994 resultados para seed weight
OBJECTIVE: To compare the heart weight and the heart weight/body weight coefficient of adults with and without chronic malnutrition. METHODS: In an initial case series of 210 autopsies performed in adults, we recorded body and heart weights and calculated the heart weight/body weight coefficients (HW/BW x 100). The exclusion criteria were as follows: positive serology for Chagas' disease, edema, obesity, heart diseases, hepatopathies, nephropathies, and systemic arterial hypertension. Malnutrition was characterized as a body mass index <18.5kg/m². Differences with p<0.05 were considered significant. RESULTS: Individuals in the malnourished (n=15) and control (n=21) groups were statistically different, respectively, in regard to body mass index (15.9±1.7 versus 21.3±2.5kg/m²), heart weight (267.3±59.8 versus 329.1±50.4g), and the HW/BW coefficient (0.64±0.12 versus 0.57±0.09%). A positive and significant correlation was observed between heart weight and body mass index (r=0.52), and between heart weight and body weight (r=0.65). CONCLUSION: Malnourished individuals have lighter hearts and a greater HW/BW coefficient than non-malnourished individuals do. These findings indicate a possible preservation of the myocardium in relation to the intensity of weight loss associated with the probable relative increase in cardiac connective tissue and heart blood vessels.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the level of satisfaction with body weight and the self-perception of the weight/height ratio and to verify the influence of the frequency of present and past physical activity on these variables. METHODS: Using questionnaires or interviews, we obtained height data, reported and desired weight, self-perception of the weight/height ratio, and the frequency of current physical activity in 844 adults (489 women). Of these, evaluated the frequency of physical activity during high school of 193 individuals,and we measured their height and weight. RESULTS: Less than 2/3 of the individuals had body mass index between 20 and 24.9 kg/m2. A tendency existed to overestimate height by less than 1 cm and to underestimate weight by less than 1kg. Desired weight was less than that reported (p<0.001), and only 20% were satisfied with their current weight. Only 42% of men and 25% of women exercised regularly. No association was found between the frequency of physical activity and the variables height, weight, and body mass index, and the level of satisfaction with current weight. CONCLUSION: Height and weight reported seem to be valid for epidemological studies, and great dissatisfaction with body weight and a distorted self-perception of height/weight ratio exists, especially in women, regardless of the frequency of physical activity.
La quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd), es un pseudocereal originario de la región Andina. Fue utilizada como alimento básico por los pueblos nativos. La quinoa, la papa y el maíz constituyeron el trinomio base de la alimentación indígena de este continente. La colonización española fue desplazando su cultivo a favor del trigo europeo y otros cereales, quedando reducida a las zonas altas de la región andina. La Quínoa ha adquirido una considerable atención en los últimos tiempos, principalmente por la calidad de sus proteínas y la ausencia de gluten en ella. Su empleo está ampliamente difundido en los países andinos, especialmente Bolivia y Perú, con un notable crecimiento de la superficie sembrada. En nuestro país la explotación de este cultivo se ubica principalmente en las provincias norteñas de Salta y Jujuy. En estos últimos años se ha reivindicado su cultivo y los granos privados de saponinas son considerados como un excelente alimento, reconocido por la OMS, la FAO y la NASA. Además de la calidad de sus lípidos y vitaminas, y al elevado contenido en almidón, la quinoa posee una proteína de excelente calidad nutricional y libre de gluten, lo que hace a este grano especialmente indicado para la alimentación de personas que sufren de la enfermedad celíaca o del síndrome de intestino irritado. El presente proyecto está orientado al aprovechamiento integral del grano de quinoa. Es nuestra intensión aquí, demostrar que dicho grano, cultivado en la provincia de Córdoba, permitirá elaborar productos alimenticios asi como también derivados de su industrialización. Para este objetivo se cuenta con las instalaciones de la Planta Piloto del Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos (ICTA), de la UNC, así como de intrumental moderno y acorde, como HPLC, GC, Espectrofotómetro UV-Vis, rotavapores de laboratorio e industrial, cámara fría, balanzas analíticas y de precisión, muflas, estufas, molinos y tamices, así como también, contamos con profesionales, algunos de ellos realizando su tesis doctoral en este tema. En cuanto a los objetivos que se persiguen, se espera obtener productos tales como sopas, papillas, productos para panadería y galletería y salsas. En el plano industrial, se pretende elaborar concentrados proteicos, almidón y saponinas. Como se dijo más arriba, a nivel internacional la quinoa ha comenzado a extender sus fronteras, y es así que hoy el principal productor mundial de este grano, Bolivia, destina un porcentaje importante de su producción a la exportación. La creciente demanda mundial de quinoa a hecho que se constituya en un cultivo estratégico y de alto valor, con precios internacionales que rondan los U$S 1200 la tonelada. Si a esto unimos que la planta presenta una gran resistencia a la sequía, que se adapta bien a terrenos salitrosos, arenosos y pobres, podemos comprender la importancia que adquiere para nuestra provincia, toda vez que en la misma existen zonas geográficas potencialmente aptas para su cultivo. