909 resultados para prevenção doenças cardiovasculares
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Living organisms are constantly subjected to the action of free radicals, which are one of the causes of oxidation reactions, because they have on free electron, what makes it very reactive. They are products of organism reactions or they are produced by exogenous factors, such as tobacco. Fatty acids are the most vulnerable target, and may suffer lipid peroxidation, what affects the cell structure. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diseases of aging are occurrence of these reactions in the organism related. The aliments are also subjected to suffer oxidation reactions, what make them unfit for consumption and decreasing the useful life. Synthetics antioxidants are used as aliments preservatives, but they present some toxicity for the organism. Studies for the utilization of natural antioxidants have gained more importance in recent decades, due to the conservation potential and low toxicity. Phenolics compounds are largely present at the vegetable kingdom and they present high antioxidant potential due to the neutralization and kidnapping of free radicals capacity. These compounds are used by the industry at the aliments conservation, specially the phenolics acids. The consumption of aliments rich in phenolic compounds, such as teas, wines and fruits are low incidence of degenerative diseases related. This study consists in a bibliographic revision that covers these compounds importance in diet and at the food conservation, and the methodologies and difficulties in the extraction process due to variety of molecules of this group.
Introduction: Aortic insufficiency (AoI), a volume overload, is characterized by the diastolic reflux of blood from the regurgitating aorta to the left ventricle. This effect results from malfunctioning aortic cusps. The main cause of AoI in developing countries is rheumatic fever, including Brazil, and valvar degeneration in developed countries. There is a strong association between cardiovascular diseases and depression. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are one of the most prescribed antidepressants in the world. Previous studies of our laboratory showed that the utilization of a SSRI, paroxetine, improved cardiac function in rats with sub-chronic AoI and reduced the daily ingestion of hypertonic sodium (NaCl 0,3M). Cardiovascular diseases can determine behavior changes like increase of anxiety, and it is yet unknown if AoI would determine anxiety or anhedonia, incapacity of obtaining pleasure through physical or sensorial experiences. A possible target for SSRI action could be a change in the expression of enzyme isoforms that collaborate in the contractile function of the heart muscle, like the heavy chains of myosine, the sarcoplasmatic reticulum Ca2+/ATPase (SERCA) and its regulator protein, phospholamban (PLB). Objectives: Evaluation of behavior parameters for anxiety and anhedonia state and genic expression of a-myosine, b-myosine, SERCA2a and PLB in the heart tissue of rats with subchronic AoI that received treatment with an SSRI (paroxetine) for 4 weeks. Methods: Surgery to induce AoI was performed on male Wistar rats, anxiety was evaluated by the elevated plus-maze (EPM) and state of anhedonia was tested by ingestion of 2% sucrose solution. After euthanasia the heart tissue was collected and total RNA was extracted to be analyzed by the RT-qPCR method. Results: Heart fractional shortening was preserved in rats with AoI that were treated compared to rats with AoI that were not treated. There was no statistically ...
Alimentos ricos em compostos antioxidantes têm sido difundidos como protetores à saúde devido a sua associação com a redução de fatores de risco para doenças crônicas, como o diabetes mellitus tipo 2, doenças cardiovasculares, entre outras. Tem sido sugerido que as flavanonas cítricas apresentam potencial para reduzir o estresse oxidativo em estados de inflamação crônica, como, por exemplo, na obesidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade antioxidante da hesperidina, eriocitrina e eriodictiol em camundongos submetidos a uma dieta hiperlipídica, indutora da obesidade. Foram utilizados 50 camundongos C57BL/6J machos divididos aleatoriamente em 5 grupos (n=10 cada), sendo: (1) grupo controle, tratado com dieta padrão; (2) grupo tratado com dieta hiperlipídica; (3) grupo tratado com dieta hiperlipídica e hesperidina (100 mg/kg peso); (4) grupo tratado com dieta hiperlipídica e eriocitrina (200 mg/kg peso); e (5) grupo tratado com dieta hiperlipídica e eriodictiol (200 mg/kg peso). O estudo teve duração de 30 dias e cada grupo recebeu o composto específico juntamente com a dieta, com base na média de ingestão diária e peso corporal. Foram avaliados a glicose, triglicerídeos, colesterol total, HDL-C e LDL-C no soro através de métodos enzimático-colorimétricos, a capacidade antioxidante pelo método ABTS, e o estresse oxidativo no soro e fígado pelo método de TBARS. Os camundongos alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica tiveram aumento da glicose (20%), colesterol total (36%), LDL-C (55%) e peroxidação lipídica hepática (44%), quando comparados aos animais controle. O grupo suplementado com hesperidina reduziu 28% LDL-C em relação à dieta hiperlipídica. Todos os grupos suplementados com flavanonas apresentaram aumento da capacidade antioxidante total no soro (≈ 9,3 %), e redução do TBARS no fígado (≈ 64%). Além disso, os grupos suplementados com eriocitrina e eriodictiol reduziram os níveis de ...
