1000 resultados para small fruits


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Introducción: Las Lipofuscinosis Ceroideas Neuronales (LCNs) son un grupo de patologías neurodegenerativas hereditarias de atesoramiento lisosomal (PALs) caracterizadas por el almacenamiento en los lisosomas de materiales complejos pobremente reconocidos. Su curso es muy severo con desenlace fatal, habiendo sido definidos diversos tipos sobre la base del estudio de los fenotipos clínicos, enzimáticos, morfológicos y las mutaciones. Su incidencia es de 1:12.500 nacimientos vivos a nivel mundial. Las intervenciones farmacológicas con moléculas pequeñas han sido exitosas para algunas PALs; sin embargo, debido a que para cada una de las moléculas ha sido asumido un mecanismo de acción, la efectividad puede estar limitada a uno o a pocos desórdenes y no beneficiar a otros. Se han comprobado efectos diversos de una serie de moléculas tales como Miglustat, Chaperonas moleculares diseñadas, Clenbuterol, N-acetilcisteina (Mucomyst), Cisteamina, Gentamicina y PTC124. Los tratamientos farmacológicos/ con moléculas pequeñas podrían resultar exitosos para las LCNs, mereciendo consideración desarrollar terapias para estos desórdenesObjetivo generalo Investigar en un tipo de patologías del sistema nervioso central, las Lipofuscinosis Ceroideas Neuronales, el enfoque terapéutico-farmacológico con pequeñas moléculas aplicado a otras patologías hereditarias.Objetivos específicoso Desarrollar un prototipo de cultivo de fibroblastos de pacientes a nivel hospitalario en Córdoba y mantener cultivos de fibroblastos de pacientes afectados de una LCN de genotipo CLN2, con mutaciones conocidas. o Enriquecer los cultivos con fármacos/ moléculas pequeñas probadas en otras PALs.o Averiguar si se produce incremento de actividad enzimática de la Tripeptidil Peptidasa-I (TPP-I) lisosomal.Materiales y Métodos: cultivo de fibroblastos de pacientes con el agregado de fármacos/pequeñas moléculas. Los donantes serán diagnosticados en CEMECO a través de una estrategia sistematizada para el reconocimiento de las LCNs y se identificarán las mutaciones en el gen CLN2 causales de enfermedad. Se averiguará la actividad enzimática de TPP-I y se marcará la enzima con anticuerpos específicos en corridas electroforéticas por western blot. Resultados esperados: incrementos en la actividad enzimática de TPP-I en los cultivos celulares con agregado de fármacos/ pequeñas moléculas con respecto a los controles. Importancia del proyecto: se trata de una investigación traduccional (traslational research) en la cual la clínica y los servicios a pacientes se vinculan con la investigación científica, desde una perspectiva de integración. Se desarrolla en un Hospital Público, el Hospital de Niños de la Provincia de Córdoba, asiento del Centro de Estudio de las Metabolopatías Congénitas-CEMECO. Se beneficiarán los pacientes, dado que impactará sobre la calidad de los servicios hospitalarios al suministrar diagnósticos bajo los estándares internacionales, en estrecha vinculación con centros referenciales del exterior. Se obtendrán para los genes de las LCNs los datos del espectro de mutaciones y polimorfismos presentes en la región y se aportarán datos sobre posibilidades de las terapias farmacológicas en relación a cada una de las mutaciones.


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წიგნში წარმოდგენილია საქართველოში ზოგიერთი ოპტიკურად აქტიური მცირე ატმოსფერული მინარევის მრავალწლიური კვლევის შედეგები. წარმოდგენილია მონაცემები C02, CHx, S02 და აეროზოლების ანთროპოგენური ემისიების შესახებ. დაწვრილებითაა შესწავლილი აეროზოლების თვლადი კონცენტრაციის ვერტიკალური განაწილება ტროპოსფეროში საქართველოს სხვადასხვა რეგიონისთვის. ჩატარებულია ოზონის საერთო რაოდენობის, ატმოსფერული აეროზოლების ოპტიკური სიმკვრის და სხვა ნაერთების გრძელვადიანი ვარიაცების დეტალური ანალიზი. წარმოდგენილია ზოგიერთი ნაერთის გავლენის თეორიული შეფასება საქართველოში მზის პირდაპირი და გაბნეული რადიაციის რეჟიმზე.


