352 resultados para redesign


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Construction organizations typically deal with large volumes of project data containing valuable information. It is found that these organizations do not use these data effectively for planning and decision-making. There are two reasons. First, the information systems in construction organizations are designed to support day-to-day construction operations. The data stored in these systems are often non-validated, nonintegrated and are available in a format that makes it difficult for decision makers to use in order to make timely decisions. Second, the organizational structure and the IT infrastructure are often not compatible with the information systems thereby resulting in higher operational costs and lower productivity. These two issues have been investigated in this research with the objective of developing systems that are structured for effective decision-making. A framework was developed to guide storage and retrieval of validated and integrated data for timely decision-making and to enable construction organizations to redesign their organizational structure and IT infrastructure matched with information system capabilities. The research was focused on construction owner organizations that were continuously involved in multiple construction projects. Action research and Data warehousing techniques were used to develop the framework. One hundred and sixty-three construction owner organizations were surveyed in order to assess their data needs, data management practices and extent of use of information systems in planning and decision-making. For in-depth analysis, Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) was selected which is in-charge of all transportation-related construction projects in the Miami-Dade county. A functional model and a prototype system were developed to test the framework. The results revealed significant improvements in data management and decision-support operations that were examined through various qualitative (ease in data access, data quality, response time, productivity improvement, etc.) and quantitative (time savings and operational cost savings) measures. The research results were first validated by MDT and then by a representative group of twenty construction owner organizations involved in various types of construction projects.


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This research focuses on the design and verification of inter-organizational controls. Instead of looking at a documentary procedure, which is the flow of documents and data among the parties, the research examines the underlying deontic purpose of the procedure, the so-called deontic process, and identifies control requirements to secure this purpose. The vision of the research is a formal theory for streamlining bureaucracy in business and government procedures. Underpinning most inter-organizational procedures are deontic relations, which are about rights and obligations of the parties. When all parties trust each other, they are willing to fulfill their obligations and honor the counter parties’ rights; thus controls may not be needed. The challenge is in cases where trust may not be assumed. In these cases, the parties need to rely on explicit controls to reduce their exposure to the risk of opportunism. However, at present there is no analytic approach or technique to determine which controls are needed for a given contracting or governance situation. The research proposes a formal method for deriving inter-organizational control requirements based on static analysis of deontic relations and dynamic analysis of deontic changes. The formal method will take a deontic process model of an inter-organizational transaction and certain domain knowledge as inputs to automatically generate control requirements that a documentary procedure needs to satisfy in order to limit fraud potentials. The deliverables of the research include a formal representation namely Deontic Petri Nets that combine multiple modal logics and Petri nets for modeling deontic processes, a set of control principles that represent an initial formal theory on the relationships between deontic processes and documentary procedures, and a working prototype that uses model checking technique to identify fraud potentials in a deontic process and generate control requirements to limit them. Fourteen scenarios of two well-known international payment procedures -- cash in advance and documentary credit -- have been used to test the prototype. The results showed that all control requirements stipulated in these procedures could be derived automatically.


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The practices developed in the everyday life of obstetric services are sometimes out of step with the recommendations of the public health policies. Accordingly, this research had the objective of assessing the quality of the care provided to women and children during cases of natural childbirth in municipal public maternity wards of the city of Natal/RN, Brazilian Northeast. We developed a cross-sectional and quantitative study in two maternity wards that provide care actions to pregnant women at regular risk (maternity wards A and B). The participants were 314 puerperal women who were treated during the period between April and July 2014, whose children were born alive, through transpelvic way, with spontaneous or induced beginning of labor and that showed physical and emotional conditions to respond to the proposed questions. The data collection instrument was constructed on the basis of the recommendations of the World Health Organization focused on the care of normal childbirth and validated by skilled judges, and the final version has obtained optimum agreement (k = 0,96; IVC = 0,99). Associated with these recommendations, we used three indicators: percentage of women with induced labor or subjected to elective cesarean section (Indicator A); percentage of women served by a qualified health professional during labor and childbirth (Indicator B); and Bologna Index (Indicator C). The research obtained a favorable opinion of the Research Ethics Committee from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under the nº 562.313 and Certificate of Presentation for Ethics Appreciation: 25958513.0.0000.5537. The analysis of categories related to the recommendations of the World Health Organization was conducted by means of absolute and relative frequency and the Chi-square Pearson’s and Fisher’s exact tests made the comparison of the differences observed between the two maternity wards. Furthermore, we calculated the percentage of the indicators A and B and with the results of the Indicator C, the quality was assessed as follows: the closer to 5, the better will be the quality, and the closer to 0, the worst will be the quality, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the differences of the obtained averages. The significance level of 5% was considered in all statistical tests. The differences between the maternity wards were identified with regard to the provision of liquids orally (p=0,018), stimulus for non-supine positions (p=0,002), existence of partograph (p=0,001), support or welcoming by health professionals (p= 0,047), intravenous infusion (p<0,001), supine position (p<0,001), use of oxytocin (p<0,001), food and liquid restriction (p= 0,002) and, lastly, the fact of the touch is performed by more than 1 examiner (p=0,011). The indicators A and B showed percentages of 13,09% and 100%, respectively. The overall average of the Indicator C was equal to 2,07 (± 0,74). There was a statistically significant difference between the averages of the maternity wards (p<0,001). The care actions provided during the process of labor and childbirth is inappropriate, especially in the maternity ward B. It is necessary to implement improvements and redesign the obstetric model in force