O suco de laranja é um alimento rico em substâncias antioxidantes, como os flavonoides cítricos, vitamina C e carotenoides, que podem reduzir o estresse oxidativo que está relacionado à gênese das doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes e câncer. No entanto, o processamento da laranja para obtenção do suco interfere no tipo e quantidade dos compostos antioxidantes, podendo comprometer as ações esperadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antioxidante do suco de laranja, comparando os resultados após a ingestão aguda do suco de laranja fresco e do suco de laranja pasteurizado comercialmente em indivíduos adultos saudáveis. Cada voluntário foi submetido a dois tratamentos: ingestão aguda de suco de laranja fresco e, após intervalo de 30 dias, ingestão aguda de suco de laranja pasteurizado. Nos dois tratamentos foram colhidas amostras de sangue dos indivíduos antes e após a ingestão do suco de laranja. O efeito antioxidante total foi mensurado pelo ensaio do radical ABTS+ (2,2'azinobis (3-etilbenzenotiazolina 6-sulfônico) e pelo ensaio de TBARS (substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico) nas amostras de sangue. Observou-se um aumento de 2,2% na capacidade antioxidante do sangue a partir de 4 horas após a ingestão do suco de laranja fresco e que se manteve estável até 24 horas do consumo (p<0.05). Já com a ingestão do suco de laranja pasteurizado, a capacidade antioxidante se manteve estável e equivalente ao suco de laranja fresco nas primeiras 4 horas, mas aumentou 1,4% após 8 horas, permanecendo neste nível até as 24 horas seguintes (p<0.05). Após a ingestão do suco fresco, os níveis de peroxidação lipídica, diminuíram 27% nas primeiras 4 horas. Porém, a partir das 8 h retornaram ao valor inicial. Os resultados após o consumo do suco pasteurizado mostraram uma redução da peroxidação lipídica em 18% a partir das 4 horas e 8 h (p<0.05), e esta redução se acentuou (27%) às 24 h ...
O pescado e seus derivados têm uma grande importância na dieta, em todo o mundo. Sabe-se que peixes e frutos do mar fortalecem o sistema imunológico, contribuem para a redução dos níveis de colesterol, diminuem as chances de depressão, ajudam na formação dos músculos e protegem contra doenças cardiovasculares. Também, são ricos em vitaminas lipossolúveis A, D e E, além do ômega 3. Muitas vezes, esses produtos são consumidos crus ou com pouco preparo e com isso faz-se necessário medidas higiênico- sanitárias, pois podem ser contaminados com micro-organismos causadores de doenças. A análise microbiológica dos alimentos para se verificar a presença de micro-organismos prejudiciais é fundamental para se conhecer as condições de higiene nas quais estes alimentos foram preparados. Assim, 80 amostras de peixes e frutos do mar de peixarias e supermercados de Botucatu, SP, foram analisadas com o objetivo de verificar se esses alimentos estão dentro dos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, através da RDC nº12, através da detecção da presença de Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus e determinação do número mais provável de coliformes termotolerantes (CT), mesmo que este último não faça parte dos parâmetros para esse alimento, mas foi pesquisado para avaliação de suas condições higiênicas. Cada amostra (25 gramas) foi homogeneizada em 225ml de água peptonada e para a detecção de S. aureus, utilizou-se método spread Baird Parker, seguida de catalase, coagulase e kit Dry Spot. Para a detecção de Salmonella, utilizou-se caldo tetrationato (35ºC/24h) e Rapapport (42ºC/24h), semeados em ágar SS e XLD. As colônias foram testadas em TSI, ágar fenilalanina e testadas em poli soros somático e flagelar. Quanto aos CT, empregou-se a técnica de tubos múltiplos, inoculando diluições da amostra em caldo Lauril sulfato, na fase presuntiva e depois em caldo EC (45ºC) na fase confirmatória. De ...
