938 resultados para post mortem interval


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Road-killed animals are easy and inexpensive to survey, and may provide information about species distributions, abundances, and mortality rates. As with any sampling method, however, we need to explore methodological biases in such data. First, how does an animal's behavior (e.g., use of the center vs. periphery of the road) influence its vulnerability to vehicular traffic? Second, how rapidly do post-mortem processes (scavenging by other animals, destruction or displacement by subsequent vehicles) change the numbers and locations of roadkills? Our surveys of anurans on a highway in tropical Australia show that different anuran species are distributed in different ways across the width of the road, and that locations of live versus dead animals sometimes differ within a species. Experimental trials show that location on the road affects the probability of being hit by a vehicle, with anurans in the middle of the road begin hit 35% more often than anurans on the edges; thus, center-using species are more likely to be hit than edge-using taxa. The magnitude of post-mortem displacement and destruction by subsequent vehicles depended on anuran species and body size. The mean parallel displacement distance was 122.7 cm, and carcasses of thin-skinned species exhibited greater post-mortem destruction. Scavenging raptors removed 73% of carcasses, most within a few hours of sunrise. Removal rates were biased with respect to size and species. Overall, our studies suggest that investigators should carefully evaluate potential biases before using roadkill counts to estimate underlying animal abundances or mortality rates.


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Recent evidence obtained from a rodent model of birth asphyxia shows that supplementation of the maternal diet with creatine during pregnancy protects the neonate from multi-organ damage. However, the effect of increasing creatine intake on creatine homeostasis and biosynthesis in females, particularly during pregnancy, is unknown. This study assessed the impact of creatine supplementation on creatine homeostasis, body composition, capacity for de novo creatine synthesis and renal excretory function in non-pregnant and pregnant spiny mice. Mid-gestation pregnant and virgin spiny mice were fed normal chow or chow supplemented with 5 % w/w creatine for 18 days. Weight gain, urinary creatine and electrolyte excretion were assessed during supplementation. At post mortem, body composition was assessed by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, or tissues were collected to assess creatine content and mRNA expression of the creatine synthesising enzymes arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) and the creatine transporter (CrT1). Protein expression of AGAT and GAMT was also assessed by Western blot. Key findings of this study include no changes in body weight or composition with creatine supplementation; increased urinary creatine excretion in supplemented spiny mice, with increased sodium (P < 0.001) and chloride (P < 0.05) excretion in pregnant dams after 3 days of supplementation; lowered renal AGAT mRNA (P < 0.001) and protein (P < 0.001) expressions, and lowered CrT1 mRNA expression in the kidney (P < 0.01) and brain (P < 0.001). Creatine supplementation had minimal impact on creatine homeostasis in either non-pregnant or pregnant spiny mice. Increasing maternal dietary creatine consumption could be a useful treatment for birth asphyxia.


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Phenomenologically, bipolar disorder (BD) is characterized by biphasic increases and decreases in energy. As this is a state-related phenomenon, identifying regulators responsible for this phasic dysregulation has the potential to uncover key elements in the pathophysiology of BD. Given the evidence suggesting mitochondrial complex I dysfunction in BD, we aimed to identify the main regulators of complex I in BD by reviewing the literature and using the published microarray data to examine their gene expression profiles. We also validated protein expression levels of the main complex I regulators by immunohistochemistry. Upon reviewing the literature, we found PARK-7, STAT-3, SIRT-3 and IMP-2 play an important role in regulating complex I activity. Published microarray studies however revealed no significant direction of regulation of STAT-3, SIRT-3, and IMP-2, but a trend towards downregulation of PARK-7 was observed in BD. Immunocontent of DJ-1 (PARK-7-encoded protein) were not elevated in post mortem prefrontal cortex from patients with BD. We also found a trend towards upregulation of DJ-1 expression with age. Our results suggest that DJ-1 is not significantly altered in BD subjects, however further studies are needed to examine DJ-1 expression levels in a cohort of older patients with BD.


