907 resultados para speakers
This paper considers the separation and recognition of overlapped speech sentences assuming single-channel observation. A system based on a combination of several different techniques is proposed. The system uses a missing-feature approach for improving crosstalk/noise robustness, a Wiener filter for speech enhancement, hidden Markov models for speech reconstruction, and speaker-dependent/-independent modeling for speaker and speech recognition. We develop the system on the Speech Separation Challenge database, involving a task of separating and recognizing two mixing sentences without assuming advanced knowledge about the identity of the speakers nor about the signal-to-noise ratio. The paper is an extended version of a previous conference paper submitted for the challenge.
A strong link between research and practice is essential to ensure
that the best available evidence gets into the hands of child welfare
practitioners, who are faced with the daunting task of making decisions
about vulnerable children on a daily basis. In 2007, a group of
senior child welfare leaders in the province of Ontario (Canada) created
a research dissemination model that replicated the worldrenowned
UK program, Research in Practice (http://www.rip.org.
uk). Practice and Research Together (PART; www.partontario.org) is
an Ontario consortium of 45 child welfare organizations whose mandate
is to disseminate research to its member agencies, which include
85% of the local child welfare organizations in the province. Each
member pays an annual membership-fee that is based on its size
(Dill & Shera, 2011). A key factor in PART's success has been its ability
to link its program offerings (i.e., webinars, literature reviews, conferences,
and publications) to issues of real-world relevance to child
welfare practitioners and senior leaders. A central and highly anticipated
program offering is PART's annual conference (learning
event). These conferences bring evidence to bear on practice in priority
areas in child welfare.
On May 31 and June 1 and 2, 2011, PART, in collaboration with the
Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services (CRECS)
at the University of Ottawa, co-hosted an international conference in
Ottawa that was focused on improving the educational achievement
of young people in out-of-home care (hereafter, in care). Speakers
from five countries – Canada, USA, Germany, Sweden, and UK – presented
the results of their research at the conference. The speakers
addressed three main topic areas: the disadvantaged socio-political
status of young people in care, many of whom do not complete secondary
or post-secondary education; innovative interventions to improve
their educational outcomes; and the effectiveness of tutoring,
which is the most common educational intervention for young people
in care.
Globally, Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are considered to be one of the major threats to native biodiversity, with the World Conservation Union (IUCN) citing their impacts as ?immense, insidious, and usually irreversible?. It is estimated that 11% of the c. 12,000 alien species in Europe are invasive, causing environmental, economic and social damage; and it is reasonable to expect that the rate of biological invasions into Europe will increase in the coming years. In order to assess the current position regarding IAS in Europe and to determine the issues that were deemed to be most important or critical regarding these damaging species, the international Freshwater Invasives - Networking for Strategy (FINS) conference was convened in Ireland in April 2013. Delegates from throughout Europe and invited speakers from around the world were brought together for the conference. These comprised academics, applied scientists, policy makers, politicians, practitioners and representative stakeholder groups. A horizon scanning and issue prioritization approach was used by in excess of 100 expert delegates in a workshop setting to elucidate the Top 20 IAS issues in Europe. These issues do not focus solely on freshwater habitats and taxa but relate also to marine and terrestrial situations. The Top 20 issues that resulted represent a tool for IAS management and should also be used to support policy makers as they prepare European IAS legislation.
This article discusses the relationship between three language communities in Europe with variant levels of official recognition, namely Kashub, Sorb, and Silesian, and the institutions of their host states as regards their respective use, promotion, and revital-ization. Most language communities across the world campaign for recognition within a geographic/political region, or on the basis of a historic/group identity to ensure their language's use and status. The examples discussed here illustrate that language recognition and policies resulting therefrom and promoting official monolin-gualism strengthen the symbolic status of the language but contribute little to the functionality of language communities outside the area. As this article illustrates, in increasingly multilingual societies, language policies cut off its speakers from the political, economic, and social opportunities accessible through the medium of languages that lack official recognition locally. © 2014 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
The UK Oncology Nursing Society’s (UKONS) annual conference focused on three major themes. These were ‘Living With and Beyond Cancer’, ‘Patient Information and Support’, and ‘Innovations in Treatment and Care’. It featured a wide range of presentations, industry satellites, exhibitions, poster discussions. and workshops. Presenters ranged from those eminent in their particular field to those gracing the speaker’s podium for the first time. The rich variety of presentations covered policy, cancer trends, clinical developments, care initiatives, personal development, and advances in practice. There was a strong emphasis on skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes, with the most junior and novice nurses mixing with experienced and highly esteemed practitioners.