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The general properties of POISSON distributions and their relations to the binomial distribuitions are discussed. Two methods of statistical analysis are dealt with in detail: X2-test. In order to carry out the X2-test, the mean frequency and the theoretical frequencies for all classes are calculated. Than the observed and the calculated frequencies are compared, using the well nown formula: f(obs) - f(esp) 2; i(esp). When the expected frequencies are small, one must not forget that the value of X2 may only be calculated, if the expected frequencies are biger than 5. If smaller values should occur, the frequencies of neighboroughing classes must ge pooled. As a second test reintroduced by BRIEGER, consists in comparing the observed and expected error standard of the series. The observed error is calculated by the general formula: δ + Σ f . VK n-1 where n represents the number of cases. The theoretical error of a POISSON series with mean frequency m is always ± Vm. These two values may be compared either by dividing the observed by the theoretical error and using BRIEGER's tables for # or by dividing the respective variances and using SNEDECOR's tables for F. The degree of freedom for the observed error is one less the number of cases studied, and that of the theoretical error is always infinite. In carrying out these tests, one important point must never be overlloked. The values for the first class, even if no concrete cases of the type were observed, must always be zero, an dthe value of the subsequent classes must be 1, 2, 3, etc.. This is easily seen in some of the classical experiments. For instance in BORKEWITZ example of accidents in Prussian armee corps, the classes are: no, one, two, etc., accidents. When counting the frequency of bacteria, these values are: no, one, two, etc., bacteria or cultures of bacteria. Ins studies of plant diseases equally the frequencies are : no, one, two, etc., plants deseased. Howewer more complicated cases may occur. For instance, when analising the degree of polyembriony, frequently the case of "no polyembryony" corresponds to the occurrence of one embryo per each seed. Thus the classes are not: no, one, etc., embryo per seed, but they are: no additional embryo, one additional embryo, etc., per seed with at least one embryo. Another interestin case was found by BRIEGER in genetic studies on the number os rows in maize. Here the minimum number is of course not: no rows, but: no additional beyond eight rows. The next class is not: nine rows, but: 10 rows, since the row number varies always in pairs of rows. Thus the value of successive classes are: no additional pair of rows beyond 8, one additional pair (or 10 rows), two additional pairs (or 12 rows) etc.. The application of the methods is finally shown on the hand of three examples : the number of seeds per fruit in the oranges M Natal" and "Coco" and in "Calamondin". As shown in the text and the tables, the agreement with a POISSON series is very satisfactory in the first two cases. In the third case BRIEGER's error test indicated a significant reduction of variability, and the X2 test showed that there were two many fruits with 4 or 5 seeds and too few with more or with less seeds. Howewer the fact that no fruit was found without seed, may be taken to indicate that in Calamondin fruits are not fully parthenocarpic and may develop only with one seed at the least. Thus a new analysis was carried out, on another class basis. As value for the first class the following value was accepted: no additional seed beyond the indispensable minimum number of one seed, and for the later classes the values were: one, two, etc., additional seeds. Using this new basis for all calculations, a complete agreement of the observed and expected frequencies, of the correspondig POISSON series was obtained, thus proving that our hypothesis of the impossibility of obtaining fruits without any seed was correct for Calamondin while the other two oranges were completely parthenocarpic and fruits without seeds did occur.


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In the present paper the authors deal with the content of ascorbic acid in guavas (Psidium guajava L.) and the methods of sampling used. Ascorbic acid was determined directly in the photoeletric colorimeter (EEL), after extraction with a 4 per cent solution of oxalic acid. Guavas from various parts of State of S.Paulo were used and the general mean found was around 100 mgm of ascorbic acid per 100 gm fresh weight of the material used for extraction. It was found that there is great variation in the ascorbic acid content according to the condition of the fruit: Ascorbic acid Condition content in Mean mgm/100 gm Green and hard 93,36 - 119,54 102,43 Small green 57,34 - 92,30 83,40 Firm ripe 71,28 - 115,98 90,32 Overripe 63,22 - 85,98 77,36 Of the diferent parts of the fruit, the skin has the highest content; the pulp between the skin and the parts containing the seeds, the "inner pulp" contains little and finallw the central parts, formed by the pulp between seeds, the "inter pulp" a engligible amount. The proportion of ascorbic acid found in the skin, inner pulp and inter pulp may be as high as 1.6: 1: 0. Furthermore, the section near the peduncule and the sepals are richer than equatorial crossections. It was proved that the amount and intensity of sun-light is at least one important factant factor determining differences in the ascorbic acid content of the fruit, which is higer in the parts which have received more light. A sharp decrease was found in the vitamin C content of ripe fruite stored in a home refrigerator. The periods of the preservation were 12-24-48-96 hours and the decrease of the ascorbic acid content m per cent was 23.4 - 42.0 - 66.8 - 76.4 of the initial content of 144.28 mgm/100 gm. The following five different methods of sampling in the determination of the amount of vitamin C were tested, with extraction in a Waring blendor: 1) whole fruit; 2,) sample taken form fruits cut into many small pieces; 3) half of a fruit divided by a crossection at equal distance from both ends; 4) half of fruit divided lenghtwise; 5) a transversal slice of about 1 cm. It was found that the two first methods geve the most reliable results.


