930 resultados para scenarios - future development - Estonia
Abstract Mutations in the human gene coding for XPD lead to segmental progeria - the premature appearance of some of the phenotypes normally associated with aging - which may or may not be accompanied by increased cancer incidence. XPD is required for at least three different critical cellular functions: in addition to participating in the process of nucleotide excision repair (NER), which removes bulky DNA lesions, XPD also regulates transcription as part of the general transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) and controls cell cycle progression through its interaction with CAK, a pivotal activator of cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs). The study of inherited XPD disorders offers the opportunity to gain insights into the coordination of important cellular events and may shed light on the mechanisms that regulate the delicate equilibrium between cell proliferation and functional senescence, which is notably altered during physiological aging and in cancer. The phenotypic manifestations in the different XPD disorders are the sum of disturbances in the vital processes carried out by TFIIH and CAK. In addition, further TFIIH- and CAK-independent cellular activities of XPD may also play a role. This, added to the complex feedback networks that are in place to guarantee the coordination between cell cycle, DNA repair and transcription, complicates the interpretation of clinical observations. While results obtained from patient cell isolates as well as from murine models have been elementary in revealing such complexity, the Drosophila embryo has proven useful to analyze the role of XPD as a cell cycle regulator independently from its other cellular functions. Together with data from the biochemical and structural analysis of XPD and of the TFIIH complex these results combine into a new picture of the XPD activities that provides ground for a better understanding of the patophysiology of XPD diseases and for future development of diagnostic and therapeutic tools.
Apicomplexan parasites possess an apical complex that is composed of two secretory organelles recognized as micronemes and rhoptries. Rhoptry contents are secreted into the parasitophorous vacuole during the host cell invasion process. Several rhoptry proteins have been identified in Toxoplasma gondii and seem to be involved in host-pathogen interactions and some of them are considered to be important virulence factors. Only one rhoptry protein, NcROP2, has been identified and extensively characterized in the closely related parasite Neospora caninum, and this has showed immunoprotective properties. Thus, with the aim of increasing knowledge of the rhoptry protein repertoire in N. caninum, a subcellular fractionation of tachyzoites was performed to obtain fractions enriched for this secretory organelle. 2-D SDS-PAGE followed by MS and LC/MS-MS were applied for fraction analysis and 8 potential novel rhoptry components (NcROP1, 5, 8, 30 and NcRON2, 3, 4, 8) and several kinases, proteases and phosphatases proteins were identified with a high homology to those previously found in T. gondii. Their existence in N. caninum tachyzoites suggests their involvement in similar events or pathways that occur in T. gondii. These novel proteins may be considered as targets that could be useful in the future development of immunoprophylactic measures.
The transformation of the 1990s has had a bearing on the academic and scientific world, as is becoming increasingly obvious with the changing numbers of foreign students wishing to study in the Czech Republic and of Czech students wishing to study abroad, the virtual collapse of doctoral studies, and the rapidly increasing age of Czech academics (placed at 48 by official sources and at rather more by this research). At the same time there is an apparent lack of interest in analysing and understanding these trends, which Mr. Cermak terms an ostrich policy, although his research showed that academics are in fact both aware and concerned about them. The mid-1990s migration of talent to and from R+D in the Czech Republic is also reflected in the number of talented Czech students studying abroad, who represent the largest and most interesting group of actual and potential migrants. Mr. Cermak's study took the form of a Delphi enquiry participated in by 44 specialists, including experts in the problems of higher education and science policy from the Presidium of the Higher Education Council (n = 23), members of the Council's Science and Research Commission (n = 14), former and current managers of higher education authorities (n = 4) and selected participants of the longitudinal talent research (n = 3). Questions considered included the influence of continuing talent migration from domestic R+D on the efficiency of domestic higher education, the diversification of forms of the brain drain and their impact on other processes in society, the possibility of positive influence on the brain drain processes to minimise the risks it presents, and the use of the knowledge obtained about the brain drain. The study revealed a clear drop of interest in brain drain problems in higher education in the mid-1990s, which is probably related to the collapsed of Czech R+D in the field of talent education. The effects on this segment of the labour market appeared earlier, with a major migration wave in 1991-1993 which significantly "cleared" the area of scientific talent. In addition, prospective talents from the ranks of younger students have not been integrated into domestic R+D, leading to the increasing average