Using fMRI, we conducted two types of property generation task that involved language switching, with early bilingual speakers of Korean and Chinese. The first is a more conventional task in which a single language (L1 or L2) was used within each trial, but switched randomly from trial to trial. The other consists of a novel experimental design where language switching happens within each trial, alternating in the direction of the L1/L2 translation required. Our findings support a recently introduced cognitive model, the 'hodological' view of language switching proposed by Moritz-Gasser and Duffau. The nodes of a distributed neural network that this model proposes are consistent with the informative regions that we extracted in this study, using both GLM methods and Multivariate Pattern Analyses: the supplementary motor area, caudate, supramarginal gyrus and fusiform gyrus and other cortical areas.
We present the results of exploratory experiments using lexical valence extracted from brain using electroencephalography (EEG) for sentiment analysis. We selected 78 English words (36 for training and 42 for testing), presented as stimuli to 3 English native speakers. EEG signals were recorded from the subjects while they performed a mental imaging task for each word stimulus. Wavelet decomposition was employed to extract EEG features from the time-frequency domain. The extracted features were used as inputs to a sparse multinomial logistic regression (SMLR) classifier for valence classification, after univariate ANOVA feature selection. After mapping EEG signals to sentiment valences, we exploited the lexical polarity extracted from brain data for the prediction of the valence of 12 sentences taken from the SemEval-2007 shared task, and compared it against existing lexical resources.
This article provides case studies for incorporating employability in a higher education setting. A professional studies module for a small class (30 students) of third-year aerospace engineers gave insight into industrial challenges while promoting career development. It was delivered mainly by industrial speakers and involved practical tasks and workshops. A more sustainable employability curriculum now supports students in all four years of the School’s three degree programmes, offering a structured development of skills and sector understanding. A notable increase in students obtaining sandwich year placements has been observed.
We have recorded a new corpus of emotionally coloured conversations. Users were recorded while holding conversations with an operator who adopts in sequence four roles designed to evoke emotional reactions. The operator and the user are seated in separate rooms; they see each other through teleprompter screens, and hear each other through speakers. To allow high quality recording, they are recorded by five high-resolution, high framerate cameras, and by four microphones. All sensor information is recorded synchronously, with an accuracy of 25 μs. In total, we have recorded 20 participants, for a total of 100 character conversational and 50 non-conversational recordings of approximately 5 minutes each. All recorded conversations have been fully transcribed and annotated for five affective dimensions and partially annotated for 27 other dimensions. The corpus has been made available to the scientific community through a web-accessible database.
In the present study, native Spanish speakers were taught a small English vocabulary (Spanish-to-English intraverbals). Four different training conditions were created by combining textual and echoic prompts with written and vocal target responses. The efficiency of each training condition was examined by analysing emergent relations (i.e., tacts) and the total number of sessions required to reach mastery under each training condition. All combinations of prompt-response modalities generated increases in correct responding on tests for emergent relations but when target responses were written, mastery criterion was reached faster. Results are discussed in terms of efficiency for emergent relations and recommendations for future directions are provided.
We present a study on the gender balance, in speakers and attendees, at the recent major astronomical conference, the American Astronomical Society meeting 223, in Washington, DC. We conducted an informal survey, yielding over 300 responses by volunteers at the meeting. Each response included gender data about a single talk given at the meeting, recording the gender of the speaker and all question-askers. In total, 225 individual AAS talks were sampled. We analyze basic statistical properties of this sample. We find that the gender ratio of the speakers closely matched the gender ratio of the conference attendees. The audience asked an average of 2.8 questions per talk. Talks given by women had a slightly higher number of questions asked (3.2$\pm$0.2) than talks given by men (2.6$\pm$0.1). The most significant result from this study is that while the gender ratio of speakers very closely mirrors that of conference attendees, women are under-represented in the question-asker category. We interpret this to be an age-effect, as senior scientists may be more likely to ask questions, and are more commonly men. A strong dependence on the gender of session chairs is found, whereby women ask disproportionately fewer questions in sessions chaired by men. While our results point to laudable progress in gender-balanced speaker selection, we believe future surveys of this kind would help ensure that collaboration at such meetings is as inclusive as possible.
