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Interest in the study of magnetic/non-magnetic multilayered structures took a giant leap since Grünberg and his group established that the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) is a function of the non-magnetic spacer width. This interest was further fuelled by the discovery of the phenomenal Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) effect. In fact, in 2007 Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their contribution to the discovery of GMR. GMR is the key property that is being used in the read-head of the present day computer hard drive as it requires a high sensitivity in the detection of magnetic field. The recent increase in demand for device miniaturization encouraged researchers to look for GMR in nanoscale multilayered structures. In this context, one dimensional(1-D) multilayerd nanowire structure has shown tremendous promise as a viable candidate for ultra sensitive read head sensors. In fact, the phenomenal giant magnetoresistance(GMR) effect, which is the novel feature of the currently used multilayered thin film, has already been observed in multilayered nanowire systems at ambient temperature. Geometrical confinement of the supper lattice along the 2-dimensions (2-D) to construct the 1-D multilayered nanowire prohibits the minimization of magnetic interaction- offering a rich variety of magnetic properties in nanowire that can be exploited for novel functionality. In addition, introduction of non-magnetic spacer between the magnetic layers presents additional advantage in controlling magnetic properties via tuning the interlayer magnetic interaction. Despite of a large volume of theoretical works devoted towards the understanding of GMR and IEC in super lattice structures, limited theoretical calculations are reported in 1-D multilayered systems. Thus to gauge their potential application in new generation magneto-electronic devices, in this thesis, I have discussed the usage of first principles density functional theory (DFT) in predicting the equilibrium structure, stability as well as electronic and magnetic properties of one dimensional multilayered nanowires. Particularly, I have focused on the electronic and magnetic properties of Fe/Pt multilayered nanowire structures and the role of non-magnetic Pt spacer in modulating the magnetic properties of the wire. It is found that the average magnetic moment per atom in the nanowire increases monotonically with an ~1/(N(Fe)) dependance, where N(Fe) is the number of iron layers in the nanowire. A simple model based upon the interfacial structure is given to explain the 1/(N(Fe)) trend in magnetic moment obtained from the first principle calculations. A new mechanism, based upon spin flip with in the layer and multistep electron transfer between the layers, is proposed to elucidate the enhancement of magnetic moment of Iron atom at the Platinum interface. The calculated IEC in the Fe/Pt multilayered nanowire is found to switch sign as the width of the non-magnetic spacer varies. The competition among short and long range direct exchange and the super exchange has been found to play a key role for the non-monotonous sign in IEC depending upon the width of the Platinum spacer layer. The calculated magnetoresistance from Julliere's model also exhibit similar switching behavior as that of IEC. The universality of the behavior of exchange coupling has also been looked into by introducing different non-magnetic spacers like Palladium, Copper, Silver, and Gold in between magnetic Iron layers. The nature of hybridization between Fe and other non-magnetic spacer is found to dictate the inter layer magnetic interaction. For example, in Fe/Pd nanowire the d-p hybridization in two spacer layer case favors anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) configuration over ferromagnetic (FM) configuration. However, the hybridization between half-filled Fe(d) and filled Cu(p) state in Fe/Cu nanowire favors FM coupling in the 2-spacer system.
In this issue...coffee shops, intramural sports, International club, Copper Guards, Nobel Prize, Egypt, Mineral Club, Anderson-Carlisle, Petroleum Department
In this issue...Martin Karplus, Noble Prize, Dodgeball Duel, President Obama, community college, Pintler mountains, cell phone evolution, Facebook, social media
The understanding of lumbar spine pathologies made substantial progress at the turn of the twentieth century. The authors review the original publication of Otto Veraguth in 1929 reporting on the successful resection of a herniated lumbar disc, published exclusively in the German language. His early report is put into the historical context, and its impact on the understanding of pathologies of the intervertebral disc (IVD) is estimated. The Swiss surgeon and Nobel Prize laureate Emil Theodor Kocher was among the first physicians to describe the traumatic rupture of the IVD in 1896. As early as 1909 Oppenheim and Krause published 2 case reports on surgery for a herniated lumbar disc. Goldthwait was the first physician to delineate the etiopathogenes is between annulus rupture, symptoms of sciatica, and neurological signs in his publication of 1911. Further publications by Middleton and Teacher in 1911 and Schmorl in 1929 added to the understanding of lumbar spinal pathologies. In 1929, the Swiss neurologist Veraguth (surgery performed by Hans Brun) and the American neurosurgeon Walter Edward Dandy both published their early experiences with the surgical therapy of a herniated lumbar disc. Veraguth's contribution, however, has not been appreciated internationally to date. The causal relationship between lumbar disc pathology and sciatica remained uncertain for some years to come. The causal relationship was not confirmed until Mixter and Barr's landmark paper in 1934 describing the association of sciatica and lumbar disc herniation, after which the surgical treatment became increasingly popular. Veraguth was among the first physicians to report on the clinical course of a patient with successful resection of a herniated lumbar disc. His observations should be acknowledged in view of the limited experience and literature on this ailment at that time.