age of those working in this field. "Talent scouting" tended to be oriented towards much younger individuals, even in some cases towards undergraduate students. The R+D institutions deprived of human resources considered as basic in a functional R+D system have lost much of their dynamism and so no longer attract not only domestic talent but also talent from other regions. As a result the public, including the mass media and political structures, have stopped regarding the support of domestic science as a priority. This is clear both among the young people who are important for the future development of R+D (support for the education of talented children has dropped), from the drop in the prestige of this area as a profession among university students, and from the lack of explicit support for R+D by any of the political parties. On the basis of his findings Mr. Cermak concludes that there is no basis for the belief that the brain drain will represent a positive force in stimulating the development of the open society. Migration data shows that the outflow of talent from the Czech Republic far exceeds the inflow, and that the latter is largely short-term. Not only has the number of returning Czech professors dropped to half of its level at the beginning of the 1990s, but they also tend to take up only short-term contracts and retain their foreign positions. Recruitment of scientific talent from other countries, including the Slovak Republic, is limited. Furthermore internal contacts between those already involved in R+D have been badly hit by economic pressures and institutional co-operation has dropped to a minimum. There have been few moves to counteract this situation, the only notable one being the Program 250, launched in 1996 with government support to try and attract younger (i.e. under 40) talent into R+D. Its resources are however limited and its effects have not so far been evaluated. The deficit of academic and scientific talent in the Czech Republic is increasing and two major directions of academic work are emerging. Classic higher education science based on the teaching process is declining, largely due to economic factors, while there is an increasing emphasis on special; ad hoc projects which cannot be related directly to teaching but are often interesting to specialists outside the Czech Republic. This is shown clearly by the increase in publishing and in participation in domestic and foreign grant projects, which often serve to supplement the otherwise low salaries in the higher education sector. This tend was also accelerated by the collapse of applied R+D in individual sectors of the national economy and by substantial cutbacks in the Czech Academy of Sciences, which formerly fostered such research. Some part of the output of this research can be used in the education system and its financial contribution does significantly affect the stability of the present staff, but Mr. Cermak sees it as generally unfavourable for the development of talent education. In addition, it has led to a certain resignation on the question of integration into international structures, due to the emphasis on short-term targets, commercial advantages and individualism rather than team work. At the same time, he admits that these developments reflect those in other areas of the transformation in the Czech Republic.
This project was stimulated by the unprecedented speed and scope of changes in Bulgarian higher education since 1989. The rapid growth of the student population and the emergence of a new private sector in higher education led to tightening governmental control and a growing criticism of autonomy and academic freedom. This raised questions about the need for diversification in the field, about the importance of recent innovations in terms of strategic choices for future development and so of how higher education governance could maintain diversity without the system deteriorating. The group first traced the extent of spontaneous processes of innovation at the level of content, of institutions, and the organisation of teaching and learning processes. They then identified the different parties in the struggle for institutionalisation and against diversification, and promising mechanisms for maintaining diversity in higher education. On this basis they outlined a basis for a wide-ranging public discussion of the issue which may serve as a corrective to the mechanisms of state control. Their work included analysis of the legislative framework laid down in the Higher Education Act, which effectively dispenses with the autonomy of universities. They then surveyed the views of both high-level executives in the field and the academics actually involved in the process, as well as of the "consumers" of the educational product, i.e. the students. In considering diversification, they focused on four different types of programmes, including those where diversification is largely limited to content level (e.g. Law), those where it operates mainly on structural levels (e.g. Industrial Management), those where it is often feigned (e.g. Social Work), and those where it is at best formal and sporadic (e.g. Mechanical Engineering). They conclude that the educational system in Bulgaria has considerable internal resources for development. The greatest need is for adequate statutory regulation of academic life which will provide incentives for responsible academic development of higher education institutions and create conditions for the institutionalisation of academic self-organisation and self-control, which will in turn limit the pathological trends in the diversification processes.