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) is a pseudocereal originating in the Andean region. It was used as a staple food by native peoples. Quinoa, potatoes and corn were the tree most important indigenous staple food to this part of South America. Spanish colonization was marginalized cultivation in favor of European wheat and other grains, displacing it to the highlands of the Andean region. Quinoa has recently gained considerable attention, mainly by its protein quality and lack of gluten. Its use is widespread in the Andean countries, especially Bolivia and Peru, with a notable increase in plantings. In our country, the exploitation of this crop is located mainly in the northern provinces of Salta and Jujuy. In recent years its cultivation has been promoted, and the grains once free of saponins are considered an excellent food, recognized by WHO, FAO and NASA. In addition to its lipid and vitamins, and high starch contain, quinoa protein has an excellent nutritional value and it is free of gluten, making it particularly suitable for this grain to feed people with celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome. This project aims at an integral development of quinoa grain. It is our intention here to demonstrate that this grain grown in the province of Córdoba, can produce food products resulting from local industrialization. This team has access to the facilities of the Pilot Plant of the Institute of Science and Food Technology (ICTA) of the UNC, and the modern equipments in it, as HPLC, GC, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, laboratory and industrial rotary evaporators, cold storage, analytical and precision balances, flasks, ovens, grinders and screens. Also, we have an important professional staff, some of them doing their thesis on this subject. With regard to the objectives pursued, we expect to obtain products such as soups, baby food, bakery products and biscuits and sauces. At the industrial level, it aims at producing protein concentrates, starch and saponins.
Abstract Background: Excessive weight is a cardiovascular risk factor since it generates a chronic inflammatory process that aggravates the endothelial function. Objective: To evaluate the endothelial function in individuals with excess weight and mild dyslipidemia using brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (BAFMD), and the association of endothelial function with anthropometric and biochemical variables. Methods: Cross-sectional study that included 74 individuals and evaluated anthropometric variables (body mass index [BMI], waist-hip ratio [WHR], waist circumference [AC], and percentage of body fat [PBF]), biochemical (blood glucose, insulinemia, ultrasensitive C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL-cholesterol) and endothelial function (BAFMD, evaluated by ultrasound). The statistical analysis was performed with SPSS, version 16.0. To study the association between the variables, we used chi-square, Student's t and Mann-Whitney tests, and Pearson's correlation. Logistic regression analyzed the independent influence of the factors. Values of p < 0.05 were considered significant. Results: The participants had a mean age of 50.8 years, and 57% were female. BMI, WC, WHR, and PBF showed no significant association with BAFMD. The male gender (p = 0.02) and higher serum levels of fibrinogen (p = 0.02) were significantly and independently associated with a BAFMD below 8%. Conclusions: In individuals with excess weight and mild untreated dyslipidemia, male gender and higher levels of fibrinogen were independently associated with worse BAFMD.
This paper is a joined publication of the Depts. of Genetics and of Technology, of the E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São Paulo, and deals with the variation of the percentage oil content in the whole seeds, the embryos and the seed-coat of 28 varieties of castor-beans (Ricinus communis, L.). Primarily, the authors, as a justification of this paper, make reference to the applications which castor-oil has in industry, medicine, etc. In accordance with the weight of 100 seeds, the varieties of castor-beans were classified into 3 classes : small seeds (100 seeds less than 30 g), medium seeds (100 seeds between 30 g and 60) and large seeds (100 seeds more than 60 g). The percentage of oil in the seed, embryo and seed-coat, the dimensions of the seeds and the weight of 100 seeds are given for every variety in table 1. In order to obtain an estimate of the variability for the methods of determination of the oil percentage, in the 3 differents parts of the seeds and also in the 3 groups of seeds, the coefficient of variability was calculate (table 2). It is showed that the variation in the seed and embryo is low and that in the seed-coat is very high. The analysis of variance, with regard to the difference among the 3 types of seeds (small, medium and large), among the 3 parts of the seed (whole seed, embryo and seed-coat) and residual error, is given in table 3. Only, the oil content of whole seeds among types of seeds was significant at the 5% level. The t test among the correspondent means is not significant for the difference between medium and large seeds is significant between both these types (medium and large) and small seeds. The fiducial limits in relation to the mean of the oil percentage in the 3 differents types of seed, show that there is one variety (n. 1013-2), which has a percentage of oil, in the medium type of seed, significantly at the 5% level (table 4), higher than the general mean. Since the distribution of the percentage of oil in the seedcoat is discontinuous, 5 groups were established (table 5). All the differences between groups are significant (table 6). For practical purposes, when we have to remove the seed coat, one should eliminate those varieties which loose at least 3% of oil by this procedure. There is a significant linear correlation at 5% level between the percentage of oil in the seed and in the embryo, of the smali and medium type of seeds (table 7), and also, when taking the 3 types together (lower part of table 7), one finds that the same is true. Also, the correlation between the percentages of oil in the embryo and in the seed-coat of the 3 types together is significant at 5% level. According to the results obtained in relation to the percentage in 28 varieties studied, it can be recommended, for breeding purposes, to work only with those varieties which belong to the medium and the large types of seeds.