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The normative construction of the public security system in the Constituent Assembly of 1987-1988 preserved paradoxical normative space, the military police linked to the Army with a restrictive legal statute of the police offices citizenship through a hierarchical and disciplinary model that is anachronistic. This research originates from the following problem: How is it possible to tailor the constitutional system of public safety, specifically the Military Police, according to the democratic paradigms constructed by the Constituent from 1988 and carry the right to public safety under these molds? The militarists limitations of the Constitution allowed the growing militarization of police departments, organizational culture and authoritarian institutional practices. Underlying this, the problems related to difficulties in realization of Right to Public Safety, the strikes of the military police, the incomplete policy cycle started demanding from the constitutional-legal system appropriate responses. Utilizing the dialogical method and an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, and theoretically grounded in overcoming of the constitutional normativist juspositivism.It was found that the constructed infraconstitutional legislation was insufficient to supply the systemic shortcomings of constitutional law, when looking to create a single system of public security without giving due scope to the federal principle and expand the autonomy the Federated States, and even grant democratic legal status to the military police. Formal legal limits imposed by the Constitution constructed a legal anachronism, the military police. Thus, a democratic reading of military police institutions becomes inconceivable its existence in the constitutional regulatory environment. Thus, reform the Constitution in order to demilitarize the police and conduct a normative redesign of the public security system is fundamental to Brazilian constitutional democracy


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The objective of the current piece of research presents was draw up a list of recommendations for the site of the Instituto do Cérebro da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, with an emphasis on fault identification in usability and information architecture, through the application of design techniques with users of the institution. From the use of the following techniques: Cardsorting, applied to a group of six people as target public, such as professor, administrative technicians and graduate student of the institution; Interviews, carried out with the director of the Instituto do Cérebro, secretaries of the undergraduate and graduate courses; Cooperative Evaluation applied in two ways: in group and individually. The evaluation in group was fulfilled in four sessions that occurred with a group composed of six people who are part of the technical staff of the Instituto do Cérebro. In the Individual Cooperative Evaluation, eight users (graduate students and administrative technicians of the Instituto do Cérebro da UFRN) performed tasks which are frequently fulfilled by users from the public target in the site of the Instituto do Cérebro. After each session of the Individual Cooperative Evaluation, a questionnaire of the user´s satisfaction was used about his or her perception in regard to the site usability and utility of the mentioned institute site. Therefore, it was concluded that, by means of the analysis of the results and the triangulation of the obtained data in each one of the techniques applied with the users, in the present piece of research, problems were verified, among others; all related to the unsuitable use of the interface elements, navigation, labeling of some menu terms, and still, the lack of search space and integration with the social networks – besides the lack, positioning and inappropriate formatting of information that would be of high relevance to the users. Finally, a list of recommendations is presented and this can be used in a future interface redesign with the goal to improve the information architecture and the usability of the site of the Instituto do Cérebro da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.


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“The authors wish to thank the European Commission for funding this research programme ‘Health Care Reform: The iMpact on practice, oUtcomes and cost of New ROles for health profeSsionals (MUNROS), under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1) grant agreement number HEALTH-F3-2012-305467EC. The authors also wish to thank all those who supported and guided this work both within the MUNROS research project team and as external associates. In particular we would like to thank Mathijs Kelder for his valuable contribution in the review process. The authors also wish to thank all the MUNROS research and project partners for their continuing collaboration in this research”.


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“The authors wish to thank the European Commission for funding this research programme ‘Health Care Reform: The iMpact on practice, oUtcomes and cost of New ROles for health profeSsionals (MUNROS), under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1) grant agreement number HEALTH-F3-2012-305467EC. The authors also wish to thank all those who supported and guided this work both within the MUNROS research project team and as external associates. In particular we would like to thank Mathijs Kelder for his valuable contribution in the review process. The authors also wish to thank all the MUNROS research and project partners for their continuing collaboration in this research”.