Recent decades have seen both what has been referred to as an "inflation of historical monuments" and an acceleration of the process of "monumentification" affecting buildings of relatively recent date. In order to gain a better understanding of this, Kovacs looked at the experience in countries of Central Europe (Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, the Czech Lands, Slovakia), discovering a number of similarities as well as differences in detail. More important, however, was the discovery of the much wider importance of this phenomenon as a whole, which is particularly visible in this part of Europe, where "European" theory and practice of monument preservation are combined with progressivist demolitionism and traditional "natural" attitudes towards the built environment. Kovacs found that monument preservation has not only become a major occupation within building activity seen as a matter of anthropology, but also seems to be the determining feature of the contemporary cultural attitude. The scale of preservation activity has long since reached the level of urban design as an essential criterion for matters of future development, making it necessary to extend the conclusions of theoretical research down to broader generalities of the building domain. Kovacs then looked at the specific features of the countries concerned, including the survival of traditional building techniques in Romania, and the wide variety of preservationist policies in use.
Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is an allergic dermatitis of horses caused by IgE-mediated reactions to bites of Culicoides and sometimes Simulium spp. The allergens causing IBH are probably salivary gland proteins from these insects, but they have not yet been identified. The aim of our study was to identify the number and molecular weight of salivary gland extract (SGE) proteins derived from Culicoides nubeculosus which are able to bind IgE antibodies (ab) from the sera of IBH-affected horses. Additionally, we sought to investigate the IgG subclass (IgGa, IgGb and IgGT) reactivity to these proteins. Individual IgE and IgG subclass responses to proteins of C. nubeculosus SGE were evaluated by immunoblot in 42 IBH-affected and 26 healthy horses belonging to different groups (Icelandic horses born in Iceland, Icelandic horses and horses from different breeds born in mainland Europe). Additionally, the specific antibody response was studied before exposure to bites of Culicoides spp. and over a period of 3 years in a cohort of 10 Icelandic horses born in Iceland and imported to Switzerland. Ten IgE-binding protein bands with approximate molecular weights of 75, 66, 52, 48, 47, 32, 22/21, 19, 15, 13/12 kDa were found in the SGE. Five of these bands bound IgE from 50% or more of the horse sera. Thirty-nine of the 42 IBH-affected horses but only 2 of the 26 healthy horses showed IgE-binding to the SGE (p<0.000001). Similarly, more IBH-affected than healthy horses had IgGa ab binding to the Culicoides SGE (19/22 and 9/22, respectively, p<0.01). Sera of IBH-affected horses contained IgE, IgGa and IgGT but not IgGb ab against significantly more protein bands than the sera of the healthy horses. The cohort of 10 Icelandic horses confirmed these results and showed that Culicoides SGE specific IgE correlates with onset of IBH. IBH-affected horses that were born in Iceland had IgGa and IgGT ab (p< or =0.01) as well as IgE ab (p=0.06) against a significantly higher number of SGE proteins than IBH-affected horses born in mainland Europe. The present study shows that Culicoides SGE contains at least 10 potential allergens for IBH and that IBH-affected horses show a large variety of IgE-binding patterns in immunoblots. These findings are important for the future development of a specific immunotherapy with recombinant salivary gland allergens.
