792 resultados para prevalence, psychotic disorders, psychosis, child abuse, substance abuse
Background. Infant colic is a common condition that is thought to put infants at risk for Shaken Baby Syndrome, a particularly devastating form of child abuse. However, little research has been done on techniques parents can use to deal with infant colic. This pilot study was conducted to assess the equipment that will be used in a randomized control trial that will compare the results for two different techniques that parents can use to reduce crying in infants with colic. ^ Methods. A total of 11 healthy infants, between one and five months of age, were recruited into this pilot study. All infants had a dosimeter, actiwatch and maternal log placed into the home and a subset of infants (N=3) were also recorded by a video camera. The equipment recorded between 6pm and 6am for at least two and up to five nights. The maternal log and video log were compared with one another to determine if the maternal log provides an accurate representation of the infant's night-time activities (i.e. sleep, awake, crying, feeding). The maternal log was then compared to the dosimeter and actiwatch data to determine if the dosimeter/actiwatch accurately reproduce the maternal log. ^ Results. Data from 10 infants were included in the analyses. The maternal log and video log were in full or partial agreement 90% of the time. When comparing events noted by the mother, the maternal log and dosimeter data were in agreement 84% of the time, and the maternal log and actiwatch data were in agreement 87% of the time. In combination, the dosimeter and/or actiwatch data agreed with the maternal log 90% of the time. ^ Conclusions. Our preliminary analyses of these data suggest the dosimeter and actiwatch will be useful tool for defining infant sleep patterns relative to the maternal log. However further analysis will be required to develop threshold values that can be used to objectively define events in the proposed RCT. Such analyses will need to integrate data from multiple dosimeters and deal with the shifting baselines observed for both the dosimeter and actiwatch.^
Child abuse correlated with excessive infant crying affects millions of families each year, with consequences of the abuse lasting a lifetime. The University Of Texas School Of Medicine's Colic Clinic is currently in the early stages of testing Dr. Harvey Karp's combinatorial soothing technique for infants called "The Happiest Baby on the Block". In order to gauge the program's potential effectiveness, the Colic Clinic Protocol was examined in order to assess the applicability of the intervention to known causal factors of child abuse associated with excessive infant crying. ^ This evaluation also carried out an anticipated cost-benefit breakout analysis for the implementation of the intervention for 100 children and compared the cost of the program implementation to the cost associated with a single instance of child abuse. The analysis revealed that while accounting for materials, advertising, salaried personnel and other overhead expenses, the cost to implement the intervention was less than half the cost of the medical treatment associated with a single victim of whiplash-shaken infant syndrome. ^ Although the program is still in its early evaluative phase, the future implications of this work are extensive. If this intervention is revealed to be relevant and cost effective, it will precipitate sweeping changes in medical education and training, public health detection and prevention programs, and law enforcement.^
This research documents the perspective of 100 parents who had an open case with the Department of Children and Family Service’s (DCFS) regarding their family’s well-being, reasons for referral and satisfaction with services. Two DCFS services, Family Preservation (FP) and routine Family Maintenance (FM) were examined using standardized instruments. Parents’ responses regarding reasons for involvement with the system differed from DCFS administrative data. FP parents had more children, were more likely to be monolingual Spanish speakers, and perceived greater improvement in discipline and emotional care of children and housing than FM parents. FP parents reported being satisfied with services. Implications include supporting community based culturally competent FP programs.
Over the years, federal child welfare policy has supported parent engagement and family support strategies through various Children’s Bureau funded state formula grant programs, research and demonstration discretionary grants, and technical assistance. This article highlights programs funded by two federal laws, Promoting Safe and Stable Families and the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, and Children’s Bureau’s efforts to test innovations and disseminate knowledge about promising and evidence-based practices regarding parent engagement and family support. The article begins with a brief legislative history and then describes several grant programs that are supported by the legislation. The article concludes with lessons learned and a discussion of the new opportunities for system changes through the Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration projects.
Intimate partner violence is a common correlate of child abuse and neglect and often is not addressed in family preservation services. In many cases, the ideologies of family preservationists and advocates for women 's safety can be at odds. This article presents a study of a collaborative model of intervention, utilizing family preservation workers and community resource practitioners working with domestic violence as group facilitators. The study utilizes a pretest, post-test design to evaluate a domestic violence resource group for women who were concurrently receiving intensive family preservation services. The study examines the effect of the program on participants' self-perceptions regarding self-esteem, independence, goals, social isolation, and assertiveness. Caseworker perceptions of client characteristics also are evaluated, and qualitative responses of the effects of the program are included.
