in Fe-Zr glasses than in Ni-Zr glasses of similar composition.


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This thesis can be broken down into two sections. Section one is a study . of the ionization mechanisms and the ion source optimization for Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB) ionization. For this study, several specially designed probe tips were created and tested under various experimental conditions. The aIm of this section is to understand the operating characteristics of a FAB IOn source better. The second section involves the study of several Vitamin B6 Schiff Base complexes using both positive and negative ion FAB MS. This section is an exploration of the usefulness of FAB MS as a structure probe for the metalcoordination complexes of Vitamin B6.


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The frequency dependence of the electron-spin fluctuation spectrum, P(Q), is calculated in the finite bandwidth model. We find that for Pd, which has a nearly full d-band, the magnitude, the range, and the peak frequency of P(Q) are greatly reduced from those in the standard spin fluctuation theory. The electron self-energy due to spin fluctuations is calculated within the finite bandwidth model. Vertex corrections are examined, and we find that Migdal's theorem is valid for spin fluctuations in the nearly full band. The conductance of a normal metal-insulator-normal metal tunnel junction is examined when spin fluctuations are present in one electrode. We find that for the nearly full band, the momentum independent self-energy due to spin fluctuations enters the expression for the tunneling conductance with approximately the same weight as the self-energy due to phonons. The effect of spin fluctuations on the tunneling conductance is slight within the finite bandwidth model for Pd. The effect of spin fluctuations on the tunneling conductance of a metal with a less full d-band than Pd may be more pronounced. However, in this case the tunneling conductance is not simply proportional to the self-energy.