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A Dinâmica dos Sistemas vem expandindo seu leque de aplicações por diversas áreas do conhecimento humano, dentre as quais está a Administração de Empresas. Este trabalho mostra que esta disciplina pode ser utilizada como uma ferramenta que fornece subsídios para negociações post mortem de projetos de grande porte. Dentro deste âmbito, o ponto principal é avaliar qual foi a influência do comportamento do cliente no resultado final do projeto. Interferências do tipo: ingerência nas decisões de projeto, alterações de escopo, atraso na aprovação de documentos e solicitações para que sejam realizadas atividades adicionais não diretamente relacionadas ao projeto podem contribuir para o aumento do prazo e do custo de realização de um empreendimento. A abordagem deste problema através da Dinâmica dos Sistemas fornece a possibilidade de criar modelos de simulação em que possam ser incorporados fatores importantes, porém subjetivos, que contribuem para o entendimento do projeto como o moral da equipe de engenharia e a confiança do cliente na empresa contratada. Este trabalho traz uma parte teórica que é fruto da pesquisa sobre a ' literatura existente nesta área específica de aplicação. Nela são explicados os ciclos de paralelismo, de retrabalho e de interferência do cliente. Na segunda parte, um caso real de um projeto de engenharia é apresentado e modelado. Os resultados são então analisados de forma a fornecer informações confiáveis sobre atraso e custos adicionais de responsabilidade do cliente. Estes dados são a base para a elaboração pela contratada de um documento pleiteando compensação pela interferência do cliente. Esta abordagem por Dinâmica dos Sistemas é pouco conhecida e ainda pode ser bastante explorada


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O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um equipamento utilizado para acompanhamento e monitoramento do processo de nitretação a plasma enquanto ele ocorre, ou seja, de forma in-situ. Os resultados obtidos com a utilização deste equipamento são demonstrados e confirmam a potencialidade da técnica na caracterização de mecanismos de nitretação a plasma. Ensaios de adaptação à técnica foram realizados, visando adquirir experiência no reconhecimento e detecção de fases formadas durante o processo e de possibilidades de caracterização proporcionadas pela técnica. Desta forma a influência de três composições gasosas na formação de camadas nitretadas em aço médio carbono AISI 1045 foi avaliada de forma in-situ por difração de raios-X e post-mortem por metalografia, GDOS e microdureza Vickers. A composição gasosa de 76% N2 – 24% H2 mostrou alto poder de nitretação, e formou camadas de compostos espessas e zonas de difusão profundas, com aumentos consideráveis de dureza. A composição gasosa de 5% N2 – 95% H2, formou camadas de compostos pequenas e zonas de difusão profundas, além de aumentos de dureza superficial. Em uma segunda avaliação, amostras de aço AISI 1045, foram nitretadas em duas composições gasosas: 5% N2 – 95% H2 e 25% N2 – 75% H2, nas temperaturas de 450ºC, 480ºC, 520ºC, 540ºC e 560ºC. Com o acompanhamento in-situ por difração de raios-X de trechos específicos de 2Θ correspondentes às linhas de difração das fases γ’ e ε, foi possível obter o tempo de incubação da fase γ’ para cada combinação composição gasosa - temperatura, que foram comparados com dados já existentes para nitretação a gás. Também foi possível o acompanhamento do crescimento, desenvolvimento e de mudanças na largura das linhas destas fases O tempo de incubação da fase γ’ permitiu a comparação entre os resultados das nitretações a plasma e os resultados previstos por um diagrama de Lehrer, e uma boa correlação entre as fases previstas pelo diagrama e as encontradas na prática foi encontrada. As amostras foram avaliadas ainda por difração de raios-X em ângulos rasantes, que permitiu a caracterização das camadas mais superficiais das amostras e, com base nestes resultados e nos resultados das análises in-situ, obteve-se um mapa prático de previsão de fases para a nitretação a plasma.


