965 resultados para regime de luz
Resumen: Dentro del contexto de las artes escénicas contemporáneas, cuyas propuestas se caracterizan principalmente por la apertura interpretativa y la falta de definición formal, la luz y el sonido consolidan la autonomía de su lenguaje y se convierten en recursos sensibles sumamente interesantes debido a su ambigua materialidad. A través de la exploración con estos elementos, y de la mano del desarrollo de la tecnología digital audiovisual, la escena logra trascender la solidez de los objetos, superar los límites del escenario y disolver los cuerpos de los personajes dentro un nuevo espacio-tiempo escénico que incorpora las infinitas posibilidades de lo virtual. Resum: En el context de les arts escèniques contemporànies, les propostes de les quals es caracteritzen principalment per l'obertura interpretativa i la manca de definició formal, la llum i el so consoliden l'autonomia del seu llenguatge i esdevenen recursos sensibles summament interessants per la seva ambigua materialitat. Mitjançant l'exploració amb aquests elements, juntament amb el desenvolupament de la tecnologia digital audiovisual, l'escena aconsegueix transcendir la solidesa dels objectes, superar els límits de l'escenari i dissoldre els cossos dels personatges dins d'un nou espai-temps escènic que incorpora les infinites possibilitats d'allò virtual.
El aumento de la luminosidad tiene un efecto positivo sobre la cantidad y calidad de la mayoría de cultivos en invernadero, no solamente en latitudes claramente deficitarias de luz (Cockshull, 1989) sino también en zonas como el Sureste español (Castilla, 1994). Un aumento de luz aumenta la tasa de fotosíntesis y por tanto la producción de azúcares y ácidos, componentes determinantes del gusto de los frutos; asimismo el aspecto de los frutos también se verá mejorado con el aumento de la luz (Bakker et al., 1995). En la transmisión de luz del invernadero influye la forma y pendiente del techo, la orientación y las propiedades ópticas del material de cubierta. Los modelos físico- matemáticos abordan el cálculo de la transmisión de luz del invernadero considerando todos estos factores en su conjunto, además del efecto sombra que un módulo puede tener en la transmisión de luz de las otras naves del invernadero (Bot, 1983; Critten, 1983). Los modelos constituyen una excelente herramienta de diseño de nuevas estructuras y pueden servir para comparar la transmisión luminosa de invernaderos asimétricos de distintas pendientes y orientaciones (Castilla et al., 2000) Una característica fundamental que debe tener cualquier material de cubierta es la de ser altamente transmisor de la radiación solar. Por este motivo es interesante conocer las características ópticas de los nuevos filmes plásticos y de las mallas anti insectos, que cada vez cubren una mayor superficie del invernadero (Montero et al., 2000). Un material de alta transmisión de luz es el filme de copolímero Tetrafluor-Etileno (Asahi Glass Company, Japón, nombre comercial Aflex), que cuenta además con la propiedad de ser muy resistente a las condiciones ambientales; En Japón hay invernaderos con esta cubierta desde hace mas de 20 años sin mostrar pérdida apreciable de luminosidad. Debido al interés potencial de este plástico para los invernaderos del mediterráneo se procedió a evaluar su comportamiento en condiciones de campo, con los objetivos de comprobar su adaptación a los invernaderos arqueados, su efecto en el clima del invernadero y la respuesta de los cultivos al aumento de luminosidad.
The breakdown of the Bretton Woods system and the adoption of generalized oating exchange rates ushered in a new era of exchange rate volatility and uncer- tainty. This increased volatility lead economists to search for economic models able to describe observed exchange rate behavior. In the present paper we propose more general STAR transition functions which encompass both threshold nonlinearity and asymmetric e¤ects. Our framework allows for a gradual adjustment from one regime to another, and considers threshold e¤ects by encompassing other existing models, such as TAR models. We apply our methodology to three di¤erent exchange rate data-sets, one for developing countries, and o¢ cial nominal exchange rates, the sec- ond emerging market economies using black market exchange rates and the third for OECD economies.
The breakdown of the Bretton Woods system and the adoption of generalized oating exchange rates ushered in a new era of exchange rate volatility and uncer- tainty. This increased volatility lead economists to search for economic models able to describe observed exchange rate behavior. The present is a technical Appendix to Cerrato et al. (2009) and presents detailed simulations of the proposed methodology and additional empirical results.
In Evans, Guse, and Honkapohja (2008) the intended steady state is locally but not globally stable under adaptive learning, and unstable deflationary paths can arise after large pessimistic shocks to expectations. In the current paper a modified model is presented that includes a locally stable stagnation regime as a possible outcome arising from large expectation shocks. Policy implications are examined. Sufficiently large temporary increases in government spending can dislodge the economy from the stagnation regime and restore the natural stabilizing dynamics. More specific policy proposals are presented and discussed.
We develop methods for Bayesian inference in vector error correction models which are subject to a variety of switches in regime (e.g. Markov switches in regime or structural breaks). An important aspect of our approach is that we allow both the cointegrating vectors and the number of cointegrating relationships to change when the regime changes. We show how Bayesian model averaging or model selection methods can be used to deal with the high-dimensional model space that results. Our methods are used in an empirical study of the Fisher effect.
We develop methods for Bayesian inference in vector error correction models which are subject to a variety of switches in regime (e.g. Markov switches in regime or structural breaks). An important aspect of our approach is that we allow both the cointegrating vectors and the number of cointegrating relationships to change when the regime changes. We show how Bayesian model averaging or model selection methods can be used to deal with the high-dimensional model space that results. Our methods are used in an empirical study of the Fisher e ffect.