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“The authors wish to thank the European Commission for funding this research programme ‘Health Care Reform: The iMpact on practice, oUtcomes and cost of New ROles for health profeSsionals (MUNROS), under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1) grant agreement number HEALTH-F3-2012-305467EC. The authors also wish to thank all those who supported and guided this work both within the MUNROS research project team and as external associates. In particular we would like to thank Mathijs Kelder for his valuable contribution in the review process. The authors also wish to thank all the MUNROS research and project partners for their continuing collaboration in this research”.


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Este trabajo apunta al análisis del programa denominado ProProE (Programa de Promoción de Egreso de las Carreras de Grado), como política pública, implementado en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata con el objetivo de acompañar hasta la graduación a los alumnos avanzados que han tenido demoras o detenimientos hacia la finalización de sus trayectorias. Se exponen los antecedentes existentes en la UNLP, las características del programa, con sus diferentes etapas, y evaluación final, el material considerado de interés para su investigación, y se desarrolla el marco teórico metodológico con el que se abordó la investigación. El estudio de las políticas universitarias como herramientas que apuntan al progreso y egreso de todos los estudiantes, sus aplicaciones y los resultados de las mismas es fundamental para comprender de qué modo las autoridades universitarias enfrentan fenómenos como el de la heterogeneización y masificación matricular. Se describe la experiencia desarrollada en la FCNyM, considerando los diferentes desempeños y vivencias vinculados a los gestores del programa, los alumnos incorporados, y los docentes que trabajaron en el mismo. Respecto a sus resultados se exponen los progresos y el objetivo futuro de rediseño y aplicación del programa considerando lo relevado en la primera experiencia de aplicación


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Este trabajo apunta al análisis del programa denominado ProProE (Programa de Promoción de Egreso de las Carreras de Grado), como política pública, implementado en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata con el objetivo de acompañar hasta la graduación a los alumnos avanzados que han tenido demoras o detenimientos hacia la finalización de sus trayectorias. Se exponen los antecedentes existentes en la UNLP, las características del programa, con sus diferentes etapas, y evaluación final, el material considerado de interés para su investigación, y se desarrolla el marco teórico metodológico con el que se abordó la investigación. El estudio de las políticas universitarias como herramientas que apuntan al progreso y egreso de todos los estudiantes, sus aplicaciones y los resultados de las mismas es fundamental para comprender de qué modo las autoridades universitarias enfrentan fenómenos como el de la heterogeneización y masificación matricular. Se describe la experiencia desarrollada en la FCNyM, considerando los diferentes desempeños y vivencias vinculados a los gestores del programa, los alumnos incorporados, y los docentes que trabajaron en el mismo. Respecto a sus resultados se exponen los progresos y el objetivo futuro de rediseño y aplicación del programa considerando lo relevado en la primera experiencia de aplicación


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Este trabajo apunta al análisis del programa denominado ProProE (Programa de Promoción de Egreso de las Carreras de Grado), como política pública, implementado en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata con el objetivo de acompañar hasta la graduación a los alumnos avanzados que han tenido demoras o detenimientos hacia la finalización de sus trayectorias. Se exponen los antecedentes existentes en la UNLP, las características del programa, con sus diferentes etapas, y evaluación final, el material considerado de interés para su investigación, y se desarrolla el marco teórico metodológico con el que se abordó la investigación. El estudio de las políticas universitarias como herramientas que apuntan al progreso y egreso de todos los estudiantes, sus aplicaciones y los resultados de las mismas es fundamental para comprender de qué modo las autoridades universitarias enfrentan fenómenos como el de la heterogeneización y masificación matricular. Se describe la experiencia desarrollada en la FCNyM, considerando los diferentes desempeños y vivencias vinculados a los gestores del programa, los alumnos incorporados, y los docentes que trabajaron en el mismo. Respecto a sus resultados se exponen los progresos y el objetivo futuro de rediseño y aplicación del programa considerando lo relevado en la primera experiencia de aplicación


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A recently developed novel biomass fuel pellet, the Q’ Pellet, offers significant improvements over conventional white pellets, with characteristics comparable to those of coal. The Q’ Pellet was initially created at bench scale using a proprietary die and punch design, in which the biomass was torrefied in-situ¬ and then compressed. To bring the benefits of the Q’ Pellet to a commercial level, it must be capable of being produced in a continuous process at a competitive cost. A prototype machine was previously constructed in a first effort to assess continuous processing of the Q’ Pellet. The prototype torrefied biomass in a separate, ex-situ reactor and transported it into a rotary compression stage. Upon evaluation, parts of the prototype were found to be unsuccessful and required a redesign of the material transport method as well as the compression mechanism. A process was developed in which material was torrefied ex-situ and extruded in a pre-compression stage. The extruded biomass overcame multiple handling issues that had been experienced with un-densified biomass, facilitating efficient material transport. Biomass was extruded directly into a novel re-designed pelletizing die, which incorporated a removable cap, ejection pin and a die spring to accommodate a repeatable continuous process. Although after several uses the die required manual intervention due to minor design and manufacturing quality limitations, the system clearly demonstrated the capability of producing the Q’ Pellet in a continuous process. Q’ Pellets produced by the pre-compression method and pelletized in the re-designed die had an average dry basis gross calorific value of 22.04 MJ/kg, pellet durability index of 99.86% and dried to 6.2% of its initial mass following 24 hours submerged in water. This compares well with literature results of 21.29 MJ/kg, 100% pellet durability index and <5% mass increase in a water submersion test. These results indicate that the methods developed herein are capable of producing Q’ Pellets in a continuous process with fuel properties competitive with coal.