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Infected calves from two different rural estates in Brazil were studied to assess the anthelmintic efficacy of oral trichlorfon against naturally occurring ivermectin resistant parasitic nematode strains. In experiment 1, infected animals were from a region where ivermectin resistant populations of Haemoncus placei, Cooperia punctata,Cooperia spatulata and Trichuris discolor have recently been identified. Six calves with natural gastrointestinal nematode infections were treated with 48.5 mg/kg aqueous trichlorfon administered orally and six calves acted as a non-treated control group. In experiment 11 24 naturally infected calves were selected to enter one of four treatment groups, six animals each received: 48.5 mg/kg oral trichlorfon; 200 mu g/kg subcutaneous 1% ivermectin; 630 mu g/kg subcutaneous 3.15% ivermectin; or no treatment (control group). Gastrointestinal helminths were counted and identified post-mortem at 7 days (trichlorfon and 1% ivermectin treated and untreated animals) or 14 days (3.15% ivermectin treated and untreated animals) after administration of the test agents. Experiment I identified a high level efficacy for oral trichlorfon against four helminth species that have previously been shown to be ivermectin resistant in this geographical region: percentage efficacy was 99.82% against adult H. placei, 99.18% against C. punctata, 99.33% against C. spatulata, 81.06% against T. axei, 98.46% against Oesophagostomum radiatum and 100% against T. discolor. Trichlorfon also showed activity against the ivermectin (1% and 3.15%) resistant helminth species identified in experiment 11, attaining efficacy levels of 99.17% against H. placei, 98.46% against C punctata and 100.00% against T. discolor. These findings indicate that oral trichlorfon is an effective treatment option in the management of cattle infected with ivermectin resistant helminths. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dois casos de displasia da valva tricúspide são relatados neste trabalho. Os cães foram avaliados devido à fraqueza e presença de ascite. em ambos os casos, o exame ecocardiográfico mostrou insuficiência tricúspide e, em um deles, a inserção dos folhetos da valva tricúspide encontrava-se deslocada para baixo do ventrículo direito, caracterizando a anomalia de Ebstein. A terapia medicamentosa para insuficiência cardíaca congestiva foi iniciada, mas um dos animais veio a óbito subitamente alguns dias após o diagnóstico. O outro cão, apesar de inicialmente ter apresentado melhora significativa do quadro clínico, apresentou morte súbita. A necropsia dos animais revelou dilatação atrioventricular direita e folhetos tricúspides espessados. As características clínicas, métodos de diagnóstico e terapia medicamentosa são discutidas neste artigo.


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The present work describes helminth infection of eight free-living and 12 captive rheas (Rhea americana) from, respectively, Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul State, and Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil. Captive birds were young and had a high mortality rate, while free-living birds were adult and apparently healthy. Infections were evaluated by post-mortem examination of internal organs and recovery of helminths using standard parasitological procedures. Seven species of nematodes (Sicarius uncinipenis, Torquatoides crotophaga, Deletrocephalus dimidiatus, D. cesarpintoi, Paradeletrocephalus minor, Capillaria venteli and Dicheilonema rheae) and two species of cestodes (Houttuynia struthionis and Chapmania tauricolis) were identified. P. minor, which inhabits the large intestine, was the most common helminth in free-living birds (63.9%). In captive rheas, a mean parasitic load of 173 helminths per host was found. The gizzard of these birds was the most parasitized organ and S. uncinipenis was most common (92.5%). Parasitism of free-living and captive birds and associated pathology are discussed. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B. V.


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No presente estudo, avaliou-se a eficácia do emprego do peritônio bovino, conservado em glicerina a 98%, no reparo de lesões induzidas no tendão calcâneo (TC) de cães, quando um fragmento de aproximadamente 1cm do TC foi excisado e o espaço resultante preenchido por um fragmento de peritônio. Foram utilizados 21 cães, pesando entre 10 e 15kg, divididos em 7 grupos de 3, sacrificados aos 02, 07, 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias de pós-operatório. Analisaram-se os aspectos clínico-cirúrgicos referentes à recuperação funcional motora, bem como, a integração do peritônio com o tecido tendíneo mediante avaliação macroscópica, por microscopia óptica e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Clinicamente, verificou-se que, por volta do 55º dia de pós-operatório, os animais já apresentavam deambulação normal e que o neotendão apresentou resistência suficiente para suportar o estresse normalmente aplicado ao TC. Microscopicamente, o peritônio implantado esteve presente em todos os períodos de observação. Proliferação fibroblástica e neoformação vascular foram observadas de forma incipiente no segundo dia; entretanto, no sétimo dia de pós-operatório, esta condição foi exacerbada. Com a evolução, as fibras de peritônio tendiam a se dissociar, entrando em estreita associação com fibras conjuntivas, fibroblastos e colágeno. Aos 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias de pós-operatório, notava-se maior presença de colágeno que se tornava cada vez mais organizado. Concluiu-se que o peritônio estimulou uma rápida deposição de tecido conjuntivo com mínima reação inflamatória, sendo incorporado ao tecido cicatricial e servindo como alicerce para o desenvolvimento de um novo tecido, restabelecendo assim a estrutura do tendão.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The acute toxicity of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), a herbicide, was studied in chicks dosed with 100, 300, 500, or 600 mg 2,4-D/kg BW, by the oral route. Clinical, laboratory, and histopathological methods were used as indicators of toxicity. After acute exposure, the herbicide decreased motor activity and induced muscular weakness and motor incoordination; decreased weight gain; increased serum creatine kinase (CK) and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activities and serum uric acid (UA), creatinine (CR), and total proteins (TP) levels; and did not change serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities. These changes were time-and dose-dependent and reversible. The LD50 (lethal dose 50%) calculated for oral 2,4-D in chicks was 420 mg/kg BW (385 to 483). Chromatographic analysis of the serum of the intoxicated chicks showed the presence of the herbicide; the amount found was dose-and time-dependent, increasing from 2 to 8 h after exposure and decreasing afterwards. Histopathological post-mortem studies conducted on intoxicated chicks showed hepatic (vacuolar degeneration of the hepatocytes), renal (tubular nephrosis), and intestinal (hemorragic) lesions. Taken together, the observed alterations mainly reflected kidney and muscle tissue damage, although hepatic toxicity may also have occurred after acute 2,4-D intoxication.


