979 resultados para printed slot antenna
The paper proposes an octagon shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna suitable for dual band applications. The striking features of this compact, planar antenna are sufficient isolation between the two operating bands and an area reduction of - 29% in comparison to a conventional circular patch antenna operating in the same band
A compact coplanar waveguide-fed (CPW) monopole antenna for ultra-wideband wireless communication is presented. The proposed antenna comprises of a CPW-fed beveled rectangular patch with a modified slotted ground. The overall size of the antenna is 30 mm 27 mm 1.6 mm. The lower edge of the band is attained by properly decoupling the resonant frequencies due to the extended ground plane and the beveled rectangular patch of the antenna. The upper edge of the radiating band is enhanced by beveling the ground plane corners near the feed point. Experimental results show that the designed antenna operates in the 2.7–12 GHz band, for S11 10 dB with a gain of 2.7–5 dBi. Both the frequency domain and time domain characteristics of the antenna are investigated using antenna transfer function. It is observed that the antenna exhibits identical radiation patterns and reasonable transient characteristics over the entire operating band
A Coplanar waveguide fed compact planar monopole antenna with a modified ground plane is presented. Measured and simulated results reveal that the antenna operates in the Ultra Wide Band with almost constant group delay throughout the band. Developed design equations of the antenna are validated for different substrates. Time domain performance of the antenna is also discussed in order to assess its suitability for impulse radio applications
The recent boom in wireless communication industry, especially in the area of cellular telephony and wireless data communication, has led to the increased demand for multi band antennas. In such applications the issues to be addressed are, wide bandwidth and gain, while striving for miniature geometry. A dual frequency configuration useful in GSM1800 and Blue tooth, is one that operates with similar properties, both in terms of reflection and radiation characteristics, in the two bands of interest. Dual frequency operations can be realized by exciting the Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) using a single feed [1] or dual feed [2]. In this paper, Conformal FDTD[3] method with Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC) applied along the plane of symmetry [4] is used to study the characteristics of an Octagonal MPA. The theoretical results are compared against the experimental and IE3D™ simulated results
In this paper, a dual port, dual frequency, dual polarized, octagonal shaped Microstrip patch antenna, suitable for GPS applications is discussed experimentally and theoretically. The proposed antenna configuration is characterized by good impedance bandwidth, gain, isolation between two ports and broad radiation patterns
A dual port dual polarized octagonal microstrip patch antenna suitable for dual band applications is discussed theoretically and experimentally. The antenna exhibits good impedance bandwidth, gain and broad radiation patterns. Parameters predicted by the Conformal Finite Difference Time Domain algorithm show good agreement with the simulated results and experimental observations
In this paper the design issues of compact genetic microstrip antennas for mobile applications has been investigated. The antennas designed using Genetic Algorithms (GA) have an arbitrary shape and occupies less area (compact) compared to the traditionally designed antenna for the same frequency but with poor performance. An attempt has been made to improve the performance of the genetic microstrip antenna by optimizing the ground plane (GP) to have a fish bone like structure. The genetic antenna with the GP optimized is even better compared to the traditional and the genetic antenna.
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on,VOL 48,issue 4,pp 636
A Multi-Objective Antenna Placement Genetic Algorithm (MO-APGA) has been proposed for the synthesis of matched antenna arrays on complex platforms. The total number of antennas required, their position on the platform, location of loads, loading circuit parameters, decoupling and matching network topology, matching network parameters and feed network parameters are optimized simultaneously. The optimization goal was to provide a given minimum gain, specific gain discrimination between the main and back lobes and broadband performance. This algorithm is developed based on the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) and Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) technique for producing diverse solutions when the number of objectives is increased beyond two. The proposed method is validated through the design of a wideband airborne SAR
Analytical expressions for the Green’s function of an annular elliptical ring microstrip antenna (AERMA) are developed and reported. The modal, radiation and input impedance characteristics of the TM, modes are determined from these expressions. The resonant frequencies of odd modes are greater than that of the even modes for all TMnl modes (n = 1, 2, 3, ...) udke elliptical microstrip structures. The radiation pattern and input imedance curves of TMI2 mode on comparison with available experimental result shows good agreement whch provides an independent validation to this technique. The performance of the AERMA is then investigated as a function of thickness and substrate dielectric permittivity.
Slides on presentations on the following topics: 1.1 Virtuality 1.2 New Business Models 1.3 Privacy and Personal Security see http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/10709/ for detailed briefs
Slides on presentations on the following topics: 2.1 Privacy and Security Legal overview, 2.2 Creative Commons open source, open movements 2.3 Crime online, Cyber security 2.4 Freedom of Speech and Defamation
Topics Include: 3.1 Cyber-Hate and Online Bullying 3.2 Sustainablilty; 3.3 Green IT - solutions and benefits 3.4 Open and Linked Data
A set of presentations by four different student groups
A set of four different student presentations - Groups P, Q, R and S