Nitazoxanide (2-acetolyloxy-N-(5-nitro 2-thiazolyl) benzamide; NTZ) represents the parent compound of a novel class of broad-spectrum anti-parasitic compounds named thiazolides. NTZ is active against a wide variety of intestinal and tissue-dwelling helminths, protozoa, enteric bacteria and a number of viruses infecting animals and humans. While potent, this poses a problem in practice, since this obvious non-selectivity can lead to undesired side effects in both humans and animals. In this study, we used real time PCR to determine the in vitro activities of 29 different thiazolides (NTZ-derivatives), which carry distinct modifications on both the thiazole- and the benzene moieties, against the tachyzoite stage of the intracellular protozoan Neospora caninum. The goal was to identify a highly active compound lacking the undesirable nitro group, which would have a more specific applicability, such as in food animals. By applying self-organizing molecular field analysis (SOMFA), these data were used to develop a predictive model for future drug design. SOMFA performs self-alignment of the molecules, and takes into account the steric and electrostatic properties, in order to determine 3D-quantitative structure activity relationship models. The best model was obtained by overlay of the thiazole moieties. Plotting of predicted versus experimentally determined activity produced an r2 value of 0.8052 and cross-validation using the "leave one out" methodology resulted in a q2 value of 0.7987. A master grid map showed that large steric groups at the R2 position, the nitrogen of the amide bond and position Y could greatly reduce activity, and the presence of large steric groups placed at positions X, R4 and surrounding the oxygen atom of the amide bond, may increase the activity of thiazolides against Neospora caninum tachyzoites. The model obtained here will be an important predictive tool for future development of this important class of drugs.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The mortality of bacterial meningitis can reach 30%, and up to 50% of survivors suffer from persisting neurological deficits as a consequence of the disease. The incidence of neurological sequelae of bacterial meningitis has not improved over the last decade. Adjunctive therapeutic options are limited, and ongoing research into the pathophysiology of brain damage in bacterial meningitis aims at providing the scientific basis for future development of more efficient adjunctive options. RECENT FINDINGS: In a population with good access to health care, dexamethasone given before or at the time of initiation of antibiotic therapy acts beneficially in paediatric pneumococcal meningitis, but not in meningococcal meningitis. In experimental animal models, brain-derived neurotrophic factor protected against brain injury and improved hearing while melatonin, which has antioxidant properties among other effects, reduced neuronal death. Transgene technology can be used to provide new insights into the pathophysiology of the disease and to identify potential therapeutic targets. SUMMARY: Although dexamethasone improves outcome of bacterial meningitis under defined circumstances, the morbidity of bacterial meningitis still remains unacceptably high. Experimental models may help to identify new therapeutic strategies to further improve the neurological outcome in young children suffering from bacterial meningitis.
This review deals with an important aspect of organ transplantation, namely the process of psychic organ integration and organ-related fantasies. The body schema and body self are two important concepts in the integration of a transplanted organ. Different models and theories on organ integration are presented and will be discussed. There is evidence that beside the emotional impact and the influence on well-being, organ integration depends closely on psychic processes involving in the incorporation of the transplanted organ and the respective organ-related fantasies. Therefore, these organ fantasies - whether unconscious or conscious - may play an important role in the future development of the instinctive and highly individual relation the patients elaborate with the new organ. Beside the concern with the new organ, a bereavement to the lost old and sick organ may also influence the patients thoughts. Moreover, the good resolving of all these issues evokes the "good practice" patients develop towards the new situation. This will bring up issues as compliance, infections, rejection episodes and - most important - also organ survival.
The management of anemia in patients with chronic renal failure has greatly improved with the availability of recombinant human erythropoietin in the late 1980s, leading to a considerable reduction in mortality and morbidity and to an improvement in quality of life. The findings from recent controlled clinical outcome trials have resulted in a rather narrow, generally accepted therapeutic hematocrit target range. However, currently available dosing algorithms do not permit achievement and maintenance of target values within the therapeutic range in many patients. One possible explanation for this failure may be the ignorance of a finite erythrocyte lifespan not integrated into most algorithms. The purpose of this article is to underline the essential role played by the erythrocyte lifespan in the erythropoietic response to recombinant human erythropoietin and to encourage the integration of this concept in the future development of computer-assisted decision support systems.
An examination of the Ermont Mine was requested by the owners, Messrs. J. R. Bowles and R. B. Caswell, to determine the amount and grade of ore developed, the advisability of constructing a mill at the present time, and to recommend future development work.
