954 resultados para software engineering: metrics


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Reverse engineering is usually the stepping stone of a variety of at-tacks aiming at identifying sensitive information (keys, credentials, data, algo-rithms) or vulnerabilities and flaws for broader exploitation. Software applica-tions are usually deployed as identical binary code installed on millions of com-puters, enabling an adversary to develop a generic reverse-engineering strategy that, if working on one code instance, could be applied to crack all the other in-stances. A solution to mitigate this problem is represented by Software Diversity, which aims at creating several structurally different (but functionally equivalent) binary code versions out of the same source code, so that even if a successful attack can be elaborated for one version, it should not work on a diversified ver-sion. In this paper, we address the problem of maximizing software diversity from a search-based optimization point of view. The program to protect is subject to a catalogue of transformations to generate many candidate versions. The problem of selecting the subset of most diversified versions to be deployed is formulated as an optimisation problem, that we tackle with different search heuristics. We show the applicability of this approach on some popular Android apps.


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Context: Obfuscation is a common technique used to protect software against mali- cious reverse engineering. Obfuscators manipulate the source code to make it harder to analyze and more difficult to understand for the attacker. Although different ob- fuscation algorithms and implementations are available, they have never been directly compared in a large scale study. Aim: This paper aims at evaluating and quantifying the effect of several different obfuscation implementations (both open source and commercial), to help developers and project manager to decide which one could be adopted. Method: In this study we applied 44 obfuscations to 18 subject applications covering a total of 4 millions lines of code. The effectiveness of these source code obfuscations has been measured using 10 code metrics, considering modularity, size and complexity of code. Results: Results show that some of the considered obfuscations are effective in mak- ing code metrics change substantially from original to obfuscated code, although this change (called potency of the obfuscation) is different on different metrics. In the pa- per we recommend which obfuscations to select, given the security requirements of the software to be protected.


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This proposal shows that ACO systems can be applied to problems of requirements selection in software incremental development, with the idea of obtaining better results of those produced by expert judgment alone. The evaluation of the ACO systems should be done through a compared analysis with greedy and simulated annealing algorithms, performing experiments with some problems instances


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Modern software application testing, such as the testing of software driven by graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or leveraging event-driven architectures in general, requires paying careful attention to context. Model-based testing (MBT) approaches first acquire a model of an application, then use the model to construct test cases covering relevant contexts. A major shortcoming of state-of-the-art automated model-based testing is that many test cases proposed by the model are not actually executable. These \textit{infeasible} test cases threaten the integrity of the entire model-based suite, and any coverage of contexts the suite aims to provide. In this research, I develop and evaluate a novel approach for classifying the feasibility of test cases. I identify a set of pertinent features for the classifier, and develop novel methods for extracting these features from the outputs of MBT tools. I use a supervised logistic regression approach to obtain a model of test case feasibility from a randomly selected training suite of test cases. I evaluate this approach with a set of experiments. The outcomes of this investigation are as follows: I confirm that infeasibility is prevalent in MBT, even for test suites designed to cover a relatively small number of unique contexts. I confirm that the frequency of infeasibility varies widely across applications. I develop and train a binary classifier for feasibility with average overall error, false positive, and false negative rates under 5\%. I find that unique event IDs are key features of the feasibility classifier, while model-specific event types are not. I construct three types of features from the event IDs associated with test cases, and evaluate the relative effectiveness of each within the classifier. To support this study, I also develop a number of tools and infrastructure components for scalable execution of automated jobs, which use state-of-the-art container and continuous integration technologies to enable parallel test execution and the persistence of all experimental artifacts.


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Software engineering best practices allow significantly improving the software development. However, the implementation of best practices requires skilled professionals, financial investment and technical support to facilitate implementation and achieve the respective improvement. In this paper we proposes a protocol to design techniques to implement best practices of software engineering. The protocol includes the identification and selection of process to improve, the study of standards and models, identification of best practices associated with the process and the possible implementation techniques. In addition, technical design activities are defined in order to create or adapt the techniques of implementing best practices for software development.


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The intensive character in knowledge of software production and its rising demand suggest the need to establish mechanisms to properly manage the knowledge involved in order to meet the requirements of deadline, costs and quality. The knowledge capitalization is a process that involves from identification to evaluation of the knowledge produced and used. Specifically, for software development, capitalization enables easier access, minimize the loss of knowledge, reducing the learning curve, avoid repeating errors and rework. Thus, this thesis presents the know-Cap, a method developed to organize and guide the capitalization of knowledge in software development. The Know-Cap facilitates the location, preservation, value addition and updating of knowledge, in order to use it in the execution of new tasks. The method was proposed from a set of methodological procedures: literature review, systematic review and analysis of related work. The feasibility and appropriateness of Know-Cap were analyzed from an application study, conducted in a real case, and an analytical study of software development companies. The results obtained indicate the Know- Cap supports the capitalization of knowledge in software development.