Los profesionales de la salud debemos estar preparados para descubrir situaciones de maltrato infantil en la consulta odontológica, como escenas de violencia, características de abandono o falta de cuidados de un niño. Su detección es un proceso complejo y delicado, para ello debemos estar orientados en el qué hacer y en el cómo hacer, cuando vemos en la práctica profesional este tipo de situaciones. Cuanto antes se reconozcan, mejores serán los resultados de la intervención profesional.
Introdução - O abuso sexual de crianças constitui um problema de saúde pública, com aproximadamente 73 milhões de casos de meninos e 150 milhões de meninas registrados anualmente no mundo. O abuso sexual gera consequências negativas e condutas de risco que contribuem com algumas das principais causas de morte, doença e deficiência nas vítimas do abuso. Pais ou cuidadores primários são fundamentais no processo de orientação e de cuidado das crianças abusadas, no sentido de prevenir as consequências cognitivas, comportamentais e emocionais evidenciadas no futuro dessas crianças. Entretanto, as habilidades das famílias de cuidadores para lidar com a problemática ainda são insuficientes. Objetivo - Descrever os processos e significados da experiência vivida pelos pais ou cuidadores primários de crianças abusadas sexualmente. Método - Os dados empíricos foram tratados utilizando-se o Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), fundamentado na Teoria das Representações Sociais, que viabiliza a emergência das representações sociais por meio da construção dos discursos coletivos obtidos de depoimentos de um grupo específico. Foram avaliados 60 pais ou cuidadores primários não estupradores, que responderam à cinco situações-problema, cada uma com questões correspondentes, residentes nos municípios de Cajicá e Tabio de Bogotá, Colômbia. O processamento e a análise dos dados foram realizados no sofware Qualiquantisoft, associado à metodologia do DSC. Resultados - Na primeira situação-problema, que aborda o porquê do silêncio do filho sobre o abuso, os entrevistados enfatizaram que é fundamental o relacionamento pais e filhos (45,7 por cento , n = 43), bem como melhorar o papel de pais por meio da escuta, do diálogo e do confiar, dedicando mais tempo às crianças; também acham que o silêncio se deve ao medo por parte das crianças e a ameaças e intimidação por parte do abusador, Na situação-problema 2, relativa à identificação do abuso sexual como problema real, o significado atribuído configura cadeias que se repetem por transmissão intergeracional (26,9 por cento , n = 21). Na situação-problema 3, o que fazer no futuro, 53,3 por cento dos entrevistados (n = 32) acham que a criança está comprometida comportamentalmente e enfatizam a homossexualidade com perda da identidade como consequência da violência sexual. Na situação-problema 4, que enfatiza o papel da rede social quanto ao cuidado da criança, os entrevistados acreditam que a solução é dar proteção (29,1 por cento ; n = 32), com ações que visem a afastar a criança do ambiente agressor, dar orientação, apoio e segurança à criança e à família. A quinta situação-problema que diz respeito ao cuidado das crianças abusadas; 34,26 por cento dos entrevistados (n = 37) enfatizam o apoio e a ajuda com a interveniência da rede de apoio social e afetivo. Conclusão - Para os pais ou cuidadores primários de crianças abusadas sexualmente, os significados se expressam como afetivo, coragem, superação, não ter medo e saber reconhecer as falhas dos pais. Em função dos resultados, que identificam posturas tradicionais dos respondentes, recomenda-se programas inovadores com um alto componente educativo, onde se contextualize o abuso sexual por meio de situações reais em escolas, delegacias, nas famílias e na comunidade, com interveniência das redes de apoio social; enfatiza-se igualmente a necessidade de formação mais humanizada dos profissionais de apoio social.
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Explains the legal mandate, reporting requirements, and other details of the Illinois Dept. of Public Health's statistical registry (started in March 1998) of victims of violent injuries in Illinois. Includes pie charts depicting 1998 and preliminary 1999 statistics on child/adult maltreatment and violent injuries according to gender. Also contains 2 sample reports from reporting facilities.
Explains the legal mandate, reporting requirements, and other details of the Illinois Dept. of Public Health's statistical registry (started in March 1998) of victims of violent injuries in Illinois.
"January 1994."
"January 1994."
Chairman: Representative Aaron Jaffe.