With an eye to the future development of its resources, the large deposits of low-grade manganese ore within Montana's boundaries show great promise of developing an important industry. With the present war demands and the possibility of a future market it is essential that work expended to utilize this important mineral.
The use of dental implants has become a widely accepted and well-documented treatment option offering to both patients and dentists an alternative to traditional treatment modalities and at the same time opening a brand new area in dental postgraduate education. As such, it is necessary to define the competencies that the graduate student/dentist will need at the different levels of clinical practice in Implant Dentistry and the educational pathways that are required to convey those competencies in a structured manner. The present position paper provides an initial suggestion for the knowledge, skills and behaviour necessary for a graduate student to practice implant dentistry at the different levels of clinical complexity. An outline of the necessary competencies and structure of various levels of postgraduate university courses is provided together with different educational approaches to support them. The present paper should be evaluated as a platform for discussion for future development of postgraduate curricula in implant dentistry rather than a manual on how to design and operate such curricula.
Somatostatin analogs for the diagnosis and therapy of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) have been used in clinical applications for more than two decades. Five somatostatin receptor subtypes have been identified and molecular mechanisms of somatostatin receptor signaling and regulation have been elucidated. These advances increased understanding of the biological role of each somatostatin receptor subtype, their distribution in NETs, as well as agonist-specific regulation of receptor signaling, internalization, and phosphorylation, particularly for the sst2 receptor subtype, which is the primary target of current somatostatin analog therapy for NETs. Various hypotheses exist to explain differences in patient responsiveness to somatostatin analog inhibition of tumor secretion and growth as well as differences in the development of tumor resistance to therapy. In addition, we now have a better understanding of the action of both first generation (octreotide, lanreotide, Octreoscan) and second generation (pasireotide) FDA-approved somatostatin analogs, including the biased agonistic character of some agonists. The increased understanding of somatostatin receptor pharmacology provides new opportunities to design more sophisticated assays to aid the future development of somatostatin analogs with increased efficacy.
The Pulmonary route has been traditionally used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract. However, important research within the last two decades have shown that in addition to treating local diseases, a wide range of systemic diseases can be treated by delivering drugs to the lungs. The recent FDA approval to market Exubera, an inhalable form of insulin developed by Pfizer, to treat Diabetes, may just be the stepping stone that the pharmaceutical industry needs to market other drugs to treat systemic diseases via the lungs. However, this technology still needs repeated drug doses to control glucose levels, as the inhaled drug is cleared rapidly. Technologies have been developed where inhaled particles are capable of controlled release of drug from the lungs. An important feature of these technologies is the large geometric size of the particles that makes it difficult for the lung macrophages to clear these particles, which results in longer residence times for the particles in the lungs. Owing to the porosity, these particles have lower densities making them deliverable to the deep lungs. However, no modulation of drug release can be achieved with these technologies when more drug release may be required. This additional requirement can only be assuaged by additional dosing of the drug formulation, which can have undesirable effects due to excess loading of excipients in the lungs. In an attempt to bring about modulation of release from long residence time particles, a novel concept was developed in our laboratory that has been termed as the Agglomerated Vesicle Technology (AVT). Liposomes with encapsulated drug were agglomerated using well known cross linking chemistries to form agglomerates in the micron sized range. The large particles exhibited aerodynamic sizes in the respirable size range with minimal damage to the particles upon nebulization. By breaking the cross links between the liposomes with a cleaving agent, it was anticipated that triggered release of drug from the AVT particles could be achieved. In vivo studies done in healthy rabbits showed that post-administration modulation of drug release is possible from the AVT particles after the introduction of the cleaving agent. This study has important implications for the future development of this technology, where the AVT particles can be made “sensitive” to the product of disease. It is envisaged that a single dose of AVT containing the appropriate drug when administered to the lungs would maintain drug levels at a controlled rate over an extended period of time. When the need for more drug arises, the product of the disease would trigger the AVT particles to release more drug as needed to control the condition, thus eliminating the need for repeated drug doses and improved compliance amongst patients.