999 resultados para services publics
Improving Dementia Services in Northern Ireland - A Regional Strategy - November 2011
Policy and Standards of Care for Paediatric ENT Surgery in Northern Ireland
Policy and Standards of Care for Paediatric ENT Surgery in Northern Ireland
2008/09 Pre-Release Access List
Developing Services for Children and Young People with Complex Physical Healthcare Needs (PDF 353KB)
A Workforce Learning Strategy for the Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Services 2009-2014
Guidelines for Maternity Services Liaison Committes
Stroke can strike anyone, any age, anytime. Today in Northern Ireland around 4000 people each year have their lives and the lives of their families dramatically changed by stroke. A significant number of these could be avoided by simple lifestyle changes. More exercise, less alcohol and more attention to diet can make a major difference. Cutting down or cutting out smoking will make the most significant lifestyle contribution to a reduction in stroke and the enormous personal impact that it brings. åÊThese recommendations seek to make improvements in the key areas of prevention; treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients in a modern health service setting. The accompanying standards outline the levels to which we must aspire, in the delivery of these services. åÊ