A system of self-designed microphones, speakers and transducers creating performable feedback networks and self-oscillating objects. Performance SARC Sonic Lab, Belfast, 18 March 2015
Language experience clearly affects the perception of speech, but little is known about whether these differences in perception extend to non-speech sounds. In this study, we investigated rhythmic perception of non-linguistic sounds in speakers of French and German using a grouping task, in which complexity (variability in sounds, presence of pauses) was manipulated. In this task, participants grouped sequences of auditory chimeras formed from musical instruments. These chimeras mimic the complexity of speech without being speech. We found that, while showing the same overall grouping preferences, the German speakers showed stronger biases than the French speakers in grouping complex sequences. Sound variability reduced all participants' biases, resulting in the French group showing no grouping preference for the most variable sequences, though this reduction was attenuated by musical experience. In sum, this study demonstrates that linguistic experience, musical experience, and complexity affect rhythmic grouping of non-linguistic sounds and suggests that experience with acoustic cues in a meaningful context (language or music) is necessary for developing a robust grouping preference that survives acoustic variability.
No trabalho apresentado realiza-se uma primeira descrição de voz e emoção para o Português Europeu. Estudamos, utilizando como base estudos realizados em diversas línguas (finlandês; inglês; alemão), os parâmetros relacionados com voz e que variam consoante a emoção que expressamos. Analisamos assim os parâmetros relacionados com a frequência Fundamental (F0) com a perturbação (jitter) com a amplitude (shimmer) e com aspectos relacionados com o ruído (HNR). Trata-se de um estudo abrangente que estudando voz e a sua relação/variação de acordo com a emoção o faz em três vertentes: patologia de voz de origem psicogénica (carácter emocional); emoção produzida por actores e a análise de emoção espontânea. Conseguindo, como trabalho pioneiro nesta área, valores para todos estes tipos de produção. Salientamos o facto de no nosso trabalho apenas existir a análise de voz sem recurso a expressão facial ou à postura dos indivíduos. Para que pudéssemos realizar estudos comparativos com os dados que íamos recolhendo em cada corpus (patologia; emoção por actor e emoção espontânea), procurámos utilizar sempre os mesmos métodos de análise (Praat; SFS; SPSS, Hoarseness Diagram – para a análise de voz com patologia - e o sistema Feeltrace - para as emoções espontâneas). Os estudos e análises relativos à emoção produzida por actores são complementados por testes de percepção aplicados a falantes nativos de Inglês Americano e a falantes de Português Europeu. Este teste, juntamente com a análise da emoção espontânea, permitiu-nos retirar dados particulares relativos à língua portuguesa. Apesar de haver tanto na expressão como na percepção de emoções muitas características consideradas universais, em Português percebe-se algo de peculiar. Os valores para a expressão neutra; tristeza e alegria são todos muito próximos, ao contrário do que acontece noutras línguas. Além disso estas três emoções (de famílias distintas) são as que mais dificuldades causam (aos dois grupos de informantes) em termos de distinção no teste de percepção. Poderá ser esta a particularidade da expressão da emoção no Português Europeu, podendo estar ligada a factores culturais. Percebe-se ainda, com este trabalho, que a emoção expressa pelo actor se aproxima da emoção espontânea. No entanto, alguns parâmetros apresentam valores diferentes, isto porque o actor tem a tendência de exagerar a emoção. Com este trabalho foram criados corpora originais que serão um recurso importante a disponibilizar para futuras análises numa área que é ainda deficitária, em termos de investigação científica, em Portugal. Tanto os corpora, como respectivos resultados obtidos poderão vir a ser úteis em áreas como as Ciências da Fala; Robótica e Docência.
A presente dissertação apresenta os resultados de uma investigação sobre o ensino de Língua Chinesa a falantes de Português. Visa dar a conhecer o Chinês nos seus principais aspectos linguísticos, assim como a situação do seu ensino como língua estrangeira, designadamente em Portugal. Com base num corpus de produção escrita, foram analisados e classificados os principais problemas com que um aluno falante de Português pode confrontar-se na aprendizagem e explicadas as possíveis causas. Finalmente, foram propostas soluções metodológicas e estratégias de resolução dos problemas identificados, por forma a melhorar a adequação e eficácia das actividades de ensino/aprendizagem tendo em vista o público considerado.