When the jury of the Man Booker Prize 2010 chose three novels for their short-list that were written in present tense they earned some harsh criticism. To some, like Philipp Pullman, present tense narration seemed to be no more than an annoying fad, “a silly affectation,” which he criticises as a limitation to narrative possibility.1 Nevertheless, present tense narration is spreading fast, not only among Booker Prize nominees and winners. Indeed, it has become so common that it hardly seems to draw much attention anymore. But what is the appeal of present tense narration to contemporary authors? What effect does the choice of present tense narration have on the ways stories are told and read? This paper will address and compare the use of present tense narration in recent British novels by authors such as Hilary Mantel (Wolf Hall, Bring up the Bodies), Ali Smith (Hotel World, The Accidental ), Tom McCarthy (C) and others, looking for similarities and differences in their respective narrative rationale. In view of the heterogeneous and complex use of present tense in contemporary fiction, I would like to suggest, merely pointing to the pace of contemporary life and the simultaneity of new communication media does not suffice to adequately address a phenomenon that has become a characteristic feature of 21st century narration. 1 Laura Roberts. “Philip Pullman and Philip Hensher criticise Booker Prize for including present tense novels.” The Telegraph. 11. Sept. 2010.
Is numerical mimicry a third way of establishing truth? Kevin Heng received his M.S. and Ph.D. in astrophysics from the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics (JILA) and the University of Colorado at Boulder. He joined the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton from 2007 to 2010, first as a Member and later as the Frank & Peggy Taplin Member. From 2010 to 2012 he was a Zwicky Prize Fellow at ETH Z¨urich (the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). In 2013, he joined the Center for Space and Habitability (CSH) at the University of Bern, Switzerland, as a tenure-track assistant professor, where he leads the Exoplanets and Exoclimes Group. He has worked on, and maintains, a broad range of interests in astrophysics: shocks, extrasolar asteroid belts, planet formation, fluid dynamics, brown dwarfs and exoplanets. He coordinates the Exoclimes Simulation Platform (ESP), an open-source set of theoretical tools designed for studying the basic physics and chemistry of exoplanetary atmospheres and climates (www.exoclime.org). He is involved in the CHEOPS (Characterizing Exoplanet Satellite) space telescope, a mission approved by the European Space Agency (ESA) and led by Switzerland. He spends a fair amount of time humbly learning the lessons gleaned from studying the Earth and Solar System planets, as related to him by atmospheric, climate and planetary scientists. He received a Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research in 2006
Transdisciplinary research plays an increasing role in topics of societal relevance and impact. The td-net of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences awards innovative transdisciplinary research every other year. The last td-award was given in 2013. This special focus of GAIA features the six prize-winning projects, presenting short summaries of their work. Explaining its selection in the following introduction, the Jury of the td-net honours the awardees, and puts their work into a global perspective.
Even after Hilary Mantel has won the Man Booker prize two times in a row with Wolf Hall and Bring up the Bodies, her novelistic account of the life of Thomas Cromwell, her intriguing decision to write these historical novels in the present tense gave cause to surprisingly little extended comment beyond a perfunctory nod to its evocation of immediacy. This presents not only a lacunae in the discussion about Mantel’s novels, but is also symptomatic for a change in the contemporary critical evaluation of present-tense narration in general. If present-tense narration once used to be a marker for experimental daring and might even have implied a certain hostility towards fictionality, Mantel’s novels give ample evidence that literary sensibilities have changed. In order to understand the scope and nature of this change, my paper puts Mantel’s use of the present tense in the context of both the historical development of present-tense usage and the ample contemporary landscape of present-tense narration. This allows me to show that the complexities of present-tense usage belie a reduction of its effect to an evocation of immediacy. Rather, I argue, Mantel uses it for a delicate tightrope walk between proximity and distance, history and fiction, authenticity and imagination.
Page 2 - Users tell us what they think about library service, and library director Brinley Franklin explains why he thinks the library is a good investment. Page 3 - Pulitzer Prize-winning music critic Tim Page, once the beneficiary of the library’s music collections, is now a patron of the Music & Dramatic Arts Library. Page 4 - Donors to the Libraries during FY 2004 Page 5 - Remembering Theora Whetten, long-time Friend of the Libraries; welcoming new Friends, the Class of ‘55. Page 6 - Beach Society members include the Libraries in their estate plans. Stamford honors Estelle Feinstein. Page 7 - Jack & Virginia Stephens donate a collection of Connecticut town histories.
Paul de Kruif is credited with being one of the first popular science writers for the general public. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1916 and worked at the Rockefeller Institute under Simon Flexner. After being fired in 1922 for publishing a scathing article on medical research, de Kruif caught the attention of Sinclair Lewis, who used his scientific background to write his Pulitzer Prize winning novel, Arrowsmith. In 1926, de Kruif published Microbe Hunters which recounted the exploits and discoveries of 14 renowned microbiologists from von Leeuwenhoek to Pasteur, Ross, Paul Ehrlich and Walter Reed. Microbe Hunters became a best seller, was translated into 18 languages, and formed the basis of two Hollywood movies, "Yellow Jack" and "The Magic Bullet." Generations of young readers were captivated by the vivid protrayal of these men and their discoveries.