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This paper analyses the history of Hypolita Maria das Dores, mulatto woman, free born, was enslaved and, by an act of freedom, appealed to court to prove the illegitimacy of her captivity and regain their freedom and their children. The main scenarios of this social and legal struggle are Crato (Ceará) and Exu (Pernambuco), places where she lived in the 19th century. The main objective of this work is to understand how to set the tensions and alliances involving the struggle for freedom inside and outside justice, in differentiated provincial spaces. An approach that belongs to the field of the social history of slavery, we ll prioritize the narrative of life. In it, Hypolita is taken as the subject of her story, as she faces stately and patriarchal values in a slave society. The documentary corpus that allows such vertical investigative consists of parish registers, we examined the baptisms, marriages and death records; analyzed registry documents of postmortem inventories, petitions and crafts; reports of provincial presidents and, finally, the O Araripe s and O Cearense s journalistic information. The investigation of the case allowed the understanding of how, in space and time specific, freedom was understood, usurped and claimed by various social subjects in the frame of morals and justice institutionalized


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The objective of this work is to understand some of the modifications caused for the phenomenon of the westernization in the hinterland of the Capitania do Rio Grande e in the life of the indians populations that inhabited there during the Colonial Period. We break of the quarrel of Serge Gruzinski concerning the westernization, understood while immersed phenomenon in the context of the expansion of the commercial capitalism and that, for the imposition of the culture occidental person to the alteridades of the New World, emprende the conquest of its territories, bodies and souls. The space clipping has covered the hinterland of the Capitania do Rio Grande, specifically the colonial territory of the Freguesia da Gloriosa Senhora Santa Ana do Seridó. The chosen chronological limit for the research corresponds to the Colonial Period and part of the Imperial one. However, the emphasis falls again on the period that it initiates in 1670, year of the oldest concession of would sesmaria known until the moment in the hinterland of the Rio Grande, extending itself until the decade of 1840. Sources of written by hand nature, cartographic printed and compose the used document roll: official correspondence and legislation, petitions of would sesmaria, inventories post-mortem, justifications of debt, registers of parish, maps, action civil court jurisdiction, notes of notary's office, land landmarks. We take the method, analyzed for Carlo Ginzburg, to cross these sources between itself and to detect its implied particularitities and ideas in the space between lineses, but, attributing it status to they of a colonial speech, fruit of the bureaucracy of where it was originated and of the social place of who produced it. We look for to demonstrate, throughout the work, that the phenomenon of the westernization desestruturou the aboriginal societies and its habitat, constructing, over its rubbles, a colonial territory that found in the cartography of the Freguesia de Santa Ana an efficient instrument of control of the space and the population. On the other hand, if the imposition of the culture occidental person exterminou great part of the native population that inhabited the hinterland of the Rio Grande, the remainders of these indians and the mestizos of descending them had survived in diverse ways in the freguesia: in the condition of captives of war or in regimen of servile work, as living or assistants in the farms, populations and village; rambling without route in the fields and the population spots; as mediating agents between the world occidental person and the native, exerting military or civil positions and still appealing to Justice in search of its rights of inheritance. Experiences of slavery, servitude, errância and mediation, but, also of resistance, adaptation, mestization in the Freguesia de Santa Ana


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We herein report a case of a double aortic arch in a 10-week-old male dog of no defined race, which presented episodes of regurgitation at the time of weaning. This vascular malformation was Characterized by the persistence of two aortic arches, right and left, of varying dimensions. The right aortic arch was observed to be larger. During post mortem examination the vessels of the animal were injected with coloured latex bi-centrifuged CIS 1-4 polisopreno which revealed the patency of the two aortic arches. Concomitantly, dilation of the cranial oesophagus causing constriction was observed, indicating megaesophagus, Apart from the constriction, the oesophagus presented normal morphometric parameters in relation to its dimensions.