Cotton (variety I. A. C. 11) was grown on a sandy soil under two treatments, namely: (1) NPK + lime and (2) no fertilizers. Three weeks after planting a systematic sampling of entire plants was done every other week. In the laboratory determinations of dry weight were made and afterwards the various plant partes were submitted to chemical analyses, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S) being determined. The aim of this work was to obtain information on the periods in which the absorption of the several macronutrients was more intense, this providing a clue for time of application of certain mineral fertilizers. Data obtained hereby allowed for the following main conclusions. The initial rate of growth of the cotton plant, judged by the determinations of dry weight, is rather slow. Seven weeks after planting and again five weeks two distinct periods of rapid growth take place. The uptake of macronutrients is rather small until the first flowers show up. From there on the absorption of minerals is intensified. From the time in which fruits are being formed to full maturity, the crop draws from the soil nearly 75 percent of the total amount of elements required to complet life cycle. This seams to point out the need for late dressings of fertilizers, particularly of those containing N and K. The following amounts of element in Kg/ha were absorbed by the fertilized plants: N - 83.2 P - 8.1 K - 65.5 Ca - 61.7 Mg - 12.8 and S - 33.2. The three major macronutrients, namely, N. P and K are exported as seed cotton in the following proportions with respect to the total amounts taken up by the entire crop: N - 1/3, P - 1/2 and K - 1/3.
According previous studies about longevity in maize by ACCORSI e ADÂMOLI DE BARROS, (1961) the authors presents in this paper the results of work on longevity of seedlings of beans. Seeds were separated in three groups according their weight, as followings: small 80-120 mg; medium 130-140 mg and big 150-200 mg. The sowing of the seeds was made in pure sand and the seedlings were distributed in distil. water and in complete solution of Arnon and Hoagland. Each treatment was made in two replications with eight seedlings by treatment. At present time the following conclusions can be related: 1.°) - Eight days after germination, the cotiledones of all the seedlings started to fell down, fourteen days after, all cotiledones had fell down. 2.°) - Fifteen days after germination, the seedlings in nutritive solution showed better development than those in distil. water. Table I e II gives results. 3.°) - All seedlings in distil. water showed symptoms of N, Ca, Fe deficiencies. 4.°) - Twenty nine days after germination the seedlings in distil. water manifested exhaust trace, by falling of the leaves and death of some plants although the aplicai buds keep green. 5.°) - After thirty-one days the plants in nutritives solution was in better condition than those in distil. water, although some alteration aboved mentioned was observed. The causes of this alteration are being studied. 6.°) - In many plants in complet solution the seminal leaves showed clorosis initial and some with necrosis, although apical buds keeps in ativity. 7.°) - Symptoms of clorosis and necrosis in diferents stages were observed in all leaflet; these symptoms were more strong in the groups of little seed and medium seeds.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2014
An experiment was carried out with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.) in a Red Yellow Latossol, sandy phase, in order to study the influence of foliar spraying of the Hanway nutrient solution (NPKS) at grain filling stage on: 1) grain yield; 2) the uptake of fertilizer and soil nitrogen by this crop through the root system and 3) the efficiency of utilization of the nitrogen in the foliar spray solution by the grain. The results of this experiment showed that the foliar application of the Hanway solution with ammonium nitrate at the pod filling period caused severe leaf burn and grain yield was inferior to that of the plants which received a soil application of this fertilizer at the same stage. These facts can be attributed to the presence of ammonium nitrate in the concentration used. The composition of final spray was: 114,28 Kg NH4NO3 + 43,11 Kg potassium poliphosphate + 12,44 Kg potassium sulphate per 500 litres. The uptake of nitrogen fertilizer through the root system and the efficiency of its utilization was greater than that through the leaves.
Under greenhouse conditions cultivars Davis, IAC 73-228, PI 227.687, PI 171.451, and PI 229.358 of soybean were compared. PI 171.451 showed lower dry weight of stem in relation to Davis. Higher pod numbers produced by PI 227-687, IAC 73-228, and PI 229. 358 as compared to Davis were observed. Cultivars PI 227.687 and IAC 73-228 produced larger seed numbers. A larger weight of 100 seeds in Davis, PI 229.358, and PI 171. 45I cultivars was observed. The last two cultivars are sources of resistance against pests of soybean.
n.s. no.20(1983)