La cultura clásica, en especial la griega, a menudo y sostenidamente ha atraído a escritores mendocinos de cuna o por adopción. En ese marco, el presente trabajo explora primero rasgos de la épica helénica y luego analiza elementos de la cultura americana precolombina, en el tratamiento de personajes, intervención divina, sucesos, espacio y tiempo en Los días del venado, obra reconocida con el primer premio de la Fundación "El Libro" a la mejor publicación juvenil de 2000. Hipótesis de trabajo: En Los días del venado se concentran dos vertientes ancestrales en tensión, la helena y la americanista indígena. Esta última predomina en la toma de posición ideológica de la historia narrada. Método: Análisis de contenido sin categorías fijadas a priori, por cuanto se trata de una metodología fenomenológíca y cualitativa. Resultados previstos: aporte para la comprensión crítica, con una lectura reflexiva de doble vía de la novela: el reconocimiento de la herencia helena (helenos, en efectos, son los nombres de los vasallos de Misáianes que invaden las Tierras Fértiles) más una importante cosmovisión americanista -en especial maya y araucana-, que la diferencia notablemente de las cualidades eurocéntricas de una saga al estilo de J. R. R. Tolkien.
Escrita entre 1966 y 1969 y publicada en 1973 por Emecé en Argentina y Círculo de lectores en España, Intemperie es una de las más importantes narraciones de Roger Pla (1912-1982) y una de las más notables novelas argentinas de la década de 1970-1980. Además, fue finalista en el prestigioso Premio Seix Barral, edición de 1969, en la época del esplendor del Boom y del Postboom. Poco conocida por la crítica académica, Intemperie fue también un éxito de lectores al momento de la edición, notable aspecto porque es, al mismo tiempo, un texto complejo y experimental que deconstruye tiempo y espacio para construir nuevas ideas, imágenes y perspectivas acerca de una posible realidad total. Este ensayo examina diferentes aspectos clave en relación a características experimentales y tópicas de Intemperie, incluyendo la influencia de las artes visuales en la estética de la novela, el tema de la Otredad y el posible valor de aquella obra literaria en el desarrollo del sistema literario argentino.
Nos proponemos estudiar, a partir de un análisis filológico-literario, la comedia Caballeros de Aristófanes, que se puso en escena y obtuvo el primer premio en las Leneas del año 424 a. C. La composición de esta obra es consecuencia directa de los acontecimientos ocurridos en Pilos durante el séptimo año de la Guerra del Peloponeso y resulta una sátira de carácter político en la cual constantemente se ataca a Cleón y se exponen abiertamente los vicios de la administración en Atenas. El objetivo de esta investigación es detectar e indagar los objetos presentes en el universo ficcional para dilucidar la funcionalidad de los mismos en relación con las distintas partes de la obra. Nos centraremos en aquellos que aparecen mencionados en el texto dramático atendiendo a los distintos sentidos que asumen a lo largo de la obra porque los consideramos elementos propulsores del desarrollo de la trama, caracterizadores de personajes, generadores de malos entendidos y poseedores de sentido simbólico
La concordia está fundada, de acuerdo a Cicerón, en la objetividad universal que representa la superación de la multiplicidad relativista. La gloria es en este marco el premio para el buen gobernante que sacrifica su vida por la patria. El pacto, en cambio, cimenta la unidad en un acto voluntario. El gobernante es el táctico que cumple con habilidad lo pactado. La unión de ciudadanos no es el fruto de la concordia sino del poder, sólo consiste en cumplir lo pactado, por consiguiente no es necesario honrar a nadie ni otorgarle gloria
La propuesta de esta tesis es explorar la obra narrativa del escritor español Antonio Muñoz Molina, para analizar y describir su poética en tanto escritor paradigmático de la generación que se forjó luego de la Transición española, y a la luz de las diversas manifestaciones artísticas que acompañaron dicho proceso. Los motivos y temas que persisten a lo largo de su obra serán examinados buscando construir una explicación critica sobre los modos de la escritura del autor, para vincularlos con el lugar que ocupa Muñoz Molina en el campo cultural español en estos mas de veinticinco años de trayectoria. Para ello consideraré cinco momentos como puntas de inflexión en su carrera: 1986, su primera publicación en Seix Barral; 1991, el Premio Planeta por El jinete polaco; 1995, su primera edición por Alfaguara; 2002, la edición "revisada" de El jinete polaco en la Biblioteca Breve de Seix Barral; y 2008, junio, el ingreso a la Wylie Agencv de Nueva York. Según se desprende de esta enumeración, también será objeto de esta tesis los modos en que eI autor se articula con sus editores