This paper investigates the conduct of monetary and fiscal policy in the post-ERM period in the UK. Using a simple DSGE New Keynesian model of non-cooperative monetary and fiscal policy interactions under fiscal intra-period leadership, we demonstrate that the past policy in the UK is better explained by optimal policy under discretion than under commitment. We estimate policy objectives of both policy makers. We demonstrate that fiscal policy plays an important role in identifying the monetary policy regime.
The article investigates the private governance of financial markets by looking at the evolution of the regulatory debate on hedge funds in the US market. It starts from the premise that the privatization of regulation is always the result of a political decision and analyzes how this decision came about and was implemented in the case of hedge funds. The starting point is the failure of two initiatives on hedge funds that US regulators launched between 1999 an 2004, which the analysis explains by elaborating the concept of self-capture. Facing a trade off between the need to tackle publicly demonized issues and the difficulty of monitoring increasingly sophisticated and powerful private markets, regulators purposefully designed initiatives that were not meant to succeed, that is, they “self-captured” their own activity. By formulating initiatives that were inherently flawed, regulators saved their public role and at the same time paved the way for the privatization of hedge fund regulation. This explanation identifies a link between the failure of public initiatives and the success of private ones. It illustrates a specific case of formation of private authority in financial markets that points to a more general practice emerging in the regulation of finance.
This research primarily analyses relevant climate bargaining dynamics that have been informed by a North-South impasse. This working paper argues that the first stage of negotiations for a climate convention indeed witnessed a North-South divide which became institutionalized in the Framework Convention on Climate Change. However, in subsequent negotiation rounds the key loci of bargaining struggles was centered between developed countries, in which relevant North-South cooperation dynamics were also present. Finally, this paper assesses the unfinished post-Kyoto bargaining process in which two trends are already being observed: both the emergence of a new geopolitics between the United States and major developing countries, and a fragmentation process within the South, in which the Copenhagen Accord itself has begun to institutionalize such fragmentation.
A group of youngsters (4-18 years old) in northeast Brazil was studied to establish the prevalence of anaemia and intestinal parasitism, as well as to analyze the correlation between them. Two criteria were used to determine the state of anaemia, the level of haemoglobin and the mean of corpuscular volume. The first was considered a single criterion and the second an associated criteria, used in an attempt to correlate anaemia with iron deficiency. The prevalence of intestinal parasitism was 93%, while the prevalence of anaemia was 43.1% and 16.1% according to the criteria employed (single or associated respectively). Anaemia was significantly associated with both sex and age. No significant statistical difference was observed when the association was made between each parasite and anaemia even with those more related to anaemia.
Analyse comparée de la formation et des effets des régimes institutionnels de ressources naturelles en Suisse. Partant du constat de l'accroissement significatif et généralisé de la consommation des ressources naturelles, le projet a pour ambition d'examiner, dans le cas de la Suisse, quels sont les types de régimes institutionnels -régimes composés de l'ensemble des droits de propriété de disposition et d'usages s'appliquant aux différentes ressources naturelles, de même que des politiques publiques d'exploitation et de protection les régulant- susceptibles de prévenir des processus de surexploitation et de dégradation de ces ressources. Dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche financé par le Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique (FNRS), il s'agit, dans un premier temps, d'analyser les trajectoires historiques d'adaptation et de changements des régimes institutionnels des différentes ressources sur une durée d'environ un siècle (1900-2000). C'est l'objet des différents screenings. Dans un second temps et à l'aide d'études de cas, ces transformations de (ou au sein des) régimes institutionnels sont analysées sous l'angle de leurs effets sur l'état de la ressource. L'ambition finale de cette recherche est de comprendre les conditions l'émergence de "régimes intégrés" capables de prendre en compte un nombre croissant de groupes d'usagers agissant à différents niveaux (géographiques et institutionnels) et ayant des usages de plus en plus hétérogènes et concurrents de ces différentes ressources. Le champ empirique de la recherche porte plus particulièrement sur cinq ressources que sont: l'eau,l'air, le sol, le paysage et la forêt.
Les revolucions democràtiques que assoten el nord d'Àfrica han tornat ha obrir, entre d'altres, el debat sobre l'operativitat de les polítiques europees en aquesta regió. El present treball s'emmarca en aquest context geopolític i té com a finalitat avaluar la implementació de la política sancionadora de la Unió Europea en tres països objecte d'estudi, és a dir, Egipte Tunísia i Líbia. Després d'analitzar la política exterior europea en el Mediterrani, i l'oportunisme històric que el context polític actual ofereix per a la reformulació de les relacions euromediterrànies, conclourem qüestionant la intervenció europea en la gestió de la crisi i, en particular, l'eficàcia dels seus instruments sancionadors.
Mentre que les nanotecnologies s'espera que porti beneficis importants en molts sectors i contribuir a la competitivitat, hi ha un creixent cos de dades científiques que indiquin que hi ha motius raonables per témer que els nanomaterials en particular pot donar lloc a els possibles riscos i efectes nocius per a la salut i el medi ambient. El meu objectiu és examinar com la Unió Europea està donant forma a un règim regulatori per nanomaterials: l'opció regulatòria escollida, la legislació vigent aplicable i la seva eficàcia (amb especial atenció sobre REACH buits normatius), la posició adoptada per la els diferents actors en aquest procés i l'evolució prevista legal en el curt termini.