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During the last decades, we assisted to what is called “information explosion”. With the advent of the new technologies and new contexts, the volume, velocity and variety of data has increased exponentially, becoming what is known today as big data. Among them, we emphasize telecommunications operators, which gather, using network monitoring equipment, millions of network event records, the Call Detail Records (CDRs) and the Event Detail Records (EDRs), commonly known as xDRs. These records are stored and later processed to compute network performance and quality of service metrics. With the ever increasing number of collected xDRs, its generated volume needing to be stored has increased exponentially, making the current solutions based on relational databases not suited anymore. To tackle this problem, the relational data store can be replaced by Hadoop File System (HDFS). However, HDFS is simply a distributed file system, this way not supporting any aspect of the relational paradigm. To overcome this difficulty, this paper presents a framework that enables the current systems inserting data into relational databases, to keep doing it transparently when migrating to Hadoop. As proof of concept, the developed platform was integrated with the Altaia - a performance and QoS management of telecommunications networks and services.


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168 p.


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Independientemente de la metodología que se adopte en el desarrollo de software, se contemplan aquellas actividades gerenciales o de dirección del proyecto y las inherentes a las técnicas, propias del desarrollo del producto como tal, como los requerimientos demandados, análisis, diseño, implementación y pruebas o ensayos previos a su materialización -- El presente trabajo se deriva del interés por diseñar una metodología para la gestión de la fase de pruebas y ensayo, con base en el modelo de integración de las actividades contempladas en la guía del PMBOK, la cual es compatible con las funciones de dirección y actividades técnicas de otras metodologías, especialmente en su etapa de prueba; de allí la importancia que representa para los gerentes de proyectos obtener resultados satisfactorios en esta fase, por su impacto directo y significativo en el cumplimiento del tiempo y los costos estimados, lo que permite prevenir o mitigar, tiempos adicionales o sobrecostos por reproceso, evitando ser transferidos al cliente o asumidos por el fabricante de software -- Así mismo, asegurar una ejecución correcta de la fase de pruebas y ensayo, garantiza que el proyecto responda a los estándares de calidad, de acuerdo con sus indicadores de medición y la satisfacción del usuario


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Software projects have a high risk of cost and schedule overruns, which has been a source of concern for the software engineering community for a long time. One of the challenges in software project management is to make reliable prediction of delays in the context of constant and rapid changes inherent in software projects. This paper presents a novel approach to providing automated support for project managers and other decision makers in predicting whether a subset of software tasks (among the hundreds to thousands of ongoing tasks) in a software project have a risk of being delayed. Our approach makes use of not only features specific to individual software tasks (i.e. local data) -- as done in previous work -- but also their relationships (i.e. networked data). In addition, using collective classification, our approach can simultaneously predict the degree of delay for a group of related tasks. Our evaluation results show a significant improvement over traditional approaches which perform classification on each task independently: achieving 46% -- 97% precision (49% improved), 46% -- 97% recall (28% improved), 56% -- 75% F-measure (39% improved), and 78% -- 95% Area Under the ROC Curve (16% improved).


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Context Over the past 50 years numerous studies have investigated the possible effect that software engineers' personalities may have upon their individual tasks and teamwork. These have led to an improved understanding of that relationship; however, the analysis of personality traits and their impact on the software development process is still an area under investigation and debate. Further, other than personality traits, "team climate" is also another factor that has also been investigated given its relationship with software teams' performance. Objective The aim of this paper is to investigate how software professionals' personality is associated with team climate and team performance. Method In this paper we detail a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of the effect of software engineers' personality traits and team climate on software team performance. Results Our main findings include 35 primary studies that have addressed the relationship between personality and team performance without considering team climate. The findings showed that team climate comprises a wide range of factors that fall within the fields of management and behavioral sciences. Most of the studies used undergraduate students as subjects and as surrogates of software professionals. Conclusions The findings from this SLR would be beneficial for understanding the personality assessment of software development team members by revealing the traits of personality taxonomy, along with the measurement of the software development team working environment. These measurements would be useful in examining the success and failure possibilities of software projects in development processes. General terms Human factors, performance.


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Concurrent software executes multiple threads or processes to achieve high performance. However, concurrency results in a huge number of different system behaviors that are difficult to test and verify. The aim of this dissertation is to develop new methods and tools for modeling and analyzing concurrent software systems at design and code levels. This dissertation consists of several related results. First, a formal model of Mondex, an electronic purse system, is built using Petri nets from user requirements, which is formally verified using model checking. Second, Petri nets models are automatically mined from the event traces generated from scientific workflows. Third, partial order models are automatically extracted from some instrumented concurrent program execution, and potential atomicity violation bugs are automatically verified based on the partial order models using model checking. Our formal specification and verification of Mondex have contributed to the world wide effort in developing a verified software repository. Our method to mine Petri net models automatically from provenance offers a new approach to build scientific workflows. Our dynamic prediction tool, named McPatom, can predict several known bugs in real world systems including one that evades several other existing tools. McPatom is efficient and scalable as it takes advantage of the nature of atomicity violations and considers only a pair of threads and accesses to a single shared variable at one time. However, predictive tools need to consider the tradeoffs between precision and coverage. Based on McPatom, this dissertation presents two methods for improving the coverage and precision of atomicity violation predictions: 1) a post-prediction analysis method to increase coverage while ensuring precision; 2) a follow-up replaying method to further increase coverage. Both methods are implemented in a completely automatic tool.