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Se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de una metodología integradora de auditoría de información y conocimiento, llevada a cabo en un Centro de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente de la provincia de Holguín, Cuba, conformada por siete etapas con un enfoque híbrido dirigida a revisar la estrategia y la política de gestión de información y conocimiento, identificar e inventariar y mapear los recursos de I+C y sus flujos, y valorar los procesos asociados a su gestión. La alta dirección de este centro, sus especialistas e investigadores manifestaron la efectividad de la metodología aplicada cuyos resultados propiciaron reajustar la proyección estratégica en relación con la gestión de la I+C, rediseñar los flujos informativos de los procesos claves, disponer de un directorio de sus expertos por áreas y planificar el futuro aprendizaje y desarrollo profesional.


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This paper aims to investigate the Business Administration professional profile specifically required to manage innovative and high technology-based companies. It is a qualitative study outlined by an exploratory-descriptive research, supported by questionnaires and interviews addressed to a sample of executives of technology-based companies, located in São Paulo metropolitan region, Brazil. Accordingly, modular innovation arises from the existence of an architectural knowledge improved in association with the conceptually destroyed knowledge's component, meaning that architectural innovation arises from an improvement in the knowledge of the parties allied to the architectural knowledge's destruction. Results show that managers see innovation as one essential pillar for competitiveness and commonly associate innovation with team expertise related with the structure for this purpose. However, to instill innovation as an organizational discipline, it is necessary to redesign organizational processes, namely those considered critical to innovate. The company must revise its management model aiming to emphasize innovative behavior, which means readiness to respond to external environment change's requirements. Moreover, once it is necessary to change the manager's mindset about innovation, higher education institutions also have to adapt their Business Administration courses according to both changes, essentially concerning a more dynamic and more diffuse business environment in comparison to their curricular contents. The institutional pragmatism generates professionals who reach the job market with a historical and non-managerial overview on innovation. Nevertheless, results highlight that attitude is more appreciated than knowledge, or business management skills, what makes managerial behavior a key element in the innovation process in technology-based firms.


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This thesis pursuits to contextualize the theoretical debate between the implementation of public education policy of the Federal Government focused in a distance learning and legal foundations for its enforcement, in order to raise questions and comments on the topic in question. Its importance is back to provide scientific input and can offer to the academy, particularly in the UFRN, and elements of society to question and rethink the complex relationship between the socio-economic and geographic access to higher education. It consists of a descriptive study on the institutionalization of distance education in UFRN as a mechanism for expanding access to higher education, for both, the research seeks to understand if the distance undergraduate courses offered by the UAB system and implemented at UFRN, promote expanding access to higher education, as it is during implementation that the rules, routines and social processes are converted from intentions to action. The discussion of this study lasted between two opposing views of Implementation models: Top-down and Bottom-up. It is worth noting that the documents PNE, PDE and programs and UAB MEETING reflect positively in improving the educational level of the population of the country It is a qualitative study, using the means Bibliographic, Document and Field Study, where they were performed 04 (four) in 2010 interviews with the management framework SEDIS / UAB in UFRN. The data were analyzed and addressed through techniques: Document Analysis and Content Analysis. The results show that the process of implementation of distance education at UFRN is in progress. According to our results, the research objective is achieved, but there was a need to rethink the conditions of the infrastructure of poles, the structure of the academic calendar, the management of the SEDIS UFRN, regarding the expansion of existing vacancies and the supply of new courses by the need for a redesign as the Secretariat's ability to hold the offerings of undergraduate courses offered by the Federal Government to be implemented in the institution. It was also found that levels of evasion still presents a challenge to the teaching model. Given the context, we concluded that the greatest contribution of UAB and consequently UFRN by distance learning for undergraduate courses (Bachelor in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography and Biological Sciences, beyond the bachelor's degrees in Business and Public Administration ) is related to increasing the number of vacancies and accessibility of a population that was previously deprived of access to university