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1. Analyses of soluble sulphates in 2 N ammonium chloride extracts of 24 samples of soils of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, S. A., showed a sulphur content varying from 0,0013 g per 100 g (found in the b layer of a genuine "terra roxa") to 0,007 g per 100 g of soil (b layer of a soil of depression without definite characteristics). (The results are expressed as elemental sulphur). Determinations of total sulphur in 56 samples of soils of the same state using the method of fusion with sodium carbonate and sodium nitrate revealed 0.007 g of elemental S per 100 g of soil as the lowest value (found in several soil types) and 0.096 g as the highest one (found in the b layer of an ar-quean soil). Apparently soluble sulphates accumulate in the upper layers and total sulphur does the opposite. It was found a strong correlation between total S and carbon content. 2. Under laboratory conditions, in a compost of fresh soil, powdered sulphur and apatite, it was verified after a three months period of incubation that the pH value lowered from 6.30 to 3.23; the citric acid solubility of apatite increased to 271.1 per cent of the original one. Lupinus sp. grown in soil manured with sulphur and apatite has showed fresh and dry weights higher than the plants in control pots; the results are significant at 5% level of probability; phosphorus content is also higher in the manured plants. It was observed a net influence of the apatite plus sulphur treatment on the weight of root nodosities that was four times greater than in the control plants. 3. Nearly five hundred determinations of S, N and P were carried out in 35 species of plants cultivated in the state of São Paulo. A great variation in the amounts of these elements was observed. As a general rule, the leaves contain more sulphur than the stems and roots show the lowest percentages. The conjunct roots and stem of guar (Cyamopsis psoraloides) revealed only 0.019 per cent sulphur; the leaves of kale showed the highest sulphur content, i. e., 2.114%. Apparently there is no correlation between the amounts of S, N and P. The ratio S/N increases from 0.006 (guar) to 0.485 (kale). The ratio S/P, always higher than the corresponding S/N, increases from 0.082 (guar) to 6.381 (older leaves of tomato plants). It is interesting to mention that several among the most important crops in the state of São Paulo namely, cotton, rice, coffee and sugar cane contain more sulphur than phosphorus. 4. Tomato plants cultivated in nutrient solution lacking sulphur showed the following visual symptons of deficiency : chlorosis first in the younger leaves and afterwards in all the leaves; anthocyanin pigments in the petioles and stems; absence of fruits; primary roots stunted and secondary ones longer than in the control plants; stems slender, hard, woody. The histological study of petioles suffering from sulphur deficiency revealed anthocyanin in the parenchyme layer instead of clo-rophyll pigments observed in normal petioles; in the chlorotic leaves the large chloroplasts present only the stroma but the small ones have a little amount of green pigments. Chemical analysis revealed in the abnormal plants : less sulphur and an increased proportion of phosphorus; older leaves contain more sulphur and less phosphorus than the younger ones probably due to physiological difficulties in translocation of sulphur bearing material; increased amount of total N attributed to accumulation of nitrates; marked decrease in ash, sugars and starch; increased proportion of crude fiber and dry material. In the plants suffering from sulphur deficiency photosyntetic rate decreased 34 per cent. 5. Tomato plants were succesfully cultivated in nutrient solution in absence of mineral sulphur but in presence of cysteine. The plants absorbed sulphur, under that form and were able to grow up quite well; the fruiting was normal. In this way rested cleary demonstrated the possibility of absorption of organic sulphur without previous mineralization and its utilization in the building up of protein molecules.