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ
Aerobic exercise has been suggested as a non-pharmacological treatment for hypertension, and the previous paper of this set demonstrated some of the physiological responses induced by exercise. It has been shown an increment on expenditures for appropriate hypertension management in both, public and private services, which reinforces the inclusion of preventive programs to reduce healthcare costs. However, little is known about physical exercise cost-effectiveness for hypertensive patients. There are several interventions like a simple doctor/dietitian counselling in order to change life style, wed-based nutrition program, pharmacological treatment and assisted or non-assisted physical exercise program that evaluate the costs savings. We have shown that regular exercise (combined or not with another diet counselling and antihypertensive treatment) may effectively contribute to reduce the health care costs (up to -38%). Also, we have shown that exercise improves body composition and lipid profile which are important risk factors to development of cardiovascular disease. So, exercise can lead to significant reduction in blood pressure medication use and, therefore, it causes cost savings, justifying the implementation of exercise programs in all healthcare units.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Currently individuals are affected by a routine busy and they don't have time for physical activity, highlighting the sedentary lifestyle, a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, it focuses too much on cardiovascular diseases and the importance of physical practice. With the largest divulgation and variety of physical activities, activities that were not as practiced became popular, as is the case of resistive exercise. Much is said of the influence of resistance exercise in physical strength, in muscle development and in the quest for a more defined body. However, studies have shown beneficial contributions of resistance exercise on the cardiovascular system. During the physical effort, some changes occur in the body in order to meet the increased demand for oxygen. Among them is the increase in heart rate (HR), which varies with the intensity of effort. Thus, this research sought to contribute with an analysis of the HR behavior before, during and after 3 sets of hypertrophy, as far for the flexor group of the elbow as to the extensor group. It was observed that, although the HR has increased in the course of the series, the variations of HR were not significant between the flexor group and extensor group of the elbow joint. Also were not significant the differences between the variations of the HR from the 1ª to the 2ª series between the flexor group and extensor group, as well as to the variations from the 2ª to the 3ª series
Regular physical activity can prevent and treat various diseases and non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular disease. However, the prevalence of physical inactivity among adolescents in Rio Claro is 83%. Thus, it is necessary to encourage physical atividade through the community, especially parents and schools. The objective was to investigate the influence of two types of gym class in functional abilities in high school students in the city of Rio Claro-SP. Methodology: The study included 20 students from high school, 8 boys and 12 girls. The study took place in two high school halls of a public school in the city of Rio Claro. With the collaboration and participation in only 10 students in each room search reviews of all students occurred in mid-July in the year 2012 with the completion of the battery of tests and application of PAQ-C questionnaire at the beginning of classes of and after three months. All students were subjected to the test battery Eurofit. To compare the values of physical fitness for each type of class was held factorial ANOVA for repeated measures using SPSS and the level of physical activity was performed the Wilcoxon test. To compare the delta values (post-test-time time pre test every physical fitness) we performed the t test for all analyzes was adopted p <0.05 Classes G1 followed the schedule proposed by the state 's Notebook, where he worked subjects as body and beauty and its relationship with the media today, prevailing more conceptual classes than procedural . Unlike what has been developed with the G2 who had classes were focused on physical fitness and physical conditioning to increase the level of physical activity inside and outside the school environment . Result :The results from the data collected in this study indicate that physical fitness is not worked continuously or expressive within the Physical Education classes of high school to the population...
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)